The Carson Springs Trilogy: Stranger in Paradise, Taste of Honey, and Wish Come True (63 page)

BOOK: The Carson Springs Trilogy: Stranger in Paradise, Taste of Honey, and Wish Come True
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On either side of her were gently rolling pastures in various shades of brown and green, dotted with giant oaks and sycamores and inhabited only by the occasional horse. They’d been driving for nearly an hour and she had yet to see a strip mall or even a neon sign.

“You should see it in the spring. A few months from now all this will be covered in poppies.” Gerry drove with purposeful slowness, like someone accustomed to going faster who was ferrying an elderly relative to the doctor. “When we were little, Dad used to say they were the ghosts of the forty-niners coming back to haunt us.”

“When did he pass away?”

“When I was thirteen.” Claire detected a note of not quite sorrow—what the French called
—underneath her matter-of-fact tone.

“Your mom never remarried?” Claire thought of Lou and Millie, together so long they were like salt and pepper. At times it almost seemed as if they could read each other’s minds.

Gerry shook her head. “She was young enough, God knows—only forty. But she always said there was only one man for her, and Dad was it.” She slowed to keep from hitting a squirrel that had scampered into the road. “They met during the war, when Dad was on leave in Dublin. He and his buddies were out one night, and Mom happened to be working in one of the pubs they stopped at. When he told her his name was Fitzgerald, she said she knew then—it was like an omen.” She smiled. “That was my mother’s maiden name, you see.”

My grandparents,
Claire thought, rolling it about in her mind the way she would savor some new and unusual taste on her tongue.

“It wasn’t perfect, mind you,” Gerry went on. “They had their share of problems. My dad … well, let’s just say she had enough backbone for the two of them. Mom kept things going when—” She broke off with a cryptic smile. “You’ll see when you meet her.”

“I can’t wait.” They were on their way there now.

At the same time, Claire felt tense and keyed up, not because Gerry wasn’t bending over backward to please her, but
she was trying so hard. How much easier it would be if Claire could go back to Miramonte safe in the knowledge that her parents had been right all along—that Gerry was a shallow, heartless creature with no more feeling for her child than a mother cat for its grown kitten. Instead, with each kind word and hopeful smile, Claire was left feeling as if the knives in their backs were being given a sharp twist.

“I have a younger brother, Kevin,” Gerry went on. “He was a little kid when Dad died.”

“Does he live around here?”

They rounded a bend and a red farmhouse by Grandma Moses swung into view. A hand-painted sign out front read
. “He’s in San Francisco,” Gerry told her. “I wish we saw more of him but when he can’t get away, he’ll fly the kids up for a visit.”

Claire could tell from her tone that they were close. “I’m only an hour or so from there,” she said.

“I’ll give you his address. He’s dying to meet you.” Gerry brushed back a dark curl plastered to her cheek. “In fact, you two have something in common: You both love to cook. Kevin’s the executive chef at Ragout. Have you heard of it? It was just awarded three stars.”

“I don’t eat out much.” Claire’s mouth stretched in a humorless smile. Filling in the blanks for Gerry—a brief history of the life and times of Claire Brewster—she realized something: Her life was pretty boring.

“Kevin’s just the opposite—he almost never eats at home. Darryl’s always complaining that he hardly ever sees him.” Claire must have looked puzzled for Gerry was quick to add, “Darryl’s his significant other.”

So her uncle was gay. Claire wondered what her parents would have had to say about
Lou referred to gay men as “queers,” and Millie was certain they were all out to corrupt young boys. “Does your mother know?”

Gerry sighed. “Yes, and no. She knows, but she pretends not to. As far as Mom’s concerned, Darryl is sort of an extended version of Kevin’s college roommate.”

“My parents would die.”

Claire instantly regretted her words. Suppose Gerry got the wrong idea? Whatever their faults, they were her parents. Gerry was just a nice lady she happened to be related to.

Claire was relieved when Gerry answered breezily, “God knows it’s tough enough being a parent even under the best of circumstances. I remember last summer when Andie wanted to get her eyebrow pierced.” She chuckled. “You’d have thought she wanted to join the circus the way I carried on.”

“Who won?”

“We settled on two more holes in each ear instead.”

