The Billionaire's Weekend Bride (13 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Weekend Bride
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Kaya felt shy and self-conscious to join them. She was wearing a floor-length beach dress and those girls were wearing tiny shorts and bikini tops.
Why had Henry even looked at her twice when he had all these girls right here,
she thought.

"This is Kaya," Henry introduced her. "Kaya, this is Edward, Max, Lucy, Steph and Bryony. Bryony is my cousin and these are her friends. Edward is my old school friend, although that was a long time ago now!"

"Nice to meet you all," Kaya said. She felt her confidence growing as they all welcomed her with smiles and pressed a drink into her hand. She sat down on the sand between Edward and Henry and felt at a loss for what to do with herself next, so she decided to ask more about them. "Do you all live around here?"

"I do," Bryony piped up. She was perhaps the most attractive of the three girls. She had long, light brown hair, which reached her waist and beautiful green eyes. Her white skin was tanned and she had a little henna tattoo on the top of one bare foot. She had a natural and untamed look about her, but she seemed friendly enough. "Henry is just visiting for the summer with Edward and we met Max earlier in the summer."

"Where are you from, originally?" Kaya asked Henry curiously.

"Miami. I've just come down to the coast for a few weeks for a break from the city."

"Miami? Oh, we went there. It's a beautiful city."

"You can't beat sea, sun and sand though, can you?"

His words made a big smile appear on Kaya's face and she felt even more certain that this was the holiday romance she'd been waiting for; a handsome man with a ready smile and an appreciation for the simpler things in life. She felt herself warming to him instantly. The conversation carried on around them, as Henry lay back in the sand and leaned up on one elbow to look at Kaya with interest.

"So, are you traveling for the summer?"

"The summer. The year. Forever. Who knows?" Kaya let out a little laugh. "I'm just going to see where life takes me."

"An adventurer, huh? I like that."

"Do you travel, then?"

"Oh yeah. I've been all over the world."

Another check in the box for Kaya. This man also wanted to see the world and he must have had an open mind to go from place to place like that. Perhaps this was the kindred spirit she'd been seeking at last.

"So, what do you do?" Kaya asked him with interest.

Henry gave a little shrug. "Mostly whatever I feel like doing," he grinned. "It sounds entitled, I know, but life's too short to box yourself in when you can do it all."

Kaya smiled brightly. Yes, Henry understood her. Life
too short. It was too short to spend it thinking that flights in helicopters and long journeys in limousines were the highlight of life. It was too short for a hundred nights in formal dresses speaking to the same dull people. It was too short to sell airplane parts when there were so many causes in the world to fight for. Life had to be lived.

"That's a great philosophy."

"Well, I've always been a bit of a live wire, but it all hit home when my father died last year. I started to wonder what I was doing with my life and I thought that maybe I was spending too much time caring about the wrong things."

"I'm sorry about your father."

Henry gave a little shrug and a slightly sad half-smile. "We weren't that close."

As the night wore on, she found herself gradually sitting closer and closer to him and at some point in the evening, his arm found its way around her shoulders. Henry's friends were bright, happy people with some incredible stories about their Florida lives. Kaya found herself laughing and really enjoying the night, but she didn't doubt that the wine coolers were also responsible for the heady, giddy feeling that was making her laugh so often.

Suzie returned about an hour after she'd disappeared and also joined the group with a knowing sideways glance at Kaya and a big grin on her face. She soon started flirting with the dark and dangerous Edward, but Suzie had always had fewer inhibitions and been that much less selective when it came to men.

Soon, Bryony and the other girls said their goodbyes and headed away and it was just Suzie, Edward, Henry and Kaya left on the beach, basking in the warmth of the dim embers of the fire and listening to the sound of the waves gently lapping against the shore.

When Suzie and Edward began to passionately kiss on the other side of the fire, Henry laughed and asked Kaya if she wanted to go for a walk, holding out a hand for her once again.

It was a warm night and the sound of the gentle waves and the feel of the breeze sending the skirt of her dress flying around her ankles made for an altogether very pleasant stroll. Kaya looked across to Henry as she went along. God, he was handsome. His blue eyes were full of mischief and life and when he turned to catch her watching, the smile that spread across his face was incredibly alluring and Kaya pressed herself closer to him.

"It's such a beautiful evening," she sighed contentedly.

"If you've been traveling, I'm sure you've had lots of beautiful evenings," Henry replied. "Probably a few midnight strolls with strangers, too?"

Kaya laughed and shook her head. "No. I don't usually go off with men I meet at the beach."

"Then I'm lucky. What was the difference?"

Kaya looked up at him contemplatively and gave a shrug and another little laugh. "There's just something about you," she told him. "I saw you strolling along the pier and you just looked so free and happy. I thought to myself that I finally found what I'm looking for."

"And what exactly is that?"

"You know who you are and you're happy."

"You can tell that already from a few drinks on the beach?"

"There's something about you," Kaya repeated. "Maybe it's your confidence or how you came over to me without thinking twice. Most of the guys back home aren't like that."

"New York? I'd have thought those guys were bolder than most."

"Not in my circles."

"And what circles are those?"

"Different ones," Kaya said mysteriously. "The men I know would start to complain if they got sand in their shoes or their drink was too warm. It's nice to be around people who are more relaxed. People who love the ocean and the simple things as much as I do."

"Wimpy guys, huh?"

"Rich ones."

"You don't like rich men?"

"I don't like their attitudes. They're all so predictable and dull. They think money is all that matters and flash their cash at you to try and win your heart. They make a fuss over the smallest of things so that a nice, quiet night like this one is impossible. They're spoiled."

