The Breed Casstiel's Vow (31 page)

Read The Breed Casstiel's Vow Online

Authors: Alice K. Wayne

BOOK: The Breed Casstiel's Vow
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No one had ever been able to take his full length into
their mouth, but slowly she slid him into her, seeming excited by the challenge
of it.

Four or five times she repeated the blissful plunging
motion, getting herself used to the size of him, before she began to work
faster, taking him into her throat easier. He couldn’t help but wrap his
fingers into her hair; he wanted to touch her, to return every bit of pleasure
she was giving him, but with his broken body he couldn’t even sit fully

Not that she would let him anyway.

She wrapped her tongue around his thick length while
taking him to the back of her throat, and he couldn’t help but thrash his head
back, growling so deeply he surprised himself.

She made him feel wild, animalistic, every muscle in his
body screamed to overpower her, to pull her underneath him and work her body
until she felt as crazed as he did.

When he was healed, he would make her pant for him.

Both of her hands worked him, one wrapped around his
shaft and the other massaging the swollen flesh just below. She kept a stroking
rhythm so perfect that he felt
all the air
seemed to have left the room.

“Fuck Nora,” he strained to speak, “stop… I can’t hold

She went on relentlessly, refusing to stop, sending his
body tighter and tighter into a spiral he couldn’t get out of.

She had fully taken over every one of his senses. All he
could see was her luscious lips wrapped around his length and her breasts
pressing against his thighs, all he could hear were the sweet sucking noises of
her taking him, all he could breathe was the smell of the lust coming off of
her body, all he could taste was the echo of her kiss on his lips.

 “Nora, baby please, I’m gonna cum, I can’t hold
it,” he said through a clenched jaw, his fingers digging into her hair.

The little siren worked harder, faster, taking him

He was at the end of his rope, near the point of frenzy.
He tried pulling her hair to get her to take her mouth off of him, he had never
before known a woman to want to swallow, but she stubbornly ignored him.

“Oh god Nora…” he moaned out as his self control snapped
and he exploded into her mouth, sending the hot spray of his climax past her
lips and down her throat.

She swallowed every bit of his orgasm, continuing to
suck him until his body shuddered and his eyes lost focus.

Every muscle in his body was completely dead, but
eventually he let go of what he realized was a death grip on her scalp.

He felt completely drained of
she had taken every ounce of it. He wanted to cradle her against his chest, to
hold her even for a moment, but swiftly she stood up, and while his mind was
still in the fog of the most amazing orgasm he had ever received she threw her
sweater over her head and walked away.

“Wait!” he pulled IVs out of his arm and attempted to
sit up again, only to crumple painfully on his side, “
leave like this.”

She turned around and smiled so beautifully, he knew he
would always remember how perfect she looked in this moment.

“See you around big boy,” she winked,
disappeared out the door.







Casstiel could feel Tessa’s nerves before he even entered the elevator. He
dismissed them assuming she was worried about her brother, and rightfully so,
Quinn Roberts was lucky to be alive. 

He sighed aloud as he punched the penthouse button on the elevator. Quinn had
brought nothing but bad news for both the Breed and his family, each piece of it
as hard to swallow as the last. She had already been fragile over his
the details of what happened to him would
just add fuel to the fire.

Suddenly another emotion hit him… lust. Somewhere floors above him his mate was
hot and waiting for him.

An elevator had never moved so slow in his lifetime.

He quickly unbuttoned the front of his navy dress shirt and shrugged it off, he
didn’t care what had brought on her sudden bought of desire, if his woman was in
would always be ready to service her.

The elevator
to a stop and Cass hauled ass
into his penthouse just as he felt another wave of her nerves hit him.

She was pacing back and forth in front of the open bay windows, looking both
relieved and anxious to see him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked confused by the combination of her feelings.

She let out a jittery sigh and rubbed the back of her neck.

“I think you’re right, I think I belong in the Breed,” she nodded her head and
increased her pacing.

“I don’t want you to change your dreams for me,” he replied seriously, they
could work around any
she didn’t need to
change herself for him.

“I’m not,” she looked out the windows, “owning a book store was never my dream,
it was just the best option I had to make a living. I wanted to be surrounded
by books instead of people.”

