The Boy from Aleppo Who Painted the War (20 page)

BOOK: The Boy from Aleppo Who Painted the War
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The girl stops in the middle of the street and bends down. I think she is catching her breath. She looks up and it feels like she is looking right into my eyes. I know I've seen those eyes before! I can see tears coming down her face now and she comes walking towards my window slowly.

‘Adam!' she says.

My mind freezes. Yasmine? That's Yasmine's voice? Those are Yasmine's eyes! But that's not Yasmine's hair! Yasmine? Yasmine doesn't have a scar on her face.

‘Adam!' she shouts this time and comes running towards our door.

I run to the door and open it and before I am able to take a good look at her she hugs me so tight and my hands stay at my sides, frozen. She smells weird. She smells dirty. That's not how Yasmine smells, but her skin is like Yasmine's and she feels like Yasmine. My heart starts beating really fast and I want her to let go of me so I can see her face.


I can hear her sniffing from crying.

‘Yasmine, is that you?'

She moves back and her face is covered in tears. Some parts of her face look white and clean from the tears and the other areas look dusty and dirty.

Oh my God it's Yasmine! It's Yasmine! I want to cry and I want to laugh at the same time. I end up making a sound like a duck. Yasmine is back! God accepted my prayers. I reach out to her scar. She smiles and hugs me again. I really don't like being hugged, even by Yasmine after all this time. I wriggle to be let go. She smiles.

‘You haven't changed a bit…'

‘Where were you Yasmine? You've been gone for so long.'

‘I'm back now Habibi, I'm back now.'

‘You look different.'

‘Where's everyone?'

‘Khalid! Tariq! Baba! Amira! Ali!' I shout.

Yasmine laughs and wipes her tears. I don't know if she is happy or sad. She cries and laughs, they are both different emotions.

Khalid and Tariq come out at the same time and they both have the same facial expression. Their eyes open up wide and they come running towards Yasmine. Tariq picks her up and twists her around. Yasmine laughs and hits him on his shoulders to put her down. She goes to Khalid and hugs him then looks down at his arms. They both start crying and she hugs him again. Baba comes out and rushes to Yasmine. This is the fastest I've seen him move in a long time.

‘Maha! Maha!'

Only he doesn't know who she is. Yasmine hugs him and doesn't say anything. He touches her bald head and starts swearing and then thanking God that she is home safe. We are one family again. Only without Isa.

‘What happened to you Khalid?'

‘Don't worry about me, are you okay?'

‘I'm okay now…'

We all sit in the sitting room and Tariq lights up the fireplace. We have water from the rain that Tariq warms up.

‘How have you been Adam?' Yasmine turns to me. I am happy she asked about me first. I am still in shock that she is home. I have never been this happy in my life. Her face looks pale and thin and her body doesn't look red any more, she looks purple. Dark purple but her eyes are still red.

‘I'm okay thank you Yasmine.'

‘You haven't changed one bit,' she says as she ruffles my hair. She smiles so wide I can nearly see all of her teeth.

I don't know why she keeps on saying that, am I meant to change?

‘The family is all together again at last,' Tariq says as he comes and sits next to me.

‘Are you happy as well Tariq?'

‘Happy? I am flying from happiness!'

I get up and start jumping up and down. I can't hold back my happiness and everyone starts laughing at me. The sound of laughter sounds like honey melting in my ears. If I had wings, I would fly around now.

‘Yasmine will your hair grow back?'

‘Ahh I missed your questions! Of course it will, don't worry Habibi, I'll be back to normal in no time.'

‘Were you sad when you were away? Where did you go?'

Yasmine's eyes change but she doesn't pause to think about an answer.

‘Very, but I am happy now.'

‘I have a cat Yasmine. Her name is Liquorice.'

‘Really? Where did you get her from?'

‘I found her outside our door.'

‘How do you know she's not anybody else's?

I didn't think about that, but I didn't see anyone looking for a missing cat.

‘I don't know Yasmine, but she was really thin so I wanted to feed her.'

‘Good boy. Where's Amira and Ali?'

‘Ali is always sleeping in the room. He is hardly ever awake, and Amira is always cleaning and putting on make-up.'