Claire smiled. “I had a client who wanted it stipulated in his will that if his grandson showed up at the funeral with a ring in his nose, he’d be instantly disinherited,” she recalled.

Gerry tossed her head back in an airy laugh, reflections skating over the lenses of her sunglasses like moving images on a darkened screen. “I’ll bet you could write a book.”

“Not really. In fact,” she gave in to a rueful smile, “most of the time my job is pretty boring.”

“If you could do it all over again, would you still choose to be a lawyer?”

Claire thought of Kitty. “When I was in school, I worked part-time in a tearoom—Tea & Sympathy—how’s that for a name? It’s in an old house and my friend, the owner, does all the baking. If I could, that’s what I’d do—trade places with Kitty.” She shook her head. “But that’s like wishing I could go to the moon.”

“Why couldn’t you?” Gerry spoke as if it were as easy as switching seats in a bus.

“Well, for starters, I don’t know the first thing about running a business.”

“You could learn. And you already know how to cook.”

“As a hobby, not a profession.”

Gerry was silent, as if mulling it over. “If you had a partner …” she said at last, turning onto a one-lane road riddled with potholes. “This friend of yours, for instance. And you know about things like write-offs and tax benefits and such. It

“If either of us had any money, which we don’t.”

“Couldn’t you get a loan?”

“I’m already up to my eyeballs in student loans.”

Gerry smiled. “Well … it was just a thought.”

“More like a pipe dream,” Claire said with a laugh.

“Empires have been built from less.”

How can you know what’s best for me?
Claire thought. Gerry might not think twice about chasing after every whim, but in her world every move had to be painstakingly choreographed. The riskiest thing she’d ever done was come here.

Fortunately, Gerry said no more on the subject. A short while later they pulled into the driveway of a shabby, undistinguished Victorian surrounded by tall shrubs and trees. A bird feeder—St. Francis with his arms outstretched—presided over what was left of the balding lawn. On the porch, wind chimes made from abalone shells stirred in the breeze with a faint cackling sound.

The front door was unlocked. As she stepped inside, Claire caught a movement out of the corner of her eye, but it was only her reflection in the mirrored oak hall stand. She froze in the dimly lit entry. The house smelled of cookies just out of the oven, and felt familiar somehow.

“Mom! It’s me!” Gerry yelled at the top of her lungs. When several moments passed without a response, she explained, “She’s a little hard of hearing.”

“You don’t have to shout, dear. I can hear perfectly well.”

Claire turned to find an old woman walking toward them. She was tall and big boned, with hair the color of rusty wires springing every which way and eyes like chinks of blue sky glimpsed through weathered boards. Claire could see that she’d once been quite beautiful, and as she drew near it was obvious from the way she carried herself that she’d been used to heads turning in her wake.

“You must be Claire.” Fingers like burled wood sanded to a smooth finish closed over hers. “I’m glad you’re here.”

No flowery speech, no embarrassing overtures, just those few simple words. Claire was instantly disarmed. “Me, too,” she said.

“I didn’t know when to expect you, or I’d have dressed up.” She glanced ruefully down at her apron tied over dungarees and a turtleneck sweater in a shade of blue that matched her eyes. On her feet were a pair of sneakers.

“You look fine, Mom,” Gerry told her.

“Well, I’m sure you didn’t come all this way just to see what I look like.” Her piercing gaze fell once more on Claire. “In fact, right now I’ll bet you could use a cup of tea.”

Claire smiled. “You read my mind.”

Mavis smoothed a hand over her rusty hair, tucking a stray wisp behind her ear. “Make yourselves comfortable while I put the kettle on.” She gestured toward the living room beyond. “I’ll only be but a minute.”

Mavis disappeared into the back of the house, and Gerry led the way into a sunny parlor furnished with overstuffed chairs and bric-a-brac. On the floor was an oriental rug worn threadbare in spots. Claire sank down on the worn plush sofa. On the table at her elbow stood a gallery of framed photos—Gerry and her brother at various ages, and more recent ones of grandchildren. Her eye was drawn to one in particular, its handmade frame studded with cowry shells: a little boy and girl building sand castles on the beach.

Gerry followed her gaze. “That was the year Andie started kindergarten. We’d rented a house in Santa Monica the summer before. I thought those two would never come out of the water.”

