The Black Planet (13 page)

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Authors: J. W. Murison

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adventure

BOOK: The Black Planet
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Chapter 23

They stood as close to the barrier as they could and watched with mouths agape as the ship passed Saturn.  The freighter had slowed down to a few thousand kilometres an hour to give them the best possible view.  More than one person pointed as the battle cruiser, escorted by the two earth ships slid past them then accelerated out of sight. 

Herr Goth felt a presence and wasn’t surprised to find Sergeant Kelly standing beside him and smiled, ‘please do not worry Sergeant Kelly, I will cause no problems with them gone.’

Kelly nodded, ‘they ain't gone for long anyway.’

‘No matter.  Tomorrow we will be on the moon, can you imagine that?’

Kelly smiled, ‘I'm looking forward to it.  I hope it’s not like the Black Planet,’ he shuddered.

‘You were on the surface.’


‘What was it like?’


Herr Goth waited a moment but nothing more seemed to be forthcoming, ‘Just black?’

Kelly shook his head, ‘no, but I don’t know how else to describe it.  It was just black, so black.’  He shook his head and shrugged.

‘At least you saw it.’

Kelly smiled, ‘let’s just say you weren’t the only one who took a little time adjusting.  Captain Gordon thought it might bring me round quicker.  It worked.’

‘I owe him an apology.  I feel such a fool.’

‘Hard to accept?’

‘Very.  When we were abducted Germany was still winning the war and Herr Hitler was very much alive.  It is hard to believe he brought us so low.’

‘He went mad you know.’

‘So I have read.’

‘He poisoned his new bride and then shot himself in the head.  His people burned his corpse in a shell hole outside the fuehrer bunker before the Russians could get their hands on it.’

‘What I find hard to believe is the atrocities committed, six million innocent people sergeant; how?’

Kelly eyes hardened, ‘Oh believe it.  If you believe nothing else then believe that.’

‘Wait!  You saw it?’

‘Yup sure did.  Huge concentration camps miles long, living skeletons.  Rows of bodies stacked up like cord wood waiting for the ovens.  It was bloody awful.’

‘Why?’  Herr Goth asked.

Kelly shrugged, ‘they called it the final solution.  I don’t know.’

‘Women and children too?’

‘The kept the able-bodied for slave labour.  Women, children the old were all disposed of the moment they arrived.  Some women were kept of course, the pretty ones, you understand?’

‘Yes I do.’

Kelly nodded, ‘the rest were stripped naked and told they were going to be deloused and that they had to take a shower.  A big building with showerheads set along the wall, only there was no water, just a hole in the roof where they poured in the gas pellets.’

Herr goth felt bile rise in his throat.  ‘Gas my god, what happened to my people.  I met Herr Hitler once when I was fifteen years old.  I was already taller than him but he made me feel small. His eyes were mesmerising, he rescued us from poverty and misery.  He was my hero and I would have given my life willingly for him  Now I discover he was a monster.’  He shook his head sadly, ‘I suppose his super weapons were also a lie?’

Kelly took a deep breath, ‘well no they weren’t, by the end of the war he had produced rockets that could bomb London, and Germany developed the first jet aircraft.’

‘May I jump in Gentlemen,’ it was the large Beaver who was taking a turn to baby sit the passengers.  ‘I caught what you were saying as I passed.’

‘Yeah wouldn’t mind the help here Beaver,’ Kelly grinned, ‘five years after the war I was abducted myself and I ain't had the time for a full history lesson.’  Herr Goth simply nodded his permission.

‘A lot of good came from Germany after the end of the war.  In fact there was a race between the allies to scoop up her scientists.  It was these scientists that led the race into space.  After the war ended a cold war began between the east and the west.  America and Russia basically.  Russia put the first man into space and the USA the first men on the Moon.  Now Germany is the leader of the European Union and has the strongest industry in Europe.  You will be proud of them Herr Goth.’

He smiled, ‘you mean they achieved in peace what we couldn’t in war.’

Beaver nodded, ‘yup.’

‘Maybe that is something to be proud off, but what will they make of an ex-Nazi?’

‘We checked your records sir, you committed no war crimes.  You fought your war with honour and valour.  There will be no reprisals carried out against you or your men of any kind.  After a period of readjustment you will be allowed to take up a normal life.’

