The British Bondage Collection (13 page)

BOOK: The British Bondage Collection
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open her door, she slammed it shut behind her and scurried along the hallway
and down the stairs. Her heart sank as she found the dining room empty. She was
about to search the rest of the house, hoping to catch a glimpse of Finn when
Aileen came into the room pushing a trolley with a teapot and cups on it.

good morning. I didn’t think any of you lasses would be up yet, so I’m a bit
late setting up breakfast I’m afraid.”

Samantha said for want of anything else to say.

down and I’ll bring out your breakfast in just a minute.”

a glance around, Samantha nodded and sat meekly. Well what else could she do?
Start turning the castle upside down to search for her mystery man?

was setting out the teacups when the other girls came into the dining room.

Lucy exclaimed. “What happened to you last night?”

got lost,” Samantha told her as her cheeks flamed.

were worried about you but when we got back to your room, your door was locked
and we figured you’d gone to bed.”

you find any ghosts?” Samantha asked brightly, desperate to change the subject.

snorted. “Hardly, but that didn’t stop Lucy from jumping at every noise.”

was pretty spooky,” Fran said as she snatched a piece of toast from the plate
that Aileen placed on the table. “But we definitely didn’t see any ghosts.”

don’t know,” Lucy said with a mock shiver. “I sure felt some weird things.
Changes in temperature, cold fingers…and I’m sure I saw some orbs.”

Annie laughed. “What nonsense.” She took a sip of her tea and eyed Samantha
over the rim. “Sorry you missed out, Sam.”

shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s ok. I slept really well actually. I think I needed

eyes narrowed but she didn’t say anything. Of all her friends, Annie was the
cleverest. She didn’t know how, but Annie had definitely figured out that
something was up.

her breakfast in silence, she listened with a vague smile as the girls
recounted their adventures. Lucy was particularly enthusiastic in telling her
about her ghostly encounters. “You should have felt it, Sam. Like cold fingers
travelling up my back. It was definitely a ghost.”

scowled. Cold fingers? She shuddered as she remembered the feeling that had
spurred her into Finn’s arms. A ghost? She smirked inwardly.
Don’t be daft,

they finished their breakfast, Aileen cleared away the crockery. “Would you
like a tour of the castle in the daylight?” she asked as she shifted everything
back onto the tea tray.

Samantha declared enthusiastically.

Aileen gave her an odd look at her enthusiasm and Samantha lowered her gaze.
She just
to find Finn.

me clear up and then I’ll give you the tour,” Aileen said as she wheeled the
trolley out.

know you were that into castles,” Annie said with a sly smile.

just thought it would be interesting,” Samantha offered lamely.

the only one who seemed unaware of Samantha’s discomfort, piped up, “Well, I
can’t wait to look around. It’s so beautiful here. What I wouldn’t give to live
in a place like this.”

nodded her agreement and sighed. In spite of the spookiness, the castle was
beautiful and almost homely with its heavy drapery and dark wood furniture. Of
course, the fact that she had encountered a gorgeous Scotsman
better than she had in months here probably added to its appeal.

everything cleared away, Aileen led them back out into the hallway and into one
of the drawing rooms. It was decorated similarly to the rest of the house with
rustic wood furniture, shields on the walls and family portraits.

froze as she stared up at the portrait above the fireplace.


had to be. Stood in the same kilt she’d seen him in last night, he was posing
in front of the windows that looked out onto the loch.

isn’t he?”

jolted as Aileen peered over her shoulder.

she admitted with a smile.

Finnean McLaughlin.”

brows darted up. “Laird?”
Holy shit, I’ve slept with a laird!