Henry fell quiet for a moment, contemplating her words. Then he changed the subject. "How long are you here for?"

Kaya gave a little shrug. "We're planning to stay until the end of the summer. Suzie and I have been working in a cafe on the marina."

"The whole summer? Well, I guess you're in luck, because I'm here for the whole summer, too."

Another little smile came to Kaya's face and a comfortable silence fell between them as they continued to walk along the shore. Suddenly, Henry came to a stop and looked at her dark eyes and black hair reflecting the moonlight and shook his head.

"You are just beautiful," he told her firmly. "You know, I've seen hundreds of women walk up and down that pier in their little bikinis, but not one of them has ever stopped me in my tracks the way that you did today. You're a very sexy woman, Kaya."

Kaya felt herself blushing again, but whereas such compliments would usually make her blush and turn away, when she heard those words from Henry's lips, she didn't want to look anywhere but in his eyes and to revel in that hungry look he held there for her.

She lifted herself onto her tiptoes very slowly and Henry grinned as one arm slipped around her lower back and the other came to rest in her salty hair, to pull her lips towards his own. He kissed her deeply and Kaya felt the world melt away. There was passion in his kiss, a real fire. His lips and tongue were demanding, unlike the timid pecks from the men back home. He wanted her and she could taste his desire as his lips parted her own.

Henry drew back and looked around them hopefully. His lips curved into another wicked grin when he spotted the little beach hut some way up the shore. He grabbed her hand and began to run towards it. A laugh escaped Kaya's lips as Henry peered inside the door of the hut and saw that there was nobody inside, just some fishing nets, a few oars and a grease-stained canvas sheet. He dipped his head to enter and pulled her in behind him, pulling the door shut after them.

"Henry!" Kaya exclaimed, stifling a giggle in case it drew the attention of anyone outside. "What are we doing?"

"I can't keep my hands off you any longer."

True to his word, Henry reached out and pulled at the string that was holding together the collar of Kaya's dress and it fell apart to show the smooth, dark skin of the top of her breasts. He looked down at her chest with a savage gleam in his eyes and then pushed her up against the wall of the hut, but not hard enough to hurt her. His hands pinned her wrists to the wall and the force in his advance took Kaya's breath away.  She felt a hurricane of desire stirring up inside her and her heart began to beat incredibly fast as lust surged through her veins far quicker than the adrenalin of finding herself in this position alone with a sexy stranger.

His lips pressed down over hers again and Kaya hungrily accepted every deep, powerful kiss from his mouth. The heat of his body against hers was intoxicating and he kept her two wrists pinned above her head against the wall as his spare hand dipped under the hem of her dress and began to work its way up her thigh, pulling the dress with it and exposing the long, slim curve of her leg.

Suddenly and without warning, she felt his hand reach past the smooth material of her bikini bottoms and slip between her legs. She gasped, but the pleasure was instant. Kaya could no longer doubt that Henry was the holiday romance she'd been waiting for. Not only did he share her desire to see the world and have that free-spirited inhibition that she craved, but her body responded to him like she'd had him a hundred times before. Yet,  she'd never felt anything like this sweet and urgent desperation which sent jolts of excitement pulsing through her veins until every limb began to tremble with desire.

Henry's thumb pressed down harder until he found that sweet key to her bliss and began to tease her in slow, deliberate circles, drawing gasps from her lips as he brought her closer and closer to the brink. It was so difficult to keep her cries to low moans as his expert hands manipulated her body like she'd been her whole life. She bit down on her lip to stop her gasps of pleasure from exposing them and then Henry pulled her down onto the canvas sheet amongst the tangle of ropes and nets that were lying there.

Hungrily, he tore her dress from over her head so that she was lying there amongst the sheets and ropes in just her bikini. Her eyes were growing used to the darkness inside the hut and she could see his eyes gleaming above her and that slightly predatory expression on his face.

She felt a slight moment of panic when she saw him reach for one of the lengths of blue twine and then felt him slowly wrap it around her wrists to bind them together. Nobody had ever done anything like that to her before, and if she hadn't have been so consumed by the pleasure she was feeling, maybe she'd have objected or even been scared. Instead, she felt liberated and allowed him to tie a couple of firm knots so that her hands were tightly bound together.

Kaya had always known that she'd wanted more than her safe, predictable life of riches and bought pleasures, but she'd never expected that she'd find such a real thrill being tied up by a stranger in a little beach hut where anybody could be passing by outside.

She felt another rush of adrenaline and naughty pleasure when Henry untied the strings of her bikini top and pulled away the material to expose her delicate breasts, which were heaving from her excited breathing. He gave her a devilish grin and his kisses traced their way down her neck towards her chest, where he began to tease her again with gentle licks around her nipples and an occasional bite, which sent little shivers of arousal racing up and down Kaya's body.

"Don't tease me anymore," she begged. "I want you."

Henry placed a finger down over her lips. "Ssh... Almost."

The way he said it, so in control and matter-of-factly like this was
game that she was playing surprised Kaya, but what surprised her even more was the fact that she liked being told to wait and so she fell silent and bit down on her lip once more, squirming again as the anticipation of his touch built and built within her, so that every fiber in her body was on edge, waiting to be brought to climax.

The handsome stranger slowly slid her bikini bottoms away from her body and threw them aside. Now she was completely naked and bound at the wrists, but he was fully dressed and towering over her with that hungry gleam in his eye. Kaya had never felt more uncertain nor more aroused. She watched him, wide-eyed, as he knelt over her and simply let his eyes run over her desperate, wanting expression, her bare, supple breasts, her slim navel rising and falling breathlessly and then finally settled on her most intimate part.

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