Read The Brides of Chance Collection Online

Authors: Kelly Eileen Hake,Cathy Marie Hake,Tracey V. Bateman

Tags: #Fiction, #Christian, #Historical, #Romance

The Brides of Chance Collection (124 page)

BOOK: The Brides of Chance Collection
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“How many of you thought about how you’d grown in your faith?” The preacher pressed on. “How you’ve been blessed in your walk with the Lord?”

No. I reckon I’ve been a mite busy of late

“Have you been relying on yourselves and the things you do to get by, or have you put your faith in the providing hand of the Lord?”

I’ve been working. Iff ’n it were jist me, I’d have the luxury of doin’ thangs different

“Well, today, on Christmas morn, I want to remind each and every person here why Christ came to earth. To save you and me and everyone who loves Him. No matter how busy we are, how much we do with the time we’re given on this earth, we can’t save ourselves.”

A pang shot through Daisy’s chest.

“We are saved through faith alone.” The preacher’s voice grew stronger. “Second Timothy 1:9 reminds us that Christ is He ‘who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace.’ ” The preacher laid down his Bible and faced them.

“We cannot take with us the things we work for here. We are saved through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the one and only way, truth, and life. Remember that as you go today. Put the Lord first and give Him your all. He already did as much for each of us.”

Conviction surged in Daisy’s breast.
I ain’t been leaning on the Lord as much as I should, but I’ll remember to do better in the future. I ain’t even prayed about my feelings for
Bryce! I’ve been trying to control my life when it ain’t my own. I gave it to Jesus long ago, and
I need to do a better job of trusting Him with it

Lord, I’m sorry for turning away from You. I been caught up in works and pride instead of love and faith. Thank You for all the blessings You give me—Jamie and Bryce foremost among them. Lord, I’ve fallen for Bryce Chance. Iff ’n it be Yore will that he take me to wife
I’d be a happy woman. I leave it in Yore hands, and wait in faith for Yore will to be done

“Good sermon,” Bryce commented as they made their way back home for Christmas dinner.

“Yes.” Daisy’s tone made him look at her. Consternation warred with relief as she spoke again. “Made me realize I been tryin’ too hard to control everything in me and Jamie’s lives instead of leanin’ on my Lord. Somethin’ that weren’t pleasant to see, but I needed to face it.”

“Good.” Bryce smiled at her. “God made you a strong woman, Daisy, but He didn’t make you to go through life alone. He’s at your side every step of the way, even when you don’t let Him carry some of your burden for you.”

“I know.” Her eyes shone with joy. “He sent you.”

Bryce kissed her on the cheek. As his lips grazed her soft skin, he whispered a prayer of thanks.

Lord, that’s the closest she’s come to admitting she returns my feelings. Please let today show her I’m an able provider and put her fears to rest. Thank You for working in her heart so she knows she doesn’t have to be strong alone

As they gathered around the table, Bryce read Luke 2, telling of the Savior’s birth: “ ‘And, lo, the angel of the Lord…said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.’ ”

The words washed over him, comforting and familiar while filling him with awe.
God gave up all His power to come to earth as a mortal child. He lived, loved, and taught the people around Him before allowing Himself to be sacrificed for us. Jesus Christ, Son of
God, gave Himself to save us from our sins

“Lord,” Logan prayed when Bryce finished the passage, “we thank You this day for coming to earth long ago as a child, living as a man, and dying for our sins. Your birth was a miracle; Your sacrifice amazes us. Having taken our sins upon Yourself, You rose again to create a place for us beside You in heaven. We thank You for all You’ve done for us. Amen.”

As they ate the meal, Bryce drank in the love surrounding him. They came together to celebrate the Lord, and in doing so celebrated the life He’d given them. When the last dish was cleared away, they brought out the gifts, sharing with one another all Christ had given them.

Bryce watched in anticipation as everyone opened their packages.

“This is wonderful, Hattie! Thank
Miz Willow held up a box of fancy paper stationery. “I’ll use it when we write to Lovejoy and our family at Chance Ranch.”

Bryce didn’t miss the sly look the old woman sent him.
Yes, Miz Willow. If I have my way, you’ll be writing to Daisy and Jamie, too

“Look at this!” Hattie pulled on her pink dressing gown as Miz Willow opened hers. “Thankee, Bryce!”

“Thought they could come in handy,” he explained.

“They should, what with folks droppin’ by at all hours for the healer.” Miz Willow patted the purple velvet with satisfaction. “Nice and cozy, too.”

“Oh!” Daisy drew out her green dressing gown, touching the little white flowers embroidered on the collar. “How pretty!”

“Those flowers put me in mind o’ daisies,” Hattie praised. “What a clever gift!”

“Thankee, Bryce.” Daisy’s happy smile made him feel about ten feet tall.

“You’re welcome, Daisy.” He took the package she passed him.

“This is from me and Jamie.”

“A coat!” Bryce put it on immediately. “I’ve been needing one of these. Now I’m glad I didn’t pick one up. This is the finest coat I ever put on!” He rubbed his hand on his wool sleeve. “Nice and warm.”

“I made it myself.” Daisy beamed at his appreciation.

