The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set (29 page)

Read The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set Online

Authors: MJ Nightingale

Tags: #Romance, #box set, #Anthology, #Fiction

BOOK: The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set
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She shrugged sheepishly and patted her stomach in response.

He shook his head sadly. “Ah, another time, then.”

“Sorry,” she apologized. “But that might be a bit distracting if we were . . . you know,” she blushed.

“Probably,” he grinned mischievously. “Okay, let’s get you something to eat and try to keep the hungry horrors at bay.”

*     *     *

They went down
the stairs instead of taking the elevator since it was only the one floor, and she slipped her credit card like key into the electronic lock, and they both entered her room. She quickly filled her bag with the few things she purchased and her belongings.

They made their way outside past the lobby with only the night clerk to bypass. She briefly nodded in their direction, but said nothing and went back to perusing her magazine. They had already passed her when she glanced up a second time giving them one more look, but they didn’t notice her more careful perusal. Nikko had taken ahold of Ronnie’s arm in a possessive manner and they left the lobby to go to the parking area out front.

Cassie noticed the man was carrying a bag, and practically pushing a woman out the door. She shrugged and went back to her magazine. The girl was definitely Ronnie. Her hair was different, but it was her all right. The man, well, he was smoking hot, thus her second look. But obviously he was a little too controlling for her tastes. She liked her hockey players anyhow. Gary just missed her. He’d left only minutes earlier, and though she was tempted to call it in, she didn’t. Gary would be angry, and she didn’t want to make Gary angry. Especially if she had a shot with him as he’d suggested. But if he didn’t show up, or call like he promised, she’d reconsider calling the police tomorrow. There might be a reward in it.

*     *     *

“Ow,” Ronnie winced
as they made their way out into the parking lot. He was steering her towards his car quickly. She gave him a dirty look, and then remembered their plan in case there were prying eyes, and was grateful he remembered.

“Sorry,” he mumbled. “Just trying to make it look good.” He threw her bag into the backseat, and shut the door making his way around to his side of the car.

The only place in town open twenty-four hours, was a Dunkin Donut’s, and that would have to do. They had a few appetizing items, and it was where they were headed. Once in the car, Ronnie slunk down into the seat to be less visible. There were not many cars out on the road but she wanted to do her part as well. If they were going to try again for a confession with Gary tomorrow, they had to keep up the pretense that she was an unhappy, and unwilling passenger while out in public. There was no way he could find out they were working together.

*     *     *

But, it was
already too late for that. Gary came to the hotel shortly after they left his cabin. He’d given them a ten minute head start. He figured the bounty hunter would be staying in town here. He’d wanted to be positive they were headed back to Florida, and he was in the clear again as Ronnie tried to lead him to believe. He needed to check out the situation for his own peace of mind. The stakeout was interminable and Gary grew more uneasy with each passing minute. He spotted the rental car right away. It hadn’t budged for hours. When midnight came and went, he decided to go take a risk and go into the lobby. They were obviously not going to make the flight the bounty hunter mentioned.

Cassie worked at the hotel, and he hoped she was working tonight. He’d had a little fling with her last summer when he and Ronnie split up. She’d been creative, he remembered fondly. His cock stirred a bit. He needed to get laid, and soon. Maybe he’d take her out if Ronnie was out of the picture and he could breathe again. Then, he’d leave town. Go back to Bangor. Spragueville was getting on his last nerve.

Cassie caught his eye right away and gave him one of her typical come hither looks.

She was definitely a hockey whore. If you played, she was on you like white on rice.

He waved, and before he could ask anything, she was already speaking. “Gary, baby. So nice to see you. What brings you by?” she asked, batting her heavily laden eyelashes.

“Hey doll, just in town for some R and R for a few weeks. Then off to Canada I go to work in my dad’s company.”

She pouted, but leaned over the counter giving him a bird’s eye view of all she had to offer. It wasn’t much, but he acted pleased anyhow. She was definitely no Ronnie in that department. A boob job would do wonders for her figure, and maybe some lessons on applying the right amount of make-up.

Gary pretended to be interested because he wanted some information. He hoped she had some. “Yeah, I’m in town until this Ronnie thing blows over.” He went straight to the point. “I never should have gotten back with that trouble maker,” he added for good measure.

He watched her reaction, knew she had been upset their little fling had been so brief. He also saw something like fear pass over her features, and his interest piqued.

“Yeah, I could have told you that,” she laughed uneasily when he raised his eyebrows suspiciously. “In fact I think I did mention miss goody two shoes wasn’t so innocent.”

