The Bond That Saves Us (12 page)

Read The Bond That Saves Us Online

Authors: Christine D'Abo

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: The Bond That Saves Us
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“Sean, whatever it is can wait for the morning.”

“We only have a few more days to get her ready and have a test run before the race.

I want to make sure everything has been addressed. You guys go get your drink and I’ll join you later. Shouldn’t take me long to check this out.”

Before she could protest further, he got up and left. A wave of frustration rolled 60


through her, leaving her shaking in its wake. Why the hell was he suddenly being so stubborn about going for a fucking drink? He’d had one before—with her even.

It was then she clued in—Fallon, the bartender, was a friend of his. She’d since learned she was also the wife of Taber, the Briel security chief she’d met on her first day. Taber was also a good friend to Sean.

The man was running away. She recognized the signs, remembering them clearly when her dad had done much the same after her mother’s death. He’d wanted to get as far away from everything that reminded him of his wife, trying to dull the pain of loss.

But why was Sean doing this now, so long after the Ecada attack? It just didn’t make sense.

Amy decided it was time for things to start changing.

Pushing herself up from the comfort of the chair, she made her way into the corridor and down toward the engineering bay. She’d almost gotten there when Gaz and Ryan came out, grinning like fools.

“Hey, there she is,” Gaz said and winked. “Ready to buy us a round of Afterburners, ‘cause I’m ready to drink them.”

“Here.” She handed over her credit stick. “Just don’t break the bank, okay?”

Gaz frowned. “Not coming? I figured you and Sean would want to kick a few back too.”

She was going to kick something of Sean’s. “Yeah, we do. We will. Need to deal with a few little things first and then we’ll be right there.”

Gaz didn’t move at first, looking at her hard. Amy braced her hands on her hips and glared back. This was an old game and she’d proved long ago she was far better at it than Gaz. After a moment, and a long pathetic sigh, Gaz slipped his arm around Ryan’s back.

“Well, gorgeous, looks like it’s just the two of us. Can I buy you a drink?”

Ryan blushed immediately. “I’ll kick your ass if you keep your arm there.”

Gaz laughed but moved away. “Oh, I’ll have to break you of that fear.”

Ryan snorted. “What fear?”

“Public displays of affection.”

Ryan turned to Amy, eyes wide. “How do you keep from wanting to kill him all the time?”

“Oh I don’t. I’ve just learned to resist the urge. Figured the jail time wasn’t worth it.”

She watched the two men leave, their easy banter leading their way. At least someone was enjoying themselves.
And now for the fun part.
She stepped into the side control room to find Sean with his head tucked into a panel. It was a funny habit they’d seemed to both develop over the past few days, a way of hiding from each other. She could tell he was aware of her presence by the way he tensed. He didn’t move or acknowledge her though, which gave her an opportunity to study him. Study his back 61

and ass at the very least. It was a muscular back…and a very fine ass.

He’d taken to wearing t-shirts while they worked rather than the longer-sleeved mining shirts she saw him in at first. Coupled with the tight black pilot pants Gaz had given him, and Sean had turned into Amy’s walking, breathing wet dream. For the most part she was able to ignore the flush of arousal that threatened to well up in her every time she looked at him. But sometimes when they were alone like this, she couldn’t help it.

“I can smell you, you know.” His voice relayed the amusement she couldn’t see on his hidden face.

“I promise to shower. You find what you were looking for or are you going to hide in here a bit longer?”

That got his attention. Sean pushed out of the panel and glared at her over his shoulder. “I’m not hiding.”

“Bullshit. We were going to head to your friend’s bar and you wussed out. If you’re going to do it, at least be honest about why.”

Sean turned and walked over to her. He crowded her, his face only a few inches away. Amy shivered, but kept her gaze locked on his. She’d grown to enjoy these little games of power play. He pushed her like no one else—she liked it.

“I’m always honest.” The softness of his tone undercut the hard set of his jaw. “At least when it comes to you. There was an odd reading and I didn’t want us getting caught unaware at a bad opportunity. Too much is at stake.”

He wrapped his fingers around her wrist, his thumb resting on her pulse point. She had to fight to keep her breathing even, hoping he couldn’t feel the leap of her heartbeat. They hadn’t been close like this since Sean had walked away from her days earlier. A part of her was scared he would do the same thing, leaving her standing shaken and confused—horny.

Another part of her was scared he wouldn’t.

“What do you want?” she asked, ignoring the tremble in her voice. “I want to help you the way you’re helping me, but I can’t if you won’t talk to me.”

Sean’s gaze dropped so he now stared at the hollow of her throat. She swallowed, and she watched as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip. The wave of lust tore through her at the sight of the delicate pink tip. She remembered what he could do with his tongue, the reactions he pulled from her body. Her clit pulsed and her pussy grew wet with desire. Gods, if she didn’t come soon she’d go mad.