“We’ll find a way to make it work,” he reassured her, determined to give her
everything she had ever wanted.

“I’d rather have a massive library than own a book store,” she finally turned
to meet his eyes, “I’m trying to say I think I finally found what I want to do.”

He kept quiet, wanting to let her get out every word she had built up.

“When I sat in on the questioning it was like everything just clicked into
place. All of a sudden, for the first time, I loved my gift. It felt useful,”
she smiled sheepishly at him, “I felt useful.”

He wanted to tell her that she had always been useful, and that he had needed
her for longer than she could imagine, but he knew she needed to get her
feelings out.

“I didn’t realize it at first because all hell broke loose over here, but when
I was talking to my parents about us it hit me. I can help you by reading the
hunters minds,” she walked towards him, her nerves replaced by excitement, “my
whole life I always wondered why I had to be cursed with this gift, but maybe
this is it. Maybe I was born to be here, and to help you.”

Lovingly he wrapped his arms around her. He didn’t care about her helping the
he just wanted her to be happy.

He wasn’t exactly thrilled that her choice put her closer to the hunters and
the filth they spread, but if that’s what made her at peace with herself than
he didn’t care. The biggest goal for him was just to get her to see her own
value, and if this is how it had to be done, then he would have to put up and
shut up for her. She would always be protected, and no matter what her dreams
were he would encourage them.

“I’m so glad you’re seeing yourself the way everyone else does. You’re so
beautiful and so amazing and this gift was given to you because you were strong
enough to bear it,” he whispered into her hair,
kissed the crown of her head.

He remembered his silent vow in the park and was thrilled that it was
happening. She was beginning to love and accept herself, finally starting to
leave her insecurities in the past.

“What were you so nervous about?” he suddenly remembered.

“Oh, yeah…that,” she blushed and pulled back from his embrace, “since I decided
to make my life here, I thought there was something else we should do to make
the decision more final.” 

Silently she took his hand in her own and led him to their bedroom.

He watched the moon light reflecting off her bare feet and wondered what on
earth she had in store for him; as always she kept him guessing, as always she
was a surprise to him.

When they entered the bedroom she turned to face him, and after a minute of
hesitation she met his gaze, “I want you to take my blood.”

Casstiel’s erection roared to life so fast he nearly doubled over.

She was offering herself to him in the most pure and beautiful way he could
dream of, but the decision was not something to be taken lightly. She had to
know the seriousness of what she was asking. 

“I cannot drink your blood unless we are a mated pair, if I do this there is no
turning back,” he spoke as calmly as he could while every nerve ending he
possessed screamed out for her. 

Her face was calm and clear; all traces of doubt and insecurity gone.

“I know what it means, and that’s why I want to do it,” her dark green eyes
bore into his, daring him to see the truth in them.

He had never seen anything as beautiful as her resolve.

She stood on her tip toes and gave him the first kiss of their new life






Nora’s heart beat out of her chest as she walked back to her room. Part of her
wanted to turn around and go back to him, but she put her head down and pushed

She had given in to the sexual temptation of the bond, but that was as far as
she would let it go. She would never allow herself feelings for Quinn or any
other man.

Her heart belonged only to herself,
only to herself.

She had fought too hard for too long to feel in control of her life. Quinn
Roberts was an unnecessary risk that she wouldn’t be taking.

As she punched in her key code the sound she had been dreading most since the
bond appeared in her life crept upon her.

the word
echoed across the walls of her mind.

“No, he’s dead Nora, he’s dead,” she repeated
frantically to herself as she rushed for the kitchen…. She needed alcohol, the
stronger the better.

Whenever she felt overwhelmed with certain emotions she
had a PTSD attack, and her greatest fear with being close to Quinn was that it
would bring on stronger, more frequent attacks.

More than once Memphis had tried to take her to
therapists or get her medication for post traumatic stress disorder, but she
had refused. She wouldn’t discuss the attack with anyone, and medication had
never helped, her Breed blood just denied the foreign substance.

We’ll always be together... you are mine… mine…
Billy’s voice exploded in her head.

