The Buried (7 page)

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Authors: Brett Battles

Tags: #Mystery, #spy, #conspiracy, #Suspense, #Espionage, #Thriller

BOOK: The Buried
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“That’s not the answer I’m looking for.”

She rolled her eyes. “I
be a good little girl, okay?”

“Okay. No ankles, but the door stays locked,” he told her. “For your own protection.”

“Bullshit,” she scoffed.

“Believe what you want.” He followed Nate toward the exit but stopped in the doorway. “If you need anything, knock twice on the floor. You don’t need to go all psycho. We’ll hear you.”

“Oh, that’s real nice,” she said. “Psycho? Is that what you think—”

He stepped into the hall and shut the door.

When he got downstairs, Nate was saying into the phone, “Sorry. We had an…incident….I’ll let him explain.”

He gave the phone to Quinn.

“Good morning,” Quinn said.

“Are you sure?” Orlando said. “I heard screaming and banging.”

“Danielle needed to go to the bathroom.”

“It sounded like you guys were performing an exorcism.”

“That might have been more pleasant,” he said. “I haven’t heard from Helen, have you?”

“That’s why I’m calling. She’s missing.”

Orlando’s words were so unexpected it took a second before Quinn could say, “What?”

“I expected to hear from her a while ago, so when I didn’t, I called in to nudge her. Instead, I was put through to this guy who starts questioning me about why I wanted to talk to her.”

“Did they actually say she was missing?”

“Of course not, but it wasn’t hard to figure out. I checked. Turns out someone rammed her car in front of her office early this morning and grabbed her.”

“So what did you tell her people?”

“I just said we had finished up a job for her and I was reporting in. That was it.”

“Did they ask you what the job was?”

“Of course they did. But I told them I was uncomfortable talking to someone I didn’t know on the phone. I offered to come and give a full report. I’m supposed to be there at nine thirty. Figured that might delay them showing up at my door.”

“They may still come. You need to get out of there.”

“They already did.”

“What? Are you—”

“Relax. We weren’t home. The first thing I did after talking to them was to grab Garrett and the Vos and get out. We’re on the way to where Mr. Vo stores his RV, then we’ll head out of the city. The house is a mess, though. They got there about ten minutes after we left. Watched the whole thing on my computer.”

“I’m glad you guys are all right,” he said. “We can deal with the house later.”

“Oh, don’t worry, we will. They’re going to get a big repair bill.”

“Were you at least able to figure out why Danielle’s so important?”

Orlando snorted. “The only thing I can tell you for sure is that her name isn’t Danielle Chad. But don’t worry. I’ll find something.”

“I know you will.” What a screwed-up few hours, he thought. “I don’t like the idea of you being alone.”

“I’m not alone,” she said.

“You know what I mean. I’d feel better if Daeng were with you.”

“It annoys me how much we think alike sometimes.”

“You already called him?”

“No, but he’s next on my list,” she said. “You all should get out of there, too. They might figure out where you are.”

“We will.”

“Give me a little bit of time and I’ll find you someplace to go.”

“No. Don’t worry about us. I’ll take care of it. Just focus on staying safe,” he said.

“You sure?”

“Absolutely. You concentrate on taking care of our family,” he told her. “How are you feeling?”

“Pissed off.”

“You know what I mean.”

“I’m fine.

“Stay that way, okay?”

“I will, if you will.”





Mr. Vo’s RV from a vehicle storage facility in San Mateo. It was one of the smaller recreational vehicles made, a twenty-footer with a sleeping area above the driving cabin. It had been a gift from Orlando, in thanks for the years the Vos had spent helping her with Garrett and around her home. Her hope was that it would encourage the Vietnamese couple to get to know a bit of the States when they weren’t needed at the house.

At first, they only used it to visit a cousin in San Jose, a mere fifty miles from San Francisco. When Orlando had insisted they take a longer trip, they’d reluctantly headed off for a four-day tour of Yosemite National Park. The trip had been a success, and since then, the Vos had been to Death Valley, San Diego, Las Vegas, twice to the Grand Canyon, and had joined three RV clubs.

