The Cadet Corporal (24 page)

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Authors: Christopher Cummings

BOOK: The Cadet Corporal
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Roger went up to place Andrews and Lucy in position on the side of the bank as the ‘fire support' while Graham led the others back twenty five metres, then up a cattle pad on the right that he had noticed earlier. This brought them out in fairly open, flat country on top. After another quick explanation he led them along the top of the bank, keeping well back and using the clumps of rubber vines and thorn bushes as cover. When he was opposite the clump of big trees Graham lined his group up in extended line facing the creek and signalled them to walk forward.

The ‘attack' went well. As Graham's assault reached the top of the bank Roger's group opened fire. The assault was able to slither down the bank side by side, the slope being suitable for this and free of vines. In a minute Peter's group were all pretending to be dead.

‘That went well,' Graham thought, returning Kirsty's grin as they stopped on the other bank. He began to detail people to search in pairs but was stopped by Capt Conkey.

“That was good Cpl Kirk. Now, take you patrol up this track here towards the river,” he said, pointing up another animal pad on the other bank.

Graham nodded and changed the scouts to Di and Kirsty. He smiled at Peter. “Got you that time mate,” he said.

Peter laughed. “You did better than the last mob of drongos. They just charged along the creek bed in a bunch.”

“See you later then,” Graham replied, signalling to the scouts to move.

Peter shook his head. “Not till tomorrow. I have to do a recon patrol for the big exercise,” he answered.

At that Graham again experienced a wave of envy. “Lucky bugger,” he said. He then turned to Cadet Carnes who was sitting looking miserable. “Cheer up. We didn't really shoot you then.”

“I wish you had!” Carnes blurted out.

Graham was shocked and shook his head as Carnes began to cry. ‘Bloody hell!' he thought. ‘He's a mess this kid.' After giving Peter a frown of sympathy he followed the scouts up the bank towards the river.

To his relief Graham saw that Capt Conkey and CSM Cleland were not following. They walked back down Dingo Creek. Graham breathed more easily and settled down to enjoy himself. The next incident was a ‘body and sniper' at a clearing amid thick clumps of rubber vines in a dense forest of big trees. The ‘body' was CUO Masters and Graham guessed that Sgt Grenfell would be the sniper. That made him extra careful and he deployed his cadets under cover. He then directed the scouts where to search and they found Sgt Grenfell without getting caught in the open.

CUO Masters stood up, dusting himself down as he did. “That was good work Four Section, the best one yet. Now follow the track to the river bank.”

Graham glowed at the praise and smiled happily at the section. They looked pleased with themselves too and Graham had an urge to give Kirsty a hug when she grinned at him. Resisting the urge he signalled move, sending Halyday and Roger as the scouts.

The next section of track was cut through 200 metres of dense rubber vines among very tall trees. The whole thing formed a gloomy forest and Graham hoped they would not have to battle though it. They didn't. They came out on the bank of the Bunyip above a lovely little island of rocks and grass. The island had a few trees growing on it and looked very inviting. The water either side of the island was crystal clear and looked to be about waist deep. Beyond that was a wide stretch of white sand and pebbles about 500 metres across. This terminated in a line of steep, red soil bluffs which marked the far bank.

Lt Standish sat in the shade of a tree with a radio and First Aid kit. She directed them on along a faint track on top of the bank to their right. For 300 metres nothing happened. Then they had a battle with the Hutchie Men, who suddenly sprang up in their yowie suits.

“Make you crap in pants then eh Kirky?” Porno said after the battle. Graham denied this heatedly, although he had got a fright. The Hutchie Men all laughed and sent the section on along the top of the bank. The trail was hard to follow, just a few vines or branches snipped clear but Graham was now enjoying himself.

500 metres upstream they halted where a dry ‘anabranch' (flood overflow channel) joined the main river. The water in the main channel flowed cool and clear close under the trees and the section stopped by mutual consent to have a drink.

“A swim would be nice,” Kirsty said.

“We aren't allowed,” Graham said.

“And I didn't bring my bathers,” Roger added.

“We could go skinny dipping,” Kirsty replied with a mischievous glint in her eye.

That really got Graham speculating and he met her challenging gaze. Then he shook his head. and whispered to her: “That would be great, but no way. I don't want to get chucked out of Cadets thank you. If you want to do that we can have a picnic at Kamerunga or Freshwater Creek when we get home.”

“Oh spoilsport!” Kirsty replied, but she laughed and Graham knew she was daring him. That got his heart beating fast with hopeful lust but also reminded him of his problems. ‘Don't be weak!' he told himself. ‘You are your own worst enemy Kirk,' he added, as his mind began to speculate on what it might be like to swim naked with Kirsty.

