Read The Bond That Saves Us Online

Authors: Christine D'Abo

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

The Bond That Saves Us (5 page)

BOOK: The Bond That Saves Us
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Sean kept his gaze averted as he drummed out a tattoo on the table. “I better get in touch with Taber. Those guys won’t hang out there long. Especially if they think…” He shrugged. “I’ll make the call.”

Amy’s stomach turned over, hurt at his rejection burning her from inside out. Still, as much as she wanted him, she wasn’t about to use her biology against any man. Her own people were used to the pull, the allure of the scent. It didn’t guarantee there wouldn’t be problems, but at the least everyone knew the elements in play. Plus, she liked Sean, despite having just met him. And she had no intention of taking advantage.

Trying to keep out of the way, she only half listened as Sean unsuccessfully tried to get in touch with his friend and was forced to leave a message for him. No doubt Sean would be anxious to be rid of her as soon as he could. Amy walked over to the large shelves, which covered most of the wall in the main living area. When she realized what she was looking at, she gasped.


Dozens of books, made from paper, leather and ink. Leaning in, she pressed her nose against one of the spines and breathed deep. Gods, it smelled fantastic. She ran a finger down the delicate leather, thrilled by the feel of it on her skin.

“Have you ever held one?”



Her breath left her body in a short puff. “No. Shit, I’ve only ever seen one once before. I was a kid and my dad wasn’t about to let me anywhere near it.”


She shifted away from the books, giving Sean room to step beside her. He didn’t reach out and pick one right away, instead carefully looking over his massive collection.

When he finally found the one he wanted, a soft half smile crossed his lips. With great care, he reached up to one of the top shelves, and tugged on the top of the volume with his fingertip. It slipped easily from its resting place and fell softly into his open hand.

“This one is a newer one. Only about two hundred years old. Was written by one of the first colonists to arrive in this sector. I think I remember him mentioning the Shay in there. Mostly it discusses the Briel though.”

Wide-eyed she held out her hands, scared to move when he placed it in her palms.

“You’ve actually read it?”

“What’s the point of having books if you don’t read them?”

She looked up and couldn’t help but grin. “I can’t imagine. Can I open it?”

He didn’t hesitate, flipping the cover open to reveal the pages beneath. “It’s actually not as fragile as you’d think. The paper was treated with a special chemical to help preserve the text.”

Sean moved his hand at the same time she did. Their fingers brushed against each other, the contact making her gasp and him freeze. He didn’t move away, which had her heart racing. She couldn’t do this, stop this attraction again. They’d gone too far and her body was now sensitized to his presence, his scent. Without saying anything to him, Sean seemed to understand her problem. His thumb caressed her index finger.

“These…pheromones…do they, is there a detectible scent to them?”

“My dad said Mother smelled like oranges. I don’t know exactly what I smell like to someone else or if I’m the same as Mom, but it would stand to reason.”

He was nodding his head, stepping close to press his nose against the side of her neck once more. “Yes, that’s it. Oranges. I haven’t seen one since I was a kid.”

“Sean, this is a bad idea. I don’t want to be influencing you. I can’t stop this and the inhibitors I take are only so strong.”

“But if I know, if I’m aware of what’s going on, does that mean I’m not in control?”

She didn’t know. How could she possibly give him an answer that wouldn’t be seen as leading him on?

You bitch!

You used me! Ruined my life, took everything I ever loved.

“Amy,” he whispered, “do you want me?”

, this was so wrong. “Yes.”



Chapter Three

Sean was tired of fighting. For years he’d worked to resist alien influences, guilt, rage and fear. He’d fought his parents until he’d left Earth and come to Eurus and he’d fought to work his way up until he was at the very top—administrator of the colony.

Not that he’d gotten the satisfaction or validation he’d craved. He’d gotten better at hiding his private battle with his emotions, better at pushing it below the surface where the others wouldn’t see. But the hate was still there. Hate and self-doubt.

He wasn’t as strong as he’d once thought, back when he was young and cocky in his opinions of how the universe worked. Without realizing, he’d once again given in to an outside influence, letting it dictate his actions. And while Amy wasn’t the Ecada and didn’t even appear to have any way of fighting against her own biology, she was still using him. So why the hell was he leaning in against her, pulling the book from her grasp so he could press his body against hers until there wasn’t a breath between them?

Why would he willingly give himself over to the influence?

Because he was tired of fighting.

the Ecada. As far as he could tell, she was nothing more than a simple cargo pilot who was here to enjoy the race and maybe earn a few extra credits. Maybe it was the pheromones or simply the fact he hadn’t been with a woman in a while, but he wanted her. Wanted to give in to the silent but steady tug against his mind and to do his best to ignore the implications of what all this meant. Wanted to fuck her so hard neither one of them knew their names.

“Sean, please. I don’t think you know what you’re doing. I don’t want you to hate me later for this. Because if you keep doing that I won’t be able to stop myself.”

