The Blinding Knife (107 page)

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Authors: Brent Weeks

Tags: #Epic Fantasy

BOOK: The Blinding Knife
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Sendinas, the:
  A Rekton family.

Shadowblinder, Karris:
  Lucidonius’s wife and later widow. She was the second Prism. See also Atiriel, Karris.

Sharp, Master:
  One of Andross Guile’s agents. He wears a necklace of human teeth.

Shayam, Lord:
  One of the lords of the air, set to oversee redistribution of the city of Garriston by the Color Prince.

Shimmercloak, Gebalyn:
  Vox Shimmercloak’s former partner. She seems to have died in a fire while on an assignment.

Shimmercloak, Niah:
  An assassin. She is the partner of Vox and a lightsplitter.

Shimmercloak, Vox:
  A green drafter and assassin. He was kicked out of the Chromeria at thirteen; he worships Atirat.

Shining Spear:
  Originally called El-Anat. Once he converted to the Light, he became Forushalzmarish, then Shining Spear so the locals could pronounce it.

Siluz, Rea:
  Fourth undersecretary of the Chromeria library and a weak yellow drafter. She knows Janus Borig and directs Kip to meet her.

Small Bear:
  A huge archer with just one eye. He served Zee Oakenshield.

  A commander of the Blackguards when Gavin first became Prism.

Spreading Oak, Alexander:
  The Prism before Gavin. Likely a poppy addict, he spent most of his time hiding in his apartments.

  A Parian Blackguard.

Sworrins, the:
  A Rekton family.

  A drafter and warrior in the False Prism’s War. She was also a defender of Garriston. Her grandson is Aheyyad Brightwater, and her sister is Tayri.

Tala (the Younger):
  A yellow/green bichrome. Named after the hero of the False Prism’s War, she is an excellent drafter, though not yet an excellent fighter.

Talim, Sayid:
  A former Prism. He nearly got himself named promachos to face the nonexistent armada he claimed waited beyond the gates, forty-seven years ago.

  A Blackguard scrub, a blue monochrome.

  A Blackguard legacy, a scrub.

  A Blackguard scrub.

  A polychrome drafter.

  A Parian drafter and defender of Garriston. Her sister is Tala.

  A princess of the Tlaglanu tribe of Paria. She married Hanishu, the dey of Aghbalu.

Temnos, Dalos the Younger:
  A drafter who fought in both the False Prism’s War and the defense of Garriston under Gavin Guile.

  A Blackguard put in charge of greens during the battle at Ruic Head.

Tep, Usef:
  A drafter who fought in the False Prism’s War. He is also known as the Purple Bear, because he is a discontiguous bichrome in red and blue. After the war, he and Samila Sayeh became lovers, despite having fought on opposite sides.

Third Eye, the:
  A Seer, the leader of Seers Island.

  A student at the Chromeria. She has a birthmark over the left half of her face.

  The son of the dey of Aghbalu. He fails the Blackguard testing, though not before Kip breaks his nose for being a bully.

  One of the Blackguard’s most skilled archers.

Tolver, Jia:
  The Yellow on the Spectrum. An Abornean drafter, she is a cousin of Arys Greenveil (the Sub-red).

  A Blackguard. He is Ironfist’s younger brother, and was once the dey of Aghbalu.

  The author of
On the Fundaments of Reason

  A Blackguard scrub.

  One of the Blackguard’s most skilled archers.

  A Blackguard scrub, Jun’s partner.

Usem the Wild:
  A drafter and defender of Garriston.

  A Blackguard scrub. He partners with Pip during a Blackguard test. They fail when thugs stop them.

  A Blackguard and green drafter.

Varidos, Kerawon:
  A superchromat, magister and head tester of the Chromeria. He drafts orange and red.

Varigari, Lord:
  A gambler from the Varigari family, originally fishermen before they were raised in the Blood Wars. He lost the family fortune and lands to his habit.

Vecchio, Pash:
  The most powerful of the pirate kings. His flagship is the

  Liv’s friend and fellow student at the Chromeria; a superviolet.

