Read The Captive Series Online

Authors: C.M. Steele

The Captive Series (39 page)

BOOK: The Captive Series
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Chapter 10

Bianca spent the entire week working like a mad woman, driving Nikolai crazy with all her running around.

“Bianca, stop!” Nikolai shouted as he came out of his office. She turned around and looked at her husband like he was nuts.

“What’s the matter with you, Nikolai? Yelling at me like that?”

“Get in my office right now!” He was getting angrier by the moment.

Bianca huffed her way into his office he closed the door. “What’s the matter with me? What’s the matter with me?” Nikolai asked, stalking toward her until she hit her ass against his desk. “My wife has been running around like a fucking maniac for the past week, hardly sleeping, eating or relaxing. You’re pregnant, Bianca! You need to take it easy. There are others to handle the arrangements. Even your mother has thrown herself into the mix to help Lana get ready. You need to breathe.”

“I want this to be perfect for them.”

“Love, they don’t care. They just want to be married to each other. What did you tell me about our wedding?”

“That our wedding in France was only missing my family to be absolutely perfect.”

“Well, that took a day of planning by me and Sergei. Everything will be fine if you take the afternoon off.”

“Look who’s talking. You work every day and don’t see me until dinner.”

“Bullshit! Up until last week, I spent the past month finishing before four and taking a long lunch with you. I have a corporation to run with hundreds of employees to consider.”

She looked sadly at Nikolai. He hadn’t been so angry at her since before they got married. “I’m sorry,” Bianca cried.

Nikolai grabbed her face lovingly. “I love you, Bianca. I’m not mad. I’m concerned. You’ve been working too hard.” He lifted her off his desk and wrapped her up in his arms. “I don’t want you to wear yourself out. I’m not the only one concerned, but it’s my job to tell you when to slow down. Give me a kiss.”

Bianca as always obeyed her husband and her heart, kissing him like he was the air she breathed.

“Come, lyubimaya moya. It’s time for a nap,” he commanded.

“But, Niko, the wedding’s tomorrow,” she whined.

He shook his head and wasn’t tolerating her refusal. Scooping Bianca up in his arms, he carried his beloved wife to their bedroom.

Bianca eyed him suspiciously, “Am I really going to nap?”

“Yes…after I make love to you first,” he promised before taking her mouth with his.

“Niko, I’m suddenly not sleepy anymore,” Bianca purred once he pulled his lips from hers.

“That’s very good. I have a way to get you really tired,” Nikolai hinted as he started unzipping her dress. The Rykovs spent the afternoon getting relaxed and very tired before the wedding.


The wedding was to take place at the Rykov Estate. Bianca said the weather was perfect for an outdoor ceremony and a reception in their large garden. Lana was dressed like a princess with a gown tailored for her in record time. She couldn’t believe how fast Bianca and her mother managed to get everything together. Lana knew Sergei would love the way the dress hugged her curves, her breasts practically popping out of the gown. While the ladies got ready all around her, Lana just stared at herself in the mirror. It was like Ana was looking right back at her when it was her wedding day.

“I wish you were here with me today,” Lana whispered to herself. Amber walked up to her and wrapped her arms around her.

“She is with you—in your heart. You’re beautiful and I’m sure she would be so happy for you. Don’t cry, Sergei will freak out if he sees your tears. These men lose it when we cry and they want to butcher anyone who made us shed a tear.”

Lana giggled. “So true. He doesn’t like me to be upset at all, even when I was his captive.”

“He’s the one going to held captive today. I’m so happy for the both of you,” Bianca chimed in as she hugged the two women. “Come, enough with the emotional time right now. Let’s go, we’re already getting close to being late. All three of them will come hunting for us.” They all gigged and rushed out of the room.

Bianca was right. Sergei was truly, overwhelmingly captivated by Lana. Her suited man was no less breathtaking to her as well. The ceremony led directly into the reception. The tented reception was large, considering there weren’t that many in attendance. Neither of them had many friends who could make it the last minute, but the place was still full. Most of the guests were the local friends they’d made since they both arrived in Texas.

Throughout the reception, Sergei had been teasing Lana’s body with gentle caresses, most of which weren’t noticeable to the guests, but more than noticeable to Lana. She constantly rubbed her thighs together as they sat at the bridal table during dinner, fighting the urge to sneak away with Sergei.