Closing her eyes, she tried to relax. “No, please. I need you to talk to me first. Before we…” She couldn’t bring herself to say
, even if that’s what she wanted.

He stepped closer, pressing her back into the wall. Still, despite their intimate touch, he kept his face away, his lips and tongue free from her skin.

“What if I don’t want to talk?” he whispered. “What if I want to strip you free of that fucking skintight shirt and lick every inch of you? Isn’t that much better than 62


talking? I know you want me to fuck you long and hard. I could take you here against the wall.”

Gods, yes.
“No, Sean.”
Idiot, say yes!
“The more time I spend with you, the more I realize how much you’re hurting. You’ll still be hurting even if we’re fucking. It bothers me.”

“It shouldn’t. There’s no reason why you should let my issues come between what could be absolutely mind-blowing sex. I understand you and your pheromones now. I get how I can control my actions so I can walk away if I need to.”

“That’s important to you, isn’t it?”

He looked up again, shocked. “What?”

Amy’s stomach clenched at the flash of pain on his face. Without thinking, she reached up and caressed the side of his cheek. “You need your freedom, the choice to walk away at a moment’s notice.”

“I…” He sighed and let his gaze slip to the wall behind her. “There are things in my past…I’d rather forget.”

“The Ecada?”

He stiffened. “Among other things.”

She understood those desires and could only imagine how much. Also knew forgetting wasn’t the answer. “You can’t run away from the past. I know. I’ve tried.”

They stood there, locked together in a torrent of emotions—want, desire, fear. She knew Sean wasn’t going to let her in—not then. Somehow she doubted he would let anyone in to help unless they pounded long and loud at his emotional barriers. If he wasn’t willing to let his friends help, what the hell did she think she’d be able to accomplish? Unless she went about it completely different way.

Amy moved her hand, running the pad of her thumb over his bottom lip. It was still moist from where he’d licked it earlier. The palm of her hand caught on the stubble of his chin, giving her a delicious friction against her skin. His chest expanded out as he breathed in deep, pressing against her breasts. She shivered which drew a slight smile from him.

“Why do I get the feeling you just came to a decision?” His breath ghosted over her face as he spoke.

She knew she was smiling herself, knew he understood what the sudden rush of pheromones through her would mean. Instead of words, Amy leaned forward, closed the small distance between them and pressed her lips gently against his.

As kisses went, it was completely chaste. The soft, exploring brush of skin against skin held more passion than their first kiss in the corridor. Amy gently sucked his bottom lip into her mouth, running her tongue along it, tasting the salt from her thumb.

Sean groaned, tightening his grip on her wrist. His erection now pressed hard into her stomach, leaving her with no doubt as to what he wanted.

“My cabin is close. Has a bed.”


“I remember. Looked comfortable.”

“It is.”

“Show me.”



Chapter Seven

Sean’s heart pounded in his chest until he thought it would explode. Amy’s moans got trapped in his mouth as they stumbled to her quarters, bumping into a wall and knocking over several racks of tools and parts as they moved. He didn’t care. His mind was completely fixated on only one thing—stripping Amy bare and fucking her until she screamed.

There would be no holding back this time. No stopping himself short of the prize he wanted. Unlike their first time, he knew she was ready. Could tell by the clutch of her fingers in his hair and the steady cant of her hips against him.

Amy slapped at the wall in the vicinity of the door release controls when they finally reached her quarters. The air inside was warm, filled with the scent of her. His cock twitched in his pants, pulsing hard against the confines of his clothing. He was harder than he’d ever been in his life, needing this release, needing it to be with Amy.

“Bed’s here,” she muttered against his jaw, licking the skin as she spoke. “Sorry for the mess.”

“Don’t care.” He sucked her earlobe into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue.

“Want you.”

, for the first time in a long time he really did want her. All of her—and not just for sex. Before those thoughts grew too big, he squashed them and instead focused on the feel of the ridge of her ear under his tongue.

Her hands moved, fingers slipping under the edge of his shirt to dig into his stomach. Blunt nails scraped into his skin, making him moan loudly. His hips thrust forward against her, broadcasting exactly what he wanted to happen. Blood raced to his cock, swelling it to an almost painful state. The scent of her desire rolled off her—he could practically taste her wet cunt, feel her juices cover his face as he licked her. He needed to do that soon—now.

Sean couldn’t stop touching her. His hands buried deep in the soft black curls of her hair. Her scent drove him to the edge of his control over his actions. The feel of her willing body writhing against him pushed him over. He stumbled backward until the frame of the bed banged against the backs of his knees. Without looking he fell on it, pulling Amy as he went. The startled gasp from her lips gave him an opening and he bent down to plunder her mouth with his.