‘Go call them to come Habibi. I want to see them.'

‘But I don't want to leave you Yasmine.'

‘I promise I'll still be here when you come back.'

I start to walk then look back at Yasmine.

‘I promise. I promised to come back and I did.'

‘I waited every day for you at the shop where you left until we couldn't go out any more because it wasn't safe.'

‘I'm here now Habibi, go call them…'

I keep looking back making sure she doesn't disappear.

I quickly knock on the room Amira and Ali sleep in and open the door. They are sleeping, just like I said. I don't want to go in and lose sight of Yasmine but she wants me to wake them up and I don't want to upset her. I run inside and shake them a little.

‘Yasmine is here! Yasmine is here! Quick!'

Amira jumps up but Ali opens his eyes slowly and then closes them.

‘Quick Ali! Before Yasmine leaves!'

‘Why is she leaving?'

‘I don't know, I just don't want her to leave again!' ‘Okay, go Adam, I'll wake Ali up and come.'


I run out and look at the spot Yasmine was sitting in and find her there. I breathe out slowly and quickly walk to her.

‘Do we have enough water for me to wash?'

‘Mmm…' Khalid stumbles for an answer. I don't know if we do so I don't say anything.

‘Yes we have enough, you can use the water I'm warming up now.' Tariq says.

‘Thank you, I'll take a bath then.'

‘I'll put the water into the bathtub when it's ready.'

‘Enta Malak!'

‘Am I an angel too Yasmine?'

‘Of course you are!' she laughs and I smile and lie back on the sofa.

Baba was right when he said that after he dreamed of her she would come back.

Ali and Amira come out as Yasmine is walking towards her room. They both hug her and kiss her then at the same time stare at her head.

‘I'm pregnant Yasmine!'

‘What? Really! Wow!'

‘I can't wait!'

‘How long has it been?'

‘I have no idea, but it feels long.'

I wonder if Yasmine believes Amira because her voice sounds different.

‘I'm going to call him Khalid.'

‘Aren't you a lucky one?' Yasmine looks back at Khalid.

Khalid winks at her. I love it when we are all together. That's all I can think about. Yasmine is finally back! I have someone to talk to!

Yasmine goes into her room and Tariq pours some more water to warm up. Amira and Ali come to sit in the sitting room and start talking. Their voices now sound the same. Like they're one person. I don't know why.

I sit outside Yasmine's room and wait for her to come out.

I wait for so long for Yasmine to come out and start getting bored. Why isn't she coming out? I want her to take a bath quickly and come and see my paintings.

‘Yasmine, when are you coming out?'

‘Why Adam?'

‘The water is ready and then I want to show you my paintings.'

‘Okay Adam I'm coming.'

‘What are you doing?'

‘I told you I'm coming Habibi.'

I don't say anything else and just wait for her. I start counting silently, once I get to 57 she comes out and smiles.

‘I'll see your paintings in a bit Habibi, I am going to have a bath.'

‘Don't take long Yasmine.'

‘I won't.'

I go to my room and lie down on my bed and call for Liquorice around the room. I don't see her around and look under the bed. She loves hiding there. I lean down and snap my fingers for her to come out. She comes out and I pull her up.

‘Yasmine is back Liquorice! You haven't met her before but she's really nice. She's my favourite person in the world! Are you excited to meet her?'

Liquorice licks her paws. She is so cute. I like the warm feeling with her on my belly. When she purrs my stomach vibrates and it tickles me. It feels funny.

I close my eyes for a bit to rest until Yasmine comes out of the bathroom and wake up to a scream. It seems like that's my daily alarm now. What could it be? Is Yasmine being taken away again? I will not let it happen again!

I come out of my room and follow the scream. It is coming out of the bathroom.

‘What is wrong Yasmine?' I shout.

‘It's not me,' Yasmine says as she comes up behind me. I sigh deeply. I am glad it's not Yasmine.

‘It's Amira,' Yasmine says.

I knock on the door three times but she continues to scream and doesn't say anything.

‘Let's just go in!' Yasmine says. I move back because I can't go into the bathroom without being told to come in.

‘Move, I'll open the door!' Yasmine opens it and I stand behind her.

