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Ella knew no one could be trusted.  She didn’t know who was involved in the human smuggling Coyote stuff.  She knew she had a family she felt needed protection.  Mark hung around the store for some time chatting about town folk and cautiously making a move on Ella.  Ella had shrugged off so many men in her day she was quite the pro at it.

“Mark Brandon I have better things to do than stand around talking to you.  You best hightail it outta here.” Ella said pointing at the door.

Mark looking a little sheepish turned walking to the door and said.  “Okay, Ella, but I’ll be back.”

“I don’t doubt you won’t.”  The door almost hit Mark on the butt as Ella pushed it shut locking it behind Mark.  She watched as Mark drove off making sure it was safe for the family of three to come out of hiding.

Paint went on the walls as if it were being done by a professional painter.

“Juan, you do a damn good job painting. Who taught you to paint?”  Ella asked.

“You see Ms. Ella my dad was a painter.” he taught me.  “He was a very good painter. He painted for all the wealthy people in our village. I have been painting since I was just being enough to hold a paint brush.  I will teach Jose how to paint when he is old enough.  Ella we will have this store painted before tomorrow night you can count on it.”  Juan promised.

As promised Juan had the store painted and looking good by the next evening.  Ella made a few trips to the hardware store for more paint during the course of the two days of painting and cleaning.  The walls were a soft green, the wood floors a dark brown.  Everything looked nice and smelled of fresh paint.

“There is still much to be done.” she told Juan.  “I need to hire a carpenter to build display cabinets and work tables.”

“Ms. Ella my trade in my country is also carpenter and handyman.  I can do all this kind of work.  But I don’t have time to help you. We must go to the farm or the crops will be harvested and there will not be work for us.”  Juan told Ella.

“Juan you have many talents.  Why are you looking for farm labor work?”  Ella asked.

“There isn’t any handyman work in our country and everyone told me we can do farm labor and make good money in the states.  I love doing my handyman work. It is in my bones.” 
































































Ella drove to her 1940’s home that reminded her of a lodge nestled away in the mountains. The driveway was a distance going up to the house but not like the long tree lined drive in Linville. This home had a half circle drive. The garage was divided from the house with a breezeway. She purchased the home from Mark Brandon when she moved to Coopersville. Ella shook her head as she stepped from the car. What have I got myself into? There’s so much work to be done here. When will I ever have the time to get this place in order? I can live on the bottom floor and refurbish the second floor later. I’m going to be so busy getting the flower shop started I will just live with it the way it is. As long as I have a stove to cook on, a bed for my tired body, a television and a good bathtub to soak my tired body, I will make it. She thought to herself.

Ella made her way into the house, flopped on the sofa, kicked her size ten shoes off, put her feet up on the hassock and laid back closing her eyes for a moment escaping the world.

Hours later Ella woke with her mind was still traveling like the speed of light. Her solution was right before her eyes. Juan would work getting the store ready and then he could help to restore this old lodge home. How could she keep them hidden was a question. Would she be able to get them a green card making them legal to live and work in the states? Would they even consider it? They could live on the second floor. Ella’s mind was racing with grander thoughts.

Oh my, I’m crazy to think people would help me out. They have plans for their lives. They won’t change their plans and work for me.

Ella pulled her hair on top her head, stripped the paint stained jeans from her slim body, as she unbuttoned her shirt she turned her head side to side looking in the mirror at the years that had silently crept upon her. She twisted around to look over her shoulder and though not so bad for a woman in her late thirties. She shrugged her shoulders turned, walked over to the bear claw tub and dipped her big toe into the hot water. The water was hot. It would feel good to her tired body. The fragrance of the soap filled the room as she lathered her body. She rinsed off wrapping her body in a clean sheet towel making her way to her bed wishing she had a man to caress her body. The fresh clean sheets felt good against Ella’s body but didn’t take the place of a man.

Oh my, Juan and Maria need a place to clean up and the baby I’m sure needs to be bathed. Some angel I am not even thinking about their hygiene needs. First things first. I need to talk to them about… Her head was spinning.

Ella made a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon. She put it in a covered casserole dish, wrapped it in towels to keep it warm. She unplugged the toaster and put it under her arm as she grabbed the casserole dish, a loaf of bread and headed out the door with the toaster cord dangling. She remembered they must like coffee and ran back inside the house for the coffee percolator and a can of Folgers coffee. She almost stumbled over her feet as she jumped into the car. She needed to get breakfast to her new friends.