To end the discussion he directed them on along the dry bed of the flood channel. The flood channel was ten to twenty metres wide with sand dunes on both sides. The sand dunes were about five metres high and were thickly covered in bushes and rubber vines. Every hundred metres or so a clump of trees blocked off vision along the line of grassy flats. Graham found it a very interesting environment and enjoyed the battles they had. There was plenty of cover and the sandy soil and grass were ‘soft' when crawling or rolling.

They dealt with two ‘lost navigators' and then had to set an immediate ambush to catch two HQ cadets. One last battle was fought at a large open area covered in grass so that it looked like a lawn. This was against the CQMS and Cpl Brookes. As they re-organized afterwards SSgt Gayney pointed over the grassy dune towards the high bank.

“Go up to the top of the bank and collect your packs and a jerry can, then come back and go over there and wait,” she said, turning to point over a low grassy dune towards the river..

“Is the exercise over?” Roger asked.

She nodded. ‘Whew! Thank God!' Graham thought, even though he had really started to enjoy himself. He checked the time and saw it was just coming up to 1500. A cattle pad led over the dune through a belt of lantana and rubber vine. It dipped through a second, narrower flood channel before climbing steeply up the line of ten metre high, sandy bluffs that marked the actual banks of the river. The track up was steep and composed of fine red dust which rose in a cloud to tickle their nostrils and throats.

On top of the bank was flat, open country and they found the unit vehicles parked there and lines of packs on the grass. Lt Maclaren showed them 2 Platoon's packs and also reminded them to take a jerry can of water. Once he had put on his pack Graham picked up the full jerry can and lugged it down the steep slope. At the bottom he handed it to Andrews and led them on across the second flood channel and dune to the wide, grassy area and over the low dune. From there they walked out across a hundred metres of sand to several lines of paperbark trees growing out of small grassy mounds. Graham led the section across to them and found Lt McEwen sitting there. She pointed along the sandy ‘avenue' under the trees and indicated 2 Platoon's bivouac area.



The new bivouac area was about a hundred metres long and consisted of two lines of overhanging paperbark trees, each about ten metres apart. On one side was the water of the river and on the other the wide area of sand. To Graham it looked like a lovely spot and he was happy to dump his pack and flop down on the clean, white sand. The others joined him, Kirsty making sure she was next to him.

That got Graham worried again. After what he saw as the debacle on the patrol course he did not want further problems from Kirsty. ‘Not if I ever want to be a sergeant!'

But how to tactfully put her off until after the camp?

That kept him puzzling for the next ten minutes before 5 Section arrived. They were neatly lined up on the other side of the ‘avenue' by Gwen. Graham found himself looking into Barbara's green eyes and she gave him a friendly smile.

“How did it go?” he asked.

Barbara made a face and laughed. “A few little problems I think,” she said.

“Problems!” Gwen cried. “Disasters you mean! And with the OC watching.”

They discussed the patrol course until the arrival of 6 Section. Stephen plonked himself down next to Roger and Graham and began to bewail how his section had been annihilated along the way.

“Bloody Hutchie Men! They scared the crap out of me!” Stephen said. “My bloody glasses were fogged up in the heat and then these huge things jumped up from behind the bushes right next to me. I thought they were wild pigs and nearly shat myself.”

They all laughed and talked about the Hutchie Men. The first section of 3 Platoon arrived looking all hot and bothered. Soon afterwards CSM Cleland came along. He at once instructed them to start collecting firewood. “Two lots, one for your platoon fire, which will be here, and one for the company fire back there where Lt McEwen is sitting.”

There was no shortage of driftwood brought down by the floods and Graham enjoyed walking around on the sand without his webbing. Kirsty and Roger both walked with him, Kirsty chatting away happily the whole time and continually meeting his eye.

“What do we do tonight?” she asked.

In his anxiety Graham nearly snapped ‘read your bloody program!' but managed to hide his irritation and bite this back. Instead he said, “It is down as reserved, but I think we are getting a free night.”

“Ooh! Goody!” Kirsty cried, flashing him a ‘come-hither' look.

That set Graham sweating again as CSM Cleland had just emerged from the trees nearby and was watching them. “Just the people I need,” he said. “Dunny digging details. Round up your section Cpl Kirk and go up to the vehicle to get two shovels, two washbasins and two more jerry cans.”

“Oh bummer!” Roger cried.

They dumped their loads of firewood and Graham called to Andrews and Halyday to join them. Pat and the other two girls appeared with more wood and were told to follow. Graham then led the others back along the cattle pad across the flood channels and up to the top of the bank. On their return they were met by CSM Cleland at the main grassy flood channel and he took the three girls upstream to dig the girls latrine and then came back to site the boys latrine. This was in among the bushes on the ridge between the two grassy flood channels.

