The Bottom Line (21 page)

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Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #Romance

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“But I’m not blonde. I’m not even tall,” she mumbled.

“You’re intelligent and caring. And you have the sexiest curves this side of the Bombay Hills.”

“You have to say that. I’m your friend.”

“Friends don’t lie to each other. They’re the ones who can tell the truth.”

Her face closed up again, and he cursed. Damn. Wrong thing to say. When was he going to get this right? “We could tell the girls we’re seeing each other.”


“Why not?”

“I don’t think our arrangement is anyone’s business except ours.”

Connor nodded, not agreeing, but deciding not to push her right here. But it was obvious he needed to push up his romancing. The last thing he wanted was to lose her to another man.

“Try these on first,” he said, handing her the violet lingerie paused to study earlier.

“I don’t know, Connor. I need hold and lift, otherwise I’m going to sag badly in my old age.”

“Try it on anyway,” he said.

She glanced at the labels, her mouth dropping open for an instant. “How did you know what size I needed? I thought we agreed I’d choose sizes.”

“I did my research before I came.”


His grin brought a flush to her face, and he wanted to follow the blush to see where it ended. “I have powerful skills of observation.”

Maggie moaned out loud. “Do not tell me you scoped out my lingerie drawer.”

“I scoped out your lingerie drawer.”

“I have granny pants in there.”

“Granny pants have their own particular charms.”

“Not if they have a granny in them,” she muttered.

There was a startled moment of silence before he snickered. “Thank God I haven’t thought of that before. Try these on,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”

Grinning widely, Connor backed out of the changing room, shaking his head when he heard the bolt shoot home. He headed for the shop assistant who was standing behind the counter.

“I’d like a selection of panties in different colors and styles. Twelve pairs, please.”

“G-strings as well?”

“Please.” He shot a glance toward the changing rooms. “And a couple of full pairs.” He should have felt out of his comfort zone in this women’s domain. He didn’t, and knew it was Maggie’s influence. He followed the sales assistant around, and she sought his approval of each style and color before she added it to a gift box she’d retrieved from beneath the counter.

“Perfect,” he said. “I’ll check on my girlfriend and we’ll probably add a couple of more sets before I pay.”

“Take your time,” the woman said.

Connor strode to into the changing room. “Maggie, open the door.” He’d suspected she’d refuse to open it. She surprised him, opening it immediately.

“Wow, you look amazing.” The violet lingerie really did things for her. Him too. He slipped into the changing room and let his gaze slide across her breasts and down across her belly. He caught the faint shadow of her sex. Lifting one hand, he stroked the tip of one breast. She gasped, and he watched with satisfaction when her nipple pulled to a tight point. “How does it feel?”

“Surprisingly comfortable.”

“Should we take them?”

“Yes. I was pretty sure I wanted them, so I broke the rules and tried them on without my own panties underneath.”

“Okay.” He cupped her ass and kneaded it, loving her swift intake of breath. He liked keeping her off-balance, so she never knew when to expect a swift swat on the butt. He didn’t mind it when she did something outrageous as an excuse to earn a spanking, but today he had in mind something a bit different. “I’m going to spank you when we get back to your apartment.”

Her eyes rounded. “Why? I haven’t done anything.”

“Do I need a reason?”


“Expect a spanking, then.”

Connor left the changing room with the set of violet lingerie and a grin on his face. For a man who’d hesitated about hitting a woman, he thought he was doing well. He never felt as if he was spanking her in a bad way. If he ever did it in anger, he’d cross a line. This way, the way that Maggie wanted, made for some hot loving. And afterward, when they cuddled or made love, he’d never felt so close to a woman. The crazy thing was, he could imagine a future with her.

He paid for the lingerie, and Maggie joined him.

“Ready for dinner?”

“I thought you’d changed your mind and we were going home.”

“Not yet. Anticipation is a good thing, babe. What you’re going to do is sit, eat your dinner and anticipate the coming night.” He stopped her outside the pub and placed his mouth on hers. A slow set of nibbles and licks that drew a groan from her. Maggie gripped his shoulders, and he took the kiss deeper until a childish giggle reminded him they were in a public place. Even so, he pulled away slowly. “Anticipate,” he reminded her as he opened the door and ushered her inside the English-style pub.


“Did you see that?” Christina asked with a trace of shock in her voice.

