The Buried (20 page)

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Authors: Brett Battles

Tags: #Mystery, #spy, #conspiracy, #Suspense, #Espionage, #Thriller

BOOK: The Buried
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Either she hadn’t heard him or wasn’t interested, because she kept clutching his jacket.

They were almost out of the smoke when they heard a voice behind them say, “I’ll take over now.”

Quinn turned.

Standing twenty feet behind them was a blonde woman wearing a leather jacket and dark pants. Her most important accessory was the pistol pointed at them.

He put himself between Dani and the woman.

“Deal number one,” the woman said. “I get the girl, you live. Deal number two: I get the girl, you die. Your choice.”

“No,” Dani whispered.

The only hope they had was for Quinn to buy enough time for Nate to catch up to them. “She’s no good to you,” he said. “She doesn’t even know where the location is.”

The expression on the woman’s face remained unchanged. “I don’t know what that means. I’m here to recover the girl. So, if you please.” She motioned with her free hand for Dani to come to her.

A footstep, faint and off to the side, behind the woman.

“Who do you work for?” he asked. “The Wolf, right?”

This time there was a tick of her head. Score one for Quinn.

“Why don’t you give her a call? Tell her I’m willing to make a deal.”

Dani’s grip faltered, and he could sense her confusion.

The woman scowled. “I’ve already given you your choice of deals. Give me the girl.”

Out of the smoke near the hill, a voice said, “Everyone freeze.”

As much as Quinn had hoped it was Nate he’d heard approaching, it wasn’t.

The blonde woman whipped around and pulled her trigger. At almost the same instant, a rifle yelped twice from the smoke. The woman jerked to the side, hit, and fired off four more shots as she sidestepped into the cover of the smoke cloud.

Quinn pushed Dani in front of him. “Run!”

She hesitated, looking at him.

“Just run. Find someplace to hide! Go!”

She took off.

Quinn ran back into the smoke in the direction the woman had disappeared, wanting to ensure she didn’t come after Dani. As he reached the back of the Lexus, feet staggered toward him from the left. He twisted around, but it was Nate.

His partner had an arm around his ribs and blood on his face.

“You okay?” Quinn asked, not worried about what he could see, but what he couldn’t.

“I’ll be fine,” Nate grunted. “Where’s Dani?”

“She’s okay. I sent her down the road.”

They heard a
, back closer to the helicopter.

The woman, Quinn thought. Though he would have loved to deal with her, with the smoke and the condition Nate was in, they needed to get away.

“Come on,” he said, and headed after Dani.



thigh again. The bullet had passed a half inch under her skin, hitting only meat before exiting the other side. It had been a while since she’d been shot, and it didn’t make her happy.

The girl and her friends could wait. With their car wrecked, they weren’t going to get very far.

Morse’s men, however…well, she’d already taken out all four men behind the car. Now she wanted nothing more than to deal with the rest.

The first was easy. It was logical that one man would be tasked with staying at the helicopter.

Slinking through the smoke and ignoring the pain from her wound, she moved along the edge of the road until she reached the aircraft’s tail section. There wasn’t as much smoke here, but enough to limit visibility. She ducked under the tail and headed forward until she reached the main body. Peeking around the edge, she saw the shadow of the man standing right next to the floodlight.

She raised her gun, aimed for his exposed ear, and
—one down.

She almost blew it with number two. As the first one dropped to the ground, she started to step out from under the helicopter. That’s when a different shadow rushed at her.

He’d been standing next to his friend. Apparently two had been left behind.

She took him down when he was ten feet away, silencing him just as he started to yell for help. She expected to hear the third man running over to help, but the only steps were faint in the distance—the girl and her friends thinking they could get away.

She waited several more seconds to be sure, and then crawled the rest of the way out from under the aircraft.

The smoke was finally starting to lift. She could see the Lexus now, and the body lying beside it. She hadn’t been responsible for that one. Whoever it was had lost the fight she’d heard.

She sneaked over and saw he was one of Morse’s. She checked his pulse. He wasn’t dead, but from the slack look on his face he wouldn’t be waking very soon. She was deciding whether or not to waste a bullet on him when she heard a grunt coming from the other side of the car, near the hill.

Peeking over the hood, she spotted another person lying on the ground. She approached cautiously, her gun pointed at him. He held a rifle loosely at his side. When he noticed her, he tried to sit up and lift the gun but was unable to do either.

Blood covered his shirt from a bullet wound in his gut. More soaked his pants around his right knee.

This was the guy who’d shot her, she realized. Two of her blind shots had caught him. Nice.

She raised her gun to finish the job.

“No! Don’t!” he begged.




Orbits said as he neared the bend in the road.

A bright light was shining on the other side, smoke rising through its halo. As he rolled to a stop, he spotted the outline of someone running toward him.

“What the hell?” he repeated.

The runner turned out to be a woman, and not just

He toggled the window down as she neared. “Hey, something wrong?”

She slowed, looked back toward the light, and then at Orbits. “There’s a-a robbery going on over there. Some men with guns. I barely got away.

“Guns?” He pushed the button unlocking the car. “Get in!”

One of his competitors had no doubt just blown it, and Orbits was in the right place to reap the benefits.

She hesitated.

“Come on,” he said. “Hurry. I’m not going to hang around here and get shot.”

She looked back toward the corner again. The smoke was still the only thing there.

“O-okay. Only for a little ways.”

“Sure, sure. Just get in.”

As soon as she was seated beside him, he executed a U-turn and headed east.

“You okay?” he asked.

She nodded.

“I’m Ricky,” he said, extending his hand.

She looked at it for a moment and then shook it. “Dani.”





late Morse stayed up the night before, he was out of bed by 5:15 every morning. This one was no exception.