To avoid connecting Orlando’s car to the RV, they had dropped it off at the Amtrak station in San Jose before heading out. Orlando would have much preferred to be behind the wheel but Mr. Vo insisted on driving. She instructed him to head to Oakland.

Once they were on their way, she moved to the back where her son and Mrs. Vo were sitting at the dining table. Garrett’s eyes were droopy. He wasn’t used to getting up anywhere near this early, especially during summer vacation. Mrs. Vo, however, was bright and alert.

“How’s everyone doing?” Orlando asked.

“All okay,” Mrs. Vo said. While there was a hint of concern in the woman’s eyes, it wasn’t nearly as much as most people would have under similar circumstances. Mrs. Vo was used to Orlando’s crazy life, and this wasn’t the first time they’d had to leave someplace in a hurry.

Garrett, however, said nothing.

“Scooch,” Orlando told him.

He moved over so she could join him on the bench seat.

“Where are we going?” he asked.

“I don’t know yet.”

“I’m going to miss swim practice.”

“We’ll look for a campground with a pool.”

“That’s not the same.”

She rubbed his hair. “I realize that, sweetie. It won’t be for long.”

He’d joined a swim team two years earlier and was already winning medals. Backstroke was his main thing, though he was more than decent at freestyle and butterfly, too. Breaststroke, well, he hadn’t quite figured that one out yet, and more times than not his awkward kick got him disqualified.

He leaned against her. “It’s your work, isn’t it?”


He didn’t know specifically what she did, but he was aware she worked in a world far different from the ones his friends’ parents occupied.

“Why isn’t Quinn here?”

“He’s busy. But he knows what’s going on.”

“Is he hiding, too?”

She squeezed his shoulder. “You’re a little too smart for your own good, you know that?”

The baby chose that moment to adjust itself. Garrett jerked away from Orlando’s stomach, and then put his hand over the spot where his shoulder had been.

“Did you feel that?” he asked.

“Yeah. I felt it.”

“I wonder what he’s thinking,” he said, still touching the spot.

“Or she.” They had purposely decided not to know the baby’s sex ahead of time. Her son had told her he didn’t care which one the baby was, but she had a feeling he was hoping for a little brother.

“Yeah. Or she,” Garrett said. “Do you think

“I’m sure she does.”

“What about?”

“Us, probably.”

He wrinkled his brow. “She doesn’t know us yet.”

“Of course she does. She hears us talking all the time.”

That seemed to make him think. He leaned against her again, his head resting on her arm. A few minutes later he was asleep.

Orlando acted as his pillow until they neared Oakland. After she returned to the front, she guided Mr. Vo to an industrial park on the eastern edge of the city, and had him park in front of unit number twenty-four.

“We’ll be here at least fifteen minutes, if not longer,” Orlando told everyone. “Might be a good time for some breakfast.”

“Do you need help?” Garrett asked.

She smiled. “If I do, I’ll let you know.”

She exited the RV.

The entrances to all the other units led either into a small front office or directly into the unit’s main space. Her entrance, however, opened into a five-foot-long, three-foot-wide steel box. At the other end was another door that would only open when either Orlando or Quinn placed their right palm on the biometric scanner beside it. If anyone else tried, the metal box would seal shut and Orlando would receive notification of an intruder.

She pressed her hand against the glass, waited for the click, and entered. The unit was Quinn’s and her private warehouse. Secured cabinets full of weapons and ammunition and explosive devices lined the back wall. Through the center of the room ran three rows of heavy-duty shelves, holding a wide variety of other items that might be needed, such as communication gear, bugging equipment, and tracking devices. Many of the items had been created for specific one-time uses, but had been retained in case similar needs arose in the future.

Along the entire left side of the room was a workbench with drawers built underneath, holding a myriad of parts both mechanical and electrical. A pegboard covered with several hundred different kinds of tools hung on the wall above the bench.

She unlocked one of the back cabinets, removed several customized bags and a large plastic crate, and set them on the workbench.