Once the couple finished their first dance, Luciano requested a moment alone with the new bride. Sergei knew what it was about since they had discussed it previously, and decided to let him have a private meeting with Lana.

Luciano escorted Lana into Nikolai’s secured office. “Lana, thank you for meeting with me. I know that you’d rather be dancing with that dirty Russian, but I wanted to talk to you, just you and me.”

“I don’t mind too much. Besides, I think it’s his turn to dance with Amber anyway,” Lana said with a smirk.

Luciano looked to the closed door in jealous anger. “I see he’s been teaching you how to be a pain in the ass.”

“Well, according to you men, I’ve been a pain in the ass for a long time now,” she replied.

“True enough. The reason I called you into here is because I wanted you to know that I looked into your sister’s disappearance. Here is what I gathered from Santini’s sister. Your sister was attacked by Claudio when he found out about her deceit. He beat her, then tossed her off a cliff into a riverbed. The body was never found, and what I learned is that Claudio had been looking for her frantically because he wanted to make sure she was dead. The problem was her body was gone. There was no trace of her. He was still worried, so he kept his men in town looking for her when you arrived. Yes, she got away from him, but he wasn’t sure if she was carried off by the current or if she somehow survived. I don’t know much more than that except to say he had their marriage dissolved, claiming she left him. He had friends in all the right places and the judge signed the petition for the divorce. Of course, I asked because he was going to marry my sister.”

“So there is still a chance she could be alive?” Lana’s hope ran in Luciano’s ears. He wanted to tell her it was still a chance, but he wasn’t feeling hopeful.

“Remember, the chance is still minimal,” Luciano answered honestly.

Lana jumped up from her seat and hugged him tightly. “I know, but it’s better than nothing and it means that Santini didn’t win. Thank you!” She kissed his cheek happily.

Pulling her off of him, afraid Sergei walk in here and get super jealous, Luciano stepped back. He took out his handkerchief and wiped his cheek. “Sorry,” Lana spoke softly.

Luciano smiled and directed her back to the chair she jumped out of. “Cara, don’t worry. I just don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. Please sit. There is more.

“I want you to know that before I met my wife I was a bad man. I got better over time, but there are occasions when people test my resolve to live as a law-abiding citizen. You need to know that it was I who killed Santini. What he did to my family was more than unforgivable. But the one thing about doing things illegally is that it’s difficult to go straight. I’ve been doing it because I had the right people supporting me, but while I was doing that Santini was trying to take over and started with trying to wipe out my family.”

“I don’t blame you for killing him. I would have done it too. My search for him was only to learn what he did with my sister. I wanted to give her the proper burial and resting place she deserved. Thank you for explaining, but you didn’t have to. I gave Sergei hell looking for answers, but I was wrong. I should have just come to you all for help getting the information about my sister instead of looking for him, but truthfully, I was scared. If he was still alive I knew that he’d come after me, but if he was dead I wouldn’t get answers. It was a lose-lose situation.”

“Sergei’s got all the info my men could gather about her location and the river, but I hope you two make time for a real honeymoon in between the search.”

“He’s taking me to Colorado?” Lana squealed as Luciano nodded slightly in confirmation. Jumping up from her chair, she took a deep breath. “I have to see him.” Once she reached the door, she turned to him and requested, “Luciano, thank you. Don’t hang on to your guilt. It only makes things worse. We can’t be there all time. With our experience with McDonald I’ve had to learn that misplaced guilt is a killer. You look like you’re an amazing husband. Just keep it up.”

She walked out of the room with a little pep in her step and gave Luciano something to consider.


“Sergei, I can’t believe you’re taking me to look for my sister on our honeymoon,” Lana confessed.

“I thought it would be something you’d want. If you want we could go somewhere else. Nikolai gave me some time off where I don’t have to work a bit, so I thought it would be now or later on.”

“No, it’s not that. I think it’s wonderful. It’s so considerate and unselfish of you to do this for me.” Her smile was removed when he walked up to her with a stone-faced look.

“Oh no,” she warned as she shook her head.

“No?” he said, questioning her resistance. Sergei wrapped his arms around his shower fresh wife.

“We have to leave. We don’t have time for another round. Our flight leaves in an hour.”

“The flight leaves when I say so.” Sergei pulled out his cell phone, dialed a number, and ordered, “Delay the departure for three more hours.”