At least she was honest, which was more than he could say about himself. “Maybe I’ve changed my mind. Don’t want you to stop.”

Impulse took over, driving his actions. He tossed the priceless book on the table beside them without a thought and captured her hand in his. While her bones were small, there was strength to her as she squeezed back. Another step forward and he had her back pressed against the bookshelf, his mouth on her ear.

He opened his eyes wide enough to take in the contrast of her brown skin against her black hair. Large curls caressed his face as he moved his mouth, pressing kisses to her hot flesh.

“Most beautiful woman,” he heard himself mutter.

Amy gasped again and he smelled the subtle increase of citrus. Oranges. Sunshine and warmth, calling out to him from the cold and dark of space. A beacon to him that there was a safe refuge, even for someone as wounded as he.



“I want you now.”

He didn’t know if it was he or she who’d spoken the words. It no longer mattered.

Reaching down to cup her ass, Sean lifted Amy so she could wrap her legs around his waist and grind her cunt against him. His cock, still hard from before, now strained against the fabric of his pants in an attempt to free itself. The friction from her body and his clothing was heavenly, yet maddening at once. As he carried her over to his couch, she shifted her weight, bearing down on him. They moaned as one, each trying to keep their grip tight on the other.

Amy’s hands roamed over his back and neck, her fingers flexing into his shoulders as he set her down, unwilling to release her hold on him completely. Which was good, because he had no intention of letting her go anywhere for a while. He pulled back just enough to let his gaze rake down the front of her body and tried to imagine what she would look like naked.

With her flat on her back, Sean stretched out beside her, his hands roamed over the flat surface of her stomach. Beneath his touch he could feel the firm muscles of her abdomen under the soft skin. Needing to see, he pushed up the hem of her shirt, exposing her bellybutton and creating a ripple of goose bumps over her flesh. The sight was gorgeous, made his mouth water. He leaned in and pressed his lips to the patch of skin above her navel before letting his tongue dip out and lick a wet trail around it.

Fuck, she tasted as good as she smelled.

Again he repeated the motion, licking her. Amy moaned, low and deep in her throat, her hands pressed to the back of his head, encouraging him.

“Sean, please.”

“Please what?”


“More this?” He licked her again, longer this time, moving south toward the band of her pants.

She gasped and bucked her hips up. It was sweet, alluring, the way she responded to him. But he wanted more, and for the first time in a long while, he was going to take it.

“I don’t think that was right. Maybe you want more of this.”

He slid his hands up her chest and under her shirt to cup her breasts. Her nipples were hard beneath his palms, the soft, puckered skin pressing insistently against him.

When he shifted, capturing each peak between his thumb and forefingers, Amy growled and bucked her hips even harder than before.

“Oh, you like that. God, you’re so sensitive.”

“I need…” She stopped, biting down hard on her bottom lip.

Sean moved his body up so his face was parallel to his hands, his prize directly below. He didn’t wait for her to continue, pushing up her shirt and latching on to her closest nipple with his mouth.



Fuck, she tasted even sweeter here.
He didn’t stop, continuing to press his sensual assault, laving her nipple with his tongue and lips. So lost in the sensations of her soft skin and gentle moans, Sean didn’t realize what she was doing. It wasn’t until his shirt caught on the back of his head that he clued in to her stripping him. Regretfully pulling back, Sean undid the top few buttons, just enough to allow him to wrench the offending article free from his body. Amy hadn’t waited for him and was busy pulling the buttons of his pants free.

“You’re far too dressed,” he said, shocked by the blatant want in his voice.

“Going to do something about it?” She grinned, slipping her hand into his pants to cup his cock.

Her fingers were cold as she wrapped them around his shaft, gently tugging him once. Sean couldn’t keep his eyes open, letting them drift closed as he reveled in the sensations. Fuck, it had been a while since he’d been with someone. His arousal was dangerously high, so close to the end despite them having just started. If he wasn’t careful, Amy might get a rather inappropriate opinion of him.

“Gods,” Amy muttered, squeezing the girth of his cock. “Help me get undressed.

Now. I want to see this.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Not waiting for her to remove her hand, Sean reached forward and pulled her shirt up. It was awkward, given their position, and a flurry of giggles exploded from Amy when he fell forward on her, his balance shot.

“Smooth,” she teased, needing her second hand to get her shirt unstuck.

“Never claimed I was.”

“Just horny?”

“I had no idea how much.”

She stilled beneath him for a moment, her eyes going impossibly wider than before.

“It’s the pheromones.”

Shit, she was fixated on that, and from the sound of her, completely paranoid. “If it makes you feel better, I haven’t been with a woman in seven months. Your…happy scents are merely making it all feel a bit grander. I’d have been horny without them.

Just being with you would do that to me.”

As little as they were, his reassurances seemed to make the difference. Amy leapt on him, locking her lips to his chest, nipping at the skin. He squeezed her head, pulling her closer. The pain felt good, sharp enough to cut through the desire, dragging his mind into a clearer place.

