The Boss's Orders: Alpha Male Billionaire Office Romance (8 page)

BOOK: The Boss's Orders: Alpha Male Billionaire Office Romance
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home from my alumni lunch on a cloud. A cottony soft, marshmallow-flavored, William Godrich scented cloud.

I collapse backwards on to my bed and replay the events of yesterday. And this morning. William’s hands, his tongue, his …

It was all worth waiting for.
worth waiting for.

I spend the rest of the weekend swooning around the apartment like a lovesick teenager.

It’s pathetic, really.

And probably misguided.

So we had a evening together. I’m not naive enough to think it means something. I know what men like William Godrich are like.

And even if it did mean something, he’s still my boss. So I should probably be careful.

But none of that makes it any easier to wipe that stupid grin off my face.

Even my roommates notice it. By Sunday night, Vanessa corners me in the kitchen.

“What’s going on? You’re being even more of a space cadet than usual.”

Normally I don’t tell them much — or anything — about my personal life, but I’ve been dying to spill to someone.

“I had a date on Friday.” I still can’t stop smiling.

“Ooh,” Vanessa elbows April. “The Hermit had a date. I can’t believe it. This calls for wine.” She gets up and takes a bottle of white out of the fridge and pours three generous glasses.

The Hermit? Oh God, is that what they call me? I guess I do hide out in my room a lot. I take a sip of my wine.

“Did you sleep with him?” April asks, taking a sip of her wine.

I look down at my glass.

“Oooooh. You did. You saucy minx.”

I blush but laugh.

“So who is he, what’s his name?”

“William. He’s actually my boss.”

You could have heard a pin drop in the room. Both April and Vanessa are looking at me like I’ve completely lost my crackers.

“Are you crazy?” Vanessa screeches. “You don’t sleep with your boss. My friend’s cousin slept with her boss, and then he dumped her and fired her on the same day. Can you imagine?”

April shakes her head. “I know a girl who was sleeping with her boss and she eventually had to quit her job. Once people found out they were sleeping together, they all thought she was getting special treatment. Everyone made her life a living hell and she eventually couldn’t take it anymore. To make things worse, the guy she was screwing didn’t even care. Once she wasn’t working down the hall from him anymore, he didn’t want anything to do with her.”

They’re both staring at me like all of this should be obvious to me and I’m the most naive person on the planet.

I take another sip of my wine, trying to think this through.

“I mean, I know it’s not the best idea…”

“Not the
idea?” They both shriek in unison. “It’s a fucking

Geez. I wasn’t expecting them to jump up and down but I’m kind of stunned by their strong reactions to this.

“What are you going to do if you get fired?” Vanessa asks. She folds her arms. “It took you months to find this job.
. And we were the ones who had to cover for you when you were late on rent.”

Crap. She has a point with that one.

“You don’t have to worry,” I try to assure them. “That’s not going to happen.”

April snorts. “Why? What do you honestly think is going to happen here? You think he’s going to fall in love with you and everything’s just going to magically work out?”

“No!” I might be naive but I’m not that naive. William Godrich doesn’t seem like he has it in him to fall in love with anyone, let alone his twenty-three-year-old secretary.

“Well, how do you think this is going to end?”

I don’t answer them. I realize … I don’t know.

Maybe they’re right. Maybe there is no way for this to end happily for me.

I think about their words all night. When I think about what I have to lose, it suddenly seems like a lot — my job, maybe my apartment. When I think about what I have to gain, it doesn’t seem like much, at least not logically. Some hot sex. With an attractive dominant guy. One who knows how to really pleasure a woman. One who can get me off like no one else I’ve ever been with.

Okay, maybe that’s not so little. But it still pales in comparison to my job and my apartment — both things I actually

I don’t


Then why does the thought of not seeing him again make me feel so fucking gutted?


y Monday morning
I haven’t come to any further decisions. The logical part of my brain knows I should try to cool things down with William. My heart — and my body — aren’t interested.

William is out of the office for most of the day. He strolls in sometime around mid-afternoon, looking as sexy as ever in a navy Armani suit. He walks briskly past my desk and gestures at me to follow him. I grab my notepad and scurry into his office after him.

He closes the door.

“Get on your knees.”

“William, I …”

“I said get on your knees, Claire.”

I do as he commands. Despite all my earlier reservations, I know that in this moment, I can’t resist him.

He’s standing in front of me now and unzipping his pants. When he unleashes his cock, I gasp. It’s already hard, throbbing, and it seems to lunge towards me.

“You want to suck my dick, don’t you Claire?”

I nod and then I’m leaning forward, taking the head into my mouth. I can already taste a few sweet drops of him, and I swirl my tongue around the crown to get more of the heady taste of him.

