The Buried Symbol (The Ruins of Issalia Book 1) (59 page)

BOOK: The Buried Symbol (The Ruins of Issalia Book 1)
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To complete the ceremony, the headmaster began calling the names of those being promoted to apprentice ecclesiast. As the names were called and Master Varius handed new cloaks to proud recipients, Brock grew increasingly more nervous. With one cloak remaining, Vandermark announced the last name.

And our final novice to advance to the rank of apprentice ecclesiast is Brock Talenz.

A wave of relief washed over him. As he stood and made the trek to claim his prize, he found himself reflecting on the incredible odds of his accomplishment. From an Unchosen nobody, he was one of only fourteen students raised to apprentice ecclesiast and was just two years from becoming a master.

He accepted the cloak from Varius, clutching it to his face to kiss it. As he returned to his seat, he wiped the tears of joy from his eyes with the precious new cloak.



The Training Temple was dark other than the single glowlamp lighting the dais. Master Varius turned his direction when hearing him enter.

Ahh, Brock,

she said from across the room.

Thank you for coming. Please join me.

He descended to the center of the room, climbing the steps onto the dais. As he neared, Varius addressed him.


re probably wondering why I asked you to meet me here tonight. I wanted to speak with you before you left for summer break.

She began, looking him in the eyes.


m sure you

ve realized that you

re more skilled with
than your classmates. What you may not realize is that you may be the most powerful ecclesiast we

ve seen in generations. Ironically, the only student I

ve seen who

s even close is Ashland.


ve the ability to be something special, Brock. I saw a glimmer of that the first time we met. Since, I have watched you blossom, your skill and power growing steadily. It will be years yet before we know your limits. Perhaps you

ll uncover abilities we haven

t seen in centuries.

She glanced toward the door, then back to Brock.

You might be wondering why I

m telling you this. Others among the Ministry fought hard to have you expelled after Corbin

s death. I fought to keep you, informing Vandermark of your potential. I convinced him that unless he found proof of your guilt, it was worth the risk of upsetting the Archon.

He nodded.

Thank you. I appreciate your support.

Varius nodded.

It was for the benefit of the Academy and the Empire, but you

re welcome.

She continued,


ve requested to instruct the upper-level ecclesiast classes next year. I plan to continue to guide your development, Brock. You

ve become a bit of a private project for me, and I don

t intend to let another take over now.


He replied, not knowing know what else to say.

Have a good break, Brock. I

ll see you in a month,

she said, before turning toward the altar.

He left the temple, walking down the quiet hallway. He thought about the exchange with Varius, about the message she was sending. She had bet on him and expected a return on that investment.

Seeking a moment alone, he stepped out into the dark summer night. A cool mountain breeze was chasing the heat of the day away. He looked up at the stars, inhaling the clean air.

A sound from the lawn caught his attention. Someone was out there, not far from the building. He descended the stairs, following the path to where the person stood. As he approached, the person jumped.


s there?

Croaked an old voice, one that Brock knew well.


s Brock, Master Nindlerod.

Brock? Oh, Brock,

the master engineer replied.

You startled me. You shouldn

t sneak up on an old man in the dark. This old ticker could blow, you know,

he said, tapping his chest.

Brock smiled. He liked Nindlerod.

Sorry sir. I

ll be sure to make more noise next time.

Nindlerod nodded.

Okay, then.

The old man then bent to look at some odd device consisting of large tubes mounted to a tripod.

Sir, if you don

t mind my asking, what are you doing?

Brock asked.

Well, come over here and see for yourself.

The master stepped away from the device.

Brock stepped closer and bent to look into the tube. Closing one eye to see better, an image appeared. It was a bright circle with swirling lines.

What is it?

Brock asked.


s a planet, my boy,

Nindlerod said.

Brock stepped back, looking into the sky where the tube pointed. He saw what looked like a large star, flickering in the night sky.

I don

t remember that one,

Brock said.

Exactly. That

s the problem,

Nindlerod replied.

Brock looked at him.

What do you mean?

Boy, I

ve been charting stars and planets for five decades.

Nindlerod pointed at the sky.


ve never seen this one before either.


s odd,

Brock said.

Yes. Very odd indeed,

the old man replied.

The oddest part is that it continues to get larger.

You mean it

s growing?

Brock asked.

The master shook his head.

No, boy. I mean that the image keeps getting larger. That

s because it

s getting closer to us, to our planet.


s gaze drifted toward the sky. The revelation left him unsettled, feeling as if a long shadow darkened his future.

A Note from the Author


Thank you for taking the time to join in Brock

s journey. I sincerely hope that you enjoyed reading this novel as much I as enjoyed writing it. If so, please spread the word by:

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Watch for the second book in the series, coming soon.

Jeffrey L Kohanek


New discoveries await your return to the Academy


The story continues when Brock and his friends return for another year at the Academy as they continue on their journey to achieving the rank of master within the Ministry.

What new information will Brock and Benny discover within the book on

What happens next with Brock and Ashland?

What other secrets about the Ministry will be uncovered?

Who are the Tantarri and why is the Ministry set on destroying them?

What crazy contraption will Benny invent next?

Will Brock

s involvement in Corbin

s death come back to haunt him?

What is the meaning behind the mysterious planet that appeared in the evening sky?

The answers to these questions and more await in:


The Emblem Throne:
The Runes of Issalia, Book II
(Coming soon)


For more information about
The Runes of Issalia
series, the author, and upcoming events, visit:


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