She still had on her pants—not acceptable. With a firm slap on her ass, Sean pushed Amy back on the couch and went to work slipping the tight fabric from her body, along with her boots. With the outer layer of clothing shed, all that remained in place was a dainty pair of black lace panties. Sean shifted back to look down at her, admiring the 28


sight before him.

Her nipples were erect in the cool air. Amy was breathing hard, causing the gentle rise and fall of her chest to shake her large, full breasts. The muscles of her stomach looked even more defined in the light of the room. He smiled as she fidgeted under his gaze, her own eyes sparkling with something he recognized as hunger.

“Take them off,” she whispered, her gaze roaming over his chest. “I want to see what I touched.”

Toeing his boots off, Sean used both hands to widen the opening of his pants so the material clung to his hips. He kept his gaze locked on Amy, taking in every nuance of her reaction, enjoying the openness of her. Teasing, tugging the material lower inch by inch, he finally hooked his thumbs around the band and tugged it down, freeing his cock.

Amy bit down on her bottom lip, but didn’t move. Sean let the material fall to the floor, pooling at his feet. The only sound in the room was the heavy intake of breath.

They watched each other, Sean memorizing the lines and curves of her body. He could only imagine she was doing the same of him. Moving slowly, he leaned over her, shifting so his body covered hers without touching. He could feel heat radiating off her naked skin, could smell her arousal mixed with the citrus-scented pheromones.

“What do you want?” He looked for any sign she wanted this to stop. He was a stranger to her after all.

Instead of reluctance, a look of
was etched across every plane of her skin.

Lifting one long leg, she rubbed the inside of her thigh against his side.

“I’ve had my estro shot. No chance of little Seans if you’re concerned.”

Shit, he hadn’t even considered.
“I’m sure I’m sterile from working as long as I have in the mines. But thanks for letting me know.”

The contact was gentle, but constant, sending a bolt of lust directly to his cock. Amy must have seen the twitch, as she smiled and tugged him forward with her leg.

“Going to stand there and admire the view or get to work?”

“I thought you were shy?”

She chuckled, low and throaty. “I don’t think anyone could accuse me of being shy.

I usually just dive in and take what I want. That’s the Shay in me. The question really is, are you ready to show me what exactly you can do, Mr. Miner?”

Fuck, yes. He was more than ready.

All remaining thoughts fled his mind as he fell on top of her, letting the heat of her body mix with his. She gasped as he latched on to the side of her neck, biting down on her dusky skin like a fruit. Amy bucked her hips up, grinding against him hard, as she turned her head, giving him greater access for his lips to explore.

Without realizing, Sean began to cant his hips against her in a steady rhythm, grinding against her pussy. The thin fabric of her panties was the only barrier between them—at the same time infuriating and tantalizing. It forced him to go slow, ensured he 29

didn’t rush through the seductive dance that was normally a part of the fumbling encounters he’d shared in the past. Amy was different somehow, and he knew they both deserved the pleasure of a slow seduction rather than the frantic mess of a quick fuck.

He kissed a wet trail down her chest, but this time as he passed near her nipple, he avoided contact. Instead, he nipped gently at the side of her breast, licking along the underside until he reached her ribs. Amy stretched impossibly longer, lifting her arms up above her head and twisting her body slightly. That exposed more of her side, which Sean promptly bit into.

“What’s with you and the teeth?” Amy complained with a chuckle.

“You smell good enough to eat. Not my fault.”

“I’m not a meal.”

“Don’t sell yourself short.”

His mouth had now mapped out a path down her body to the fringe of her panties.

He could smell her, the intensity of it driving him insane. It would be so easy to simply yank the thin fabric down—or better yet, tear it free—so he could do what his body was begging him to do. No, he wanted to draw this out, savor the experience. Shifting his hands so they wrapped around the backs of her knees, he pushed her legs up and out as he moved his body lower.

Instead of pressing a heated kiss to her pussy through the material, Sean turned his face and licked at the firm muscle of her inner thigh. Amy’s skin tasted salty, which made his head buzz with awareness. Repeatedly, he licked her leg, down her calf, until he reached the fine bones of her ankle. The arch of her foot was high and he traced the edge of it with his nose. She giggled and tried to pull her foot away, but he held fast.

“Stop it, or I’ll stay here longer.”

“You’re torturing me,” she said and sighed dramatically.

“I’m learning you. Every woman deserves to have her secrets uncovered.” Turning his face so he could capture her gaze, Sean pressed her foot to his mouth and kissed it softly. “You want me to learn your body, don’t you? Learn how to make you scream with pleasure?”

“Fuck,” she muttered and bucked her hips.

Knowing she was being squarely pushed to her limits, Sean softly lowered her leg to the couch and picked up the other. Repeating his actions in reverse, he made his way back up her body. Only this time he had no intention of stopping.

BOOK: The Bond That Saves Us
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