“Maggie and Connor… How could she? She denied everything. She stuck up for Julia…”

Together they watched the couple enter the pub, Connor’s hand dropping to rest on Maggie’s butt.

“They’ve been doing this for a while. Look how comfortable they are with touching each other,” Christina said.

“She promised. She lied to us! Now I know why things have been weird between the five of us recently,” Susan snapped, taking three steps toward the pub.

Christina yanked her to a stop. “Not now, when we’re angry. Tomorrow.”

Chapter Seventeen

I have a question for you. What do you think about your bottom? Do you like it or hate it? Or vacillate between the two?

I’m curvy, which means my ass is curvy, as well. Curvy. It’s such a lovely word. I like saying it. I haven’t always liked my body, but being with my lover has helped me come to terms with my shape.

After a good spanking, my ass hurts. It’s not always easy to sit, which means each spanking lasts long after the event. It’s hot. It’s arousing. It’s also disconcerting thinking about spanking and the resulting lovemaking while I’m at work.

Sometimes my lover bruises me—not intentionally, but it happens. He doesn’t spank me every night or each time we make love, because that would be overkill. Spanking would lose some of its attractiveness for both of us.

I like to keep my skin smooth, and my gym sessions help keep my backside firm. Squats. That’s the secret to a taut bum. I hate doing them, but they work.

I use a loofah and my favorite moisturizer from the Body Shop to keep my skin smooth and supple. Sometimes my lover will give me a massage, taking special care with my bottom. There is nothing better than the feel of my lover’s hands stroking my buttocks.

Is it any wonder I feel the urge to let loose and misbehave? A spanking and later a massage, a cuddle. Hot sex. Works for me.


Connor shut the front door of Maggie’s apartment and locked the door. As they moved into her small lounge, he turned to her. “Maggie, go into your bedroom and undress, then come back out here. I’ll wait for you.”

Maggie tried to hide her quick flash of pleasure and suspected she failed. “Aren’t we going to talk about Julia and discuss how much better she looks? How she refuses to talk about the baby or anything that’s related?”

“Nope, this is where anticipation tips over into reality.” Connor winked at her. Her pulse jumped at the flare of desire in his eyes. “Don’t make me wait too long.”

“You’re enjoying this entirely too much.

“I know.” His voice had a smoky quality that had her breathless with excitement. “It’s a surprise to me. I didn’t realize what a turn-on it would be to smack your beautiful ass.”

Her mouth went dry as he prowled toward her. The contrast between the fire in his eyes and his languid, lazy pace had her turning and fleeing to the bedroom. His soft laughter made her heart thud, her fingers tremble when she unfastened the buttons on her fitted shirt.

Somehow, she kicked off her boots and undressed, leaving her clothes in a heap on the floor. With a thumping heart and a fleeting thought for her naked vulnerability, she returned to the lounge and Connor.

“Good girl. Come here.”

“Why do I feel like wagging my tail?” she muttered dryly.

He offered her a cool smile. “Wagging isn’t what I want from you right now.”

Oh, yes. He was getting very good at this. It was as if they’d been together for a long time and reminded her of their agreement. The casual basis of their relationship. “What do you want?”

“Curiosity killed the cat, babe.” He tapped the tip of her nose with one finger. “I want you to lean over the back of the couch and wait for me.”

A surge of excitement thumped her in the gut as she stared after him.

“Clock’s ticking, babe,” he called over his shoulder.

The excitement intensified, and she felt the surge of wetness between her thighs. Gulping, she walked toward her couch. It was the perfect height, she realized. Licking her bottom lip, she leaned over, pressing her breasts against the textured fabric. Her breathing quickened while she waited for Connor’s return. The agonizing wait about killed her. First she thought about the feelings and sensations roaring through her body. Then she thought about the way she’d look to him, her buttocks raised, her legs slightly apart with her lady parts on display. She immediately shifted her stance, primly drawing her legs together.

“Put them back the way they were,” Connor said.

A surge of heat flooded her face. “How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough to appreciate the view.” He walked around the front of the couch so she could see him. He carried her wooden hairbrush in his right hand. Mesmerized, she watched him tap it against his thigh several times. A shudder rocked her body.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Her breasts prickled. She wanted to tell him to hurry, to swat her butt already, but didn’t. The wait held its own sweetness, her imagination, the situation feeling like the best foreplay.