He kissed his wife on the forehead and limped his long-ago damaged body into the bathroom. After closing the door, he turned on the wall-mounted TV, the channel preset to Prime Cable News. The volume was muted, not because he was afraid of waking his wife, but because he was interested in the images the network broadcasted, not the nonsense the on-air talent spewed.

Television news these days was not news. It was bouts of stupidity wrapped in ridiculous suppositions and opinions disguised as facts. Not that he minded. On more than a few occasions, he’d been able to make use of the medium for his—and his country’s—benefit.

He had just lathered his face for a shave when the only surviving landline in the house trilled. It was his work line and had extensions in every room.

He wiped the foam from one side of his face and grabbed the receiver. “Yes?”

“Good morning, Director.” Morse recognized the voice as that of Falcao, his assistant director of operations.

“Morning,” Morse growled.

“There’s been a complication.”


“Red team, sir.”

“What kind of complication?”

“It’s developing so we don’t have all the details. Communications was lost with them approximately thirty minutes ago, and we just obtained satellite images from their last known position. Their helicopter’s in the middle of a highway, and there are eight bodies on the road.”

Morse had fully expected to wake this morning to news that the girl had been captured, not his team wiped out. “A crash?”

“No, sir.”

“Do you have on-site confirmation of casualties?”

“Not yet, sir. A containment team is en route. There is, however, already local law enforcement on the way to the scene now.”

“No way to divert them?”

“No, sir.”

“Any sign of the girl?”


“I’ll be there in forty-five minutes.”

After Morse hung up, he wiped the rest of the foam from his face and picked up the phone again.

“Clark residence,” the English butler answered.

“This is Morse. I need to speak with Mr. Clark.”

“I’m afraid Mr. Clark is still asleep.”

“And I’m afraid you’re going to have to wake him up.”




Komarov had just risen from his desk to leave for lunch when his phone rang.

Annoyed, he hit the speaker button while pulling on his suit coat. “Komarov.”

“Herr Komarov, it is Karl Schwartz.”

He stopped, his arm half in the sleeve. “Herr Schwartz? What can I do for you?”

Why would Schwartz be calling again? Komarov’s part in the operation was done. He’d already gone back to being what he really was—an agricultural trade expert.

“I have a request, if I may.”

“Of course.”

“It is concerning the hotel project. There is a problem with the original blueprint. I need to know if we should make an adjustment, but I have not been able to reach our partners in Moscow and was wondering if maybe you could do that for me.”

Komarov closed his eyes. It was exactly as he’d feared. He was being pulled back into the middle.

Trying to keep dread out of his voice, he said, “I would be happy to help.”





to see Dani when he came around the turn. He’d told her to hide and assumed she’d done exactly that. But he also hadn’t expected to see the taillights of a car driving away. It was likely someone scared off by the lights and the smoke and the gunfire.

He cupped his hands around his mouth and said as loudly as he dared, “Dani?”

No response.

He tried again, knowing she couldn’t have gone very far. “Dani? It’s us.”

Still nothing.

“She’s probably too scared to come out,” Nate said.

Quinn wasn’t so sure about that. Though she’d been afraid as they made their escape, she hadn’t come close to freezing up.

“Dani!” he tried again.

She didn’t answer.

He looked behind them, knowing the woman with the gun would be coming soon. Dani would have to wait.

“Can you make it up the hill?” he asked Nate.

“I think so.”

“Come on, then.”

Up they went, Nate wincing with every step but keeping up with Quinn.

“This should be high enough,” Quinn said.

They lowered to the ground. Nate propped himself up a few inches so that his ribs didn’t touch anything.

When the female shooter came around the bend, she stopped, looked down the road, and started walking again, scanning side to side. She was still at it three minutes later when, in the distance, Quinn caught sight of a pair of headlights slowly heading their way. Since the woman didn’t have the benefit of his higher vantage point, it was another thirty seconds before she saw them, too.

She turned and walked back toward the curve, but stopped about a hundred feet from it at the base of the hill. Quinn couldn’t see what she was doing, but it became clear a moment later when he heard an engine kick on.

Her motorcycle must have been the one-eyed car they’d seen outside Waitsburg, he realized. More troubling was the fact she hadn’t found Dani, either.

“Stay here,” he told Nate.

He hurried down the hill and back to the Lexus. The trunk refused to open until he used one of the rifles to pry the lid loose. He grabbed their bags and carried them up the hill.

He was still several feet from Nate when the car he’d seen swung around the curve and skidded to a stop. He dropped down when he heard the door open, and watched the man who climbed out look around in surprise. A moment later, the guy jumped back in his car and reversed away.

Quinn double-timed it the rest of the way up and set the bags down next to Nate. The car’s taillights were receding, but the driver, no matter how spooked he was, would soon be calling the authorities, if he hadn’t already done so. As much as Quinn and Nate needed to get out of there, there was still the question of Dani’s whereabouts.

Quinn opened the tracking app on his phone and input the tracking ID number of the chip he’d hidden in Dani’s shoe. A map filled the screen, and then the dot representing Dani appeared. She was still on Route 124 but was over halfway back to Waitsburg, moving steadily away from them.

“How did she get all the way over there?” Nate asked.

Quinn glanced down the road. The taillights he’d seen, not of the car that had just left, but of the one that had been there as he’d first run around the corner. She had gotten into it. That was the only explanation.

“It doesn’t matter right now,” he said. “We need to put some distance between ourselves and this place fast.”



had picked up considerably since the discovery of the helicopter in the road and the bodies scattered around it. At first, the responders had been limited to police and fire department vehicles. In the last ten minutes, though, a convoy of a dozen military vehicles had passed Quinn and Nate’s position.

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