The Caravan Road

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Authors: Jeffrey Quyle

BOOK: The Caravan Road
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With great care, he scanned the slope down the hill until he found the path that led from the woods to the water, then examined its length for any traps or dangers.  There was nothing in evidence, so he carefully crept out of the trees and descended the trail.

Cautiously, Alec crept down into the warmth, and he felt a light mist of rain falling upon him as snowflakes from above melted mid-air in the unusual temperatures that rose from the ponds on the valley floor.  He sprinted across the level ground to the edge of the pool, where he tapped the closest person to him, Andi, on the shoulder.  The girl was immersed in the water of the pool, her whole torso and extremities submerged, her clothes and coat still bundled around her body, strangely enough.

“Andi!” Alec called as he poked her.  “Wake up,” he spoke again, but nothing roused the girl.  He looked at her with his health vision, splitting his use of his powers, his thin, limited stream of powers, into three components – Light, Spirit, and Healer.  The globe of light above shrank and dimmed as he decreased his flow of energy to it, but his Healer vision showed that Andi’s body was suffering some strange treatment.  Then his Spirit energy made him snap his head up sharply, as he felt a siren’s call to join the girl in the water, to grow warm and comfortable and relaxed by soaking in the moist, liquid resting place that awaited him.

The siren that called was the same presence that had felt hostile before, or was it hungry, he wondered?  He felt a longing to succumb to the lure, to let himself slide into the water, and he swung his feet around beneath him so that he could dip them into the pond’s faintly glowing blue moisture.

As his feet dropped into the pond, his Healer energies screamed at him that the water was a danger, a threat to health and life, and he jerked his legs upward.   He watched in horror as streamers of water reached up from the pond’s surface, trying to follow and retain their hold on his feet, wanting to pull him into the thirsty water.

With horror, Alec backed away from the water, and watched as it splashed with inexplicable waves, reaching up onto the shore to try to reach him.




The Ingenairii Series




Visions of Power


At the Seat of Power: Goldenfields and the Dominion


The Loss of Power: Goldenfields and Bondell


The Lifesaving Power: Goldenfields and Stronghold


Against the Empire


Preserving the Ingenairii


7. Rescuing the Captive


8. Ajacii and Demons


9. The Caravan Road


10. The Journey Home



Also by Jeffrey Quyle


The Green Plague



For more information, visit the Ingenairii Series on Facebook,























The C
aravan road


Ingenairii Series

Book 9
















Jeffrey Quyle





Chapter 1

The Ridgeclimb Clinic
Page 1

Chapter 2

Kriste’s Farm
Page 7

Chapter 3

Merchant Visitors
Page 1

Chapter 4

Return to Valerian
Page 2

Chapter 5

Rescuing Carla

Chapter 6 –
Alec’s Injury
Page 55

Chapter 7

Deposing the Duke
Page 69

Chapter 8 –
Visit With the Ajacii
Page 70

Chapter 9

The Palace at Vincennes
Page 86

Chapter 10

Friends in Warm Spring

Chapter 11

Meeting the Grandasteuss
Page 107

Chapter 12 –
Assault at Ridgeclimb
Page 127

Chapter 13

Healing at the Clini
Page 132

Chapter 14

Journey on the Caravan Roa
Page 1

Chapter 15

The Warm Pools
Page 143

Chapter 16

Meeting Sale
Page 154

Chapter 17

Battle with the Miner
Page 175

pter 18 – Avoiding the Glide
Page 191

Chapter 19

Arrival at Woven
Page 195

Chapter 20

Andi’s Healing
Page 221

Chapter 21

ndi Saves Kan
Page 247

Chapter 22

The Roads among the Twenty Citie
Page 256

Chapter 23

Recovery for Alec
Page 274

Chapter 24

The Trip to Exbur

Chapter 25 – Alec’s Healing
Page 301




List of Characters




Duke of Valeriane

Carla, Valeriane tradesman’s daughter

Charls, Valeriane steward

Gallus, pretender Duke of Valeriane

Availlie, Leader of the Ajacii Select

Lugust, Emperor of the Avonellene Empire

Carl, brother of Lugust

Cathlin, Carl’s daughter

Bauer, former sorcerer, guest of the Lokasennii

Grandasteur of the lokasennii of Warm Springs

Hope, Grandesteusse of the lokasennii

Jasel, farm boy at Ridgeclimb

Kristie, farm girl at Ridgeclimb

Aethos, traveling merchant

Amos, Aethos’s merchant brother

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