The digging was easy enough in the sandy soil and the work only took twenty minutes. Graham walked from one site to the other to ensure they were dug correctly, not wanting CSM Cleland to find his section at fault. He actually enjoyed that. By then the heat had gone out of the afternoon sun and a cool breeze had begun blowing along the river.

‘This is a really pleasant spot,' he thought, pausing to look out over the river bed to the trees lining the far bank.

He was also pleased with the section. Even Andrews worked without too much grumbling. ‘They are developing into a real team,' he thought. The only fly in the ointment, he decided, was his relationship with Kirsty. ‘And that is my own stupid fault for giving in when she started flirting.'

The remainder of 3 Platoon had come in by the time they finished and the area under the trees was now quite crowded and busy. Not uncomfortably crowded though, as there was plenty of room to walk along between the people and lines of packs. Each platoon was separated by about ten metres of sand from its neighbour.

As 4 Section returned to their area Lucy asked, “Where do we put up our hutchies?”

Graham looked around then shook his head. “Under one of these trees I suppose, but I don't think that is the plan.”

“You mean we just sleep out in the open again?” Dianne asked.

Graham nodded. “I'd say we just sleep here on the sand under the trees. They will keep the dew off us.”

“What if there is a flood?” Andrews asked.

Graham groaned inwardly at the looks of concern that crossed the other's faces. He shook his head in exasperation. “It is September. There hasn't been any rain for weeks. I'm sure Capt Conkey has thought about that. If he didn't think it was safe he wouldn't let us camp here.”

Andrews looked doubtful. “I hope so,” he said.

“You can go and camp up on the bank if you like,” Graham replied. “But I am sleeping here. I reckon it is a great spot to camp.”

Their discussion was ended by the arrival of the CUOs and sergeants. That meant that the exercise was over. In the distance Graham saw 4 Platoon filing in under the trees down past where the officers were standing. CUO Masters was with them but Sgt Grenfell came along to join them. He dumped his pack and said, “Swim time.”

“But I haven't got any bathers!” wailed Halyday.

“Swim in your dirty uniform and wash it at the same time,” Sgt Grenfell replied.

“But I've only got one uniform,” Halyday replied.

“All the more reason to wash it, you grub! Where is your second uniform?” Sgt Grenfell asked.

“In my kitbag,” Halyday replied.

“Too bad,” Sgt Grenfell replied unsympathetically. “You were told to have it packed.”

Graham sighed. He had warned them there would be a swim as it was on the printed camp program they had all been issued. For that reason he had stuffed a pair of old shorts in his pack, along with his second uniform.

Andrews looked anxiously around. “There are no change rooms,” he said. “Where do we change?”

Graham straightened up from rummaging in his pack and looked at him to see if he was making a joke. When he realised Andrews wasn't he was astounded. With a disbelieving shake of the head he gestured downstream to the trees. “There are hundreds of kilometres of trees and bushes Ando. Hop behind one and change.”

“But what if someone comes along?”

Again Graham shook his head. Stephen answered for him, “It's not that bloody big! No-one will notice. Stop being ridiculous.”

The girls all giggled. Andrews sniffed with injured pride and stalked off with his bathers. Graham shook his head and dug out his shorts. The girls went off across the open sand towards their latrine area to change. Stephen, Roger and Graham walked down past 3 Platoon and HQ and then across into the bushes on the nearby dune.

Leaving his shirt on Graham pulled off trousers and underpants and then went to pull on his shorts. As he did three people came around the bushes: Pigsy, Waters and Moynihan.

Pigsy sneered and pointed. “Hello! We've caught the three poofs at it.”

The other bullies laughed and Graham felt anger surge in his blood. Stephen hauled up his own bathers and turned to them, “Is that what you jokers do, sneak around to watch other boys change?”

“Listen four-eyes!” Pigsy snarled. He raised his fists and scowled.

Graham hauled up his shorts as quickly as he could. As quickly as he could he zipped them up then turned to face Pigsy and his mates. He was angry now. “Piss off Pike! Why don't you go and join your porky mates.”

For a second Graham thought he had gone too far and Pigsy would attack. But all he did was sneer and scowl, while Moynihan laughed. To Graham's relief the bullies moved on, Waters saying, “Let's find a place where these faggots can't perve on us.”

As they went out of sight Graham heaved a sigh of relief. He shook his head, bent to scoop up his clothing and boots, then stood watch till Roger and Stephen were changed. The three friends walked back together. By then dozens of cadets were splashing in the water. Capt Conkey and CSM Cleland stood on a small sandy island in midstream and the other officers sat or stood on the bank. The depth varied from ankle deep to knee deep. Only in a few small gutters did it reach waist deep. The water was cool and very refreshing. There was just enough current to make it pleasant.

