The Blaze Ignites (15 page)

Read The Blaze Ignites Online

Authors: Nichelle Rae

Tags: #fantasy magic epic white fire azrel nichelle rae white warrior

BOOK: The Blaze Ignites
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“Great. So that’s the plan?” I asked,
standing up. “Wait until I’m in immediate danger, huh? Well, what
if one of
is in danger? I really hope you don’t think
I’ll sit around here and wait for that to happen.”

“If we just keep our heads down and stay
together we’ll be fine for three days.”

“You can guarantee this?” I asked, being

He sighed, seeming to realize it. “You know I

“I didn’t think so.” I sighed and crossed my
arms over my chest. We
need those maps, and not just for
traveling purposes. I was actually pretty curious to see what the
world looked like now. Beldorn had given me a rough overview and
tour of a few lands, but there were a lot more realms in Casdanarus
than what we’d seen. The information my father had taught me was
from what he’d seen three thousand years ago. “Fine, we’ll

Addredoc smiled. “You are very reasonable,
White Warrior.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “But if for
I think that any one of you is in harm’s way, I will
personally club you over the head, put you in a sack, and drag you
away from here if I have to. Do I make myself clear?”

There were smiles all around and a few
chuckles. “Yes Azrel,” came the group’s response.

I smiled triumphantly. “Good.”

“You spoke too soon about her being
reasonable, Addredoc. I warned you about that,” Rabryn said,
wagging a finger at him. Everyone laughed, including me.

Just then the sight of all sights filled the
room…the sun! I couldn’t believe it. At long, long last the sun
broke through the clouds and shone brighter than ever! Everyone
gasped and looked out the windows. Ortheldo and Rabryn were soon
standing by my side, Cairikson on Rabryn’s hip, all of us gazing in
wonder at the beautiful sight. Cairikson was looking at us all with
a confused look. We all gazed on as if we’d never seen sun before.
It had been a long while, in fact, since we had—nearly two weeks
since that storm had begun way back at Oaksher Village.

I burst into a fit of laughter that would
make a madman cower. I spun around and ran as fast as I could for
the door. I threw it open and dashed into the hallway, not
bothering to wait for anyone to catch up. I tried to recall my
memory of how to get to Beldorn’s chambers, but my excitement and
worry that the sun might fade before I got outside was making it
difficult. My party was calling my name, but I ignored them and
tried to remember where to go.

Finally I was running as fast as I could
across the fathomless throne room, where people were busy setting
up tables and decorations for the feast. I blew past all of them,
nearly knocking over a middle-aged human who was carrying a tray of
eat ware and plates. “Sorry!” I called, with a very quick glance
over my shoulder.

“Is everything alright, my lady?” someone
else called from behind me.

“Yes, fine! Thank you!” I replied, not
looking back.

Down the stairs towards Beldorn’s room I
went. I burst through the door leading to the outside and ran
through the outdoor common and over the grounds to get out from
under the mountain’s narrowing shadow. There, the sun exploded just
to my right. I kept running until I was crossing some beautifully
kept grass, and only then did I stop and face the sun fully,
closing my eyes and letting her warm rays caress my face. I already
felt happier.

Suddenly my clothes became intolerable. I’d
gone sunbathing in the nude often in The Pitt; I was usually alone
in my room, lying on the floor below a window, but right now I
didn’t care. I started taking my clothes off just as the others
caught up with me.

“What are you doing, Azrel?” Thrawyn

“Admiring a painting. What’s it look like,
Thrawyn?” I said playfully and took off a boot, tossing it

“You can’t be serious!” he cried, looking at
me in horror.

I laughed and pulled my tunic over my head.
Thrawyn put a hand over his heart and took a step back, as if he’d
gently been pushed. “Come on guys,” I said to them. “Don’t make me
do this alone.”

Ortheldo laughed. “We’re not
you do anything.”

I gripped the top of my pants and yanked them
down. Ortheldo and Rabryn looked at each other, shrugged and
started stripping. Even Cairikson was joining in on the fun, taking
his clothes off. I laughed.