As she drove she thought what am I doing. Will I be in trouble for helping three young people with a start in a new country? No matter what, I have to give them the option. They may not want to accept my offer. If they do, I will have lots of work for them to do. I will for once in a long time have a family. Someone to share holidays. Maybe little Jose would call me Granny. No, that’s silly and I’m too young to be a Granny. Maybe Aunt Ella would sound good. Ella’s mind was racing, racing crazy.

Juan saw Ella walk up to the store front with her arms weighted down. He opened the door and ran to her aid.

“Ms. Ella you have your arms full. Let me help you.” Juan tried to take the bags from Ella’s arms.

“Grab the coffee percolator I have everything else under control.” Just then the coffee can dropped to the floor.

“Well, I thought I had everything under control.” She laughed as the can rolled across the floor.

Only a few grounds of coffee spilled from the Folgers can. Maria ran for the broom but Ella told her not to worry the grounds could be swept up later.

“We need to put on a pot of coffee and make some toast.” Ella said.

Maria seemed puzzled, Ella soon realized Maria had never seen a percolator.

“I’ll make the coffee” Ella said. “And Juan you plug in the toaster. Maria you can set the table with our fine china.”

Maria looked puzzled. “What fine china?” Maria asked.

Ella gave a hearty laugh and said, “The paper plates and plastic forks. We must use the floor for our table.” She reminded them.

Ella served the food and as everyone was enjoying their breakfast she asked, “Where is Jose, his usually up by now?”

“He’s sleeping he ran a fever last night and was crying most of the night.” Maria said.

“Is he okay?” Ella questioned.

“I think his cutting teeth.” Maria told Ella without much concern.

They finished with breakfast and Ella told them she wanted to talk with them.

“Yes, Ella what do you want to tell us? We will be out of your way soon. I hope we have not run out our welcome.”

“Oh no, Juan, that’s not it at all.” she assured him.

Little Jose began to cry.

“His cry is so faint are you sure he is okay?” Ella said as she ran to the makeshift bassinet. Juan had made for Jose.

Jose was barely breathing. Ella grabbed Jose and ran toward the front door.

“Get my purse, here Maria take Jose we must get to the hospital. Your baby is very ill.” Ella told them.

“We can not take him to the hospital we do not have any money.” Juan told Ella.

“That doesn’t matter. We are going to the hospital.” Ella said as she ran toward the car.

Ella found her keys, locked the door and by this time Juan, Maria and Jose were in the Ford wagon. Ella drove as fast as possible trying not to put them in danger. She stopped abruptly at the emergency room entrance, ran into the hospital, told the first person she saw there was a baby barely breathing. As Maria rushed through the hospital door personnel took Jose from her arms.

“Stat!” the nurse yelled taking Jose to a curtained off area.

Ella, Juan and Maria sat for what seemed to be a long time before the doctor came out with the dreaded news.

“I’m Dr. Burnett, your baby has a heart condition and will need surgery. His heart is not pumping blood as it should…” The doctor continued to explain Jose’s condition and the much needed procedure.

Juan and Maria looked puzzled at what to do.

“We do not have money for the operation.” Juan told the doctor.

“You’ll need to see financial services.” Dr. Burnett said as he pointed to a lady setting behind a big desk. After asking many questions the social worker explained there will be financial aid for the surgery.

Ella knew she must help these people God placed at her door. Dr. Burnett performed the surgery the next morning.
Jose came though the surgery like a trooper. Within a few days he was back to nursing his bottle and the pediatric nurses had him on soft baby foods. The hospital personnel thought Jose was a beautiful baby with his fair skin, dark eyes and dark hair.

They were told because of the extensive heart surgery Jose would be spending many weeks in the hospital. His little heart must properly mend so he must have constant care. His immune system is down because of the heart not functioning properly since his birth. His hospital stay could be weeks or months.

After being at the hospital for twelve hours they were all spent. Ella started driving toward the store and Ella thought, I should take them to my home. They are tired, hungry and definitely need a bath.

“I’m going to take you to my home. We have a lot to talk about.” Ella told them.

“Ms. Ella we don’t know what to do. We can’t go to the farm and leave Jose here. Again we are at your mercy.” Juan told her.

“Nonsense Juan, I’m actually at your mercy. Let’s go to my house and discuss all we are up against and figure out some solutions.”

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