The Black Onyx Pact (27 page)

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Authors: Morgana D. Baroque

BOOK: The Black Onyx Pact
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«It may enter the penultimate
of the evening. The last of the three women.»

Asterix gets closer to the center and Obelix gives a gentle nudge to Sibylle pointing Asterix with his chin, amicably mocking his interest in Silk. But when the man who looks like an executioner enters the room with a long dark haired beautiful woman on a leash, Asterix and Obelix exchange glances: that's not Silk.

After the auctioneer elegantly describes the peculiarities of the woman, Asterix goes to talk to him in private. A few minutes later he returns to Sibylle and Obelix, shaking his head.

«I was wrong, Silk is scheduled for next month Ruby's auction.» says sadly.

Obelix express his annoyance with a growl.

«You are an idiot! Fortunately we can forget your stupidity by going to the party downstairs after the auction.» Then, turning to Sibylle, he explains: «It's a party reserved for those who end empty-handed after the auction.»

«No, after the auction I want to go home.» mumbles Asterix, taking a glass of sparkling wine.

He is really upset he didn't meet Silk that night.

Meanwhile also the last woman is sold. She has been won by the two men without mask, who decided to unite their crystals in order to buy her.

Now it's Drakkar's turn.

Sibylle closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to calm the furious beating of her heart.

«And now
— W
ell», the auctioneer giggles incredulously, «a unique event,
mesdames et messieurs
. Our last
of the evening: Drakkar!»

Asterix and Obelix smile at Sibylle with complicity while all the guests stand up muttering in excitement, clearly astonished by that revelations.

Drakkar makes his entrance escorted by three men who, although are incredibly tall and muscular, don't reach the monumental greatness of Drakkar's majestic structure. Two of them hold him by the arms and one holds the chain leash.
Drakkar has a black leather hood which leaves uncovered the eyes and the mouth, and has two little holes for the nostrils as well. He is wearing a pair of tight black boxers. The hands are tied behind his back and has a big black metal collar around the neck. The three men bring him to the center of the room and push him roughly, trying to make him fall on his knees, but Drakkar doesn't move. They try again, and fail again. One of them dares to hit him on the thighs with a riding crop and Drakkar slowly turns to stare at him with a menacing look, making him flinch. Everyone laughs and cheer, amused by his hostility. The three decide to leave him standing.

«Ladies and gentlemen, I don't think this
needs any introduction. He is available for the ladies only, so, please, make your offer. The auction begins for eighty crystals!»

Drakkar looks at Sibylle and licks his lips: oh, she is superb! Her beauty is a treat for the eyes!

He turns to look at his friend Tarasque, who is smiling amused seeing him tied like that. Drakkar looks down at the girl sitting on the floor between his legs and moves his lips downward:
“Good choice”,
is the meaning of that expression. Tarasque understands and nods politely to thank him.

Meanwhile all the women come closer to admire him with greedy eyes, especially one with long red hair.

«Ninety.» bids first exactly that woman.

Asterix and Obelix are worried because Sibylle is looking for something under her cloak and doesn't seem she can find it. She looks more carefully in everywhere, with teary eyes.

«One hundred.» bids another woman.

Asterix and Obelix start to realize what she cannot find. She looks at them with opened wide eyes and short breath.

Drakkar frowns looking at Sibylle: why isn't she making any offer?

She takes off her coat and throws it in the arms of Asterix, whom swallows in panic, feeling a strong empathy towards her.

«One hundred and twenty!» shouts the red haired woman.

Sibylle searches anywhere: on the thighs, arms, chest then bends down to look around, under the worried eyes of the two young men.

«Améthyste? You have the crystals, right?» asks Obelix.

Sibylle stops and thinks what she did before going out of the house: she dressed, she fed the cats, she caressed Verdâtre the chrysalis, she left food for the crows then whispered something to Paris and took the black velvet sachets with three hundred crystals in it.

«One hundred and forty.» cries a brunette.

No, she didn't take it. She forgot it there. How stupid from her! It should be unlikely to forget something like that, and yet she managed to forget it!

«The crystals...», she whispers distraught.

The two friends look at each other, knowing what to do.

«How many crystals do you have, Asterix?» asks Obelix.

«After the auction of two months ago I got eighty. What about you?»

«Eighty me too. Ok, we can reach one hundred and sixty, it will be tough but let's try anyway.»

«Améthyste, quick, make your offer of one hundred and sixty crys


«One hundred and eighty!» says fervently the woman with the red hair.

The two young men and Sibylle lower their heads disconsolately.

«Two hundred and twenty!» offers two women simultaneously.

Asterix and Obelix stroke Sibylle's back to comfort her.

«Two hundred and sixty!» yells the red one showing a wry smile, having the security to win the auction.

Drakkar tightens his jaw: the hell he would submit to a woman who isn't Sibylle!

«So», begins to say a female voice behind Sibylle, «it's true that you are stupid, my dear.»

She and the two friends turn to look at the elegant middle-aged woman with dark hair, brown eyes and a bob haircut. Sibylle recognizes her, she is the woman she met at the traffic light on
Avenue de l'Hippodrome
some time before!

The lady gives her three black velvet sachets.

«Three hundred crystals, dear. A reliable source told me that Drakkar would have been auctioned tonight, and I came with the intention to buy him, but I think he will be happier with you tonight.» She gently caresses Sibylle's face. «And maybe every night of his life.»

She walks out with a smile, leaving the room. The auctioneer is ready to bid the auction for the red haired lady for two hundred and sixty crystals.

«Three hundred!» shout Sibylle, Asterix and Obelix together.

