The Changelings (War of the Fae: Book 1) (40 page)

BOOK: The Changelings (War of the Fae: Book 1)
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I looked at him in disgust.
"Say that to Becky."

Jared nodded to the obelisk.
"Say it to her yourself."

I looked at the granite spire in front of me.
What was he saying?
Was Becky somehow associated with this?
Was she still alive?

I made a move towards Jared, but Chase was too fast for me.

You're staying right here with me."


"Sorry, Jayne.
Let him finish."

Jared sighed.
"Just finish the test.
That's all I can say.
Just finish."

Jared walked up to the obelisk.
He stood in front of it, below the inscription.
He looked up to the onyx at the top and said, "I want to go back to my people."

A grinding sound erupted from the granite.
All I could think was that some stinking black muck was going to come out and we were going to have to fight the orcs all over again.

But I was wrong.

A portion of the granite swung in to reveal a doorway.
Jared stepped into it.
He turned to look at us.
"See you on the other side," he said, stepping backwards into the blackness.
The door swung shut behind him.


All of us started talking at once.

"Where the hell did he go?"

"What the fuck?"

that motherfucker was in on it with them!"

"I didn't even notice a door was there."

I walked up to the spot where Jared had just been.
I felt along the granite surface of the obelisk, but there were no cracks, no hinges, nothing.

Spike had walked around to the other side of it, doing the same thing.
"I don't think he slipped out the back or anything."

Tony stepped up to the space under the inscription.
"We might as well do this.
It's the only way we're going to get out of here ... unless you guys feel like going through that orc forest again.
You know we're in the dead center of it right now."

It was as if him speaking the words suddenly caused it to happen.
The sounds of orcs off in the distance came out of the trees and across the clearing to our ears.
They were coming this way.

"So, what are we supposed to do then?" I asked, panicking once again.

"The inscription says to speak your fondest desire.
Jared said he wanted to get back to his people.
I'll try that," said Tony, bravely.

Tony straightened his shoulders and looked at all of us.
"I want to go back to my people."

Nothing happened.

He tried again, louder.
"I want to go back to my people!"

"Try something else," Finn suggested.

"Like what?"

Finn rolled his eyes.
"Duh, say your fondest desire, not Jared's fondest desire."

Tony's face turned red.
Um ... let's see ... what is my fondest desire?"

The sound of the orcs' arrival was getting louder.

"Come on, Tony, hurry up!" urged Spike.

I ran up to his side.
"Maybe we can go in together and save some time."

Tony looked down at me and made his decision.
"My fondest desire is that Jayne be safe."

The door opened, the blackness within beckoning.

Tony and I stepped forward.
Tony entered into the blackness, but I bounced off, landing on my ass in the grass.

"What the ... ?"

Tony was inside, looking back at me.
"One at a time, I guess.
Do it, Jayne!
I'll be right here waiting."

The door swung shut behind him.

I looked at Spike, Finn, and Chase.
"Do you guys know your fondest desire?
I don't!
I'm thinking, but I can't come up with it, I'm too nervous!"

"I have mine," said Finn.

I waved him forward.
"You go.
I'll come after."

"I'm not sure if I feel right leaving a lady behind."

"You're not.
I have Chase and Spike here."

"Fine, then."
Finn went over and stood at the invisible door.
"I wish I could have an ice-cold beer and a chew."

The door opened and Finn stepped through.

Fucking rednecks.
If only life could be that simple.

Spike laughed.
"Sounds good to me.
Ready now, Jayne?"

You go."

Spike looked at Chase.
"You good to wait for her?"

Chase nodded once.

Spike stepped up to the door.
He straightened his shoulders and said, "My fondest desire is to go home."

The obelisk stood silent, unmoving.

Spike ran his fingers through his hair.
"I guess it's some sort of lie detector, eh?"
He laughed self-consciously.
"Okay, how 'bout: my fondest desire is to get out of this forest."

Still nothing.

I raised my eyebrow.
Whatever it was, Spike was either avoiding it or he didn't even know what it was.
I could feel his discomfort from here.

He looked over his shoulder in the direction of the orc sounds, which had grown increasingly louder.

"Better make it fast," said Chase.

He turned back to the door and threw his arms up.
I wish I could kiss the lips of Jayne Sparks!"

I gasped as the door opened.

He turned around, walking backwards into the opening, smiling at me with those amazing teeth.
"See you soon."

The door shut behind him.

Chase's eyebrows rose in surprise, but he didn't say a word.

I was too stunned to say anything.
The guy could have wished for anything in the world, but what he wanted most was to kiss me?
What a horrendous waste that was – all he had to do was ask!
Shit, he didn't even have to ask, he could have just done it and I wouldn't have complained.
I shook my head.
Life was so messed up sometimes.