‘I don’t like the sound of that,’ Herr Goth admitted.

Beaver laughed, ‘a few weeks sheltered accommodation and lessons on how to cope with modern life.  Training programs if you wish, a trade that sort of thing.’

He smiled, ‘that doesn’t sound so bad after all.’

‘It was also the last war in western Europe.’

Herr Goth raised an eyebrow, ‘now that I find hard to believe.’ 

The three men laughed and Beaver left them with some good advice, ‘if I was you two I would get some rest.  Tomorrow morning we arrive at the Moon.  I can assure you gentlemen it will be a long day.’

Beaver walked of and they watched him go.  ‘Thank you for everything you did Sergeant Kelly.’

‘No problem sir, I wish you luck.’

Her Goth smiled, ‘maybe we could meet up on this Moonbase for a beer and one of your American steaks.’

Kelly laughed, ‘oh you know how to take advantage of a man’s weakness.’  They both laughed and Kelly offered his hand, ‘I will look forward to that.’

They shook and separated.  As they began to accelerate away from Saturn the doors closed and Herr Goth returned to his bunk.

Chapter 24

It seemed the whole world was waiting at the Moonbase for the alien battle craft.  Shuttles took the captain and some of his officers down to the base where a large reception was being held.  Petrified politicians made speeches for about an hour until one of the officers was cut down.  They didn’t realise it was a ruse by them to cut the bullshit short.  Laughing they made their way down to the planet below.  The Burning Wind landed on the vast African plains.  Steven was there before them to witness the spectacle.  Thousands of aliens stepped off The Burning Wind and into the heat soaked plains of the African continent.  It took a few minutes for them to adjust to the heavy gravity but in short order they began to run through the dry grasses.

Steven found Gairloch sitting in the long grass laughing, he was munching on grass heads full of seeds, he called out, ‘Steven, come join me.’

Steven sat down with some trepidation, ‘you need to tell your people to be careful, there are wild animals out here.’

He laughed, ‘we can take care of ourselves.’

‘You would be amazed by how others have voiced the same thing right before they run into their first African lion.’

He thought that was even funnier, ‘everything for miles ran away, don’t worry.  This is heaven Steven.  I never thought such a place ever existed.’

‘It certainly does.’  

‘This is the correct place.’

‘Yes it is.’

‘It is so beautiful.  We would not wish to ruin this landscape.’

Steven shook his head, ‘the same machine that made your coffins will inter your people.  It will remove the soil and bury your people at the same time.  The soil will be put on-board a freighter that will arrive within the hour.  There will be no sign of your ever having been here apart from the monument you built and it will stand at the top of the hill here.’

‘Yes and I shall be interred inside it.’

‘That was your request and that is how it shall be done.’

‘Leave us now please.  We will rest this day and frolic in the sun, enjoy the breeze and the scent of this grass.’


The following day Steven arrived to find a very emotional Gairloch.  The party had gone on all night and some of the animals had begun to return.  One group had gotten to close and had fallen foul of a Rhino.  His death had been swift but his comrades had exulted and carried him high to be buried.  It took a full two days to inter those that had already died and those who had died since arriving on Earth.  A solemn ceremony was held by the crew and all details were sent home along with an in-depth report about humanity.  Gairloch and his crew were keen to explore this new world and taste its wonders.  They travelled the world over sampling the grass and in some way became famous connoisseurs at home.

The grass on the Russian steppes was considered an acquired taste.  The buffalo grass on the high plains was a delicacy.  The grass that most farmers used to feed cattle was considered good staple food not unlike what they had at home.  Different types of hay were also considered delicacies.  The crew of The Burning Wind were welcomed in most major countries.  They also tried vegetables and fruits and the seeds from many different types of grass and some suede’s were sent back home in a capsule.  They would be grown in the emperor’s garden for his banquets.  However being so close to the sun was taking its toll and dozens died every day.

Chapter 25

Half an hour before they landed ,the freighter did a quick orbit of the Moon.  The excitement was palatable.  Kelly found himself once more standing beside Herr Goth.  ‘Moring Sergeant Kelly, so what are you going to do first?’