He nodded and leaned on the counter, getting closer. “Yeah, you were right.” He gave her his infamous smile. “Can you believe the bitch tried to call me? Wanted me to be a character witness for her! I’m not going down with that ship. I don’t care how big her tilts are,” he joked. He purposefully glanced at Cassie’s cleavage again faking interest.

When he glanced up to look at her again he saw that fear. He needed to see if she knew something. She was just acting too strangely. “Maybe you and I can hook up while I’m here Cassie,” he threw her the bone first, wagged his eyebrows at her suggestively, then pounced. “My folks want me to keep my nose clean while I’m here, and they found me a place in the company up north until this shit blows over, but it doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun as long as we are discreet.”

She was still acting nervous, but was definitely interested. She licked her lips. “Oh, sure babe. Sounds great. I’d love to. I’m not working tomorrow night,” she informed him, smiling and glancing over his shoulder briefly.

Fuck! Someone was coming.
He should have asked to talk in the office. He began to sweat, but didn’t turn around hoping whomever was getting off the elevator wasn’t Ronnie and the bounty hunter.

“Mmm, sounds good. I’ll call you.” He said the words softly so as not be overheard, hoping it had come off sexily instead. When he saw her face relax, he looked behind and saw an older man stepping out of the elevator; he let out his breath. He needed to make this quick. He needed info. He turned back to Cassie. “You know, when I got that call from Ronnie, it kind of scared me. It looked like a local call.”

Cassie again appeared suddenly nervous. “Well,” she started. She didn’t want to ruin her chances with hooking up with hometown hero, Gary Campbell, but she thought she had seen his ex. She hadn’t been sure.

“What?” he asked, interrupting her thoughts.

“Um, I did see this girl, who kind of looked like Ronnie come in about two hours ago with some guy, but she was blonder so I wasn’t sure.”

Bingo, he thought. He smiled to encourage her to go on.

“Yeah, but she was holding the guys hand, and so, I didn’t think nothing of it.”

Holding his hand? What he fuck?
Gary needed to think.
What did that mean? Was she holding it, or was he leading her in here?
His heart hammered in his chest. He needed to get out of here.

“You sure?” he asked.

“Well, um, yeah, that’s what it looked like,” she answered, but she seemed uneasy.

“Listen Cass, I’ll call about tomorrow. I got your cell,” he murmured, already turning before she could reply.

“Okay, call me,” she cooed after him, but he was already through the sliding glass doors before she finished her sentence. Then a few minutes later, Cassie saw Ronnie again. And this time she was sure it was her. Her, but blonder. And this time, the dude hadn’t been as nice. Strange. When Gary called, she’d tell him maybe she’d been wrong. Ronnie didn’t look happy to be with him.

*     *     *

In his car,
Gary sat thinking. He pulled out his cell, and checked flights from Bangor. The dude said he would get her on the next flight. But they’d missed that one. They’d have to leave soon, if they hoped to make the next one. He decided again to take a chance and wait to see if they left the hotel soon. He resumed his stake out on the rental car.

But, the hand holding had thrown him.
Did Cassie really see her or had she said that to make him doubt Ronnie more? Why the fuck would she be holding his hand if the guy was a bounty hunter bringing her in?
Yes, maybe Cassie just said it to make him worried, and make herself look better in his eyes. Women did shit like that. She hadn’t even been sure it was Ronnie although he was. His nerves were at an all-time high. He didn’t know how much longer he could take this shit. He had royally fucked up.
Why had he agreed to bring all those drugs from Jamaica?
God damned Brimeyers, his drug connections, they’d pressured him, said it would be an easy score. He pounded the steering wheel in frustration. Sweat began to accumulate on his brow, and under his arms. This situation was getting more and more fucked up by the minute. He was about to start the car and just head home, pack and get the fuck out, when he saw the lobby doors begin to open. His heart lurched in his chest.

He saw them right away, and breathed a bit easier when he saw how roughly the dude was holding, practically pushing Ronnie to his car. He saw her angry reaction and that made him feel better too. She didn’t look happy at all. She wasn’t with this dude. But when they left, he decided to follow them. Be sure they got on the highway. When they passed the exit to the interstate, his heart which was already hammering picked up even more speed.
Fuck! Where the hell were they going?
They continued on for two more blocks and pulled into the drive thru of the Dunkin Donuts. Calm down he told his racing heart, as he passed by the store and made the U-turn. Just getting coffee for the road, he thought. But when he drove by again, and they were parked, his nerves picked up again.
He pulled onto a side road, and shut the car’s engine off. He’d wait and see how long they would be. Maybe just fixing the drinks.

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