“Now wait, Azrel,” Thrawyn began nervously.
“Let’s think about this for a moment. I don’t really think…”

“Come on, Sword Master,” I said. “Have you
lain naked in the sun?”

“Me?” he asked, still looking at me with wide
eyes. “Well no, I…I can’t say I…well, I …no. I haven’t.”

I gave him a mischievous look. “Then how do
you know you won’t like it?”

He looked around at all of us doubtfully. I
had to press my lips together to keep from laughing when I saw a
playful and shy look in Meddyn’s eyes. She wanted to. Thrawyn
looked back at me again. “You’re serious?”

“Come on! You Salynns have forever to live,
but you never try new things!” I sat myself down on the grass and
looked up at them. “It’s a bloody shame, if you ask me.” The
Redians glanced at each other one more time. They all shrugged,
then, and began taking their clothes off. I smiled

Addredoc pulled free the red cord that
cinched his robes around his waist. His robe opened and he let it
slide off his shoulders. Light Gods have mercy! I started
salivating at the sight of him! His body was something I never,
would have guessed to be hidden under those robes! He
looked too thin to have the body that I was seeing. Beautifully and
perfectly chiseled muscles ripped down his chest and stomach as if
they carved out of stone. His arms were actually pretty thick and
his shoulders were much broader than I would have expected and
defined. He turned away from me to rest his robe behind
him on the grass. I think I even flinched at the sight of him from
behind. Rippling, defined muscles covered his entire back. He was

He turned back towards me and looked at me
for a moment. I had to close my mouth quickly, but I knew my eyes
were still wide. He looked up at the mountain then, and after a few
moments he waved a hand dismissively towards it. I saw a red
sparkly light in his palm before he looked down and began pulling
off his boots.

I had to swallow before speaking. “What did
you just do?” I asked, as Ortheldo, Rabryn and Cairikson finished
stripping and sat in the grass next to me.

“I doubt you want to give any wandering eyes
a free show, so I made them blind to seeing us.” When he took hold
of the top of his pants, I had to force my eyes to turn away and I
lay down on the grass, concentrating on the sun kissing me all
over. It was so warm and beautiful. I brought my hands up under my
head and soaked it in before I had to go to that ridiculous feast.
I was so hungry though. I hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday’s
supper and it was almost suppertime today.


I didn’t remember falling asleep, but when I
opened my eyes the sun was already on her way down and I was alone.
Why was I always left alone upon waking up here?

“Ortheldo?” I called. “Rabryn?” I stood up
and realized with horror that even my clothes were gone. My heart
was pounding and my nerves were on end. I slowly stood and made my
way to the base of the mountain where a collection of fallen rocks
gathered. I stepped into a little canyon formed by them and held my
hand out. White fire fell from my palm and soon I was grasping a
large white cloth. I threw it around myself and came out again,
glancing around nervously. They’d just left me out here? Alone?

“Meddyn! Thrawyn!” I made my way towards the
doorway of the mountain where Beldorn’s room was. I didn’t like
being here alone. Hadn’t they just been telling me about the danger
they all felt about this place? Had they even listened to Cairikson
when he’d described those shadow things we’d seen?

“Cairikson! Addredoc!”

“You called?”

I spun around to see Addredoc leaning against
a rock outside the canyon I’d just left. His legs were crossed and
his hands were in his pants pockets. He hadn’t put his robes back
on and stood shirtless before me. His head was cocked lazily to the
side, and he had an odd smirk on his face.

“You scared me. Where is everyone else?”

“I scared you?” His smirk widened into a
grin, and he looked away as if amused. “I see.”

What was that supposed to mean? I wanted to
ask, but Addredoc was very powerful. I didn’t even think
realized how powerful he was, but it probably wasn’t a good idea to
piss him off. Though something told me that I didn’t want to stick
around and have any kind of conversation with him right now, I was

I narrowed my eyes and took a few threatening
steps towards him. “Where is everyone else?” I asked firmly.

He made his mouth into an O and raised his
brows in mocking surprise. “Ooo, she suddenly gets vicious.”
Amusement danced in his brown eyes. He casually pushed himself off
the wall and strode lazily towards me. I wondered what was wrong
with him.

