The Boss's Pet: Their Submissive Switch (6 page)

BOOK: The Boss's Pet: Their Submissive Switch
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“I do realize that some of the ‘instructors’ may be women. they enjoy other women or is it the need to be in control that pushes them to be the Domme?” Sondra sipped her coffee, waiting patiently for an answer.

Nick watched her responses and body language that she tried hard to hide and he could almost read her thoughts. Having other women touch her wasn’t something she accepted easily yet, but that would come in time. Role play wasn’t about women on women but more about the sexual tension, the desire to submit, and restrictions placed on the submissive. Many women he knew, and enjoyed watching, were good at being Dommes.

A vision flashed in Nick’s mind of himself switching places with his submissive and being controlled by a Dom rather than a Domme.
Would he be able to handle that? Could he deal with another man touching him so intimately even though it wouldn’t be meant in a loving way but rather as punishment or torment?
He wasn’t sure how that would go over since that had never happened. Nick always played the dominant role. No wonder Sondra had a hard time with another woman even though men enjoyed watching the woman-on-woman interaction. He’d have to give that more thought.

Nick watched Sondra, her mind mulling over scenarios that might happen in Palm Springs on their next visit. He knew she thought about that. “Omar and Krystal also enjoy taking their pleasures outside at night into the hills on their property. It adds a certain fear factor for those left tied to the posts in the dark.”

Her eyes widened. “Their fun ventures beyond the dungeon walls? Isn’t having a dungeon enough for them?”

Nick laughed. He loved giving her things to think about and this definitely would occupy her thoughts until they arrived at Omar’s! “No, they like to push the limits of those they train. I can only imagine you tied and naked, perhaps even blindfolded and gagged, out in the heat of the night...
you’re alone...never knowing
might be watching you, taunting you.”

“They don’t really

“Oh, but they do, pet. That’s part of their training see how well you’ve learned to trust a Master and follow orders. The submissives never know who will be by to check on them, if at all, or if they’ll be left out there all night, restrained and gagged. I
know that you’ll be the most alluring bait tied out there. I can’t remember if he still has guards around the property or not...or if the guards are granted permission to use the submissives at will.” He carefully watched her reactions. “I’ll have to ask Omar about that.”

“You’re comfortable giving me over to him for training?”

Nick rubbed his growing arousal as he thought about Sondra being tormented by one of the guards and her not knowing who it might be.  Sitting forward in his chair, Nick grabbed his cup, then caught Sondra’s confused gaze. He had to be stern with her on this point. “It will teach you to always trust your Dom...possible pain, never injury. Always remember that.” He watched the fear creep into her eyes. “Let’s hit the shower. I need to see
on your knees, slut.”

Chapter Four


Sondra gripped the armrest as she squinted against the sun coming in the window when the plane bounced along after it landed on a scorching hot runway.

The distant hills caught her attention.

Nick’s words echoed in her mind while the knots in her stomach tightened as she envisioned how dark it must get out there at night. Did Nick honestly intend to allow someone to tie her up and leave her out there for whoever might find her alone and naked?

Strong fingers lightly squeezed her knee and she turned to glance into his blue eyes, searching for answers.

“Don’t stress about this...things will be fine. You’ll make me proud among the Doms. They can’t help but be taken with how you carry yourself and you’ll stand out among the other submissives.”

“I don’t want to stand out, Sir.”

He curled a finger beneath her chin and pulled her closer for a kiss. The heat of his lips and the scent of his cologne stirred her erotic thoughts, churning her insides as she tried not to seep onto her red silk thong. Nick told her Omar always collected the panties his new subs wore during the plane ride to his palace in the hills...that he required the submissives to present the damp panties to him as soon as he summed them once they were in their rooms and unpacked.

Nick sniffed the air and she closed her eyes with a moan.

“Perhaps I should offer you up for bid? Now there’s an idea. We haven’t bid on a submissive in a long time.”

Her eyes flew open.

Nick’s eyes nearly commanded that she accept what he proposed. She hadn’t missed the sternness in his voice either.

He only looked at her for a moment before speaking. “I’ll take that idea up with Master Omar when we arrive.”

Sondra took in a deep breath, as though the air were being sucked from the plane. The brick terminal loomed outside, making her one step closer to Master Omar. She envisioned him as a stern sheik, commanding everything from a weak submissive and in that instant, her mind screamed that she not appear weak. One can be obedient without being weak; slaves might be weak...she was a submissive. There
a difference!

The hatch door opened. People took their turns exiting their rows.

Sondra scooted over, stood and Nick followed her out. The closer she got to the door, the warmer the air became. The August heat penetrated her clothes immediately when she descended the stairway and stepped onto the tarmac.

Nick laced their fingers as they walked and placed a warm kiss on the back of her hand. “This will be a visit you
forget but I want you to thoroughly enjoy the experiences, love.”

“It’s the unknown that scares me. I’ll try not to look at this as punishment.”

Immediate seriousness took over his features. “We could turn it into that if you wish. It wouldn’t take but a few meetings to arrange that.”


He laughed and wrapped his arm around her to walk into the terminal. Getting their luggage didn’t take long and before she knew it, she sat next to Nick in the back seat of the limo Omar had sent to pick them up.

“Stop chewing your lip, pet. You’re making it out to be worse than it will be.”

She turned to glance at Nick. “It won’t be bad for you because you know this man.”

He leaned close to her ear. “Just consider it an honor to hand him your soaked thong...I know it’s soaked, I can smell it.”

“Oh my gawd!” Sondra tugged the hem of her skirt as she squeezed her knees together.

Nick sniffed in her ear. “The driver can smell you, too. I saw him take a whiff when you climb into the car.”