“Do you know how beautiful you look?” Connor circled the couch and studied her from all angles.

He’d removed his leather jacket, his boots and socks, and padded around her in bare feet. His black T-shirt stretched across his chest while his jeans clung to his butt and muscular thighs. Even his bare feet looked sexy. She sucked in an excited breath and waited while he did another circuit. Hunger etched on his face, and she let out a strangled moan.


“Yes?” With another deep breath, she waited, putting herself totally in his power. Maggie didn’t hesitate, because she trusted him implicitly.

“If you want me to stop at any time, say television.”

“Television.” She swallowed. “Okay.”

He ran his hand over her bare bottom, kneading her cheeks. He dipped a finger into her pussy until she squirmed a little. Without warning, he struck her on one cheek. She’d barely processed the jolt of pain when he smacked her again. Another blow followed swiftly afterward until her bottom smarted. Yet she wanted more, arching up and silently seeking another smack.

“Do you like that, Maggie?”

“Yes,” she said with a tiny gasp.

“So you don’t want me to stop and strip?” He cupped his hand over one buttock to feel the heat generated by his smacks.


“Which would you prefer?”

“You’re asking me?”

“Yeah, babe. Multi choice. Do you want me to smack you again or do you want me to stop and strip?”

Maggie laughed, despite her vulnerable position. “Gee, that’s a tricky one.”

“Okay, time’s up.” Connor smoothed his hand over her ass and smacked her again. The jolt of pain smoothed out into a blast of pleasure. She felt the wet lap of his tongue over a hot spot and groaned when his hand slipped between her legs. His finger lightly circled her clit. He guided her feet apart a fraction more, and she felt the slow slide of his tongue down her slit.

She heard the rasp of a zipper, then felt the throbbing hardness of his cock poised at her entrance. With a single thrust, he slid deep, making her gasp. Fully impaled, he held still. He throbbed deep inside her. Connor dropped his hands to cup her breasts and tease her nipples to hard points.

Every part of her body was aware of him. He filled her, surrounded her. Mastered her, and she’d never felt so needed. So loved.

At last he started to move, talking to her in his husky voice the entire time.

“You feel so good wrapped around my cock. Tight. Wet. Your pussy is like hot silk surrounding me and your beautiful ass is still glowing from where I smacked you. God, Maggie. I had no idea how much I’d like doing this with you. No idea.” He punctuated his words with even thrusts. Unhurried. Deep.

The pleasure built while his masculine scent surrounded her. He pressed kisses to her spine, her shoulders, and bared her neck biting down on the fleshy part of her neck where neck and shoulder met. The frissons of excitement came faster. She floated, coasting along and wondering how a body could feel so good.

His hand tangled in her hair, and he pulled until she lifted her head. Once he knew he had her attention, he increased the pace of his strokes, flesh slapping against flesh. His teeth scraped over the pulse at her neck, and she shattered, a series of tiny explosions that seemed to go on for ages.

Connor’s hips jerked and he plunged into her with rapid thrusts that made the couch skitter forward. His fingers branded her flesh as she lay pliant, still awash in the aftershocks.

With a harsh groan, he stilled, his cock twitching. He released her hair and leaned forward, drawing her body against his sweaty chest. His heart thundered against her back, his breathing ragged.

“Maggie,” he whispered.

Even though she kept wishing for words of love, words that would build a future, she couldn’t find disappointment this time. He invested a wealth of silent meaning into her name, making her feel special.

That was enough for now.


The next morning, after arriving to stake out Maggie’s apartment just before seven, Susan and Christina watched Connor leave and drive away.

“Everything has changed,” Susan muttered, staring after Connor’s car. “Things started to change when Maggie started her spanking blog. She’s different. I don’t know her anymore. The old Maggie would never have behaved this way, breaking her promise to us.”

“Let’s go,” Christina said. “We’ll see what Maggie says.”

Susan snorted and climbed out of Christina’s car. “What can she say? We’ve caught her red-handed in a lie.” Memories of her past, her fiancé walking off with her best friend, rose up to taunt her. Although Maggie’s betrayal wasn’t quite on the same level, it made her wonder how far Maggie would go, whether she valued friendship and loyalty at all. Her mouth firmed as she fought to control the fear and anger writhing inside her. She tried to tell herself Maggie was their friend—she shouldn’t judge her so harshly, but hideous memories kept shouting in her ear until she wanted to scream her pain out loud. All she could think of was how much she wanted someone special to love, a family…

They rang Maggie’s doorbell and waited. Almost instantly, her voice floated through the intercom.

