The Blood Legacy (The Divine Elements Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: The Blood Legacy (The Divine Elements Book 1)
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Chapter 34 – Secret Unveiled




An azure bolt of lightning pierced through Elias’s hand with almost no resistance, causing the elderly man to be greatly shocked!


Elias knew exactly how tough his body was, and for a third rank cultivator to   pierce his skin so easily, he gawked at the Azure Lightning in wonder.


Meanwhile, Fatty felt similarly, but he seemed to be a lot more confused than shocked.


“Huh? What is this blue stuff? I thought big brother’s lightning was gold?”

Just as Fatty was curiously wondering, an agonizing groan was emitted from Calron’s mouth.


“Master! What is wrong with big brother?”

Fatty wanted to go near Calron, but each time he tried to, an azure bolt would violently attack him. Unknowingly, Fatty felt an instinctual fear whenever the azure lightning drew close to him.


Ever since he had met Calron, Fatty had the impression that his perception of the whole world seemed to turn completely upside down! Fatty had felt that mysterious aura around Calron from the very first day he gazed upon him, but it was only after seeing Calron reveal his Martial Arts, that Fatty realized the truth about his new big brother.


Watching that berserk azure lightning around Calron, Fatty did not know what to think anymore. Let alone the fact that he had never heard or seen an element like Calron’s, it was obvious that a normal lightning bolt of an elementalist was nothing compared to the aura of the vicious azure lightning crackling around Calron.


“Calm down, Roran. That thing is protecting him, so it shouldn’t be the one causing pain to Calron. Let’s wait for while, and if things get worse, I have a final last resort.”

Elias softly stated in a solemn voice.


Fatty did not know what his Master’s last resort was, but he could guess from his tone that it would not be pleasant.


Elias forced his racing heart to calm down and tried to keep the intense shock he felt from showing on his face.


Agatha was one of the weaker continents in the vast lands. Here, Heavenly stage experts were treated like Gods and exalted beings, while they were only the most common of cultivators in the other continents!


Unlike Fatty, Elias had travelled to other continents besides Agatha and had a lot more experience of the world outside, so how could he not know about the special elements that existed under the heavens!


These were children blessed by the laws of the world, and each one would grow up to become an emperor among humans! Only the most sacred and exalted families gave birth to these children, as the blessing of the heavens was an inheritance of blood, and not luck!


Elias recalled the stories of people with special bloodlines who awakened to a supreme element, and he could not help but tremble in fear as he realized what trouble it will bring to Calron if this was revealed to the outside world.


The other heaven’s blessed children were born in large powerful clans or sects, but what about Calron? He would have none to protect him, and Elias’s own power was pitiful compared to the might of the large clans and sects!


However, in all his travels, Elias had never heard of a special bloodline existing under the lightning element! Even in the Royal Xurian library, only four types of special bloodlines existed!


Elias finally came to understand some of the mysteries surrounding this eight year old boy, as his godly talent in cultivation and Martial Arts did not befit the limitations of the lightning element. This also explained why the boy was always so hesitant to talk about his rapid breakthrough to the third rank!


Knowing that the boy had been bearing this burden on his small shoulders the entire time, Elias felt a deep sorrowness within his heart. After losing everything and everyone he had, the boy had to force himself to keep more secrets without having anyone to share his burden. As his Master, Elias regretted that he was not able to help his disciple sooner.


Giving a sad smile to the pain-stricken boy on the ground, Elias patiently waited with Fatty for Calron to wake up.




Within Calron’s mind, a wave of raging azure bolts crackled around the bridge as it tried to contain the backlash from the Blood Legacy!


After Calron had touched the second seal, a tsunami of source energy attacked his mind and tried to forcefully extinguish his conscious; however, at the exact moment before the collision, the Azure Lightning burst forth and repelled the violent energy!


Calron cursed in agony at his stupid mistake, as he realized that if he had willed his own source energy to approach the seal, things might have gone differently. The seal on the second step had thought Calron was an intruder and maliciously attacked him.