Verangheti, Lucretia:
  Adrasteia’s sponsor at the Chromeria. She is from the Ilytian Smussato Veranghetis.

Vin, Taya:
  A mercenary with the Cloven Shield company.

Wanderer, the:
  A legendary figure, the subject of Gevison’s poem
The Wanderer’s Last Journey

White Oak, Karris:
  A Blackguard; a red/green bichrome; the original cause of the False Prism’s War.

White Oak, Koios:
  One of the seven White Oak brothers, brother to Karris White Oak.

White Oak, Kolos:
  One of the seven White Oak brothers, brother to Karris White Oak.

White Oak, Rissum:
  A luxlord, the father of Karris and her seven brothers; reputed to be hot-tempered, but a coward.

White Oak, Rodin:
  One of the seven White Oak brothers, brother to Karris White Oak.

White Oak, Tavos:
  One of the seven White Oak brothers, brother to Karris White Oak.

White, the:
  The head of the Spectrum. She is a blue/green bichrome, but currently abstains from any drafting in order to prolong her life. Her name is Orea Pullawr, though it is rarely used. She was married to Ulbear Rathcore before his death.

  A green drafter, and a Blackguard.

  A mountain Parian, and a Blackguard scrub.

Wit, Rondar:
  A blue drafter who becomes a color wight.

Young Bull:
  A blue drafter who fought with Zee Oakenshield.

  A gangly Blackguard scrub, blue drafter.

  Quartermaster of the Omnichrome’s army.

  A Blackguard scrub.

  A young drafter and member of the Omnichrome’s army.


  A Parian city.

  A Tyrean term, akin to village mayor or chief.

Am, Children of:
  Archaic term for the people of the Seven Satrapies.

  God of wrath, associated with sub-red. See Appendix, “On the Old Gods.”

  A country beyond the Seven Satrapies and the Everdark Gates. Its skilled sailors occasionally shoot the Everdark Gates to enter the Cerulean Sea.

  A concept encompassing genius, purpose, and excellence.

  The capital city of Paria.

  A narrow, slightly forward-curving sword with a single edge for most of its length.

Atan’s Teeth:
  Mountains to the east of Tyrea.

  The widest tree in the world, believed extinct after the False Prism’s War. Its sap has properties like concentrated red luxin, which, when allowed to drain slowly, can keep a flame lit for hundreds of years if the tree is large enough. The wood itself is ivory white, and when the trees are immature, a small amount can keep a home warm for months.

  God of lust, associated with green. See Appendix, “On the Old Gods.”

Aved Barayah:
  A legendary ship. Its name means
The Fire Breather

  Usually made of chain mail, it is attached to the helmet and drapes over the neck, shoulders, and upper chest.

  A coastal city in Paria; the Nuqaba lives there.

  The primary work of the Prism. When the Prism drafts at the top of the Chromeria, he alone can sense all the world’s
imbalances in magic and can draft enough of its opposite (i.e., balancing) color to stop the imbalance from getting any worse and leading to catastrophe. Frequent imbalances occurred throughout the world’s history before Lucidonius came, and the resulting disasters of fire, famine, and sword killed thousands if not millions. Superviolet balances sub-red, blue balances red, and green balances orange. Yellow seems to exist in balance naturally.

  An old Ptarsu term, could be either singular or plural. It may have meant a temple or holy place, though Lucidonius’s Parians believed they were abominations. The Parians acquired the word from the Ptarsu.

  The protruding part of the foremost section of the ship.

  See Chromeria trained.

  God of sloth, associated with yellow. See Appendix, “On the Old Gods.”

  A flattened hook attached to a pistol so it can be tucked securely into a belt.

belt knife:
  A blade small enough to be tucked in a man’s belt, commonly used for eating, rarely for defense.

  A “scorpion,” a dagger with a loop hilt and a narrow, undulating recurved blade. Sometimes made with a claw.

  A drafter who can draft two different colors.

Big Jasper (Island):
  The island on which the city of Big Jasper rests just opposite the Chromeria, and where the embassies of all the satrapies reside.

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