The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set (127 page)

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Authors: MJ Nightingale

Tags: #Romance, #box set, #Anthology, #Fiction

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The reporter went on to talk about how she had been a suspect originally, and how the investigation turned. She did a fantastic job, Andreas thought. She held her head up proudly, not ashamed of her actions and her choices later on.

“Do you have any regrets? At all?” the reporter asked his final question.

She nodded, and he saw the unshed emotion brimming in her eyes. The reporter reached over to grasp her hand, providing her comfort until she could regain her voice.

“I do. One. My sole regret is that I wish I had not become involved with Mr. Marino. When I first approached him to help with the investigation, I did so because I had researched the crimes and I felt it was Andreas who held the key to it all. Not I. My approaching him has brought yet another near tragedy upon his family.” She paused to make sure she got her practiced speech correct. “During the early weeks of the current investigation, I became romantically involved with Mr. Marino. That is over now. Our brief liaison has only brought more danger upon his family and others. If I would have known that Spiro was the one doing these things, that I was actually the object of his . . .” she was struggling for the right word. “The object of his desire, I would have not wanted to put Mr. Marino, my neighbors, the girls whom I employed in harm’s way. Mr. Marino feels the same way. Our relationship ended a few weeks ago.”

The camera panned closer on her, on her face, her grey eyes illuminated by her unshed tears. Andreas ached for her, and clasped the glass of scotch in his hands to the breaking point. Cat was looking directly in the camera. Tears came down her pale cheeks. “Please, stop Spiro. Please, do not hurt anyone else. Our friendship back then was real. You were the only one to help us. You helped so many, gave us the only hope we had that people could be kind in a very cruel situation. Don’t hurt anyone because of me. Anymore. Please.”

The reporter handed her a tissue, and she dabbed her eyes as the camera faded to black.

The reporter then hinted that the next segment would bring forth new information about the Rosedale Romeo from one of the victim’s families, and behind him a picture of Andreas from his days on the force was shown. “Former Detective Andreas Marino was on the investigative team that nearly caught him a decade ago. For that the Marino family paid dearly. Again tragedy struck this family, and the Rosedale Romeo resurfaced once more to wreak havoc on them. Can he now shed new light on Romeo’s recent killing spree? We will see, when Forty-eight hours returns.” The program cut to another commercial.

“She did great,” Gio commented. He looked to Andreas who sat stonily watching the commercials, taking another sip of his drink. He got up to refill it.

Nikko and Blaze chimed in with their thoughts as the commercials aired. They were trying to express their concern for him and in just a few moments he knew they would lose their empathy quickly.

When the program resumed, the reporter talked about the death of their parents, Andreas’ investigation, and the consequences of revealing Sal’s criminal activity upon their family once more. Then there he was, all too soon, on the screen. Andreas, here, in this study. They had filmed this segment only yesterday.

“Mr. Marino. Are you surprised Romeo has resurfaced?”

His cold eyes stared into the camera. “No, not at all. These kinds of criminals always resume their activities until they are caught.” The reporter asked a few more questions about that investigation, ten years ago, what had happened with Sal’s then wife, and infant son.

“They are in protective custody. Only I know their whereabouts, and three others who run the program. His son is better off without him. The cycle of insanity in that family had to end. No good could have come from this monster rearing a child,” he added tersely.

“Mr. Marino,” the reporter glanced down at his notes before he asked the next question. “Your relationship with Miss Stone, she told us ended weeks ago. It is a strange coincidence don’t you think that you became involved with the person that has instigated these crimes if inadvertently, is it not?”

“Yeah, really bad luck, on my part.” His words were harsh. “She approached me to investigate the death of her girls. She had researched investigators who had experience catching these criminals. At the time, she was a suspect too. I took the case because of the similarity to Sal’s earlier crime spree. Initially I felt bad for her, thinking she was just another victim, one whose life was in danger because of my failure to apprehend him all those years ago. I must admit,” he looked away briefly, “I found her attractive, and perhaps my own guilt led me to pity her.” His hand raked through his already disheveled hair on camera. He wet his lips before speaking again. “Our, er, relationship, was brief. It ended because as her past was revealed through the process of the investigation; I am ashamed to say, I could not handle it. That and knowing that she in fact was the spark that ignited this monster’s havoc on an unsuspecting innocent population, caused my feelings to change.” Lisa gasped and looked over her shoulder at him. Her eyes questioned his honesty. Ronnie’s arms were crossed once more and she glared at him openly. Bella wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. And Andreas hated himself even more.

The reporter feigned shock, but surged ahead. “Are you saying, Mr. Marino, that you ended the relationship because you found out about her past? The prostitution, when she was a victim?”

Lisa let out yet another gasp at the audacity of the question. Ronnie bored holes in Andreas. Bella hid her face against Blaze.

His face was stern, a mask of strength hiding his true feelings. He knew his words were lies coming out of his mouth, but he said them anyway to take the anger off of Cat and put it on him. He loved her too much to imagine Sal taking his cruel vengeance out on her. “Yes,” he sighed letting out a long hostile breath of air, “and No. I am not a man to settle down for long. Our pasts were inexorably tied together although we did not know it at the time. But knowing that Sal killed my parents, killed all those people because of her, I knew it would eat away at me. Nothing good could have ever come from that.” The reporter was shaking his head in derision.

Lisa pounced turning abruptly in her seat. “Andreas. It’s not her fault.”