To break the second seal, his Master had stated that one must balance the source energy completely within the body and then slowly peel away the seal, but Calron had foolishly rushed into it without thinking.


If not for the Azure Lightning stepping in at the correct moment, Calron’s mind would probably have disintegrated!


Gazing at the surge of lightning crackling around the bridge, Calron felt intense gratitude for the Azure Lightning. He did not know why it chose him or even what it was, but each time he was in a life-threatening situation, the Azure Lightning would always protect him.


After gathering his will and focusing his thoughts, Calron slowly drew the source energy to his body and circulated it with a perfect balance of power! Within the realm of the Blood Legacy, this control seemed to come easier to Calron than outside.


Calming his breath, Calron then directed his source energy to strike the second seal!


As he barraged the seal with his source energy, Calron felt the symbols on the second step slowly erode away as a glimmer of mist rose from it.


That mist appeared oddly familiar to him, and after Calron scrutinized it in more detail, he was stunned!


It was the same exact crimson mist that exuded from his palms when he attacked Fatty today!


Intently focusing on breaking the seal, Calron once again increased the intensity of his source energy and rushed into the seal.


However, after a while, Calron started to feel tired and mentally drained. Calron’s mind was already exhausted from the seal’s initial onslaught against him, and with the second seal increasing its pressure on him, a trace of despair started to grow within Calron’s heart.


Just as he felt that all hope was lost, a torrent of azure lightning crackled around him and suddenly merged with his source energy!


The lightning appeared to be almost absorbing the source energy, as its body got thicker and thicker by the second. The core of the lightning bolt was still an azure color, but the entire outside was now a thick blood colored lightning.


It was clear that the lightning had not completely merged with the source energy, but even the small amount of their fusion radiated an immense surge of brutal power!


Right then, the new Azure-Crimson Lightning fiercely crashed into the second seal and pierced straight through the symbols!


It was as if the seal had not resisted in the slightest, and willingly surrendered itself to the savage lightning in front of it.


After a moment, the second step faintly emitted an azure glow similar to the rest of the bridge, and after the glow brightly flashed for a brief second, it returned back to normal. The bridge now had two steps under its control as the rest of the steps remained dull and lackluster.


As soon as the seal was broken, Calron felt the second step quiver for a moment and suddenly it released a dense blood colored mist!


The mist slowly floated around the step for a while before finally swarming into Calron’s body.


Calron did not resist in the slightest, as he knew that this was part of the Second Layer of the Blood Arts. As the final wisp of the mist entered Calron’s body, he felt a sense of familiarity with it and slowly he absorbed flashes of information on what the mist truly was!


It was a movement type skill called the Blood Mist Step!


This skill would let the user drift similar to a mist and prevent enemies from grabbing the user’s real body! It was incomparably swift and would leave a trace of the blood mist whenever the user moved from one place to another.


Once mastered, The Blood Mist Step would actually make the physical body of the user explode in a smoke of crimson mist and reform the body within a few seconds!


Although it was not teleportation, its speed was almost comparable to it!


Turning his attention back to the scene in front of him, Calron knew his hands were shaking from anxiety!


Watching the source energy revolve around the Azure Lightning, Calron felt his heart trembling from the pressure it currently emitted. Calron realized that if he called back the lightning into his body right now, it would utterly destroy him!


The current power of the lightning was not something a third rank cultivator like Calron could safely handle. He was just glad that the lightning was his protector and not his enemy.


After seeing the second seal break, Calron should have been elated, but the next scene shocked him even further. It seemed as if his soul would collapse from the constant jolts he felt today, but Calron just reaffirmed his determination to survive this obstacle.


The Azure-Crimson Lightning wildly roared within the source pool as a savage aura suddenly burst from its surroundings! Even the bridge seemed to quiver under its might.


Calron felt his mouth drying up, as he suddenly realized what the lightning was about to do.


With a final explosion of thunder, the Azure-Crimson Lightning thrust directly into the third seal!


