The Black Madonna (The Mystique Trilogy) (17 page)

BOOK: The Black Madonna (The Mystique Trilogy)
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Polaris was still wary. ‘You have to wait on board the ship,’ he said, caving in to my wishes. ‘I don’t want to risk losing you in the process of rescuing him.’


‘I’ll send the others to Polaris Station ahead of you,’ Denera said as Polaris, Levi and I headed off to the

‘Much obliged,’ Polaris said with a bow.

With Levi at the helm, Polaris and I stood in the teleportation station within the
’s belly while she melded into the time-space continuum to return to yesterday once more. As the ship was engulfed by the Blue Flame energy that enabled it to move through time, I unexpectedly made contact with Tamar and was able to fill her in on all that had transpired this day. But the Blue Flame faded and we were cut off before I had the chance to learn anything of her situation.

The huge round crystal plate inset in the timber floor of the round chamber melted into a light vortex that swirled downward.

‘Better make yourself scarce,’ Polaris suggested, and I assumed my invisible form. ‘Back soon,’ he said, and jumped feet first into the swirling light matter.

He ascended again in seconds, with my husband in tow.

‘Thank God you heard me,’ Albray said as the porthole hardened beneath them. ‘I never thought I’d be so glad to see you.’ He slapped the captain’s shoulder and gave a laugh.

‘Me either,’ Polaris said, not taking offence.

‘You must lock me up immediately,’ Albray implored, grabbing hold of the captain’s jacket for emphasis. ‘One of the Nefilim has got her hands on my ringstone and I fear that I’m now a great threat to the Amenti Project.’

‘No, you’re not.’

‘Yes, I am!’ Albray insisted. ‘I need you to go back in time and—’

‘I already have,’ Polaris cut in. ‘Sabine didn’t instil any covert mission in you.’

‘Really?’ Albray was reassured but confused. ‘But how did you even know about our meeting?’

Polaris grinned. ‘I am who I am.’

‘So what happened with Sabine?’ Albray wondered. ‘Did I…I mean to say, did she…’

Polaris winced.

‘Please tell me she didn’t.’ Albray was looking ill now.

‘The Nefilim being who has taken the guise of Sabine Labontè is Ishtar,’ Polaris told him.

‘The ancient goddess of lust and war?’

‘What hope did you have?’ Polaris broke the news as gently as he could. ‘What hope would any man have?’

My husband almost collapsed under the weight of his distress. ‘Curses!’ He paced about as if trying to evade the truth, then stopped still to look at the captain. ‘Does Mia know?’

Polaris nodded. ‘Kali witnessed a good part of the seduction and wrote down what transpired for both your own information and Meridan’s.’

‘Goddess, no!’ Albray was horrified.

‘It wasn’t your fault,’ I said, and dropped my invisibility. ‘I was the one who lost the damn stone.’ Tears of remorse fell from my eyes as Albray embraced me. ‘I’m so sorry,’ I blurted.

My husband held my head in his hands and said firmly, ‘This was not your fault.’

‘It wasn’t yours either,’ I was quick to respond, and the conviction in my voice reduced him to tears. ‘We’re going back in time to open the Signet stations, and when we have, Sabine and André will never meet, and we’ll ensure that we get the ringstone before she does.’ My tears were streaming now, for all I knew that he did not. ‘And although we’ll remember your abuse at the hands of this being, you have already been spared the worst of it, which was yet to come.’

As we clung to each other for comfort, Polaris quietly left the room.

Albray pulled back to look me in the face. ‘I’ve missed something, haven’t I?’

I nodded and smiled. ‘Praise the goddess…and Polaris, bless him. The dear captain has been your greatest supporter and a
good friend to you. Even though you will never recall it, we are deeply indebted to him.’

‘Seriously?’ Albray was a little stunned. ‘The captain and I have been

supporter,’ I repeated.

‘Well, he did owe me a favour or two,’ Albray pointed out in an effort to explain the anomaly.

‘Please don’t be an ass about this,’ I implored him. ‘Just be thankful.’

‘I am,’ he said, then, unable to recall exactly what he was grateful for, he frowned. ‘I guess.’

I returned his frown with one more perturbed and he quickly changed his tune.