He could do this, let go and relax into her body, knowing for the first time in years he was safe from the insanity of the outside world. For once he wanted to live without guilt—he wouldn’t worry about being the perfect man his parents had wanted. He could push away the burden of the Ecada deaths for a few moments and simply exist.

Amy could take him there. He knew her now and understood that she would never do 65

anything to hurt him.

“Fuck, Amy.”

She rolled them over on the bed so he now lay beneath her. Her brown eyes looked near black, the pupils blown wide with lust. Two hard nipples poked out at him from behind her shirt. Straddling his hips, she said nothing as she reached down and pulled her shirt off, tossing it to the corner.

There wasn’t a more beautiful sight in the world than Amy flushed and aroused above him, half naked. He reached up as she leaned forward, cupping her breasts with his hands. She moaned and pressed her body even harder into his touch. Heat from her pussy warmed his cock through the material of their pants. He wanted to feel her naked flesh slide across his.

“Perfect. We fit together just the way two people should.” He kept his voice soft, not wanting to break the spell they were both under.

“I bet something else fits too,” she said coyly, a sweet smile on her face.

She reached down and released the opening of his pants, freeing his cock. The coolness of the air across his hot skin made him hiss. When she curled her hand around his shaft, he groaned—the pressure too much and not enough. Sean reached out and squeezed his fingers around hers, forcing more pressure and encouraging the tempo.

When he pulled away he left her in control, her strokes firm and confident. It drove him closer to the edge of orgasm far faster than he wanted to admit. Only a few minutes later he was forced to pull her hand away.

He shook his head. “Not yet. Not while you’re wearing too many clothes. Strip for me.”

Amy didn’t move right away. Instead she stared at him, blinking several times. He wasn’t sure if he was asking too much, going against some Shay taboo without realizing. A second before he told her it didn’t matter, she slipped from his body to stand beside the bed.

She popped the top button that held her pants closed by slowly sliding her thumb beneath the flap of fabric and flicking it up. Button by button, with precision and care she released the material from its prison until the weight of the pants was too much and gravity took over. They slipped easily over her hips, falling to the floor with a soft
to pool at her feet. Toeing her shoes off and kicking the pants free, she stood clad only in her black panties. Every inch of her dark skin was open to his visual inspection.

Every inch exactly as he remembered.

“I think you’re the overdressed one now.” Her voice had taken on a low, sultry quality.

Sean palmed his cock, pressing it hard against his stomach. “Can’t have that, can we?”

Lifting his hips off the bed, he shoved his pants and briefs over his hips and down his legs. Amy moved and pulled his boots off before freeing the rest of his clothing from his body. With only the bit of her panties separating them, Amy climbed back on the 66



She crawled slowly up the length of his body, her gaze locked on to his, never once wavering. His nipples tightened when she ran her tongue around the circumference of his bellybutton—his cock twitched from lack of attention.

“Tease,” he whispered.

“I didn’t hear you complaining earlier.”

“I’m complaining now.”

“What about if I do this?”

Shifting quickly, she swiped her tongue across the head of his cock, once, twice, before sucking the head into her mouth. Sean moaned, one hand flying to the back of her head, the other twisting the sheets in its grip.

“If you do too much more, I won’t be able to stop myself from coming down that pretty throat of yours,” he said, teeth gritted.

“No, I don’t think I’d like that at all.”

With one final lick up the length of his shaft, she moved her body up and straddled his stomach. When she’d finally stopped moving, he slid his hands over her thighs to come to rest on her hips. He fingered the lacy band of her panties, pulling the material out just enough to let it snap back to her skin. Amy giggled and ground her pussy down on him.

“These seem so out of place on you. You’re all nerve and drive. Don’t seem the type to wear such delicate garments.”

Amy grinned, leaning over him so her breasts swung preciously close to his face.

“I may be a cargo pilot, but last time I checked I’m still a woman. I like nice things.”

“I do too. As much as I like these,” he said, cocking an eyebrow at her, “I think they have to go now.”

Hooking his thumbs, he pushed the fabric down until it caught on the tops of her thighs, unable to go farther. Amy lifted up so she rested on her knees, allowing Sean room to pull them down. Once they got to her knees, she shook them the rest of the way off her legs. With his hands now granted full access to every inch of her skin, Sean ran his hands from the curve of her ass up her back to wrap around her shoulders.

“Much better.”

Amy’s lids fell shut as she ground her pussy against his stomach. Her swollen clit was wet on his skin. “Please, Sean.”