This was painted about twenty years ago now…”


before he died,” Aileen continued.

gulped. “He died?”

offered her a sad smile. “Yes, far too young, I know. A road accident.”

dead?” Samantha stared back up at the picture, her gut churning. The man she
had made love to was dead? A sharp pang of sorrow struck her heart, mingling
with the incomprehension. What was he then? A ghost? Samantha snorted at
herself. No, don’t be ridiculous. It was a dream. It had to be. But how had she
known what he looked like?

gave her a funny look and moved away to the other girls who were admiring the
view outside. Samantha couldn’t pull her gaze away from the handsome man in the
painting. He had seemed so real. She’d even hoped that maybe… maybe there would
be a future...
I’m losing my mind.
That was the only explanation.
was planning a future with a figment of my imagination.

he really was a ghost. What had he said? That places like this held memories.
He’d told her that this castle dated back to the 11th Century. How could she
have made that up? She didn’t even know that until he’d said so.

hell, she’d made love to a ghost. It all made sense now. The way he’d
disappeared, the strange sensations, the amazing orgasms… Jesus, he’d even
known her name and she didn’t pick up on the fact that she’d never told him it.

of the girls called to her, but she didn’t register who as she turned dazedly
away from the picture. Walking over to the window, she nodded numbly as they
made comments about the scenery.

caught her eye and she looked up and jumped. “Finn!”

strolled into the room and Samantha could feel the blood drain from her face.
She backed away as he approached. She darted a glance at Aileen who appeared
completely unperturbed by the ghost of the dead laird.

other girls all fixed her with a look of concern, which quickly gave way to
simpering smiles as they spotted Finn.

looked so real. They probably didn’t even realise he was a ghost. She edged
behind Annie as he greeted them warmly. Samantha could feel her legs quaking
beneath her as she stared at him. How could he just be strolling around like
that? Didn’t ghosts only come out at night?

you have a fun night?” he asked them, fixing his gaze onto hers.

cheeks flamed and she took another step back, her head swimming. With a sudden
cry, she spun on her heels and ran out of the room and up the stairs, taking
the steps two at a time. A ghost! She’d shagged a ghost!  Sprinting along
the hall, she fumbled with the lock on her door. As she pressed it open, he
came to her side and grabbed her arm.

screamed and tried to tear herself away from him but his grip was too strong.
The spinning in her head increased and stars swam across her vision as the
shock took hold. How could she possibly escape a ghost?

legs gave way and he scooped her easily into his embrace. She was vaguely aware
of him kicking open her door before slamming it firmly shut and laying her on
the bed.

he said quietly.

vision cleared and she bolted upright, huddling into the headboard and pulling
her knees to her chest as she stared at him, wide-eyed.

what’s wrong?

she stammered.

I’m sorry I didn’t see you this morning. You were fast asleep and I couldn’t
bring myself to wake you. I had to help Aileen with the breakfasts.”

you’re…you’re a ghost!” she managed to squeak out.

laughed and then paused as he noted her quivering body. “What are you on about,

God, he doesn’t even know it
. “Aileen said. You died twenty years

really think you slept with a ghost last night?” His eyes twinkled with
amusement but Samantha couldn’t feel anything but pure sadness. Maybe he had
unfinished business. She’d have to help him find his way to the afterlife…or

think…” He reached out and put a very warm, very real hand over hers. “…that
Aileen may have been talking about my father.”


named after him and I bear quite a resemblance to him. He died when I was ten.”

sagged against the headboard and buried her head in her hands. “Oh my God.”

really thought I was a ghost?”

peeked at him from between her fingers. “No…?”

did, didn’t you?”

it was so spooky, and you just turned up out of nowhere, and then you
disappeared this morning and…and you were so good in bed…”

was, was I?”

she said tightly, swatting at his arm. “Oh my God, I am such an idiot.”

shuffled forwards and drew her into his arms. She relaxed into him, enjoying
the warmth of him. How could she ever have thought he was a ghost?

know, I may not be a ghost but it is said that the real ghosts of Inverrock
like to try their hand at matchmaking. Maybe they delivered you into my arms.”

considered the strange sensations that had urged her into his embrace and
nodded. Instead of feeling scared, she could only feel grateful. Maybe ghosts
weren’t so bad after all.

are you planning for the rest of the day?” he asked as he stroked a thumb
across her hand.

don’t know. I think the girls wanted to go out on the loch.”

after that?”

hadn’t decided yet.”


laughed and tilted her face to his. “Maybe…”

enveloped her jaw in his hand and coaxed her lips open with his, delving into
her mouth with his tongue. “You know I’m a laird, right?” he murmured as he
kissed down her neck.

she said with a sigh.

that means whoever I marry would become a lady?”

grinned and twisted her hand into his hair as he worked his mouth across her
collarbone and his hand forged a path up her jumper and over her breasts.