“ ’Ook!” Jamie lifted the pair of long underwear Daisy’d sewn him. “For sno’!”

“That’s right.” Daisy rumpled her son’s hair affectionately. “So you have some after you play in the snow.”

“Here, buddy.” Bryce handed Jamie two packages, one after another.

Jamie attacked the paper, ripping it haphazardly until he uncovered a spinning top. “What is’t?” He held up the toy and gave it a curious glance.

“A top.” Bryce reached for it and set it on the ground. “This is how you use it.” He gave the top a spin, and the brightly painted toy whirled around the floor. Nosey followed the whirling thing until it tipped over, then nudged it back to Jamie.

“Wow!” Jamie picked it up. “T’anks!”

“Go on and open the other one,” Bryce urged. He grinned at Daisy as Jamie unearthed a miniature cowboy hat just like the ones he and Logan wore.

Jamie plunked it on his head. “See?” He craned his neck toward Daisy, who smiled.

“You look jist like a cowboy, Jamie.”

Bryce nodded at her words. That was the whole idea. Every boy who lived on a ranch needed a cowboy hat.

“Oh, Bryce.” Daisy stared at the vanity set nestled in tissue paper.
How did he know I always wanted a vanity set? This one’s so pretty, too. Brush, comb, mirror
. She gasped as she picked up the mirror and spotted the etching on the back. She traced the shape of a daisy with her fingertips. “It’s perfect.” She looked at Bryce. “Where did you ever find this?”

“Sometimes it’s worth the search to find something special.”

He thinks I’m special and I deserve special things
. Bryce’s words put a lump in her throat.
Lord, he’s already given me so much

“This is beautiful, Daisy!” Hattie held up the long, thin piece of lace Daisy’d woven to serve as a bookmark.

“I’m glad you like it.” She smiled.

“I’ll use mine in my Bible.” Miz Willow admired hers. “Such a fine piece of work. Little touches of beauty to enrich the heart.”

Logan had gotten matching flannel nightgowns—one for his wife and one apiece for Miz Willow and Daisy. He and Hattie also gave Jamie a warm flannel nightshirt.

I have so much to be thankful for

As the day wore on, Daisy’s smile began to fade.
Is it possible to have too much to be thankful for?
Piles of presents from Bryce surrounded her. In addition to the vanity set and velvet dressing gown, she’d received no less than two pairs of gloves, a delicate cream-colored shawl, and a store-bought wool dress with green piping. She’d never owned any store-bought clothing before the cloak Bryce had given her at the beginning of the winter.

Jamie sat beside her on his brand-new beginner saddle, cowboy hat perched atop his head slightly askew as he bent over to spin his top. So many expensive things. Suddenly, Daisy remembered the combs in her hair, and the gloves and scarf Bryce had already gotten Jamie.

It’s too much! I’d never be able to buy half of all this if I worked my fingers to the bones for years! Why did Bryce get so carried away? How can I let him know how I feel without angering him? He meant well, but Jamie and I aren’t charity! The coat I made him seems so paltry now, and he’s still wearing it as though it’s the grandest thing he’s ever received

Daisy got up and busied herself with picking up bits of brown paper and twine, putting them in a bucket to burn later. Needing a moment to herself, she decided to tote Jamie’s saddle to the barn.

“I’ll take that.” Bryce smoothly slid the saddle from her arms and walked beside her.

Daisy didn’t say a word, her thoughts all a jumble.

Bryce hung the saddle on the rail beside his own and turned to her. “Something wrong? I’ll be careful teaching Jamie to ride.”

“It’s not that—” Daisy broke off.

“What is it?” He stepped closer to rub her shoulders.

“Stop it.” She backed away. “Why did you get all those thangs for us, Bryce?”

“Didn’t you like them?” Consternation painted his face.

“Of course. They’re all wonderful thangs, Bryce,” she hastened to reassure him. “But they’re so much.”

“I want to give you everything in the world, Daisy.” He tried to draw close again, but she put out her palm.

“We ain’t charity, Bryce.” Tears of frustration filled her eyes.

“I never thought you were.” He held her hand, brushing his thumb across her palm. “Truth is, I want something in return.” His eyes burned with meaning, sending a blaze of heat running up her spine.

“You don’t buy love, Bryce.” He dropped her hand like it was a hot potato, but she had to make him understand. “I never wanted yore money.”

Chapter 23

ryce stared at the woman he’d come to love so desperately, trying to understand what it was she wanted from him.
If you didn’t have qualms about finances, then what—

The only other possible explanation hit him like a punch in the gut.
She meant she can’t rely on me. Won’t trust me to take care of her and her son. Daisy’s grown so used to making her own decisions that she won’t give up control for the compromise of marriage

He realized Daisy was staring at him, waiting for him to explain why he’d showered her and Jamie with tokens of his love.

What do I say to her? How can I tell her what I overheard and ask her to explain? How can I not?

Bryce decided to lay it all on the line. “On the day Logan and I took Jamie sledding for the first time, I came back a little before the others.” His throat grew hoarse as he told her. “I heard what you said to Miz Willow.”

He watched as Daisy began turning bright pink with embarrassment.

BOOK: The Brides of Chance Collection
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