William braces himself against the desk as I take him deeper into my mouth. I slide my tongue up and down the shaft. I want to consume him. I look up and see his eyes rolling back into his head and it turns me on even more to see the effect that I’m having on him. My pussy is already drenched, thinking about where he might put his big dick next.

I keep sucking him off until he gently moves me head away.

“Any more of that and I’m going to come in your mouth, and I don’t want that today.”

“Oh? What do you want?” I ask innocently.

His eyes blaze and he shoves me back on the desk, into the same position as last time. Legs hanging over the side of the desk. Spread open for him.

He leans in and tongues my clit and I let out a mewl.

“Oh, God.”

“Does that feel good?”

“Oh, God, yes.”

“Yes what?”

“Yes, sir.”

He groans into my pussy and keeps licking, flicking my clit back and forth with his tongue until my legs start to shake.

“Remember what I told you about how I was going to fuck you?”

How could I forget?

“What did I tell you Claire?”

“That I was going to have to beg for it.”

“And are you ready to beg?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Let me hear it.”

“Please, sir.”

“Please what?”

Oh God, he really was going to make me say it. He’s moved his hand up to my pussy now and is circling the edge of my opening with his finger, making me extra aware of how badly I want him to be inside me.

“Please fuck me, sir.”


“Please, William. Fuck my pussy. Fuck me with your big dick. Please.”

“That’s more like it.”

He hoists himself over me and lines himself up at my entrance. His hand is in my hair, tugging my head back so that I’m forced to look him straight in the eyes as he slowly drives his dick into me. My body arches immediately, thrilling at the sudden fullness.

William tugs my hair harder as he slams into me, jerking my head back to an uncomfortable angle. It’s almost too much but not quite — a line that William seems to be an expert in finding. He kisses my exposed throat and that bit of softness sends me spiralling further up.

“Do you like that?” he asks as he slams into me.

“Yes. Yes, sir.”

“Are you going to come for me?”

“Yes, sir.”

He reaches down between us and rubs his thumb over my clit which finally sends me over the edge.

“Oh God.” My body arches against him and I bite down on his shoulder to keep from crying out. The wave of my orgasm makes my pussy clench down around him and the pressure of it sets him off too. William grunts as he buries his cock deep inside me. I feel it twitch once, twice, and then he’s filling me.

William collapses on top of me and buries his face in my hair.

I’m still trying to catch my breath, but I can’t stop myself from reaching up and moving a sweaty lock of hair out of his face. Our eyes meet, and William gives me a slow lazy smile.

“See?” he says. “All you had to do was ask nicely.”

“Yes, sir.”

* * *

ack at my
own desk I try to recover from that quaking orgasm. I’m too distracted to work and I spend a fair bit of time just spinning around in my chair, humming to myself. William comes in and out of his office a few times, and every time he sees me he shakes his head and smiles.

Since I can’t concentrate on work anyway, I log in to my personal email to see what’s new there. I’m surprised and happy to see that I finally have an email from Kelly. I open it excitedly, hoping to see a cheerful update from her. I wonder if she’s found a new job yet? But instead of a chatty email, it’s blunt:

“Can’t put this in email. Can you call me?”

It sounds urgent so I grab my cell phone and dial her.

“Kelly, it’s Claire.”

“Claire. I’m glad you called.”

“What’s going on? Are you okay?”

“Oh, I’m okay. I’m more than okay. I need your help though.”

“Sure, anything.” I wonder if she’s going to ask me for a reference or something.

“We have to talk in person. Can you meet me after work tomorrow? Somewhere far away from Godrich and Associates.”

She spits the name out like it’s poison. Her request takes me aback, but I can’t say I’m surprised that she doesn’t want to come downtown and risk running into any of her old colleagues, after getting surplussed like that.

We end up making plans to meet at a coffee shop in midtown.

“Oh, this is going to be good, Claire. This is going to be really good. We’re really going to do this.”

“Do what?”

“I’ll tell you tomorrow.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, Kelly.” I distractedly smile at William again as he walks by.

“Plans with a friend?” he asks.

I shrug it off. “Sort of.” To be honest, I have no idea what tomorrow will bring.


he coffee shop
Kelly picked isn’t one I’ve ever been to before.

Actually, calling it a coffee shop is probably a bit of a stretch. They do sell coffee, but it seems to be more of a place for sketchy characters to hang out and conduct even sketchier business. I check my phone nervously, wondering if I have the right place. Sure enough, it matches the pin Kelly sent me — Ludo’s Cafe.

I order a coffee and am served a mug of black sludge. I add liberal amounts of cream and sugar to make it palatable. This is a far cry from the usual moccaccinos I get from Aroma.

