The Broker (12 page)

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Authors: John Grisham

Tags: #Suspense, #Fiction

BOOK: The Broker
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“So you can’t lose him?”

“He’s a lawyer, not a spy. As of now, he seems very content to enjoy his freedom and do what he’s told.”

“He’s not stupid, though. Remember that, Julia. Backman knows there are some very nasty people who would love to find him.”

“True, but right now he’s like a toddler clinging to his mother.”

“So he feels safe?”

“Under the circumstances, yes.”

“Then let’s give him a scare.”


“Yes.” Teddy rubbed his eyes and took a sip of tea. “What about his son?”

“Level-three surveillance, not much happening in Culpeper, Virginia. If Backman tries to contact anyone, it will be Neal Backman. But we’ll know it in Italy before we know it in Culpeper.”

“His son is the only person he trusts,” Teddy said, stating what Julia had said many times.

“Very true.”

After a long pause he said, “Anything else, Julia?”

“He’s writing a letter to his mother in Oakland.”

Teddy gave a quick smile. “How nice. Do we have it?”

“Yes, our agent took a picture of it yesterday, we just got it. Backman hides it in between the pages of a local tourism magazine in his hotel room.”

“How long is it?”

“Two good paragraphs. Evidently a work in progress.”

“Read it to me,” Teddy said as he leaned his head back against his wheelchair and closed his eyes.

Julia shuffled papers and pushed up her reading glasses. “No date, handwritten, which is a chore because Backman’s penmanship is lousy. ‘Dear Mother: I’m not sure when or if you will ever receive this letter. I’m not sure if I will ever mail it, which could affect whether or
not you get it. At any rate, I’m out of prison and doing better. In my last letter I said things were going well in the flat country of Oklahoma. I had no idea at that time that I would be pardoned by the President. It happened so quickly that I still find it hard to believe.’ Second paragraph. ‘I’m living on the other side of the world, I can’t say where because this would upset some people. I would prefer to be in the United States, but that is not possible. I had no say in the matter. It’s not a great life but it’s certainly better than the one I had a week ago. I was dying in prison, in spite of what I said in my letters. Didn’t want to worry you. Here, I’m free, and that’s the most important thing in the world. I can walk down the street, eat in a café, come and go as I please, do pretty much whatever I want. Freedom, Mother, something I dreamed of for years and thought was impossible.’ ”

She laid it down and said, “That’s as far as he’s gotten.”

Teddy opened his eyes and said, “You think he’s stupid enough to mail a letter to his mother?”

“No. But he’s been writing her once a week for a long time. It’s a habit, and it’s probably therapeutic. He has to talk to somebody.”

“Are we still watching her mail?”

“Yes, what little she receives.”

“Very well. Scare the hell out of him, then report back.”

“Yes sir.” Julia gathered her papers and left the office. Teddy picked up a summary and adjusted his reading glasses. Hoby went to a small kitchen nearby.

Backman’s mother’s phone had been tapped in the nursing home in Oakland, and so far it had revealed
nothing. The day the pardon was announced two very old friends had called with lots of questions and some subdued congratulations, but Mrs. Backman had been so bewildered she was eventually sedated and napped for hours. None of her grandchildren—the three produced by Joel and his various wives—had called her in the past six months.

Lydia Backman had survived two strokes and was confined to a wheelchair. When her son was at his pinnacle she lived in relative luxury in a spacious condo with a full-time nurse. His conviction had forced her to give up the good life and live in a nursing home with a hundred others.

Surely Backman would not try to contact her.


Critz began spending it, at least mentally. With all that cash, he wouldn’t be forced to work for the sleazy defense contractor, nor would he be forced to hustle audiences on the lecture circuit. (He wasn’t convinced the audiences were out there to begin with, in spite of what his lecture agent had promised him.)

Critz was thinking about retirement! Somewhere far away from Washington and all the enemies he’d made there, somewhere on a beach with a sailboat nearby. Or maybe he’d move to Switzerland and stay close to his new fortune buried in his new bank, all wonderfully tax free and growing by the day.

He made a phone call and got the flat in London for a few more days. He encouraged Mrs. Critz to shop more aggressively. She, too, was tired of Washington and deserved an easier life.