“It’s Susan and Christina.”

“Is it Julia? Wait, come on up.” Maggie buzzed them inside and met them at the door in her robe. The scent of her favorite lavender shower gel wafted from her, indicating they’d interrupted her morning routine.

“What’s up? Is something wrong with Julia? Has she taken a turn for the worse? She seemed okay last night when I dropped in to see her. She said they were discharging her today.”

“Julia’s fine,” Christina said.

“Good. Come into the kitchen and we can talk while I make coffee.” She sauntered away before either of them could reply, leaving Christina to close the front door.

“We want to talk to you about something else,” Susan said, her gaze raking Maggie’s face as she went through the motions of making coffee. It was obvious how she’d spent her night. Her mouth looked swollen, her eyes sparkling with life, despite the faint shadows beneath them. She looked beautiful. Happy.

Susan hardened her heart, shoving aside the envy threatening to break through, the wish she could find someone. “We know about you and Connor. We know you’re lovers.”

Maggie paled and swayed before gripping the edge of the kitchen counter to right her balance.

“You broke your promise,” Christina said.

“You lied to us,” Susan said, the past thumping into her like a man wielding a stick. All she could think about was the betrayal, the breaking of promises, the lack of loyalty. Her past bled into the present, and anger hardened her face into a scowl.

“But I—”

“No excuses,” Susan snapped. “We all agreed Connor was out of bounds. You’ve changed, Maggie. I don’t know you anymore.”

“I don’t believe it,” Christina said. “You’d risk our friendship in exchange for a few weeks of him in your bed? You know what Connor’s like. His relationships don’t last. I can’t believe you’d betray us all so you had someone to spank you.”

“This is not about spanking,” Maggie retorted, squaring her shoulders. “It’s not like that.”

“It looks like it to us.” Susan ignored the sheen of tears in Maggie’s eyes because if she looked too hard, the anguish she felt inside would spill out and she’d bawl.

“No, Maggie is right. This isn’t about spanking. It’s about friendship and trust. You made a promise and you broke it,” Christina said. “Now you have to live with the consequences.”

Susan knew Christina had feelings for Connor but had done nothing because of their pact. Susan watched a tear roll down Maggie’s cheek and hardened her heart. Georgina had cried too, said she hadn’t meant to fall in love with Susan’s fiancé and begged forgiveness. Susan swallowed rapidly, the sting of tears and ache in her throat echoing her inner turmoil. Yeah, her luck with men sucked, but she’d thought she’d had a wealth of friends. Just showed what she knew.

“Wait! Let me explain,” Maggie pleaded.

“I’m so angry I can’t talk now,” Christina snapped. “All I can think about is the lies.”

“Come on, Christina,” Susan said. Now wasn’t the time to discuss Maggie and Connor rationally. She wanted time to regain her equilibrium. “We might as well go.” Christina wasn’t the only one who was angry; besides, talking to Maggie wouldn’t achieve a thing. The damage was already done.


You won’t last

The words echoed through Maggie’s head like an audio on a continuous loop during the entire trip to work. Tears leaked from her eyes, and she dabbed at them surreptitiously, ignoring the other commuters on the bus. One hanky became so wet she had to fumble in her purse for another. She came up with a napkin from the pub she and Connor had visited the previous night. That started her off again.

The bus came to a stop, and a teenage girl thrust a packet of travel tissues at her when she exited the bus. “Men are pigs,” she muttered as she stomped down the back steps and walked away.

Embarrassed, Maggie tried to stem her tears. Christina and Susan hadn’t said anything she hadn’t already thought herself. She was nothing like Connor’s usual girlfriends. The fact had always worried her, yet she’d gone ahead and slept with him anyway. They’d had fun, but maybe it was time to end their agreement before she really got hurt. Aw, hell. Who was she trying to kid?

She loved him. Walking away, breaking up with him, would feel like a kick in the guts. But she had to do it. In her heart she knew they didn’t have a future together. He’d already cost her friends, and somehow, she didn’t think Susan and Christina were in a forgiving mood. Once they talked to Julia, she’d lose her last remaining friend.

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