Memories Claire had no part in. She felt a sudden keen sense of loss. “I grew up a block from the ocean. The best part was falling asleep every night to the sound of the surf.”

“It sounds like heaven.”

It was on the tip of Claire’s tongue to say she hadn’t spent much time on the beach as a child—Millie had lived in perpetual fear that she’d drown, or at the very least be burned to a crisp—but thought better of it.

Mavis reappeared minutes later carrying a laden tray that rattled precariously as she lowered it onto the coffee table. It held a flowered teapot with a chipped spout and matching sugar bowl and creamer, cups and saucers from another set, and a plate of home-baked cookies. Her arthritic hand trembled a bit as she poured. “Sugar?”

“Just a touch,” Claire said.

“I hope you like gingersnaps,” she said, passing her the plate. “They were my children’s favorite.”

“Mine, too.” Claire bit into the cookie, savoring the delicate medley of spices and molasses. “Mmm. Delicious.”

Mavis leaned forward and in a hushed voice confided, “The secret is fresh ginger.”

Claire smiled. “Really? I’ll have to try that next time.”

Mavis broke into the wide smile of someone stumbling across a fellow countryman in an out-of-the-way place. “I can see we’ll get along just fine.”

Then they were off and running, Mavis regaling her with tales of her mother’s famous light touch, and of her own equally famous culinary disasters—told with a jollity conveying that such misfires were well in the past. She offered Claire the recipe for her prized soda bread, and Claire in turn promised to send her a few of her own favorites in turn. After several minutes Claire glanced over at Gerry. She wore the strained smile of someone who felt thoroughly left out but was trying hard not to show it.

At last she stood up, brushing crumbs from her lap. “We should be going, Mom. Listen, why don’t you give Claire a quick tour while I clean up?”

“Nonsense,” Mavis said.
clean up.”

Claire rose to her feet. “Thanks for the tea, Mrs.—uh, Mavis.”

She tagged after Gerry, taking in the big, old-fashioned kitchen that reminded her of Kitty’s, with its walk-in pantry and screened porch. Upstairs were bedrooms papered in faded floral designs and furnished in heavy, dark Grand Rapids suites.

“This was mine,” Gerry told her as they stepped into a small room that overlooked the garden in back. The bed had been removed, in its place a sewing machine and table piled with old patterns and fabric remnants. It didn’t look as if it had been used in a while. Cardboard cartons were stacked against the wall, along with back issues of
National Geographic
Saturday Evening Post
bundled with string. Gerry fished inside one of the boxes, pulling out a crumpled manila envelope. She pried open the clasp, spilling its contents—old black-and-white photos—onto the table.

“That’s Mom and Dad on their wedding day.” She pointed to a tinted portrait of a much younger Mavis, radiant in her bridal gown, posed alongside a stocky, light-haired man in uniform. There were photos of newborns, too—Gerry and her brother—wearing the same lacy christening gown. A heavyset older woman in sensible shoes and hat squinting at the camera was identified as Mavis’s mother—the Irish Grandmother Fitzgerald.

“That’s me with Ginger,” Gerry pointed to a snapshot of a gap-toothed little girl holding a puppy in her lap. “Oh, that was some Christmas. They’d left him under the tree in a crate, only Ginger got out and chewed up everything in sight. It was supposed to have been a surprise for us, but the surprise was on Mom and Dad instead.”

There was another photo of a teenaged Gerry in a wedding dress, a crown of rosebuds on her head. “That was the day I took my vows.” She spoke matter-of-factly, though Claire couldn’t help noticing the haste with which she tucked it out of sight.

“But I thought—”

“You’re not a professed nun until your final vows,” Gerry explained.

“How long does that take?”

“I was there almost three years.”

“Would you have stayed if you hadn’t gotten pregnant?”

“I don’t think I was cut out to be a nun. Of course, it took getting hit over the head to realize it.”

“I suppose an abortion would’ve been out of the question.”

Gerry cast her a shocked glance. “I didn’t even consider it. Not for one second.”

But you had no trouble discarding me like an old shoe once I was born,
Claire thought. “Lucky for me.” She didn’t bother to disguise the scorn in her voice.

Gerry ducked her head, stuffing the photos back into the envelope … but not before Claire caught the gleam of tears in her eyes.

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