Hands back to her hips, he lifted her up and shifted her body so her pussy could grind against his cock. They both moaned and Sean felt his balls rise up at the erotic mix of sounds. Fuck, he really
going to last long. He pushed his fingers into Amy’s mouth for her to suck. With no hesitation, she latched on, licking and teasing his digits with her tongue until warm saliva trailed onto his palm.

Using the moisture, he reached between her legs and pushed those fingers into her 67

pussy. Amy’s moan took on an animistic quality as she thrust her body down on his hand. She was so wet, ready for him to push inside. He pulled his hand free, ignoring her wordless protest, to coat his shaft with their combined wetness.

He shifted her hips once more and pressed her down with his hands. In one sure, smooth stroke he filled her to the hilt. They both froze, breathing rapid and loud in the room.

“Please, Sean. I need…I just—”

“What? Tell me.”

“I need to move. Can I move, please?”


She didn’t lift her body up, but rather swiveled her hips, grinding down even harder onto him. Sean couldn’t breathe for a moment, the intensity of the contact almost too much. The scent of citrus filled the air, making Sean drunk from the headiness. It was heaven and hell, passion and obsession all rolled into one. Another downward grind of her hips and Sean was ready to beg for more.

He didn’t have to wait. Amy lifted up until his cock nearly slipped free of her body, only to slam back down on him. He gasped, but had no time to recover. Again, she repeated the motion, slow and steady. Her pussy clamped down around his shaft with each downstroke, squeezing him tight. The pressure of her slick passage was amazing.

Sitting up, he wrapped his arms around her waist to flip her around. With Amy now on her back, he could take charge and control the pace of their fucking. Grabbing her feet, he placed her legs on his shoulders to increase the angle of his penetration. One firm thrust in and Amy’s eyes popped wide, her gasp morphing into a moan. Yes, that’s what he wanted.

Setting a punishing pace, his thrusts were strong, fast and unrelenting. Her hands clawed at his arms and shoulders, trying to find a hold. Sean leaned forward to capture her mouth in a kiss, wanting to taste her as much as possible. Amy grabbed hold of his head and held him there, driving her tongue in to lick at his lips and teeth. He knew she was in the same mad place he was.

There was nothing gentle or loving in their contact. It was desperate and needy, something Sean hadn’t realized he’d felt. Only when his body screamed for air did he pull up from the kiss to look at her flushed and sweaty face. She was the most gorgeous thing he’d ever seen. Her nipples were beaded, begging to be sucked. He locked his mouth around one as he let her legs fall to the bed. With his hands now free, he pushed his hand between her legs to press his thumb against her clit. Amy screwed her eyes shut and arched her back, thrusting her breast even farther into his mouth. Her whole body shook and he knew she was close.

“Yes, that’s it,” he whispered against her moist skin. “Come on, baby. Just a bit more.”

Amy sucked in a breath, tensed and screamed. Her pussy clamped down hard on his cock. Sean tried to ignore the surge of intense pleasure the pressure gave him and 68


concentrated on fucking her hard through her release. It wasn’t until Amy was gasping and thrashing beneath him that he finally gave in to his bliss. Body tense, he managed three more unbalanced thrusts into her and came hard. The warmth of his cum mixed with hers covered them both, giving him a primal sense of satisfaction. She was his.

All strength tapped, he collapsed down, only catching the full measure of his weight at the last second on his elbows and knees. Panting into her shoulder, Sean placed a soft kiss to the side of her neck.

“Wow,” she muttered.

“Yeah. You okay?” He kissed her beating pulse. “I didn’t hurt you?”

“Not fragile. And no. That was…I have no words.”

“Words bad. Sleep good.”

She giggled as she snuggled in next to his side, only settling once she entwined their legs. Sean wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her half on top of his body as he fumbled with the sheets with his other hand. Half covered and completely sated, Sean felt his body relax for the first time in months. There was nothing else there.

No betrayals, no lies or pity. Just the two of them crowded into a bed far too small for their bodies.

“You need a bigger mattress,” he said and kissed the top of her head.

“Not sure if you had a chance to look around, but there’s not a whole hell of a lot of room here.”

Sean didn’t say anything and tried to ignore the spinning of his mind. One thought kept creeping back up repeatedly over the past few days. He wasn’t ready to voice it and he very much doubted Amy was willing to hear it. Not yet at least.

Amy shifted in his arms, moved to rest her chin on his chest. “Think the
is ready?”

Her dark skin and wide brown eyes were like a beacon to him, calling him home in the night. Tracing a path on her face with his finger, he caressed the smooth curve of her eyebrow, up the ridge of her high cheekbone, down to her jawline.

“I think it’s ready because you are ready. This bucket wouldn’t fail you when you needed her the most. She wouldn’t dare.”

Amy smiled. “I like that about you.”


“You talk about my ship like it’s alive.”

“I’ve seen stranger things in my time, believe me.”

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