Read The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set Online

Authors: MJ Nightingale

Tags: #Romance, #box set, #Anthology, #Fiction

The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set (51 page)

BOOK: The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set
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*     *     *

The sun was
setting and Blaze had yet to collect his first prize. He was looking forward to it. And he definitely planned to collect.

Bella was tidying up and doing the dishes. She looked so beautiful with the last rays of sunlight shining in through the window surrounding her image. Blaze approached her from behind.

Bella felt him come up behind her. Heat emanated off of his body. “I think I’d like to collect that kiss now.”

She turned and was flush up against him. “You would, would you?” she asked tremulously, her voice wavering with uncertainty. She’d been anticipating this all afternoon and on into the evening, wondering just when he would collect, or if he would.

His voice was a mere whisper, a breath away when he answered. “It’s only fair,” he breathed huskily, dipping his head down closer. He watched as her pink lips parted. She was ready.

When their lips made contact, Blaze literally saw fireworks. He’d never experienced anything like this before. He didn’t think it was the alcohol either. He was a man who could hold his liquor. She tasted of the wine, sweet and robust. When her lips opened more, he slipped his tongue inside. Again the fireworks exploded all around him. Her tongue reached out to tentatively touch his. And again it was another explosion of brilliant color.

For Bella the kiss was earth shattering. She felt his arms go all the way around her as he pulled her closer to him. His heart thundered in his chest, visible through the thin material of his clothes. She never wanted this to end. Time stood still.

Blaze couldn’t stop himself if he tried. After crushing her body to his, and feeling her erect nipples, his manhood responded. He ground himself into her and heard her moan her pleasure. He swallowed that sound and continued to kiss her for all he was worth. He explored her mouth with his tongue, meanwhile thinking of other parts of her he’d like to explore. But for now, he had to be satisfied with this. He didn’t want to push her too far or too fast.

To his surprise, her hands began to explore him first. She tentatively ran her fingers down his back. On the way back up her hand slipped underneath his T-shirt. She raked her fingers nails along his back which made his cock even harder. It was the last straw and the only invitation he needed.

“Mmm,” came out his frustrated moan of desire. This was pure madness. Pure pleasure. Everywhere she touched, his body tingled, and his cock strained against his trousers.

Needing to be closer to him, Bella jumped up and his instinct was to catch her. He placed her firmly on top of the counter and she wrapped her legs around him. He was about to explode when he felt the heat emanating from between her thighs. What he wouldn’t do to bury himself inside of her.

The kiss grew more passionate and her boldness encouraged him to do a little exploring of his own. He ran his hands along the outside of her legs up to her hips and then he slipped his hands underneath her T-shirt. He felt her muscles shiver beneath her silky skin as he caressed her back and rib cage. She felt like velvet. He never wanted to stop touching her. Ever.

He broke the kiss in order to taste more of her. He knew it was madness as he trailed kisses down her cheek and then continued the path down along her neck. He paused briefly to pay attention to that exquisite spot where her pulse beat in her throat, but he had a clear destination in mind when he started.

All the while Bella was scratching his back and murmuring her sounds of pleasure that just urged him on.

Her shirt was in the way of where he wanted to put his lips next. He broke the kiss and looked deeply into her eyes. Green fire burst there under heavy lidded lashes.

Bella knew what he wanted without asking. And she wanted it too. She didn’t want him to stop. Her answer was to release her hold of his back and pull off her own shirt.

Blaze wasted no time. He dipped his head down, eased one breast out of the cup of her bra and took one rosy nipple into his mouth. He suckled her like a man who hadn’t had a drink in days.

The moment his lips were on her breast Bella knew this was lunacy. Reckless. Crazy. It just felt too good to stop. She wasn’t going to put on the brakes. Whatever she could get from this man in the next two or three days she was going to take. There’d be time to be sorry about it later.

Bella’s next words shocked Blaze to the core. “I need you.”

He looked into those incredible eyes, and he knew he couldn’t deny her. Not this.

Chapter 14

It Started with a Kiss

here?” was his
guttural response.

She indicated the bed roll she’d dumped over the side of the loft for him, giving up her own comfort for him last night. It was still in the corner of the room. Sweeping Bella into his arms he carried her across the expanse of the cabin and made it there in seconds. He released her sliding her down his body so she could feel every inch of him. The pleasure it evoked in him was torturous. He knew he was heading down a road from which he couldn’t return, but there was no way he could deny her. His body was on fire everywhere she touched.

Her shirt already removed, he was able to make quick work of the rest. He unsnapped the clasp behind her back as she shrugged out of the shoulder straps. They both just allowed it to fall to the floor.

He feasted his eyes on her and enjoyed the unobstructed view. She allowed him to gaze at her body while she began to unclasp the button on her jean shorts. Blaze shook with urgency as he watched her undress for him. It was more than he could take. He had to have her. Be inside her. Possess her.

