The Cantor Dimension (28 page)

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Authors: Sharon Delarose

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The Meteoritical Society
; retrieved July 2011;

; retrieved July 2011;

Encyclopedia of Meteorites
; retrieved July 2011;

Origin of Pallasite Meteorites;
European Southern Observatory
; retrieved July 2011;

Eagle Station;
Meteorite Studies
; retrieved July 2011;

Meteorite Types and Classification;
; retrieved July 2011;

Stony-Iron Meteorites;
; retrieved July 2011;

William F. Bottke, Linda M. Martel;
Iron Meteorites as the Not-So-Distant Cousins of Earth
; retrieved July 2011;

Edward Scott, Joseph Goldstein;
Formation of Stony-Iron Meteorites in Early Giant Impacts
; retrieved July 2011;

Dr. Tony Phillips;
Geminid Meteor Shower Defies Explanation
; retrieved July 2011;

Peter Simon Pallas;
Edinburgh Encyclopedia, Volume 15
; retrieved July 2011

Main Asteroid Belt;
; retrieved July 2011;

Dr. Marian Tredoux; Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Capetown; in regards to the Namibian Itzawisis Pallasites, as posted under Missing, Lost and Stolen Meteorites and Tektites;
; retrieved July 2011;

; retrieved July 2011;

1911 Encyclopedia Brittanica
; retrieved July 2011

Gustav Tschermak; translated by John A. Wood, K. Mathilde Wood;
The Microscopic Properties of Meteorites
; Smithsonian Contributions to Astrophysics, Vol. 4, pp. 137-239; retrieved July 2011;

Museum of Geoscience at the University of Gottingen
; retrieved August 2011;

Chrysanthemum Stones

Fang Yesen Fang Jinman Yuan Xuying;
Celestites of Carbonite in Yonghe, Liuyang County, Hunan Province
; retrieved July 2011;

Michael O'Donoghue;
Gems: their sources, descriptions and identifications
; Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006; retrieved through Google Books

Art Smith; Houston Gem & Mineral Society;
Chrysanthemum Stone
; retrieved July 2011;

Kiyoko Kuwahara, Hiroyoshi Sano, Yoichi Ezaki, Akira Yao;
Discovery of Triassic siliceous rocks within a large Permian oceanic-rock mass in the Mt. Funabuseyama area, western Mino terrane, and geologic implication
; retrieved July 2011;

Crystals & Minerals

Various minerals and crystals;
Mineralogy Database
; retrieved July 2011;

Daniela Vallini;
Travel Report
; Geoconferences; retrieved July 2011;

; Mineralogical Magazine, Volume 039, pp. 145, 1973; retrieved July 2011
translated from French to English via Google

J. L. Kirschvink, A. Kobayashi-Kirschvink, B. J. Woodford;
Magnetite biomineralization in the human brain
; Proc Natl Acad Sci, 1992; retrieved July 2011;

H. Coetzee, Ph.D.;
Biomagnetism and Bio-Electromagnetism: The Foundation of Life
; retrieved July 2011;


Atul Singh;
Particles and Antiparticles
; retrieved July 2011;

David Gubbins and Emilio Herrero-Bervera;
Encyclopedia of geomagnetism and paleomagnetism
; Springer, 2007; retrieved through Google Books

Principia Mathematica

Isaac Newton published his 3-volume Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Philosophieae Naturalis Principia Mathematica) from 1687-1726.

Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell published their 3-volume Mathematical Principles (Principia Mathematica) from 1910-1913.

These are two different works.


Mariner's Compass;
Notes and Queries
; Oxford University Press; 1866; retrieved through Google Books


Various terms researched, as listed;
; retrieved July/August 2011;

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Table of Contents


1-Georg without an "e" is the correct spelling

2-Also spelled Seaxwulf, Saxwulf, Saxulf and Sexulf, it is believed to mean either "dagger wolf" or "Saxon wolf"

3-Thingfrith is also known as Thumfried or Dingfert

4-Claudius Ptolemy was a Roman mathematician, astronomer, geographer, and astrologer who lived from 90-168 A.D.

5-Pliny the Elder, a Roman who lived from 23 to 79 A.D. and died in the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in Pompeii, wrote the first encyclopedia of natural history which is still referenced today.

6-Albertus Magnus was a Catholic saint, one of only 34 to receive the honor known as Doctor of the Church.

7-Shire is a synonym for county, being the older version of the word

8-Also spelled Pympe, Pymbe, Pyme

9-Schultz was played by actor Johann Banner, who in real life was born in Austria of Jewish parents. He fled to the U.S. when Hitler annexed Austria. Much of his family died in concentration camps. He did not enjoy playing Nazi roles but they were the only roles offered to him.

10-Experts disagree on exactly how many Doctors of the Church have been named, some say 33, some say 34, and some say more than that

11-Both Edmund and Edmond were used in various public records

12-Dying without a will but having legal assets to distribute

13-Some accounts spell it "Paramore" but the earlier records use "Paramour." The type of ship was a "Pink" which is why some reference it as "Paramour Pink" or "Paramore Pink."

14-"Pan" from the Ancient Greek meaning "all" or "entire" and "Gaea" meaning "Earth"

15-Whig was originally short for "whiggamor" which meant "cattle driver"

16-Tory came from "toraidhe/toral" meaning outlaw, robber, or brigand

17-Hanged but not until dead, then emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded, chopped into four pieces and put on display

18-Ailesbury was referring to a water closet, which is another term for a bathroom.

19-"Gentleman Porter" in some accounts

20-Also known as "Monday" in some accounts

21-In this account he was Mr. Hawley, not Captain or Major

22-Now hanging in the Montacute House in Yeovil, England, south of Bristol and west of London

The Cantor Dimension
by Sharon Delarose

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Copyright © 1993, 2012 by Sharon Delarose
All rights reserved.
Published by Gityasome Books
a division of Gypsy King Software, Inc.
Printed in the USA-First Edition
ISBN: 1468178067
EAN-13: 978-1468178067

Table of Contents

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