The Brothers of Baker Street

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Authors: Michael Robertson

Tags: #Mystery, #Detective

BOOK: The Brothers of Baker Street
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For my three brothers,

and for our parents


My thanks to my editor, Marcia Markland; to my agent, Rebecca Oliver; to Laura Bonner, for representing international rights; and to Kat Brzozowski, Elizabeth Curione, Phil Mazzone, Helen Chin, and David Baldeosingh Rotstein, at Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Press.


Title Page



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Also by Michael Robertson




In Mayfair, the owner of an elegant Edwardian white-stone sat down at the garden table with unusually high expectations for breakfast.

It was a bright September morning, quite lovely indeed; the roses in the garden were much more fragrant than in many days or weeks past—more so than anyone could possibly understand—and there was every reason to believe that breakfast would be equally remarkable.

The servant girl would bring tea and scones for a start. The tea would be hot and dark and would swirl together with the milk like vanilla and caramel taffy; the scones would be fresh and warm and appropriately crumbly when broken in two, and the butter would melt into each half like rain into loose garden soil.

The breakfast would be wonderful—especially so because it was no longer necessary to take the medications that accompanied it.

No medications, no nausea. No medications, no mental dullness. No medications, no loss of pleasure in the ordinary, everyday elements of life.

Not taking the bloody little pills was certainly the way to go.

The wonder was why the servant girl still bothered bringing them at all.

Several steps away in the parlor, the servant girl—a young woman, who had emigrated from Russia only a few years earlier and shortened her name to Ilsa (because there was a tennis star of that name and people could pronounce it)—arranged a china setting on a silver serving tray, with all the breakfast components her employer was expecting.

She placed the medications on the tray as well—a yellow pill for the schizophrenia, a round blue one to alleviate the depression caused by the yellow one; and a square white one to deal with the nausea caused by the blue one, but apparently not to great effect. And there was a small pink one, which was related to the effects of the other three in some complicated way that no one had adequately explained.

The pills had been part of the daily regimen ever since Ilsa was first hired. That was almost a year ago now. Ilsa’s employer, just a few years older than Ilsa herself, had lost both parents to an automobile accident at that time, and needed some assistance with the daily routine. Ilsa had been brought in to prepare the meals, to put the medicines on the tray, and to do the housekeeping and other chores. She wanted to do all of her tasks well.

Keeping the place tidy was more trouble than it should have been. Like a cat bringing presents from the garden, her employer kept discovering and bringing in small pieces of furniture and such from the parents’ estate. Ilsa had counted five lamps, three vases, an ancient portable typewriter, and innumerable scrapbooks and folders and yellowed paper items, some of which her employer had begun to take upstairs alone to study in private.

But as difficult as the housekeeping was, what worried Ilsa most was the medications. A new doctor had come by—a man Ilsa did not particularly like—and said not to worry about them. So Ilsa tried not to worry. But she continued to put the pills on the tray anyway, as she had been originally told to do. It seemed to her that she still should do so. And she was uncertain of all the regulations in her adopted country; she did not want to get in trouble.

Now she brought the breakfast setting out to the garden. And she also brought a copy of the
Daily Sun

Ilsa placed the silver tray on the table. Her employer smiled slightly and nodded. Then Ilsa stood at the table and began to read the headlines aloud from the tabloid.

This had been become a ritual in recent weeks, and she took some pride in getting good at it.

“‘Prime Minister Calls for Moratorium on Queue Cutting,’” read Ilsa.

“No,” said her employer.

“‘Prince Harry Fathers Love Child with Underage Martian Girl.’”


“‘Liverpool Louts Stab Man in Front of Pregnant Wife.’”

“No. Page two?”

“Just adverts.”

“And on page three?”

“A woman in her underwear—and nothing on top. Shall I read the caption?” Ilsa giggled just slightly, because she was beginning to understand the British fondness for bad puns, and she was looking forward to demonstrating that knowledge.

“No, Ilsa. I don’t need to know about the page-three girl. Go to page four.”

“Two headlines on page four,” said Ilsa. “The first is: ‘Taxi Drivers a Terror to Tourists?’”

It was an article about a spate of robberies and nonlethal assaults against patrons of Black Cabs. Ilsa read the headline with the proper inflexion, making it sound as alarming as the headline writer clearly intended it to be.

“Hmm.” Ilsa’s employer seemed disappointed and began to butter a scone.

“And the second is a lawyer on Baker Street who denies that he’s Sherlock Holmes,” continued Ilsa. “There’s a photo. I think one might call him good-looking, in a stuffy sort of way.”

Her employer abruptly stopped buttering. There was silence for a moment. Then—

“Let me see it.”