She had no idea how long she would be away, or what she and the team might need, but given Helen’s disappearance, she knew the smart move was to prepare for the worst.

She started with the weapons, selecting handguns based on the preferences of Quinn, Nate, Daeng, and herself, and loaded them into the bag designed to carry them. She added an ample number of suppressors and four night scopes. In a second bag, she packed enough ammo to hold off a small army.

Next up was explosives. As tempted as she was to bring along some of the big stuff, she stuck only to small devices that could be used to blow open locks and windows. That finished off the soft-sided bags, and she moved all three over to the door.

Into the plastic crate went the electronics. She ended up going a little overboard and had to get a second box, but she’d rather have extras than end up cursing herself for what she didn’t bring.

Leaving the bags and the crates in the unit, she returned to the RV and borrowed the keys from Mr. Vo. The camper had plenty of storage cabinets accessible from the outside, but only the two at the back could also be reached from inside the vehicle, via hatches under the dining-area bench seats.

The Vos had stored a pair of folding chairs, a portable awning, and some blankets and pillows in Orlando’s desired spaces. She removed them and began the back and forth trips to bring all her things out.

One by one, she slid them into the compartments, pushing them as far back as possible. When that was done, she measured the height and width of the space, and retrieved the appropriately sized metal dividers from the unit. They were a near perfect fit, making the storage areas look smaller than they actually were and completely hiding her equipment from view. She repacked the Vos’ items in front of the dividers, and then made sure the shop was secured before climbing back into the RV.

Total elapsed time: twenty-three minutes.

“Breakfast,” Mrs. Vo said as Orlando closed the RV door. She was holding a plate with a thick omelet and a sliced banana.

“I don’t know if I can eat all that,” Orlando said.

“Not for you, for baby. You eat.”

“Okay, okay. But after we get going.”

Mrs. Vo frowned but held on to the plate.

Orlando looked past her to where Mr. Vo was sitting with Garrett. “Mr. Vo, do you need a little more time?”

The man stood. “No, no. Wait only for you. Where you want to go?”

Orlando had given that considerable thought as she’d loaded up the RV. Quinn might not need her help, but she wanted to be close enough to provide it if it turned out he did.

“North,” she said.




the smell of sweat and bleach.

As she opened her eyes, her lashes batted against the fabric of a bag that had been pulled over her head.

When did that happen?

The last thing she recalled was reaching for her gun.

. There’d been a stinging sensation, on her…on her…

Where, she couldn’t remember.

Though it had been years since she’d done any fieldwork, she hadn’t forgotten the lessons she’d learned. Keeping her breaths even and her body still, she mentally checked for any injuries. She didn’t feel any pain beyond a dull headache, but she did discover she was restrained to a chair, unable to move her arms and legs.

Focusing outward, she tried to get a sense of her surroundings. Light did seep through the bag, but the fibers were woven tight together, keeping her from seeing anything. The light, though, was telling. It was neither particularly bright nor dim. If the room was small, a few lamps at most. If larger, maybe scattered overheads.

She listened for the sound of people, but all she could hear was her own pulse racing. She took a few deep, quiet breaths to slow her heart rate and tried again. This time she heard nothing but an empty space.

She wanted to scrape her foot on the ground and listen to how the sound reacted to the room. That would give her a better idea of its size, but doing so might alert her captors that she was awake. It turned out it wasn’t long before she learned the answer without even moving a toe. A door opened, ahead and to her right, the sound a good forty feet away. She was in a big room, then.

Heels clicking on concrete, or perhaps stone. A woman’s.

The door closed again, and the footsteps headed toward Helen at a relaxed pace. Ten feet away, they stopped for a couple seconds, and then something dragged across the floor and came to rest directly in front of Helen. A chair, she realized, as it creaked when the person sat.

In the silence that followed, a faint odor drifted off the visitor. A clean smell, more scented soap than bleach.

“I know you’re awake.” The woman had a French accent. “You have been for the last seven minutes.”

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