The Blackwell Companion to Sociology (116 page)

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Kathryn Harker

The Panel Comparability Project (PACO)

The PACO project's goal is to create an international comparative database that integrates longitudinal micro-data from national household panel studies. The PACO Database contains harmonized variables and data structures for seven countries, allowing for cross-national comparisons. The complete database (250MB) is available to researchers on CD-ROM. The PACO Panel Archive includes the original panel data sets from ten countries (in Europe and the USA) in SPSS format, but is restricted to CEPS/INSTEAD

affiliates. Documentation for these studies has also been collected and is available in paper form or online.

Rapid Demographic Change and the Welfare of the Elderly

This is a multi-year study conducted in the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and Singapore.

The study focuses upon issues of kin, exchange, living arrangements, income, labor force participation, health, etc. The data were obtained through censuses, official statistics, national surveys, focus groups, and case and village studies. This site also provides links to other aging surveys conducted in East and Southeast Asia.


r.cadew is a resource center providing public access to key statistical information about Europe. The center's statistics are drawn from Eurostat, UNESCO, and the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The center holds thousands of data sets on economics, labor, agriculture, demographics, environment, research and development, and education.

Data are available to all for a charge. This web site allows online access to an integrated database, on which data orders can be placed. Data can also be ordered through the mail.

[email protected]

Maintained by the World Bank's Development Research Group, this web site provides access to research and analysis of data regarding key economic issues relevant to development. Various research findings, data, and publications are available via this site, including the Policy Research Reports and Working Papers, Global Economic Prospects, World Development Indicators, links to economic journals, and the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) Working Papers. This site also provides free e-mail newsletters on development research.

REVES International Database on Healthy Life Expectancy

Presented in both English and French, the REVES homepage provides access to the

REVES yearbook, a statistical world yearbook on health expectancy. Bibliographical references are also provided, along with links to other relevant sites and conference information.

Data Resources on the World Wide Web


Scholar's Guide to WWW

This guide provides access to a large number of internet links to population and demography websites, and to more general sociology websites as well. The guide is easy to navigate, and provides a good starting point when searching for population-related information.

SocioSite, Social Science Data Archives (SSDA)

SocioSite, established at the University of Amsterdam, is an extremely comprehensive resource to hundreds of web sites that are sociological and demographic in nature. Easy to use web site links are categorized according to region of the world and country.

Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)

Conducted by the United States' National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the TIMSS is an international study of schools and over half a million students in 41

countries. TIMSS is the largest, most comprehensive comparative educational study ever conducted. Findings regarding the educational performance and knowledge of

fourth, eighth, and twelfth graders are summarized according to country, and are available online.

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

The UNICEF homepage provides information regarding social issues, world events,

programs, and political movements that impact children. The site also allows access to UNICEF publications, such as The State of the World's Children 1999 and The Progress of Nations 1998, and statistical data regarding women, infants, and children.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

The UNDP aspires to help countries to achieve sustainable human development by

assisting in the development of programs to eradicate poverty, create employment, empower women, and protect the environment. This web site provides information

regarding UNDP programs and the UN system, and links to publications and documents, such as Human Development Reports and Office of Development Studies Publications.

The site also provides useful links to other web sites pertaining to poverty, gender, the environment, and governance.

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization


UNESCO aims to contribute to world peace and security by promoting collaboration among nations in an attempt to advance universal respect for justice, law, human rights, and freedom. UNESCO's web page allows access to 87 bibliographic, referral, factual, and statistical databases, covering such topics as education, natural sciences, 508

Kathryn Harker

communication, culture, social and human sciences, and world heritage. These databases can be searched by keyword, geographical region, and information type. Data (most) can be obtained in CD-ROM format in either English or French, and printed copies of

documentation are free.