It was just three short paragraphs, not even breaking news; just a follow-up piece, about one Reggie Health—a thirty-five-year-old London barrister—and the unusual circumstances of a trip he had taken to Los Angeles a short time earlier.

Ilsa watched as her employer stared at the passage for a very long time, eyes searching intently, as though there were something more on the page than just the words.

“Is something wrong?” said Ilsa.

“It’s like trying to find a gray cat in the fog,” said Ilsa’s employer finally, getting up from the table, with the
Daily News
in hand, and without finishing breakfast. “But I think I am beginning to remember.”

Ilsa did not ask what was being remembered. She took the tray away, saw that the medications were again untouched, and wished it were not so.



“Nothing is so faithful as a male goose,” Laura Rankin had once said. “If he loses his mate, if she dies or becomes directionally challenged flying home from Ibiza after a holiday, the male doesn’t take a new one—he remains solitary for the balance of his life, spending what’s left of his sad existence at ale and darts and whatever else ganders do with their spare time.”

It had not been so long ago that she said it. It had been a warning; Reggie Heath just hadn’t known it at the time.

He was remembering it now, as he turned his Jaguar XJS south from Regent’s Park onto Baker Street in a heavy rain. It was not a gentle London drizzle, but an angry drencher, and it suited his frame of mind perfectly.

As a result of his recent and unintentional adventure in Los Angeles, Reggie had lost most of his personal fortune, all of his law chambers’ clients, and (at least he liked to tell himself the Los Angeles events were the reason) the affections of the one woman he knew he loved.

He wanted all of it back again. Especially that last thing. When it came right down to it, he was thinking of everything else as just a means to that end.

But driving across the bridge this morning, he had heard a rumor. His new secretary, apparently unafraid to be the bearer of bad tidings, called him on his mobile to warn him, and the call had come as a shock—in part because he wasn’t aware she knew that much about his personal life.

But these days, apparently, the whole world did.

He didn’t want to look, and see what everyone else had already seen. But he knew he must.

He pulled into the car park in the two hundred block of Baker Street. He was at Dorset House—a building that occupied that entire block, and that was home not only to the headquarters of the Dorset National Building Society, but also to Reggie Heath’s Baker Street Chambers.

Reggie parked the Jag, and with his umbrella beginning to break at the seams against the windblown rain, he crossed the street to Audrey’s Coffee and Newsagent.

Financial Times
?” said the attendant. He offered Reggie’s usual purchase. The
Financial Times
had headlines about the PM at an economic conference in Brussels, and the inflation rate, and a proposal to bring the technological advances of satellite navigation systems to the taxis of London. None of that was on Reggie’s mind.

“No,” said Reggie. “The
Daily Sun

“Second time in a week, Heath. Developing an interest in trash?”

“No. Trash has developed an interest in me.”

Reggie entered Dorset House and crossed through the lobby in quick strides, trying not to broadcast that he was carrying the lowest form of journalism folded under his arm, but trying not to be seen as hiding it either.

The lift was empty. That was lucky. Reggie got in and pressed the button for his floor.

He paid little attention to the front-page headline—“American Couple Killed: Cabbie Caught,” something about unfortunate tourists in the West End two nights earlier—and he jerked the paper open to the inside pages. He saw the teaser line his secretary had warned him of.

“Fun with Freckles in Phuket?” was the title.

“Bloody hell,” said Reggie, aloud, so transfixed that he didn’t even realize that the lift hadn’t moved and the doors had opened again.

A tall, attractive brunette in her thirties, a loan officer for Dorset probably, got in and stood next to Reggie.

“Stuck on page three, are we?”

Reggie roused himself. Just opposite the page-two blurb he was reading was the bare-tits photo that always occupied all of page three.

“Sorry,” he said. He closed the paper. Trying to explain would have been worse. Much worse.

“Oh, don’t mind me,” she said, as the lift reached Reggie’s floor. “Hope she’s pert.”

Normally Reggie would have come up with a response to that, but today there was no time. He exited the lift.

“Touchy,” she said, still within earshot as Reggie walked away down the corridor.

He was headed for his secretary’s desk. Also his chambers’ clerk’s desk: it was the same desk; he had hired just one person, a fiftyish woman named Lois, to fulfill both roles. That was mainly a financial decision, but also, combining both roles in one made it less likely that the secretary would want to bash in the clerk’s head. Once had been enough for that. He wanted no more murders in chambers.

Lois rolled—almost literally—out of her desk station as she saw him approach. She had the general shape of a bowling ball, and the enthusiasm of one crashing at high speed into pins. With any luck, Reggie hoped, solicitors would bring new briefs to the chambers just for the entertainment of watching her react to them.

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