“You need three hours this time, Mr. Antonov?” she teased. He’d brought her to orgasm several times during their last round.

“No, but you’ll need to be carried after I’m done with you. Walking straight will be out of the question, I’d say, for the next…” he paused to look at his watch then continued, “…twenty-four hours.”

Lana shook her head again, backing away from her husband only to be trapped by the bed.

“No? You think it will be longer, Mrs. Antonov?” he questioned boastfully. “It looks like you’ve got nowhere to go, my dear.” Sergei’s eyes flashed with a devilish gleam, and she knew she wasn’t done coming for the night. Somehow the threat of unbearable pleasure didn’t sound like a bad thing when he stared hungrily at her like that. 

He ripped the towel from her body and pushed her lightly onto their bed. Teasingly, he lazily removed his pants. Sergei wanted her as excited for him as he was for her.

He stroked himself through his boxers, watching as she licked then bit her lip. Her naked body squirmed on the bed as she got needier and needier.

“Take them off, love.” Lana sat up and tried to tug them off with her teeth, but his dick held the boxers in place.

“Let me help you,” Sergei whispered as he slipped his fingers into his boxers, sliding them off. She didn’t wait for his command; instead she took his cock deep in her mouth, moaning in the process. Sergei groaned as he looked down at his wife taking his dick deep inside her throat. He just meant to tease her with it, but she was too damn good for him, and had him on the brink. Pulling out, he lifted her onto the bed and quickly climbed on top of her, impaling her in one thrust.

She moaned from his intrusion. Sergei loved when she pleaded for more, always submitting to her body’s need to be screaming with orgasms. Her hands began to etch her hunger into his back as she clawed her pleasure. Grapping her ass cheeks in each of his hands, he started stroking in and out of her faster and faster, forcing her to give in to a mindless release. Lana came so hard, he thought she’d break his cock off in her tight heat.

“Ah!!!” Lana cried over and over again. “Sergei! Ah!!!”

Having finished twice already, he didn’t come with her. Sergei pulled out and spanked her ass. “Turn over.”

“Yes, sir.” Lana saluted him before rolling over and assuming the position for her husband with her ass in the air. Sergei rubbed her sweaty back, parted her fat cheeks and slowly slid his cock deep inside her. He grunted and groaned as he fucked her sweet pussy.

“God, your pussy feels too good…your ass is so sexy. Damn, babe. I’m going to…come.” Sergei emptied into his wife and collapsed on her back. Trailing little kisses on her spine, he lifted himself away from her before pulling out and rolling over.

“Shit, I need a nap, too,” Sergei said with his eyes closed.

They fell asleep and woke up two hours later, barely making it to the airport on time.


The trip to Colorado had been a bust as far as Sergei was concerned. They couldn’t get any information on Ana or any sign that she somehow survived the fall. There was no dead body found, and all claimed that they had no knowledge of Santini having been to Colorado or the hotel that he and Ana had once stayed in.

Because there was a storm approaching, Sergei and Lana were forced to delay their journey to see the area some more before Sergei had to go back home. They had just gone to a small town outside of Aspen when the storm hit, forcing them to stay at a small inn near the Roaring Fork River.

Lana looked around the room at all the rustic décor while Sergei walked up to the front desk to a petite older woman named Mrs. Cline. “We need a bed for the night, Miss.”

“Stranded because of the storm?” the nice woman asked warmly.

“Yes, do you happen to have a room for the night?” Sergei hoped to hell they did. He didn’t want Lana out in the weather. She’d already felt sick that morning and he was worried the colder weather was too much for her.

“We only have a full bed available,” she responded.

“That’ll be fine. It’s just my wife and me. We’ll take it, please.” He handed her his Amex.

Mrs. Cline looked at the card, then back up at him, blushing. “You have a lovely accent, but I can’t make it out.”

“I’m Russian, but I grew up in England, so it can sound like both at times, I suppose.”

Lana walked up to him just at the same moment. “Sergei, is there a room?”

It was then that Mrs. Cline looked at her, completely shocked. A look Sergei didn’t miss.

“Yes, love. They have a full bed available. I know you’re still not feeling well. Just take a seat and I will get you when everything is set. I love you, Lana.” Sergei intentionally said her name, as there was something about the way the lady looked at her that clued him in to something strange.

Once Lana sat down, he turned back to Mrs. Cline. “Is there a reason you’re looking at my wife strangely?”