“Like the view?” He suddenly said, running
his nails down his chest and stomach. “I saw your eyes when you saw
me—wide with hunger and lust.”

His demeanor was terrifying. I backed away
from him, clutching my cloth to myself. “What is wrong with you?
Have you lost your mind?”

“Well,” he said, ignoring my questions, “I
have a confession to make.” He grabbed my upper arms and shoved me
backwards, pushing me against the rocks and making me lose my grip
on the cloth covering me. I gasped, too stunned to struggle as he
pushed his knee up between my legs and brought his face close to
mine. “I was looking at you the same way,” he whispered in my ear.
His knee came up higher and rested just against the virgin flesh of
my womanhood.

I gasped and gave him a violent shove away
from me, nearly sending him sprawling onto his back. “Get
me!” I screamed.

After he caught himself, he glared at me.
“What?!” He screamed. He charged me, slamming me up against the
rocks and pinning me again. “You’ll give it up for the human sword
master and the Gold Flower, but no one else?” He wrestled me to the
ground roughly. I couldn’t breathe as I looked into his brown eyes,
too shocked to fight him off. “You’ll love it. I promise.”

How could he do this? He was my friend. He
protected me. Something wasn’t right. Something had happened to
him. Had Hathum found me and corrupted him? The thought was too

Suddenly, I heard a female grunt followed by
the familiar, but no less sickening, thunk of a human head being
bashed in. Addredoc’s body slumped over me. I screamed and felt his
blood dripping onto my neck. I was too shaken to move. Acalith’s
bright green eyes came into view as she lifted her boot and pushed
him off of me.

I lay trembling on the ground for a moment,
unable to make sense of this, while she squatted down at my side.
Pride be damned. I looked into her eyes and started crying. “Thank
you,” I said to her in a shaky whisper.

Her eyes twinkled with mischief. “I know
leaves a bruise on your pride.”

I managed an awkward chuckle as she held out
her hands to me. I took them and she pulled me into a sitting
position. I glanced up at her, embarrassed, when I realized I was
completely exposed. I bowed my head and reached for my cloth. I put
it over my shoulders and clutched it closed at my chest.

“It’s nothing I haven’t seen before, Azrel.
a woman hidden under these tan garments, in case you
didn’t know.”

I chuckled again, still feeling
self-conscious, and then I forced my eyes to the dead body behind
me. My heart leapt up into my throat! I shrieked and desperately
crawled backwards until a rock stopped me. It
Addredoc lying dead on the ground!

him! I wasn’t mad! I

I brought my trembling hand to my mouth. The
body I was looking at was a Salynn Humount of Rocksheloc! His long
honey blonde hair was matted and sticky with blood as a pool
expanded from under his head. His dead blue eyes stared blankly up
at the darkening sky.

I looked up at Acalith desperately. “It…it
was Addredoc! Addredoc attacked me!”

She looked at me and those insanely bright
eyes went sympathetic for a moment. “In your heart do you
think Addredoc would have done that to you?”

I thought about it for a moment. I knew
Addredoc. He was always gentle and soft with me. “No, I don’t.”

The corners of her eyes went up in a hidden
smile and she nodded. “The special talent these Salynns have is
morphing their physical appearance into that of another being. The
more powerful ones can morph into animals—shape-shifters I call
them.” She then got to one knee in front of me and reached to her
side. “You might need this.”

She pulled forth my sword. Carefully gripping
the broadsides of the blade under the hilt, she rested it on the
ground before me. Another white sheer cloth, which Acalith took off
after putting the blade down, was wrapped around the hilt.

My heart stopped as I stared at it. “Where
did you get that?” I hadn’t even realized it was gone!

“When you fell asleep in your room, the White
Warrior made it disappear in your magic force to keep it safe. Some
snoops went in looking for it.”

“Dear Gods,” I breathed. Then I started
frantically feeling my cloth, as if there were any pockets there
that the necklace could be in.

Acalith was still smiling as she reached into
her cloak. Dangling from her index finger was the necklace. Gods
Almighty! Why was I forgetting about everything of such

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