Everyone turns to look at them. The auctioneer hesitates for a moment, then look at the other women and understands that none of them can make a higher bid, not even the red haired one. So Sibylle wins the auction and everyone applauds, complimenting her. Drakkar smirks.

The red haired woman approaches him and hisses:

«One day I'll have you, Drakkar!»

«Of course you will, you just have to steal my corpse from the graveyard when I'll be dead.»

She grins.

«We'll see, time changes things, Drakkar, you know? It changes people's tastes, it changes their ideas, and even their expectations.»

«Unfortunately for you, Orchid, there is one thing that time doesn't change: my self esteem. And now, if you'll excuse me, my Mistress is coming to claim her slave.»

Sibylle has all eyes fixed on her. She gathers her courage and walks slowly to Drakkar, moving sinuously those legs embraced by the black fishnet that fits like a second skin. Everyone's watching her struck by her beauty. Sibylle stops in front of Drakkar, who insolently looks down at her from his height. The woman takes the leash and frowns, staring into his eyes.

«Is it in this way that a good slave stays in front of his Mistress?»

He bites his lower lip, pleased by her control of the role.

Tarasque is enjoying the scene with his mouth bent into a big smile. Nymphe at his feet is smiling too while rubbing her cheek on Tarasque's thigh as he caresses her hair.

Sibylle pulls the leash to make him get down on his knees but Drakkar doesn't move. He is looking haughty at her, it's clear he wants to play rebel. Tarasque reaches out and takes a fine bamboo cane, handing it to Sibylle.

«Here, let's see if he continues to play tough even after this.»

Sibylle takes the cane and Drakkar turns to look at his friend with eyes full of reproach, making Tarasque burst into laugh. The other members giggle in amusement too, telling Sibylle to teach him a little discipline.

She looks into Drakkar's eyes raising the cane and gently stroking his covered face, his shoulders, his arms and his thighs.

«On your knees.» she orders, but he remains motionless.

Sibylle takes a deep breath, moves to his side and hits him behind the knee.
Everyone emits a moan of pain, imagining how painful could be a hit like that in that particular spot. All moaned in pain, except Drakkar. Sibylle hits him again, again and again. The man closes his eyes and flares his nostrils, trying to control the burning pain. Another strong hit, and then another even stronger... The pain is growing in intensity and this makes him clench his fists.

«You want to play hard?» asks Sibylle stopping. «Fine. Let's see which one between the bamboo and your legs can feel more pain.»
She resumes the elegant hitting. Drakkar bends a little, to adapt at the pain. Behind his knees he has many red marks. He is about to surrender, and a few minutes later he finally falls to his knees under the playful exultation of the onlookers.

Sibylle gets back in front of him with a smirk on her face, then lifts his chin and stares at him.

«What is it, puppy, did I hurt you?»

Drakkar feel the erection pressing against the fabric of his boxer. He couldn't image that Sibylle could be so unexpectedly exciting in that role.

Tarasque grins.

«Oh! Look down there, I don't think you hurt him enough.» says pointing at the hardness between Drakkar's legs. «If I were you I would punish him harder.» jokes the man.

Drakkar turns to look at him with two menacing eyes sticking his chest out like an angry gorilla.

«If I were you I'd be careful on what I say!»

All emit a long “oh” while Tarasque laughs. He is really enjoying to see his friend bound in that way.

Sibylle takes Drakkar's chin in her hand.

«Is it in this way a good slave talks to others! Your tongue is a little too long, insolent puppy!» She graciously place a foot on his shoulder. «Show me how you should use that tongue!»

All the people in the room fall silent. It's a respectful silence, to not invade the intimacy that has been created between Sibylle and Drakkar.
Drakkar looks at that shiny red shoe on his shoulder and

maintaining eye contact with Sibylle

he begins to lick it. She tries to not show the deep emotion she feel, but it's hard than she thought to remain impassive in that situation. She feels a warmth inside, she feels excitement mixed with tenderness.

«Good boy. See what's the purpose of your tongue? To show respect to your Mistress.»

Sibylle puts her foot down.

«Well? What you should say?»

He clenches his jaw.

«Thank you, Mistress.» says with less devotion that he should.

Sibylle slaps his face. It's a slap that it didn't hurt him, not even a little; it serves only as a gesture of control.

«I didn't feel the respect leaking from those words. Tell it properly, you slave!»

Tarasque is admired, she is really good. Drakkar told him about her, but he described her as a woman who likes to please, a sweet woman ready to surrender to him. Yet now she is mastering the role beautifully.

«Thank you, Mistress.» repeats Drakkar with more emotion.

Sibylle nods and then turns to the three men behind him:

«Free his hands.»

The men obey quickly, almost intimidated by her self confidence. Once Drakkar's hands are free, she orders him to get up.

«Carry me to our room.»

Drakkar picks her up, and walks out.

Tarasque strokes Nymphe face.

«Are you ready for the night, sweetie?»

The girl nods, unable to find the words she needs.


Drakkar opens the door of the room reserved for them with a thrust of his shoulder that almost broke the brass number


nailed on it.

«Lay me on the bed.» orders Sibylle.

He closes the door with his foot and goes to lay her gently on the bed.

Sibylle looks around: it is a large Baroque bedroom furnished in blue and purple color. The bed is a huge canopy bed with blue veils and purple satin bedspread; the carpet is blue and silver, it reminds a starred sky; the sofa and the two armchairs are purple; the curtains are many elegant blue velvet drapes, and there is also a lit fireplace which makes the atmosphere even more intimate.

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