Nervously, Mrs. Cline responded, “No, it’s nothing. She just looks familiar and a little unwell.”

“Yes, she may have caught a cold here and needs her rest.”

“Please take her up. Here are the keys.” Sergei had a feeling this had something to do with Lana or Ana being here before. He’d find out soon enough, but with Lana sick, her health was his priority. Sergei lifted his tired wife into his arms and carried her up the stairs and into Room Ten. The room was small, but very nice and clean.

“I have to go back down to the car and get our luggage. Are you going to be alright alone?”

“Yes, Sergei. I’m just tired. I love you. Be careful.”

“I will. I love you, too.” Sergei left the room and went out to the car. When he got down the stairs there was a large lumberjack-looking man staring at him who was now standing next to Mrs. Cline and another older gentlemen. He had to be their son because he looked like a giant version of the older man.

“I have to get my luggage. Do you have a dining service here? She hasn’t eaten since this morning and I’m afraid she wasn’t able to keep it down.” Sergei wanted to pretend that he wasn’t suspicious.

“Yes, we have a cook. There is still some dinner left. Is your wife expecting?”

With everything happening so quickly, the idea that Lana was pregnant never crossed his mind. Suddenly he blanched. “I hadn’t thought of that. We’ll be down to eat shortly. Excuse me.” He rushed back up to their bedroom and opened the door like a madman.

Lana, startled by his entrance, jumped out of her skin. “What’s the matter?”

“Baby, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wondered if you’re sick because we’re having a baby.”

She didn’t say a word, but she gave him a vigorous nod.

Sergei closed the door and ran up to her, kissing her deeply.


Mrs. Cline looked to her son and said worriedly, “Will, I tell you, she is a replica of your wife. That man is very flashy. He could be a mobster too.”

The burly man responded anxiously, “I know and he thinks he was fooling us, but I saw the way he looked at us. What if they came looking for her? Maybe her ex-husband is still looking for her and sent her sister to find her. She had one, you know. She doesn’t remember much of her past, but she’s sure she had an older sister.”

“I wish you could just look into her past, but he might find her.” Mr. Cline said.

“I want to know why they’re here and I will. I won’t let anyone try and take her from me,” Will promised. He needed to return to his wife at their home, but it was too late; she had come following him.

“What’s going on, Will? You left in a rush and were being secretive again. You know damn well I hate it!” his wife barked in anger.

“I think he sent someone to find you again,” Will growled as he tucked her into his arms.

“No!” The tears welled up in her eyes.

“We need to get you out of here before they see you,” Mrs. Cline said.

“We’re divorced. That I know, so he has no claim on me,” she reassured her husband.

Will’s rage at the constant searches for his wife every few months had been wearing on him. “I know that doll, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to finish what he started. I’ll kill if he even tries.”


Lana’s belly grumbled one time too many for Sergei’s liking. “Lana, they have some food downstairs for us. We better get it before there are any more stranded people.”

“Yes, I can’t start off being a bad mama already.”

“You could never be a bad mama. Come on, woman. Let’s feed our baby.” Sergei took her hand and they walked down the stairs just as the burly man released Lana’s replica from his embrace.

“Ana!” Lana shouted as she pulled out of Sergei’s grasp. She ran to her sister and wrapped her up in a great big hug. “Oh my God! You’re alive!” Tears poured down Lana’s face as everyone around looked on, waiting on pins and needles to see what would happen.

“You’re real?!” Ana said. Lana’s heart sank as she realized that her sister didn’t remember her.

“Of course, I’m real. I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know your name. Are you my older sister?” The other woman was so confused and yet a lot of her memories were starting to make sense.

Not letting go of her sister in fear that she’d vanish again, Lana sobbed, “I’m your older sister by like five minutes. I’m Lana.”


Sergei walked up to them, looking at burly boy with curiosity and mistrust. He turned to the old lady and said, “I asked you why you stared at my wife like that and you lied. I don’t appreciate it one damn bit. She’s been freaking out about her sister’s disappearance since she learned of it. We almost left without knowing she’s alive. Lana was ready to bury her sister.” Sergei then turned his rage to the burly bastard who had his hands on his sister-in-law and demanded, “I’m sure you have your reasons and I expect that you to explain it to us. I know you, big boy, have the answers. I better get them too.”

The End




BOOK: The Captive Series
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