Partly because of his greedy enthusiasm, and partly because of his natural ineptitude, and also because of his lack of sophistication in intelligence matters, Critz
blundered badly from the start. For such an old hand at the Washington game, his mistakes were inexcusable.

First, he used the phone in his borrowed flat, thus making it easy for someone to nail down his exact location. He called Jeb Priddy, the CIA liaison who had been stationed in the White House during the last four years. Priddy was still at his post but expected to be called back to Langley soon. The new President was settling in, things were chaotic, and so on, according to Priddy, who seemed slightly irritated by the call. He and Critz had never been close, and Priddy knew immediately that the guy was fishing. Critz eventually said he was trying to find an old pal, a senior CIA analyst he’d once played a lot of golf with. Name was Daly, Addison Daly, and he’d left Washington for a stint in Asia. Did Priddy perhaps know where he was now?

Addison Daly was tucked away at Langley and Priddy knew him well. “I know the name,” Priddy said. “Maybe I can find him. Where can I reach you?”

Critz gave him the number at the flat. Priddy called Addison Daly and passed along his suspicions. Daly turned on his recorder and called London on a secure line. Critz answered the phone and went overboard with his delight at hearing from an old friend. He rambled on about how wonderful life was after the White House, after all those years playing the political game, how nice it was being a private citizen. He was anxious to renew old friendships and get serious about his golf game.

Daly played along well. He offered that he, too, was contemplating retirement—almost thirty years in the service—and that he caught himself looking forward to an easier life.

How’s Teddy these days? Critz wanted to know. And how’s the new president? What’s the mood in Washington with the new administration?

Nothing changes much, Daly mused, just another bunch of fools. By the way, how’s former president Morgan?

Critz didn’t know, hadn’t talked to him, in fact might not talk to him for many weeks. As the conversation was winding down, Critz said with a clumsy laugh, “Don’t guess anybody’s seen Joel Backman?”

Daly managed to laugh too—it was all a big joke. “No,” he said, “I think the boy’s well hidden.”

“He should be.”

Critz promised to call as soon as he returned to D.C. They’d play eighteen holes at one of the good clubs, then have a drink, just like in the old days!

What old days? Daly asked himself after he hung up.

An hour later, the phone conversation was played for Teddy Maynard.

Since the first two calls had been somewhat encouraging, Critz pressed on. He’d always been one to work the phones like a maniac. He subscribed to the shotgun theory—fill the air with calls and something will happen. A rough plan was coming together. Another old pal had once been a senior staffer to the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and though he was now a well-connected lobbyist, he had, allegedly, maintained close ties to the CIA.

They talked politics and golf and eventually, much to Critz’s delight, the pal asked what, exactly, was President Morgan thinking when he pardoned Duke Mongo, the
biggest tax evader in the history of America? Critz claimed to have been opposed to the pardon but managed to steer the conversation along to the other controversial reprieve. “What’s the gossip on Backman?” he asked.

“You were there,” answered his pal.

“Yes, but where did Maynard stash him? That’s the big question.”

“So it was a CIA job?” his friend asked.

“Of course,” Critz said with the voice of authority. Who else could sneak him out of the country in the middle of the night?

“That’s interesting,” said his pal, who then became very quiet. Critz insisted on a lunch the following week, and that’s where they left the conversation.

As Critz feverishly worked the phone, he marveled once again at his endless list of contacts. Power did have its rewards.


or Marco, said goodbye to Ermanno at five-thirty in the afternoon, completing a three-hour session that had gone virtually nonstop. Both were exhausted.

The chilly air helped clear his head as he walked the narrow streets of Treviso. For the second day, he dropped by a small corner bar and ordered a beer. He sat in the window and watched the locals hurry about, some rushing home from work, others shopping quickly for dinner. The bar was warm and smoky, and Marco once again drifted back to prison. He couldn’t help himself—the change had been too drastic, the freedom too sudden. There was still the lingering fear that he would wake up and find himself
locked in the cell with some unseen prankster laughing hysterically in the distance.