‘All right! I promise I’ll be nice…and

At Polaris Station we were met by the entire Amenti team, apart from Denera, who was to remain at Giza to monitor the grid and the time lines from the Hall of Records.

Our meeting took place inside a large boardroom that, like the rest of Polaris Station, had a very nautical feel. It was filled with priceless furniture from the thirteenth century, collected by Polaris’s last incarnation, Captain Henry Sinclair.

Polaris explained that Zalman would not be coming with us on the mission either. ‘As Zalman’s Signet station, Ta-She-Ra El Amun
played such an integral role in bringing us all together, we can’t go back in time past the year 2003 when it was opened.’

‘Wasn’t that station active in the nineteenth century?’ I asked, recalling how Ashlee Granville-Devere’s journal recounted her meeting with Zalman there.

Solarian was amused by my lack of comprehension. ‘Yes, but once the station was activated in 2003, six months before Zalman and Jamila made contact with you at Giza, Ta-She-Ra El Amun rose out of physical existence and was no longer constrained by time. Just as we are outside of time here in Polaris Station at present. Now that the station is active, it can be accessed from any point in Earth’s history, if the guardian of that station so chooses.’

‘So you don’t really need the
to travel through time?’ I asked Polaris.

As time-space architects, Polaris and Solarian easily understood these principles; it was the rest of us who were having trouble.

Polaris shook his head. ‘Signet stations don’t time travel, they exist outside of physical time. You don’t enter a Signet station and then exit it in a different era.’

I recalled this was true of Ashlee’s experiences in Ta-She-Ra El Amun
she may have lost a night or a week while passing through Otherworldly realms, but had never lost any great chunks of time.

‘As the guardian of this Signet station, once it’s activated I could will anyone from any time to enter it,’ Polaris explained further, ‘but I can’t physically step out into their history.’

‘Then how did Zalman do it?’ I asked, and all eyes turned to him.

‘It was merely an astral projection of me that went to meet Ashlee and her party,’ he enlightened.

‘That’s why you didn’t have a shadow!’ Solarian finally realised.

‘This is all very interesting,’ Dexter said, flicking his dark hair from his face, ‘but can we please get on with the mission brief? I suspect you’ve picked the year 2003 as you plan to use the Eye of Ra portal passage to hook into the Montauk wormhole within the Kali rift and thus cloak our mission from the Nefilim and their Illuminati lackeys. Am I right?’

Most of us looked at Dexter as if he were speaking another language.

‘What?’ he said with a shrug, as if his conclusion was elementary.

Dexter was the guardian of Signet Station One, Xerthaneus, whose porthole connected to Parallel Earth from Antarctica. What and where is Parallel Earth, you ask. At this point in my tale I had no idea. Still, it did seem fitting that Dexter was the Amenti staff member in charge of extraterrestrial communication and activity. As J.E. Taylor in Ashlee’s time, he’d been held captive by the Dracon long enough to develop his own telepathic capabilities, which enabled him to tap into the Dracon telepathic hive. Dexter worked closely with the Anu recruiting disillusioned Dracon to return to the ranks of the Anu, and by so doing had collected vast amounts of information about the Dracon, their secret agendas and their allies among the Nefilim and humankind.

‘The Kali rift?’ I was curious. ‘Does it have anything to do with my daughter?’

‘The Kali rift is a tear in the fabric of time-space,’ Dexter replied, hoping to speed things up. ‘The rift separates this current Earth reality from its greater, original reality within what is known as the Ranna time flow.’

I looked back to Polaris for answers.

‘There are different nodes or ports of interface within this time rift,’ he explained further, ‘which can be used to slip in and out of time without being detected by the Nefilim’s monitoring systems. These ports of interface, which you might imagine better as wormholes, are already existent so there’s a better chance of escaping detection, as the Nefilim are more likely to note new wormholes being torn through the fabric of time-space.’

‘Okay, I understand that,’ I said, ‘but how did the rips get there in the first place and what have they got to do with Kali?’

‘Oh, for heaven’s sake!’ Dexter sighed impatiently, but Polaris held up a hand and silenced him.

‘Let me see if I can explain this…’ Polaris pondered a moment. ‘As the result of a sentient will—’

‘The Nefilim,’ Dexter clarified.