Without words he began to quickly undress, his clothes falling atop hers. She lay down upon the bed roll and watched as he finished. His body was truly magnificent. What a fine specimen of a man, she thought. His chest was fully sculpted, his pectoral muscles flexing with each slight movement. His abs rippled as he shook off his shirt. Next came the cargo pants he wore. He unsnapped the fastener and pulled them down along with his boxers exposing himself to her sight. Her mouth went round at the sight of his massively sprung cock.

“Oh my,” escaped from her lips as he quickly settled in beside her on the bed roll.

Not wasting one second longer, Blaze reached for Bella. He claimed her mouth again and began to explore her once more. She, too, began to explore all of him.

She touched his chest, his abs and her small hand slipped down to grasp his cock. Air hissed out from between his clenched teeth. His hands snaked up the inside of her thigh stopping at her pussy. He softly parted her folds and slipped one finger inside of her. She was already gloriously wet. He began to stroke her, preparing her for his massive cock. She was tight and he knew she needed some preparation. On his withdrawal, he quickly flicked her clit which was already excited and she groaned her pleasure, her head whipping to the side on the small pillow she’d loaned him.

He wanted to be inside her when she came so once again he returned his fingers to her sweet sheath. But this time he used two fingers. He stroked her repeatedly, in and out, and circled inside working her up into a frenzy of need. Her short nails were clawing at his back.

She was ready. Blaze rolled her over onto her back. He, too, couldn’t wait much longer. Bella bent her knees and spread them wide as Blaze crawled in between them.

“I don’t have a condom,” he grunted and paused. “I’m clean. I’ve always been careful, but if you don’t . . .” He let the rest of the words remain unspoken. It would be her choice. If she asked him to stop now he’d die a thousand deaths. But he’d never force her.

“It’s okay. I’m still on the pill, and I was always careful too,” she urged and returned his assurances, digging her fingernails into his back and pushing her pelvis up to meet his throbbing cock. He nodded.

Bearing his weight on one hand, Blaze took hold of his massive dick in his other. He rubbed the head of it on her swollen clitoris further preparing her for what was to come. She moaned and thrashed about beneath him. She was close, he could tell, so he stopped.

He wanted to see those eyes when he claimed her. His cock hardened as her head turned to face him, green eyes turned into emeralds sparkling with desire. “Please,” she begged even though she didn’t have to.

He nodded once more and lost nearly all of his restraint. With what little of it he had left, he positioned the head of his cock at her entrance. He pushed slightly inserting just the tip inside. Her eyes began to close. “Don’t,” he grunted in desperation.

Her eyes opened.

“I want to see your eyes,” he begged.

She wouldn’t look away if a gun was being pointed at her. His blue eyes were molten quick-silver, and she wanted to watch them burn. Burn for her.

He went in another inch at a time. It was slow torture for them both. He took his time with this penetration although he wanted nothing more than to slam his cock inside of her and claim her for his own.

Somehow Bella knew he wanted it to last, this first time for them both. He was trying to make it last, make it perfect. And it was.

He gave her another inch even though he wanted to take a mile. Her pussy was slick, wet, and tight. His cock, hard, and pulsing below the skin, wanted more.

He slid in a bit more, and her pussy trembled around his shaft, grasping it, clenching it, and when he was half way home, he took the plunge. He pounded into her, scraping along her swollen clit until she shuddered, but she still kept that eye contact he asked for.

He withdrew, and then plunged again. He fucked her harder with each thrust, but kept sliding along her clit to bring her to the highest pinnacle of desire. She met him stroke for stroke, and when she was close again she urged him on with her words. “Oh yes, yes, yes, Blaze.” He saw the desperation in her eyes. She needed this release, and he did too. But he didn’t want it to end. Never to end. He changed his rhythm just so it could last a little longer. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from those brilliant eyes, and soon she was close again. “Oh, Blaze. Yes,” she screamed as her explosion came. She shook around him, the walls of her pussy tightening with orgasm increasing his own pleasure.

He too wanted to scream her name, but he didn’t want to say Izzy. He wanted to scream Bella. “Oh, baby,” was what came out of his mouth. His guttural cry was made as he slammed into her unleashing his load. He came in her, spilled his seed into her, and knew he was lost. This woman was his. She was who he was always meant to be with.

As he collapsed on top of her, he thought, there was just one problem. How? How could he get her out from this mess she was under? Taking her into his arms, he curled her beside him. He wanted to hold her, and whisper sweet endearments to her, but all he said was, “That was amazing. Thank-you.”

*     *     *

As Bella slept
curled into him, he stroked her back softly pondering this new turn of events. The weight of his choice lay upon him. With her his protective instincts had kicked in.

He wanted to do nothing but take care of her. They had shared a lot this afternoon while playing cards, and he knew she’d had a very rough road these last few years. Although she mentioned nothing about her arrest, he couldn’t fault her for that. With everything else, she had been one hundred percent honest.

He’d done the same thing. Yes, there were lies by omission, but those couldn’t be helped. Thinking about Bella and her situation, he eventually faded off into sleep enjoying the feel of her beside him too much. It was something he didn’t know if he could get used to. A woman in his bed every night.

*     *     *

BOOK: The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set
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