‘Find me the biggest steak I can find and a cold beer.’

‘Herr Goth smiled, ‘I'm just glad it’s not us on the menu.’

Kelly laughed, ‘those aliens are something called herbivores sir, you were safe enough.’  The look on the man’s face made Kelly laugh all the harder.

‘My God!  We were tricked.’

‘I’ll say.  The facts remain the same though, but at least we are all alive to appreciate it.’

Herr Goth was stunned, ‘Those things only eat grass?’

Kelly laughed even harder, ‘the plan was concocted between the captains to try and prevent more violence.  Captain Gordon wanted everyone who survived to make it home.  He understood how difficult it was for some to accept the situation but he knew that the appearance of Captain Gairloch would shock everyone into accepting it.  Or so Buzz said anyway.’

Herr Goth shook his head, ‘it certainly worked on me sergeant.’ 

He offered his hand and Kelly shook it, ‘we may well get a chance at that steak and a beer later.’

Herr Goth sighed, ‘it would be on you as they say.  I heard that all American soldiers are getting back pay from the day they were abducted.’

‘We sure are.’

‘I'm afraid the German government hasn’t been as generous.’

Komoru’s voice came over the system, ‘ladies and gentlemen please be ready to disembark.  Before you enter the complex completely you will be met by representatives from your countries.  Please be aware that since your abduction many countries have changed their flags.  To help we have placed a console inside the docking bay.  As you pass please place your hand on the glass panel and wait until the light flashes.  A picture of your current flag will be printed out and handed to you.  Please go to the appropriate table displaying your flag and register with your consulate.  If your country is not present then please look for me, I will be sitting at the table with the picture of the Moon on it.  In the mean time we thought you may well like to see the Earth from outer space.’

The dig doors opened and there were gasps of surprise.  Kelly felt a lump rise in his throat, ‘holy shit.’

Herr Goth laughed, ‘it is beautiful is it not?’

‘Ain't any other word for it sir.’

Sergeant Hertz joined them and Herr Goth placed a hand on his shoulder.  The sergeant smiled and just absorbed the scene.  Eventually the freighter began to turn and the doors began to close there was a cry of dismay from the gathered people, but it soon turned to cries of joy as the doors on the opposite side opened to reveal the Moons lunar landscape as it slid by.  They all rushed over.

‘We will soon see our base come into view,’ Komoru informed them.  When it did there was great gasps of surprise.  ‘I am sorry but we are going to have to close the cargo bay doors before docking with the complex.  You may want to sit down until the procedure is complete.’

She and Lewis rushed back to Ico and he separated from the freighter.  Babes was already in her bay and Ico joined her.  Steven had landed half an hour before and had showered.  He was waiting for Komoru as she stepped off Ico.  She threw herself into his arms and as quickly detached herself.  They were both flushing furiously. 

‘We got them home safe Steven.’

‘We sure did.’

‘Are you going down to meet them?’

He screwed up his face, ‘not sure if I should.  I'm not exactly flavour of the month am I?’

She took his hand, ‘you did the right thing, never be frightened of that.  Come let us greet them to our home.’

He found himself grinning stupidly, ‘yeah OK.’

He let himself be dragged away and a grinning Lewis followed close behind.  Komoru hated the way the passengers had looked at Steven since the incident with the alien. 


Built to otherworld specifications the freighter slid straight into the freighting bay of the complex.  It was the first time the staff saw that part of their complex working as it was intended.  The part of the ship that still carried cargo was unloaded in minutes to the astonishment of everyone present.  It took longer to remove the passengers. 

When Steven and Komoru arrived at the unloading bay she discovered her fears were unfounded.  There was a sudden decrease in the noise levels then someone began clapping.  It began to increase in volume until a cockney voice shouted out, three cheers for the Captains for getting us home safe.  The call was taken up until Steven and Komoru found themselves laughing.  Herr Goth walked over still clapping and laughing.  He snapped to attention and clicked his heels giving a bow of his head rather than a salute.

‘Herbivores captain, really!’

Steven laughed, ‘I am sorry Herr Goth; a ruse played to get you all home safely.’