Thankfully, Kelly arrives soon after I do — but her arrival does nothing to comfort me.

She looks terrible.

I say that in the most concerned-as-a-friend way, mind you. Her hair is greasy and she’s thrown it up into a top knot that looks like it’s been there for a week now. She isn’t wearing make-up and by the smell of it, no deodorant either. She’s wearing sweats and a stained Berkley t-shirt.

To be totally honest, she looks like she fits right in with the rest of the people at this coffee shop. I can see now why she picked it.

Guilt wracks through me. Kelly and I were never exceptionally close — we didn’t really hang out outside of work — but we talked every day at work and got close in the way that colleagues do. We were comrades at Prescott & Bailey. I should have made more of an effort to reach out to her after she was let go.

I get up and give her a huge hug.

“It’s great to see you,” I tell her, which is the truth.

“Yeah, yeah,” she says. She sounds anxious.

We sit down and she orders a coffee. When it arrives, she pulls a small bottle of Jack Daniels out of her purse and pours a generous shot of it into her mug. No one in the coffee shop seems to care.

“Are you okay, Kelly? How’s everything going?”

“Well, to be perfectly honest, it hasn’t been great. Not great at all. But things are finally looking up.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, yeah. That’s why I called you actually. Things are going really well, or at least they will be, but I kinda sorta need your help.”

“Anything.” I mean it. Kelly is usually so bright and funny and capable that seeing her like this is a real blow. “What do you need? A reference?”

She scratches her face. “No, see, me and some of the other ladies from Prescott have been talking. And Bev — you remember Bev, big lady from accounting? Anyway, her husband said we should go to a lawyer.”

“A lawyer? What for?”

“To nail that fucker.”

My heart sinks.

“What are you talking about, Kelly?”

“We found a real good lawyer. He’s got all kinds of billboards around and television commercials, so you know he’s good. Anyway, he thinks we have a really strong case. That Godrich bastard is already known in a lot of circles. Apparently he’s the type that makes extra requests of his staff, if you know what I mean.”

I swallow. Hard. My heart is racing now. I go to take a sip of my coffee but the sight of that sludge makes me stomach roil even further.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You sure?” Kelly’s eyes narrow as she studies my face. Despite the fact that I’m pretty sure this isn’t her first shot of Jack Daniels today, her eyes are still sharp, and I have to look away as my face reddens.

“I’m sure. I don’t think I can help you. I don’t know anything.”

“You could find stuff out though. You’re on the inside.”

“Yeah, but I don’t really know much about what’s going on.”

Kelly’s face drops. “What do you do there?”

Shit. I can’t exactly lie to her — my name is on the company directory, all she has to do is look it up when she gets home.

“I’m his personal secretary.”

“Godrich?” Her face lights up. “This is perfect then. You have complete access to him.”

“It’s not like that,” I backpedal. My mind is flitting to yesterday, when he fucked me on his desk. “I barely see him. I mostly do filing.”

Kelly scratches her face again and looks around the cafe. She takes so long to respond that I almost think she’s forgotten that I’m there. Then she looks back at me, her eyes gleaming.

“No, I’ve got it. This is even better. You can just join our suit. We can say we got fired because we refused to participate. You can tell everyone that he hired you but has been pressuring you to service him.”

I swallow again. This was bad. This was really really bad.

“I don’t know, Kelly. Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Of course I’m sure. Think about it, Claire. This is our ticket. I’ve been reading up on these wrongful dismissal suits. The money we make could set us up for life. You’d never have to worry about money again.”

Never have to worry about money again? I can’t lie — that sounded appealing. But not at William’s expense.

“Come on, Claire. You’d be able to ditch those bitch roommates of yours. Do something you actually want to do… buy a house where you can garden and grow your own tulips. Go back to college and get that art history degree you wanted.”

I silently curse myself for confiding so much in her.

“Kelly, I’m sure it’s not going to be that easy. They’re going to put you on the stand. Under oath. Are you really going to lie to a judge and tell them William pressured you? They’re going to want some kind of proof.”

“That’s why we need you. Your testimony will give it more weight, since you actually work there.”

I shake my head, but Kelly isn’t hearing any more.

“Here.” She hands me a white business card, with burgundy letters emblazoned on it. Kurtz, Marsden and Park. I knew their brand. They had those dodgy late night commercials for people who’d been hit by cars. Suddenly I felt a little better about the validity of their suit.

“Think about it,” Kelly says. Her face is so hopeful that I can’t bring myself to tell her no. I take the card and throw it in my purse.

I give her a hug before I leave.

“Our luck’s going to change, Claire. I can feel it.”

I don’t have the heart to tell her that I feel like mine already has.

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