“All in your head,” she tore the cabinet doors from
their brackets in her frantic search. No matter how hard she tried, she had
never been able to push him out of her mind; he had been dead for nearly a
century, and still he haunted her.

I own you, you belong to me,
he snarled, his voice splintering across her mind.

Black speckles danced across her eyes, dimming her

“NO!” she screamed in frustration. It had been thirty
years since she had had a full on hallucination and relived her attack.

She tried to stay focused on where she was so her mind
wouldn’t slip into the memories of the past. She had fought so hard to get
control of her life back, to stop the visions, and now because of him, because
of this
, her hard work was for nothing.

You’ll never be rid of me Nora, you belong to me
, his voice broke through her consciousness and sent a
shiver up her spine.

As the breath choked from her lungs she slid to the ground
and the visions over took her, forcing their way into her consciousness.

Nightmares of Billy hovering over her,
squeezing her face between his calloused hands, his nails drawing blood from
her cheeks.

“You are MINE,” he spat at her, and she remembered the
feel of his bruising grasp, “I will take everyone from you, until you have only




Casstiel’s lips were soft and gentle over hers, with
none of the usual sense of urgency they held. The message was clear; he wanted
her to take the reins in this step forward.

In this moment she was in control of her own destiny,
and the path she chose to walk would determine the fate of her life.

She pressed her lips harder against his wanting him to
feel her decision. There was no going back for her.

Taking a page out of his book she
her tongue across his lips and marveled at how quickly he responded, wrapping
his luscious tongue around hers.

She pressed herself closer to him, leaving no space
between them. It still amazed her just how hard his body was in comparison to
the softness of hers.

Normally he would have had her naked by now, but his
hands hadn’t even left her waist. He was really going to make her work for

“You need to think this over,” he said firmly, “you need
more time to make up your mind.”

Ignoring him she
hands from his neck down to his chest, admiring every thick band of muscle she

Roughly she tugged his undershirt out of his waist band,
swept her eyes over the beautiful display of
masculinity before her.

This was

She let her mouth wander along his flesh, kissing his
collar bone then lower, her fingers quick to unbuckle his thick leather belt
and pull it away.

She felt his cock jump and strain, fighting to be
released, and looked into his eyes.

She was startled by the intensity of the gaze staring
back at her, electric blue, hot and glowing.
Every muscle in
his body tight and ready to spring, only his firm self control kept him from
grabbing her and taking her hard.

But she could break his will.

Keeping her eyes locked onto his she
the button of his pants through its loop then slowly pulled down the zipper.

He ground his teeth together as she ever so slowly
pulled his pants down the hard cut of his hip bones.

Now she understood why he enjoyed teasing her so much.
The look of tension and anticipation that crossed his features sent her blood
boiling hotter.

She wanted to continue her slow torture, but needed the
end result more than anything. Needed to seal their lives together in the most
she could think of.

 “How much longer are you going to keep this up?”
she smiled up at his darkly lustful features.

“Until you’ve thought this through,” he grunted out,
barely moving his lips to hide how elongated and ready to take her blood his
fangs were.

“Let me see them,” she ran her hands teasingly along the
elastic band of his boxers.

He gave her a warning look and kept his lips clamped.

“I want to see them,” she commanded, then took the covered
shaft of his cock into her hands.

He hissed at the bold unexpectedness of her touch,
flashing his fangs beautifully for her.

“I have thought this through,” she said as firmly as she
could, “I want to be with you, I want to be a part of the Breed and I want you
to take my blood.”

“Humans change their minds constantly and this is a
decision you can’t take back once it’s made,” it pained him to speak the words.

“I feel in my heart that this is the right thing,” she
pleaded for him to understand, “I’ve never felt like I belonged before, and now
I do. There’s nothing for me back there. My life is with the Breed, with you.”

She accepted that most other humans could change their
minds or lose interest, but her gift had always kept her from being normal, and
now she understood why.

“I don’t believe in destiny or fate, but for the first
time I believe in myself. I know how I feel, I know that this is what I was
given my gift for and I know that
are what I want.
what I want,” she hugged him tightly and waited for him to accept her decision.

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