Chapter 35 – The Supreme Entities



A burst of crimson light flashed throughout the source pool.


The roar of thunder echoed in the background, as the Azure-Crimson Lightning continued to drill into the third seal.


Unknown to Calron, the second seal had long ago started breaking apart, which was evident in the traces of the blood mist that appeared when he was sparring Fatty.


While only in the first layer and being able to bring forth the crimson mist of the second layer, only the Blood Legacy itself could bypass its own rules. This was the reason why Elias was previously shocked seeing the crimson mist, as that meant that the Blood Legacy was helping Calron of its own will!


However, the third seal was completely opposite, as the Blood Legacy did not yet deem it worthy of Calron for the time being. The third seal’s symbols were a lot more intricate and complex in design, and considering the difficulty the Azure-Crimson Lightning seemed to be having, it was clear that the third seal would not break so easily.


Calron was utterly lost on what to do at that moment. The Azure Lightning had never listened to him, and did things out of its own accord. He wanted to leave his conscious and return back outside, but he discovered that no matter how hard he tried, he could not leave the vicinity of the source pool.


Resigned to his fate, Calron just watched the battle between his lightning and the third seal. He could instinctively sense that the Azure Lightning was getting impatient.




Suddenly, a flood of source energy from the pool was sucked into the Azure-Crimson Lightning at a rapid pace!


The lighting grew even thicker and all of a sudden, it took on an illusory form of a gigantic snake beast! This electric snake was very different from the one Calron saw during the dark bow’s mutation, the main being that, this snake had thick blood-red lightning crackling around it!


The electric snake had a pair of long vicious fangs with small lightning bolts sparking near them, and a bloodthirsty aura emanated from its body as it spiraled above the third seal.


The lightning was no longer a mix of azure and crimson, but a complete blood-red color!


However, that was not the only change happening inside the Blood Legacy!

The third seal also started to briskly absorb the remaining source energy, which was on par with the pace of the red lightning.


The ocean of blood within the pool bubbled at an alarming rate and the waves wildly crashed against the darkness as it tried to put up a resistance against the two entities that were draining its power!


Just as the electric snake reared its fangs in preparation to strike, suddenly, as the third seal was absorbing the source energy, the intricate symbols on it started to intensely glow!


An image started to flicker on the steps of the bridge, as a figure just slightly smaller than the lightning beast coalesced behind the third seal. It was humanoid in shape and appeared to be a giant with bulging muscles!


The giant wore nothing besides a scarlet loincloth and plates of armor on its wrists and ankles. Numerous scars covered its body like a map and its skin glowed with an unnatural ruby glow.


As Calron stared at the muscular giant behind the seal, he had a feeling of familiarity, as if he had seen a similar existence like the giant before.


The long rusty mane of the giant obscured its face, as it crouched in order to prepare a charge against the lightning beast. The giant’s muscles coiled like a thick rope as they bulged almost abnormally.


Calron kept scrutinizing the giant. However, despite his best efforts, he could not recall ever seeing another race besides the beasts or the humans, so he thought it was just his mind playing tricks on him.


Casting aside his doubts, Calron intently watched the scene unfold before him.


This was a battle between two supreme entities and who knows when else Calron would ever get a chance to see a display such as this one again. Besides, by watching this battle, Calron might be able to understand a bit of the lightning element that existed inside of him.




Seeing the giant obstructing its path, the red electric snake let out a shrill screech and expanded until it exceedingly towered over the giant and viciously struck the brute!


A cloud of thunder roared behind the blood-red snake!


A trace of fear flashed across the giant’s eyes, but none could see that expression as its mane completely covered the giant’s face. With no other choice but to confront the reptilian monster, the giant braced himself and crossed his muscular arms in front of his chest, as an intense scarlet glow erupted from its skin!




A cloud of hot steam rose from the giant’s skin, as a profoundly dense aura burst around him!




As the giant fearlessly roared, a suffocating aura rushed out from him and pressed down onto the entire surroundings, including Calron.