His voice continued despite her interruption. “Cat is beautiful. But, I can never look at her the same knowing what I now know about her. Somehow she allowed this obsession to go on, maybe even encouraged it, and helped to create this monster. I can’t be with someone like that. I don’t wish her ill, but I can’t have someone like her in my life. In my family’s lives.”

“Andy?” Nikko stood up, and was approaching the desk. His arms were open. “Why did you say such cruel things?”

Andreas got up then. He couldn’t take it anymore. “Because, it’s how I felt.” Another lie.

Nikko was shaking his head. Gio was coming round to him. “You liar. Fucking liar. You love that woman and you know it. If you think this is protecting her, you are dead wrong.” Gio, of course, would be the first person to see through his ruse.

“I am protecting you, all of you,” he ground out between clenched teeth.

Blaze came round next. His nostrils flaring. “We never asked you to martyr yourself because of this. Goddammit, Andy. You blamed yourself, and now you are blaming her on national television. Saying horrible things about a woman you know you love. That we know you love. How do you think she is feeling right now, watching this alone? We’re men now, and we can protect our own. You need to do the fucking same thing.”

Gio was stabbing a finger against his brother’s chest. “Get your ass in the car, and go apologize to that woman. Don’t miss this chance. Don’t fuck it up. Beg for forgiveness, get on your God damned knees if you have to, and hope and pray she will forgive you.”

“Not happening,” was his only reply as he stormed out of his office. No one spoke. All eyes on him spoke volumes though.

“You are being a stubborn, pig-headed, proud ass of a man who has his priorities seriously screwed up.” Ronnie’s simple statement punctuated the silence. She got up and walked out of the room slamming the door loudly on her way out.

*     *     *

No one was
listening to the show any longer; no one heard the commentator’s final words as the credits began to roll. But, Spiro did. That bastard had used her just like every other man before him. His beauty. “Wherefore art thou, Romeo?” the reporter commentated.

I’m here
, he thought as he got up from the sleazy motel room bed, and flicked off the television
. And I have to go find my beauty. I have to make her understand. Tonight.

Chapter 30

Go Get Her

ndreas felt like
a low-life. He implied unspeakable things about Cat. His brothers were right about that. Their wives too. He was beginning to second guess his decision. Thinking about Cat and how she must be feeling drove him to the breaking point.

He went out onto his balcony to enjoy the balmy breeze, but nothing soothed him. He imagined her watching the show, alone, in her hotel room. He knew she would be stoic and brave. It was who she was. But deep down inside his heart was torn to shreds. Saying those things had been a message to Sal. Come for me. Leave her alone. Leave them all alone. He just hoped it would work. He hadn’t told his brothers the plan ahead of time even though they figured it out by now. They would have tried to talk him out of it. Of that he was sure, especially after the raking over he got that night and every day since, whenever one of them got a chance to catch him alone.

The sun’s last glimmer of twinkling light faded from the bay. The sun dipped below the water, its light gone. Like his.
Come Sal. Come for me. Leave the people I love alone. Don’t hurt Cat.

*     *     *

Christmas Eve was
just a week away, and his family had pretty much given up hope on him. The episode of Forty-Eight Hours had garnered a few tips, places Spiro might have been in the between years, but nothing definite yet. No leads on where he was hiding now. The man was being hunted nationally and so far nothing was turning up.

They found the car he’d purchased dumped in another small town in Florida not far away. The police assumed he hitched a ride and left the state, but at the very least the area.

Cat was still holed up in the suite he rented at the Sheraton-Marriot. With festivities being planned for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, the family was becoming more irritable with him for isolating Cat. It was killing him too, if he had to admit it to himself. They were courteous to him when Johnny was around, but other than that, he was given glares, sympathetic, or disapproving looks, so he holed up in his study. He was sorely tempted to get drunk, completely wasted on more than one occasion. But he feared he would lose his nerve and seek her out. When this was all over, he promised, he would try to win her back, beg her forgiveness. He hoped she would understand. He just had to keep them all safe.

He also thought about calling Tony again. It was his tech team, BJ and Lily, who had found Sal, but Andreas did not know where to look next. Sighing, he picked up the phone to call Tony Alvarez. It was late, but he had his cell phone number and gave it a go.

Tony picked up after the first ring. “Tony,” he answered.

“Hey Tony. Sorry to bother you so late,” he started.

“No problem. What’s up?” Tony knew just from the sound of the man’s voice he was low. He had been following the story on the news and felt bad for his friend. He had watched the program and understood why the man said what he did. It went against his moral fiber, but he understood trying to keep someone safe at all costs, even if it meant denying them and yourself happiness in the process.

“It’s this case. I can’t figure out what to do next. I’m at a loss.”

“Whatever I can do, you know I’ll do it,” he stated.

“That’s it, I don’t know where to go, what to do next? It’s not like me. I’ve usually got a backup plan. Some contingency. An idea or hunch. But this time I got nothing.”

Tony sighed. The man was wrecked. He was in love with the woman, that was obvious, but when it came down to it, the man was proud. Tony knew that all too well. His brothers in arms were like that too. And stubborn when they thought their way was the right way. “Hey, Andreas,” he sighed, knowing he was about to interfere, but from his experience it was sometimes an outsider who could see the most clearly. “Can I give you a bit of advice, man to man?” he asked. He was going to give it anyway, but wanted to give the man warning ahead of time.

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