After the beer he had an espresso, and after that he stepped into the darkness and shoved both hands deep into his pockets. When he turned the corner and saw his hotel, he also saw Luigi pacing nervously along the sidewalk, smoking a cigarette. As Marco crossed the street, Luigi came after him. “We are leaving, immediately,” he said.

“Why?” Marco asked, glancing around, looking for bad guys.

“I’ll explain later. There’s a travel bag on your bed. Pack your things as quickly as possible. I’ll wait here.”

“What if I don’t want to leave?” Marco asked.

Luigi clutched his left wrist, thought for a quick second, then gave a very tight smile. “Then you might not last twenty-four hours,” he said as ominously as possible. “Please trust me.”

Marco raced up the stairs and down the hall, and was almost to his room before he realized that the sharp pain in his stomach was not from heavy breathing but from fear.

What had happened? What had Luigi seen or heard, or been told? Who, exactly, was Luigi in the first place and who was he taking orders from? As Marco yanked his clothes out of the tiny closet and flung them toward the bed, he asked all these questions, and many more. When everything was packed, he sat for a moment and tried to collect his thoughts. He took deep breaths, exhaled slowly, told himself that whatever was happening was just part of the game.

Would he be running forever? Always packing in a
hurry, fleeing one room in search of another? It still beat the hell out of prison, but it would take its toll.

And how could anyone possibly have found him this soon? He’d been in Treviso only four days.

When his composure was somewhat restored, he walked slowly down the hall, down the stairs, through the lobby where he nodded at the gawking clerk but said nothing, and out the front door. Luigi snatched his bag and tossed it into the trunk of a compact Fiat. They were on the outskirts of Treviso before a word was spoken.

“Okay, Luigi, what’s up?” Marco asked.

“A change of scenery.”

“Got that. Why?”

“Some very good reasons.”

“Oh, well, that explains everything.”

Luigi drove with his left hand, shifted gears frantically with his right, and kept the accelerator as close to the floor as possible while ignoring the brakes. Marco was already perplexed as to how a race of people could spend two and a half leisurely hours over lunch, then hop in a car for a ten-minute drive across town at breakneck speed.

They drove an hour, generally in a southward direction, avoiding the highways by clinging to the back roads. “Is someone behind us?” Marco asked more than once as they sped around tight curves on two wheels.

Luigi just shook his head. His eyes were narrow, his eyebrows pinched together, his jaw clenched tightly when the cigarette wasn’t near. He somehow managed to drive like a maniac while smoking calmly and never glancing behind them. He was determined not to speak, and that reinforced Marco’s determination to have a conversation.

“You’re just trying to scare me, aren’t you, Luigi?
We’re playing the spy game—you’re the master, I’m the poor schmuck with the secrets. Scare the hell out of me and keep me dependent and loyal. I know what you’re doing.”

“Who killed Jacy Hubbard?” Luigi asked, barely moving his lips.

Backman suddenly wanted to go quiet. The mere mention of Hubbard made him freeze for a second. The name always brought the same flashback: a police photo of Jacy slumped against his brother’s grave, the left side of his head blown away, blood everywhere—on the tombstone, on his white shirt. Everywhere.

“You have the file,” Backman said. “It was a suicide.”

“Oh yes. And if you believed that, then why did you decide to plead guilty and beg for protective custody in prison?”

“I was scared. Suicides can be contagious.”

“Very true.”

“So you’re saying that the boys who did the Hubbard suicide are after me?”

Luigi confirmed it with a shrug.

“And somehow they found out I was hiding in Treviso?”

“It’s best not to take chances.”

He would not get the details, if, in fact, there were any. He tried not to, but he instinctively glanced over his shoulder and saw the dark road behind them. Luigi looked into his rearview mirror, and managed a satisfactory smile, as if to say: They’re back there, somewhere.

Joel sank a few inches in his seat and closed his eyes. Two of his clients had died first. Safi Mirza had been knifed outside a Georgetown nightclub three months
after he hired Backman and handed over the only copy of JAM. The knife wounds were severe enough, but a poison had been injected, probably with the thrust of the blade. No witnesses. No clues. A very unsolved murder, but one of many in D.C. A month later Fazal Sharif had disappeared in Karachi, and was presumed dead.

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