Graham lay down and then sat to wash his shirt and trousers. Having thoroughly rinsed them he walked to the bank and returned to the platoon area to drape them across the branches of a tree. As he did Barbara and Gwen came along in their bathers. Graham badly wanted to look as both appeared to be very attractive, but he didn't want them to think he was leering at them so he concentrated on spreading the wet clothes.

Kirsty, Di and Lucy appeared, also in bathers, and Graham felt another surge of interest. Kirsty wore a white one-piece which made her look very nice, although it did emphasize that she had small breasts. ‘Lovely hips and thighs though,' Graham conceded.

They all waded in and Halyday and Andrews started a splashing game. Predictably all the girls shrieked as the drops of cold water hit them and there was a lot of laughter and running around for a few minutes. After that they lay in the shallow water and talked. Much to Graham's annoyance Kirsty stayed close beside him, frequently touching him. That got him quite aroused as well as anxious as Capt Conkey and CSM Cleland were still watching.

To hide his condition Graham lay on his front. Kirsty lay beside him. She nudged his arm and gave an impish grin. “I thought we were going to go skinny dipping?” she whispered.

“Not now. After camp,” Graham replied with rising excitement.

“We could go upstream behind those rocks,” Kirsty suggested, indicating some clumps of rocks and bushes a hundred metres away.

Graham shook his head. “No, we have to stay here.”

“You just aren't game,” Kirsty replied.

That annoyed Graham. “I am. I just don't want to get into trouble.”

Kirsty gave him a curious look. “I heard you have been skinny dipping with girls before.”

Graham blushed and grunted. Heated memories of these occasions flooded through his mind. Mostly they were of him with Margaret. That caused him twinges of guilt because he knew Margaret really loved him. “Not at cadets,” he replied.

“I heard about some cadets swimming in the nuddy at a bivouac earlier this year,” Kirsty answered.

Graham glanced sideways to see if Stephen was within hearing. He shook his head. “It wasn't us. It was some other corporals.”

“What happened?”

“Ask Gwen. She was there,” Graham replied. He thought Kirsty would drop the subject but to his surprise she called to Gwen. Both Gwen and Barbara paddled over. Kirsty put the question and Gwen looked serious. She also glanced to see if Stephen was watching.

“The girl was Stephen's girlfriend,” she explained. “A girl named Elli. We were on a navigation exercise at a place called Bridle Creek.”

As Gwen told the story Graham experienced sharp flashbacks to the event. The images aroused him but also filled him with concern for Stephen. Stephen had been devastated to find his girl swimming nude with Brooks, Crane and Costigan. It had been a bad time for both of them. Elli had ended up out of cadets.

The story was interrupted by shouts and splashing. A group of boys came running through the shallow water. It was Pigsy and Co. They pushed Roger over then ducked Halyday before running over to Graham. Before Graham could get up Pigsy ran over and jumped on top of him, placing a foot in the middle of his back and forcing him under. Other feet kicked and pushed. A moment's panic turned to anger.

As soon as the pressure was removed Graham surfaced and sprang to his feet. He found Pigsy being confronted by Barbara. She had her hand ready to slap.

“You touch me buster and you will regret it!” she snapped.

Pigsy sneered and said, “Big talk, bitch!” but he turned away and kept on running. The group of bullies ran over to duck several more boys then descended on a couple of First Years with shouts and jeering laughter. There was a flurry of foam and Graham glimpsed Moynihan running off holding a pair of bathers. More cruel laughter echoed along the river.

“Stop that nonsense!” bellowed Capt Conkey. “Sergeant Yeldham, keep those people under control.”

Pigsy and his mates stopped running and flopped down in the shallow water, but they kept on snickering and glancing at the boy they had just ducked. Graham saw that it was young Bragg and that he was looking anxiously around.

“I think they just dacked Braggy,” he said. “Took his bathers.”

Gwen looked and shook her head. “Sgt Yeldham is there.”

“I think he was involved,” Graham added.

Gwen and Barbara both stood up and began wading towards Bragg. Bragg saw them coming and paddled off away from him. They sped up and so did he. Suddenly Bragg curled up, his hands holding himself. He had no bathers on alright. It was obvious he was fiercely embarrassed and afraid.

Gwen called loudly, “Are you alright Cadet Bragg?”

Graham saw Bragg shake his head but he did not hear his reply. Whatever he said incensed Gwen as she turned and snapped at Moynihan, “Give Cadet Bragg back his bathers.”

Moynihan scowled but did as he was told. Bragg squirmed and struggled to get his bathers back on while keeping himself hidden in the shallow water. Then he floundered to the shore and went scuttling up into the trees, followed by jeers and mocking laughter. Gwen turned her back on him and directed a withering glance across to where Sgt Yeldham and a dozen others were kneeling or standing in a group. “You should have controlled that,” she said.

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