Chase gestured with his head that I was to go next, but no friggin' way was I sharing my heart's desire with him or anyone else.
I trusted him and all, but as I heard what the others said, my wish became clear to me.
I was a little embarrassed about how selfish it was, but it was what it was.
Only the truth was going to open that door.
Only the truth was going to set me free.

Chase got behind me, trying to push me gently by my shoulders to the door.

"Chase, you should know me well enough by now.
I'm not going until you go."

"I can't leave you here."

"Yes, you can.
I have it all figured out.
I know my fondest desire.
I just don't want you to hear it."

"Is it Spike?"

"What? No, it's not Spike."

Chase smiled.
"Do you think we get what we wish for?"

"I don't know.
I guess I'm hoping so."

He stepped up to the inscription and took a deep breath.
He looked back at me once and then looked up at the words.
"I want to protect Jayne from all the evil."

The door opened.
Chase stepped through without a backward glance.

The door shut behind him.

I was blown away all over again.
Chase's fondest desire was to take care of me.
Why not himself?
Why not wish for a swig of ice-cold beer, or a soda?
Why not anything else?
He was always so quiet.
How was I supposed to know he felt this way?

The thoughts and feelings kept tumbling through my head.
Tony, my best friend in the world, loving, protective, smart ... Spike, the hottest guy I knew with the most amazing sexy smile, happy, positive, musical ... Chase, strong, fearless, dedicated, unassuming, deep.
They all were amazing guys who I was more than fortunate to count among my friends.
How did I get so lucky?

The sound of a blood-curdling roar filled my ears.
I turned in a panic, realizing that I'd wasted too much time.
I was no longer alone in the clearing.
The largest orc of the army of orcs was striding towards me, salivating at the idea of eating me alive.
I could feel the malevolence coming off of him in waves.

The grass in the clearing was tingling.
I could feel it in my feet.
The Green was reaching out to me.
It was all around me.
The trees were no longer black.
They were green, alive, connecting, linked.
I sent out my last message – keep me safe.

I ran to the front of the obelisk, looking behind me.
The orc was still coming, closing in on me.
A legion of orcs was behind him, the earth trembling with their footsteps.

"My fondest desire is to be worthy of my friends!"

The door didn't open.


"My fondest desire is to be a good person!"

Still, the door remained closed.


The orcs were fifty feet away, closing in on me.
I was desperate.
What was my fondest desire?
Help me!

I called out to The Green.

I detected movement out of the corner of my eye.
Something was coming from the forest on the other side of the obelisk, opposite the orcs.
I took a step to my left, trying to get a better view.

Lining the edge of the trees and moving purposefully towards the obelisk was a group of people.
No, not people.
Well, yes, people, but not regular ones.

They were smaller, lighter, and clothed in green and brown.

They were tall and thin, wearing cloaks.

They were short and squat wearing commando uniforms.

They were the people of The Green, and they had come armed – bows and arrows, clubs, axes, spears, slingshots ...

The Green had sent an army to help me.

Vines came out of the forest behind the orcs, quickly slithering across the clearing to grab at their ankles and take them down.
Once down, the orcs were covered in vines, incapacitated, and pulled back towards the forest – away from me.

The Green army fell on the orcs and began annihilating them.
The carnage was unbelievable.
Black blood sprayed up and covered anything and anyone nearby.
The hissing of acid saliva burned all over.
The screams of the soldiers of The Green echoed off the trees surrounding the clearing, as the orcs were able to escape their bonds and use their strength to bludgeon and rip apart some of their attackers.

I stood there, in shock, tears pouring down my face.
My heart had stopped beating for I don't know how long and now rushed to get back in sync.

This is all my fault ... IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!

People of The Green were screaming, crying, and dying.
They were being butchered.
Small people, big people, short people, tall ones, black ones, green ones ... all of them.
Dying because of me.

Just when I thought I wouldn't be able to take another second of it, I felt a gentle touch on my arm.
I looked to see who it was.


I grabbed her in a hug so hard I'm surprised I didn't crush her bones.

She hugged me back for a second and then pried me off of her.
"Jayne, you have to go now.
This is not where you need to be."

I was sobbing so hard I could barely breathe, let alone talk.
I had to shout to be heard above the noise of the battle.

You're alive.
You're ... holy shit ...
I gasped to catch my breath.
"I thought you died in that lake!"

"Things are not as they seem here, but I think you already know that.
You must enter the obelisk and finish the test.
They are waiting for you on the other side."

"Aren't you coming?"

"I've already been.
I'll see you again, don't worry.
But it's time for you to go now.
You cannot get tangled up in this mess."
She gestured with her head to the battle that was still raging on.

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