His comment made her stomach flip to think the driver would make it so obvious. He probably got to smell all the submissives when they arrived. The order that she arrive in a skirt with no pantyhose, wearing only the thong that arrived in the mail last week, added to the mystery of their arrival. Her mind reeled with visions of being stripped naked in front of a total stranger.

The limo left the city and headed up into the hills, passing huge estates surrounded by walls to keep out intruders. Once again the orange tiled roofing drew her attention as she admired the palm trees. She did enjoy this area and was glad to be back, despite the fact that she had to meet unfamiliar Doms and Masters under these circumstances.

Finally the limo pulled into a gated driveway further up the mountain away from the other estates. After a winding drive up to the house, the vehicle stopped in front of a beautiful mansion decorated with palm trees. Colorful flowers scented the air as they walked to the front door.

A servant opened the door and Sondra walked in followed by Nick. No sooner had the door been closed when a striking woman with dark eyes met them and called Nick by name. Her blonde hair hung to her waist. She took his face in her hands and kissed him full on the mouth, surprising Sondra.

Nick gave the blonde a hug and held her for a moment as her fingers laced the back of his hair. Jealousy reared its head but Sondra told herself it was nothing. The two were good friends and would naturally greet each other that way.

Then Nick released her to introduce Sondra.

To her surprise, the blonde hugged Sondra as well, making her feel bad that she’d gotten jealous. “I’m Krystal and we’re so happy you’re both here. We’re going to have a great time. I can’t wait to get to know you better.  Let’s get your luggage up to your room. I’ll show you around after your meeting with Omar.”

Sondra’s stomach flipped again, envisioning herself naked, kneeling before a sheik. She wanted to know more but Krystal turned to the servants who headed up the stairs with the bags. The foyer echoed her three inch heels as their hostess walked with them to the stairway. “There’s iced lemon water in your room. Once you’re unpacked, come on back down and we’ll get better acquainted.”

Would that be before or after she met Omar?
Sondra smiled at Krystal and followed the servants to their room.


* * * * *


Once the servants left their luggage, Sondra looked around the room done in pastel peach in different shades on the wall, curtains and bedding. The luxury within their huge open suite surprised Sondra.  Money certainly wasn’t an issue where the decorating was concerned. Marble tiled floors kept the room cool. She ran her hand over the satin spread on the gauze-canopied bed then headed into a bathroom and dressing room as big as their own at home. Thick towels hung on the warmer-rack near the walk-in shower and more were neatly folded on a shelf.

Nick called to her from balcony. “Sondra, come see this view.”

Her heels echoed against the tile on her way out to the balcony that overlooked a large pool and patio from their second story room. She stood next to Nick and wrapped her fingers around the wrought iron railing. The gorgeous, well manicured estate could have been in a popular home magazine. Again, the distant hills and canyons drew Sondra’s attention and she couldn’t help but imagine herself tied and alone out there in the dark.
Their host wouldn’t actually do that, would he?
Biting her lower lip, she shook her head to be rid of the fearful thoughts.

Nick put his arm around her shoulders and his warm fingers caressed her arm. “Relax. We’re here for fun and a good time.”

“I know. It’ll be nice to see a few familiar faces later. It‘s beautiful here...the house, the pool area, the yards and gardens. I’m not sure what Omar and Krystal do, but this type of home doesn’t come cheap.” Nick’s cologne drifted on the warm breeze and she breathed it in, immediately wanting to make love with him on that huge canopy bed.

Turning to gaze into those sexy blue eyes of his that always comforted her, she met Nick’s gaze and for a moment they both just stared at each other. Sondra saw the lust in his eyes and took a deep breath, glad that he wanted her. His lips touched hers for a tender kiss, his tongue slowly moved past her lips to taste her and she leaned into him as his fingers laced into her hair.

She reached up to caress his face and jaw, the slight stubble scratching her hand; she couldn’t resist sucking his lower lip a moment longer. “Welcome to Palm Springs, Master. We could go test that beautiful bed in there.”

Nick turned to look behind him. “We could...Krystal didn’t skimp on the room decor...or on the flowers for my woman.”

Sondra smelled the scent of roses and turned to take a better look at them. On the balcony was a table and chairs to relax in when they chose to but the bouquet of red roses couldn’t be ignored...nor the card with her name on it.

She looked sideways at Nick, smiled and shook her head as she pulled out the envelope from between the flowers. Holding the card open so Nick could read it with her, Sondra’s throat tightened at what she saw there.


Someone will come for you at 4:00

To escort you to our meeting.

I think you have something that belongs to me

...and I will remove them when I arrive.


Master Omar


Nick checked his watch. “It’s 3:30 so you have half an hour.  Remember all you’ve learned. You’ve done well. Keep in mind that you don’t look him in the eye unless instructed. I know he runs these interviews on protocol so listen and follow his instructions. You’ll do fine. He’s not going to have you relax, pet.” Nick kissed her nose. “He’ll be as taken with you as I am and if and when he does tell you to look at him, those emerald eyes of yours will take his breath away! Hide them from him as long as you can; they’re like a weapon against a Dom who’s not had you yet.”

“Nick, I don’t know if I can do this. The last party was hard for me.”

He placed a knuckle beneath her chin, forcing her to look at him. “And you did just fine. I would bet a few of those Doms will be hoping to see you here so they can taste you again.”

Sondra could only envision several leather clad men fighting to get at her and she took a deep breath. This is what she’d experience the lifestyle and now she was here.

Backing out wasn’t an option.

She held her head high, knowing she needed to concentrate on the pleasure she’d be giving these men as she obeyed each of their commands. They couldn’t be successful Doms without a willing submissive.

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