you like to be a lady?”

definitely not a lady,” Samantha said with a laugh.

he said as he tweaked at her hard nipples, “you may be right. But you could

kissed him hard as he brought his head up from her chest. “I’ll think about

glint in his eye told her that he was determined to make her his lady. And the
ghosts of Inverrock obviously wanted it. Samantha grinned to herself. She
looked forward to being persuaded. Maybe he would take her over his knee and
spank her until she agreed. She couldn’t wait to find out…



titles by J.A. Bailey



of the Jungle

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Laura excerpt

He led
her into a room and shut the door. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the dim
light. Forgetting her position, she wrapped her arms about herself as her skin
chilled. The room could have been a dungeon. A classy, luxurious dungeon but a
far cry from the hotel-like rooms of the rest of the house.

furnishings, no bed. Just a padded bench that looked like it should be used for
massages, a frame in the shape of an ‘X’ and plenty of restraints and chains.
The soft lighting and beautiful wallpaper belied the sinister look of the

A hand
slapped sharply at her bottom and she yelped.

“I did
not tell you to release your hands.” Hunter circled her, his predatory look
matching his name. Hunter. Yeah that suited him perfectly. As she went to place
her hands back in front of her, he shook his head. “Take off your uniform.”

hesitated, her stomach rolling as she reached for the straps of the bra.

you scared?”

did it. With a flourish, she yanked down the straps and whipped off her skirt.
The rest of the lace garment went the same way and pooled on the floor. Her
skin pimpled and her nipples peaked as he swept his harsh dark gaze over her.

up, she met his stare.

are you here, Laura?”

surprised her. She’d already answered a ton of questions before even signing up
for the school. Most of her answers were nonsense. Even her last name had been
made up but it didn’t matter if it got her access. She just really hadn’t
expected this.

hadn’t expected someone like Hunter. His fearsome expression cut her to the
core, exposing her.

want to be a better sub, Sir,” she responded, aware her voice shook.

don’t you do as I ask then?”

not very good at it, that’s all. I just need practice I think. I will do
better, I promise, Sir.”

lips twitched, not in amusement but in displeasure, as he regarded her. Did her
body have so little effect on him? She had nice breasts and she looked after
her figure, keeping it toned and tight. Most men loved her figure. Why didn’t
he? And why did that bother her?

that stern brow was an attractive man. He just scared her so much that she
could only remember that when she wasn’t with him. And under those suits, she
reckoned a hot body waited. But even the most attractive of men liked her. It
made her feel superior and powerful. In Hunter’s presence, she was aware that
he held every bit of power.

rough hands came suddenly upon her shoulders, his touch inciting a prickling
sensation. He manoeuvred her towards the frame and Laura’s heart rate kicked up
as he pressed her against it. Eyes never leaving hers, he took a wrist and
shackled it to one corner of the frame. The leather padding pressed into her
bare arse as he did the same to her other wrist, his movement surprisingly

ankles came next and she was bound, spread eagled to the cross. A prickle of
sweat beaded across her lip as Hunter eyed her exposed pussy. God help her, the
feeling of vulnerability made her cunt twitch. A tiny drip of arousal leaked
down her leg and she closed her eyes. What was wrong with her?

this turn you on?”

snapped open her eyes and sucked in a breath. What should she say? It did turn
her on but for the life of her, she couldn’t force the truth past her tongue.
It was wrong, so wrong to be turned on by things like this. And yet, she knew
in playing a sub that it
turn her on. Hunter would think it
strange if it didn’t.

turns you on, Laura?”

gaze caught sight of the flogger he now held in his hand. He swept it through
his fingers, toying leisurely with it. Fear lodged in her throat.

a beating turn you on?”

shook her head frantically.

edged closer, running the flogger over her breasts and stomach. “What turns you
on, Laura?”

don’t know!”

do you want? Tell me and I can make it happen. Every fantasy, every fetish.”
His voice was low now, almost seductive, that intimidating growl lost to
something sensual that rolled over her and made her sex clench.