‘—pursuing a course of action contrary to that of the true consciousness of the Ranna time flow, certain occurrences—’

‘Atlantis, Project Rainbow, Montauk and Cydonia,’ Dexter added.

‘—came together in Earth’s time construct as a synchronous event causing a fracture in time, a breakaway reality known as the Kali time flow. The Kali rift is the gap that exists between our true time flow in the Ranna and where we currently reside in the Kali continuum. Your daughter’s Anunnaki soul mind was sent to heal this rift.’ Polaris ended his explanation with a shrug, as though stating the obvious.

Many, many questions were fighting for precedence in my mind, when a massive wave of energy welled in my heart and flooded my entire being with a sudden burst of awareness—my silent watcher was serving to remind me that I already understood trine time.

In the expansion of spirit into greater dimensions of experience, a sudden separation occurred in its light grid resulting in a universal tear—the Kali rift. As a result, two light spectrum grids were created: the Ranna time flow—the full-light metatronic spiral of undescended light; and the Kali time flow—the half-light oritronic spiral of descended or fallen light. The universal tear exposed the central node where all energy ley lines of this universe conjoined: the Eye of Ra. The three star councils of Orion, the Pleiades and Sirius maintained a high-light energy pyramid to act as a capstone over the Eye of Ra to keep this universe from self-destructing. The Sun Lords of Sirius guarded this pyramid structure, known as the Telos Aarkhara. The Telos Aarkhara recreated time event horizons that fed to and from the Eye of Ra, so that time fractures could be contained and not perpetuated throughout the entire universal grid. The Ranna time wave was the higher light-body of Earth that did not become formative as a physical manifestation. Ranna was the realm of the ultimate observer, from where I, and all silent watchers, operated. Ranna was the complete hologram of time as it flowed uninterrupted through the time-space dimensions of the multiverse. The Kali time wave was where that part of Earth that had descended
into matter now resided; the realm of the observed. From developments in the inter-time war between the years 2012 and 2022 would spring another time wave, which would form a fusion point where the lower parts of Ranna would meld with the higher portions of the Kali wave to form a third time wave. Whether that new reality would be more akin to the Ranna than the Kali time flow was entirely dependent upon the efforts of the Amenti staff members at this time.

Parallel Earth, into which the Xerthaneus pyramid granted entry, was split by a thick band of frequency into two possible future worlds. Shadow world—what Tamar called the spook world—existed in the lower etheric realms deep beneath the Kali time flow; it was the Underworld of the Nefilim and Dracon, where the enemies of mankind were progressing full steam ahead towards the destruction of the Earth and the harvesting of its inhabitants. The Xerthaneus porthole also granted access to the Otherworld of the Anu, which existed within the full-light metatronic spiral, where the Earth was still evolving along its predestined path of evolution in the Ranna time flow. Which of these two worlds Dexter arrived at via the Xerthaneus porthole depended upon whether the frequency of our current physical reality was high enough to attune to the Ranna time flow existence of the Anu, or, as the case was more often than not, the Earth’s harmonic frequency was attuned to the shadow world.

My rush of revelation took but an instant, and I returned to the discussion around me to discover I hadn’t missed any part of the brief. I immediately turned my mind to pondering the incidents Dexter had cited as being the cause of the wormholes that ran through the universal tear.

‘I know the incident that sank Atlantis caused the Signet Grid to be shut down,’ I said aloud, ‘and I know Montauk and the Rainbow Project had something to do with the Philadelphia Experiment, but Cydonia…?’

‘An ancient Nefilim capital on Mars that is no longer one of their strongholds,’ Dexter informed me.

‘Oh.’ I frowned, confused again.

‘The Rainbow Project, which was the testing of an experimental electromagnetic technology on the premise of producing radar invisibility, took place on 12 August 1943,’ Polaris explained. ‘The
experiment created a bridge through time to a similar project taking place at Montauk on 12 August 1983.’

‘You might be interested to know at this point,’ Dexter chipped in, now enjoying sharing his knowledge, ‘that although the Long Count calendar used by the Mayan civilisation of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica completes its thirteenth cycle on 21 December 2012, the calendar’s mythical starting point was on 12 August, according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar. The time count used was based on the initial Mayan numeration, a kal, which is the number twenty!’ He grinned at me excitedly, as if I should understand the relevance.

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