Amira is sitting on the floor with blood on her hands and her thighs. Why is she bleeding? Did she scratch herself?

Yasmine covers her mouth in shock like she knows what is going on.

‘Khalid Habibi! Khalid!' Amira screams and hits her face with her hands. The blood spreads on her face.

‘Yasmine, why is she calling Khalid Habibi?'

‘Quickly go get me some of the towels in my cupboard!'

‘What is happening Yasmine?'

‘I said quick!'

I run out of the bathroom and to Yasmine's room. When I get back Yasmine is holding Amira's head on her chest and Amira is crying and shouting. Yasmine grabs the towels from my hand and tells me to get out and lock the door. I want to know what's going on but I'm scared Yasmine is going to shout at me again. Ali comes up and asks me what's wrong. I tell him what I saw and he sits down on the ground outside the bathroom. What does he know that I don't?

‘What does that mean Ali?'

‘It means she lost her baby.'

‘How? So she was actually pregnant? But she wasn't fat.'

‘You don't know how people lose babies?'


Ali explains everything to me but I'm still confused. So she had a baby and didn't at the same time? I didn't know babies could die in people's stomachs. I don't even know how she knew she was pregnant as she was still skinny. All of this is confusing and making my head hurt. I knock on the door three times and Amira shouts so we just wait outside. Doesn't she need to go to the hospital? What if she dies from bleeding too much? Yasmine is a nurse so she should know what to do, I think.

Ali and I sit outside for ages biting on our nails. I am so hungry and the dirt on my nails has a salty flavour so I keep on eating it to satisfy myself. I wonder if anybody else does it. I look over at Ali but he isn't doing the same thing. He is just looking into the distance. Yasmine at last opens the door holding Amira who is sweating.

‘Yasmine, we have honey.'


‘Behind the toilet.'

‘Why didn't you tell me earlier? Go get it for me. And Ali go call Tariq.'

We both quickly move and Tariq comes and asks what's going on. It doesn't look like Amira can hear us any more. Her eyes are still open but they look white, like she isn't even with us. I want to tell Yasmine that Amira looks really sick and she needs to go to the hospital but whenever I start saying something Khalid or Yasmine interrupt and speak to each other.

‘Can't you do something here? The hospitals are really busy! It's risky Yasmine.'

‘Just carry her and let's go, we are wasting time, I did all I can but she's still bleeding. I think she is in too much shock.'


Tariq carries Amira over his shoulder slowly and Yasmine runs to her room and comes back wearing a scarf. I follow them out.

‘Adam stay home.'

‘I want to come Yasmine, I don't want to stay alone.'

Yasmine puffs in and out deeply and holds my hand.

We walk fast to the hospital. It's not that far. When we get there memories from Isa's day rush into my mind and hit me like a hammer on the head. I can see birds flying around my head like in cartoons.

No matter where we go in this city there are always screams and pools of blood on every corner. Every person's blood is a different colour. I stare at a woman whose leg is chopped off who is being carried by a man. The blood dripping from her leg is red with yellow dots. It looks so disgusting but when we pass her the smell isn't that strong.

Yasmine hates it when I stare at people and she pinches me to stop staring. It hurts. I look down and try not to look around or then I'll stare. When we get inside Yasmine speaks to a woman running around in a white coat and she tells us to follow her.

‘There are many people injured, I don't know what we can do for your cousin.'

‘Please, she just lost her baby, you should know how shocked she is.'

‘Other people have been losing their limbs and eyes and ears.'

‘Please doctor.'

‘Bring her in,' she sighs.

We follow the doctor inside but she tells us to wait outside, only Yasmine is allowed to go in.

Tariq pulls me back and we stand against the wall and wait. People are constantly running around the hospital carrying people or pushing them in wheelchairs.

There is a family of five being pushed in a metal bed with wheels at the bottom. They only covered their bodies and their heads are out. The two boys look like the father and the girl looks like her mother. They have stickers on their foreheads with numbers ‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5.' They look alive, their eyes are closed but their faces look healthy. I think they have just died now. They all have smiles on their faces. It can't be. I close my eyes and open them again quickly before they pass by me and their smiles are still there. Maybe they're happy to die. They died all together, they don't have to miss each other.

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