She couldn’t. Her wants and desires were perverted. She could never give into
them. Her mother’s voice echoed in the back of her mind.
Wrong, it’s wrong.
Dirty girl.

will tell me, Laura. You may as well tell me now.”

clamped firmly shut, she whimpered as he teased her flesh with the leather
strands. His face came to the side of her cheek, his bristle brushing lightly
over her skin as he whispered in her ear, “Why are you here, Laura? What do you

want to be a sub,” she cried quietly. “I just want to be a sub…”

It was
a pathetic response and she could hear the fragility of her voice. Those dark
eyes told her he wasn’t happy with her response either.

safe-word and this will be all over.” His voice came out almost tender. He
want her to safe-word. But why? Had he figured out the real reason she was

she couldn’t. Speaking her safe-word would mean no graduation and she’d be
kicked out of the school. She needed to graduate.

With a
shrug, he drew back the flogger and Laura clenched her eyes shut. She heard the
sound first, the faint woosh and slap and then a heat blossomed across the top
of her thighs. The fear seemed to have frozen her vocal chords as she opened
her mouth to cry out but only a rasping hiss of air came.

woosh and this time the flogger came across her other thigh. The fire seared
instantly across her skin and she finally released a scream. Wrenching open her
eyes, Laura gasped as she glanced down and saw the red streaks crawling over
her pale skin.

A peek
at Hunter sent her stomach twisting. He eyed her coolly but his whole body
remained tense and she could see his erection thrusting up against his
trousers. This turned him on. She was fucked.

cringed as he raised the flogger and splayed it across her stomach. The edge of
the tassels caught the underside of her breast and she clamped down on her lip
as the sting forced tears into her eyes. He barely gave her time to recover
before striking her breast fully, sending excruciating pain through her tight

do want, Laura?” he repeated as he flogged both breasts, one after the other in
a rhythmic motion. “What do you fantasise about?”

smacking sounds were almost soothing as Hunter struck her efficiently and
expertly. Laura tuned into the noise, concentrating on the musical quality of
it in an attempt to ignore the burning pain.

he picked up on the comfort it brought her as he switched his rhythm, moving to
a less predictable motion as he swept the leather over her stomach. She didn’t
dare glance down as she knew the sight would probably force her safe-word from
her lips.

stinging heat consumed every part of her as he worked his way down, sending the
leather across her hips before concentrating on the apex of her thighs. Tears
streamed freely now. Surely she was in hell? Her clit swelled with each hit as
if her body was rebelling against her, trying to make the pain unbearable.

can end all this, Laura,” Hunter prompted hoarsely between whippings. “Just one

it, say it.
No, she couldn’t. Red was her word. Not very
inventive but she’d heard it was commonly used in BDSM scenarios. It sat on the
tip of her tongue as a tassel curled over her distended clit.

do you need?” Smack. “What do you want?” Smack. “Tell me everything and this
will be over.”

vicious smack landed between her legs, setting fire to her tender cunt as her
cream dripped from her.

she cried as he raised his hand once more.

he paused and crossed his arms, waiting.

want to be fucked!” Oh God, where was this coming from? She couldn’t prevent
the words spilling from her. “I want to be pinned down and fucked, hard and
fast. I want a man to hold me down and ram his cock in me.” She sobbed as the
shameful truth of all her fantasies came tumbling out. “I want you to fuck me,
Sir. I want your cock in me.”

tried to clear the tears from her gaze with a few blinks but she couldn’t make
out his expression through the cloudy haze. He still held the flogger, slightly
raised and she waited, breath trapped in her chest.

cried out as he took a sudden step towards her and tore at the restraints.
Quickly he freed one wrist then the other, flinging aside the flogger. Ankles
released, the next minute he held her tight in his embrace and was kissing her.

arms ended up pinned behind her, held in one wrist as his other hand held the
back of her neck while he plundered her mouth. As the shock subsided, Laura
found herself kissing him back, eagerly twining her tongue with his. Her tender
skin smarted at the rub of his suit but the feel of his cock pushed against her
made her forget it all and she thrust her throbbing cunt against it.

around suddenly, he forced Laura onto the cold leather of the bench. Without
preamble, Hunter lunged into her, filling her in one sweep. Her pussy ached
with the invasion. It had been so long. But, God, it was good. Her body
responded instantly as he covered her with his clothed form, bringing her hands
up in front of her and sprawling his large hands across hers.



BOOK: The British Bondage Collection
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