‘It was a ruse well played captain,’ he offered his hand and Steven shook it.  ‘Thank you for everything you did Captain.  It has been very hard for me to accept the situation.  When I was abducted we were winning the war and I utterly and truly believed in the fuehrer’s vision of the future.  I did not realise how low he would stoop to achieve those aims.’

Steven nodded his head, ‘when I saw all the different uniforms dug up out of that hole Herr Goth I quickly realised how hard it was going to be for many of you and made allowances.  It was why I woke you all up a week from home and not when you arrived.  It gave you all time to make that adjustment.’

Herr Goth smiled, ‘thank you again,’ he bowed slightly and walked away to where the German consulate was waiting for them.  An official seemed to be getting a hard time from a couple of tough looking guys.  Steven decided it was their problem now and walked away with Komoru by his side.

‘What's going to happen now Steven?’

Stevie smiled down at her, ‘it’s all out of our hands now Komoru.  The world leaders are bending over backwards to accommodate their lost citizens.  Some have flown family members up to meet them.  Big press conferences, and they have also rented every available space amongst the liners to get them home, so I can’t imagine they will be with us long.  Tonight however the Moonbase is throwing its first official party.  Beer barbecue and steaks all round.’

‘I hope there will be rice.’

‘Of course there will, and vegetables, I've hired a few top chefs and had them imported for the occasion.  People will be able to wander from barbecue to barbecue to taste their wares.’

‘The oxygen generators will be working overtime then.’

He nodded, ‘already taken into account.’

‘Sounds like fun; will you go?’

‘Yeah of course, I'm even going to have a few beers.’

She laughed, ‘you are going to get drunk?’

‘Oh hell no, just a few.  I have been old enough for quite a few years now, I think it’s about time I gave one a try.’

Her tinkling laugh did strange things to him but he just smiled and enjoyed the feeling.  They moved in and around the people until they began to thin out.

‘What comes next Steven?’

He let out a long breath, ‘we have to try and organise the Earths Defence Corps.  Build new bases, new ships with weapons capable of defeating the Albany.’

‘When are we going to start?’

‘I have already started, on the dark side of the Moon and on Mars and on one of Saturn’s Moons.’

‘When did you start all that.’

‘Uh!  The day after we discovered what the Albany were up to.’


‘Probes with nanobots on board.  Not here on the Moon of course.  Mum dropped a couple of tons of them on the dark side of the moon for me.  I'm also having a dozen specialised freighters built.’

Her hands came up onto her hips and Steven became alarmed.  ‘When were you going to tell me?’

‘As soon as it became relevant to do so, which was tomorrow afternoon after the party when I have a big meeting scheduled with everyone.’

‘I would like to have known sooner.’  She tapped a foot.

‘You could have asked Ico, he knew.’

Her brows were pulled together as she concentrated, then they shot up again, then down as she replied.  Steven grinned, he couldn’t hear what was being said without asking permission but by the look on Komoru’s face Ico was getting it tight.  Komoru saw his grin and her scowl became even more fearsome, ‘I do not like being kept out of the loop Steven and it’s not funny.’

He laughed, ‘I'm just going to blame Ico if you start on me.  Feel free to go over the plans if you wish, he has them all and suggest alternatives if you wish.’

She crossed her arms, ‘I still don’t think it is funny.  So what is the Earths Defence Corps saying about all of this and of course the Earths leaders?’

‘Oh! Um, well they haven’t got a clue yet.’

‘Oh Steven, that isn’t good.’

He shrugged, ‘so far everything they have suggested has been complete stupidity.’

She shook her head, ‘you have to listen to them Steven and not steamroller these people.’

‘The die for the first round has already been cast I'm afraid.’

‘Be careful Steven.’

‘Don’t worry Komoru I will.’

‘You are coming across as arrogant,’ she admonished.

He shook his head, ‘that’s not how I wish to appear.’

‘Nerveless, that is how you appear to me.’

His face fell, ‘then I apologise.’

She turned and walked away and Steven sighed with frustration, ‘that did not go well.’

‘She is right my heart, you should have said something sooner.’

‘Maybe Babes but she had her hands full.  I didn’t want to distract her.’

‘She is demanding to know everything you have put in place so far.’

‘Then let her see everything.’

‘Yes my heart.’

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