War-torn Societies Projects (WSP), Documents Database

The WSP Database is an annotated bibliographic database of texts ranging from policy documents and evaluation reports to research and academic articles on the subject of war-torn societies. The WSP aims to encourage main actors in war-torn countries to analyze their activities and situations and to use research as a tool to develop and define political, social, and economic policy.

The World Bank

The World Bank provides loans, advice, and resources to more than 100 developing countries and countries in transition. The World Bank's homepage contains information regarding development topics (agriculture, education, health, poverty, etc.) and its projects. The site also provides free access to data pertaining to the World Bank countries, including statistics, indicator tables and sectoral data, and data that can be viewed by topic. Additionally, this site has links to working papers, online publications, and a publications catalogue, through which publications such as The World Bank Atlas

1999 and World Development Indicators 1999 can be purchased.

World Database of Happiness

This database acts as a register of scientific research on the subjective appreciation of life.

The web site offers access to: a Bibliography of Happiness, which focuses on contemporary publications; a Catalogue of Happiness in Nations, which provides comparable cross-national observations; a Catalogue of Happiness Correlates; and a Directory of Happiness Investigators, which provides a listing of researchers in this area of study. Both published and unpublished data are referenced.

World Health Organization (WHO)

WHO acts as the authority on international health work and promotes the attainment of the highest level of health among all people. WHO works interactively with researchers, medical care providers, governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and educators in an attempt to reach this goal. This web site provides a wonderful source of health information and statistics and includes links to World Health Reports and other WHO publications. The site also contains a large number of links to other related sites.

Data Resources on the World Wide Web


Alphabetical by Topic

Aggression and War

Aggression Research Program, University of Michigan, USA

See description in the USA section.

The Global Observatory

See description in the International section.


Found under the Institute for Global Communications in the International section.

War-torn Societies Projects (WSP), Documents Database

See description in the International section.


Centre for Longitudinal Studies, University of London, UK

See description in the United Kingdom section.

Disability and Managed Care Data Archive, USA

See description in the USA section.

Health and Retirement Study (HRS), USA

See description in the USA section.

Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA), Netherlands

See description in the Netherlands section.

Longitudinal Retirement History Study, 1969±1979 (LRHS), USA

See description in the USA section.±14.htm

Longitudinal Study of Aging 1984±1990 (LSOA) & 1994±1996 (LSOA-II),USA

See description in the USA section.

Murray Research Center, USA

See description in the USA section.

National Aging Information Center (NAIC), USA

See description in the USA section.

National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA), USA

See description in the USA section.

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), USA

See description in the USA section.


Kathryn Harker

National Long Term Care Survey (NLTCS), USA

See description in the USA section.

National Survey of Japanese Elderly 1987, Japan

See description in the Japan section.

Rapid Demographic Change and the Welfare of the Elderly, USA

See description in the International section.

Social Gerontology and the Aging Revolution, USA

See description in the USA section.

Social Security Online, USA

See description in the USA section.

Sociometrics Data Archives, USA

See description in the USA section.

Survey of Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest-Old (AHEAD), USA

See description in the USA section.

Agriculture and Environmental Conservation

Economic Research Service (ERS), US Department of Agriculture, USA

See description in the USA section.

The Global Observatory

See description in the International section.

Government Information Sharing Project, USA

See description in the USA section.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

See description in the International section.

The World Bank

See description in the International section.

Children and Adolescents

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), US Department of Health and

Human Services, USA

See description in the USA section.

The Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey (CLHNS), Philippines

See description in the Philippines section.

Data Resources on the World Wide Web


High School and Beyond (HS&B), USA

See description in the USA section.

The Monitoring the Future Study (MTF), USA

See description in the USA section.

Murray Research Center, USA

See description in the USA section.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), USA

See description in the USA section.

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), USA

See description in the USA section.

National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information, USA

See description in the USA section.

National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), Juvenile Justice, USA

See description in the USA section.

National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN), USA

See description in the USA section.

National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88), USA

See description in the USA section.

The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, The Add Health Project, USA See description in the USA section.

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