As the suffocating pressure pressed upon Calron, he was unable to move a single finger. Forced to the ground, Calron knelt with one knee as he desperately tried to resist the dense aura of the giant.


Drops of sweat formed on Calron’s forehead and they slowly dripped onto the ground, as the pressure only seemed to increase by the second. Just as Calron felt that he would lose his conscious, a gentle stream of energy suddenly entered his body!


The foreign stream of energy slowly entered his core and ignited the liquid essence stored there. With a faint tremble, Calron sensed a flood of essence seeping into his body from the core and restraining the suffocating aura that was pressing down on him.


The azure-golden liquid essence soothingly coated his muscles, as the oppressing aura of the giant was slowly expelled from Calron’s body.




As the red electric snake’s fangs penetrated the giant’s chest, the entire source pool quivered as the blood waves madly crashed into each other. It felt like the start of a massive earthquake!


The giant miserably groaned in agony but remained standing firmly against the electric snake as it menacingly gazed into the slits of the reptile’s eyes!


There was a large burnt scorch mark on the giant’s chest, as traces of blood seeped from the sides. However, the giant remained standing defiantly.


*puff*  *puff*


Panting, and out of breath, it was clear to see that although the giant stopped the first blow of the blood-red snake, it had done so at a colossal price to its own life!


On the verge of its last breath, the giant clenched both his fists until his skin cracked under the pressure, and blood slowly dripped onto the ground.


The hair on the giant’s head parted, as it revealed two bloodshot eyes glaring at the monster in front of it. Even in its dying breath, the giant continued to proudly challenge its fated enemy.


As if almost admiring the courage of the entity in front of it, the red electric snake gathered as much of the source energy as it could summon from the nearby pool, and prepared a final strike against the defeated giant.


Watching this scene, Calron felt his fighting spirit surge within his heart! This was a true battle! He thought he had experienced a battle when he fought against Chax, but compared to what he just witnessed, their fight seemed more like a squabble!


With his heart racing wildly, Calron fixed his gaze upon the two existences in front of him.


After a few seconds, the giant abruptly dropped to the floor, with his knees crashing into the ground. Even while kneeling, the giant continued to fiercely glare at the red snake, without a shred of submission on its face.


With the cloud of thunder echoing throughout the source pool, a series of blood-red lightning surged around the electric snake, as it burst into motion and bolted towards the half-dead giant.


As the two supreme beings collided, a flare of bright scarlet light flashed in the darkness, as the giant silently exploded into small fragments of dust!


The symbols on the third step glowed for a brief moment and gently faded away, revealing a third azure step!


The blood-red electric snake rapidly shrunk down to a single small bolt as a stream of source energy dispersed from it into a faint crimson cloud.


Restored back to its original form, the azure lightning rushed towards Calron and quietly returned to the core inside of him.


However, unknown to Calron, traces of small fragmented dust were also absorbed into his body along with the azure lightning.




Meanwhile, a few hours ago, Elias and Fatty had abruptly dropped to the ground on one knee, as they tightly clutched their chests.


They felt the Blood Legacy violently crashing inside their conscious, and their whole bodies quivered as they felt two powerful energies clashing within the source pool!


“Master! What is happening? My chest really hurts…”

Fatty wheezed as sweat formed on his forehead.


Elias was in a better state, but he still felt the intensities of the two auras clashing within the Blood Legacy.


“Th- That can’t be possible! Why did that thing appear on Calron’s bridge? It’s too early!”

Elias mutely whispered to himself.


How could he not know what that giant was? Elias had the most shocking talent in the Blood Legacy from his family, as he was even the Prime Inheritor before Calron!


That giant only appeared when the Inheritor was ready to break the third seal, but Calron was nowhere near powerful enough to break the third seal, as it required the strength of a Vajra stage expert!


Could it be that this child broke the third seal!?


Just as Elias felt his mind go numb, the auras of the two entities abruptly vanished, and his heartbeat gradually returned back to normal.


Even Fatty to the side softly breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the pressure vanish.


Just at that moment, Calron opened his eyes!




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