The Chase (9 page)

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Authors: Erin McCarthy

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Adult

BOOK: The Chase
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This was the way she remembered what it was like to be with him—a lot of teasing and laughter and joy. And the heat. The sexual tension that had always been taut between them like a high wire.
It was all still there and it was exciting. Exhilarating. Scary as hell.
Maybe it was just the high of relief. The giddy sensation of knowing that Evan had cared about her. That he hadn’t been some kind of misogynist insulting his girlfriend.
Whatever it was, when they cruised past the grocery store and into the town house complex, Kendall was anticipating what was ahead for her in Evan’s bed more than she was looking backwards at the past.
tried to keep it under the speed limit, but it was damn hard. He was enjoying both driving Kendall’s car, and the bold looks she was shooting him. Combined, they had him eager to get her home and in his bed, and he found his foot pressure increasing repeatedly, before he got a grip and eased up again.
Thank God it was a short ride.
This was nuts. A complete twist on his day that he could have never anticipated, but he wasn’t one to turn down a golden opportunity. Not just to have sex. He was damn glad he and Kendall had cleared the air. It eased the hurt, the bitter rejection he’d felt, to hear her apology, to understand that she’d been hurt, too, and had reacted immaturely. The fact that she could admit that it had been on the childish side gave him a respect for her. If you couldn’t look back at your mistakes and take responsibility, then you were never going to grow and change. Evan could see now that he had wasted a lot of time taking his hurt over Kendall out on other women or, more specifically, on the concept of relationships in general.
That had occurred to him somewhere on turn two of that old dirt track, as Kendall had sparred with him and he’d found himself enjoying her company in the way he hadn’t enjoyed a woman’s company in a very long time.
Tomorrow meant nothing. He knew that. He knew enough about women, and Kendall specifically, to know that tomorrow she would wake up and regret that she’d had sex with him so quickly, and she would go weird. She would say they’d gotten swept up in past feelings and that they had both needed the closure.
But they’d already had sex once, and she hadn’t balked yet, so he was determined to enjoy her while it lasted. Hell, maybe those things were true. Maybe he was getting carried away. Yet when he pulled into his drive and she put her hand over his, her fingers cool and soft, gripping his fist as she shifted gears with him, he really wasn’t sure.
“Don’t trust me?” he asked. “I know how to put it in park.”
“I know. I’m just reasserting my equality. My way of saying we got here together.”
Something squeezed inside his chest at the word
. That shit had to stop if he was going to stay cool and in control. Evan took her hand, lacing his fingers through hers and lifting them to his mouth. He brushed his lips across her knuckles, watching as her eyes went wide.
Pausing for a second while he nibbled at her flesh, Evan raised an eyebrow and told her, “Nice try. I was driving.”
Her mouth dropped open, then her eyes narrowed. “So that’s how you want to play? What if I just dump you here in your driveway and go home.”
“You won’t.” He hoped like hell she wouldn’t.
“I think I will.”
But Kendall’s plan to achieve this had her leaning right across Evan to try to open his door in some futile effort to kick him out.
Which meant that she was splayed all across him, her arms brushing his chest, her chest brushing his thighs, her hair tickling his arm. Her position was remarkably similar to that of a woman going down on a man, and Evan felt an erection spring to life instantly.
This was not her brightest move yet.
“Kendall?” he told her, running his hands through her hair as she wiggled and grappled with the door handle. “You do realize you’re in danger of getting your eye poked out.”
She glanced up at him, then down. Suddenly going still, Kendall gave a little cough, and he could actually feel the warmth of her breath through his jeans, which didn’t help his problem at all.
“You don’t really want to kick me out, do you?” Shifting slightly, he bumped her arm. Unintentionally, of course.
Kendall lost her balance and her face fell in his lap. He really hadn’t meant for that to happen, and the unexpected contact, her mouth and nose bumping him, had him groaning before he clamped his lips closed.
“You’re a jerk,” she muttered into his crotch.
“I swear, I didn’t mean to do that.” He had his moments of being a sex-driven pig, he could own that, but he really hadn’t meant to toss her face into his dick. That went against all the rules of having a good time and respecting each other. “Let me help you up.”
Trying to scoot away from her, and having no success, Evan tried to lift Kendall up by her waist. That wasn’t working either. She was a tangle of limbs and outerwear, with the gearshift jabbing her side and the steering wheel impeding his attempts to right her body. Feeling uncomfortable, like she was going to think he wasn’t trying, Evan leaned forward, his plan to at least send the seat backwards to give them more room to maneuver. But Kendall put a hand on his chest to stop him.
“Since I’m down here,” she said.
And then she yanked his zipper down in one smooth motion.
Oh, no she didn’t.
Evan just stared down at her, his brain unable to process what he was seeing, hearing, feeling. His erection, on the other hand, had no problem figuring out what to do and jumped a little in her direction, rock solid and raring to go.
“I . . . I . . .” Evan cleared his throat and tried again. “You don’t like to do that.” She hadn’t. It had made her uncomfortable, and after a few aborted attempts where she had tried just to please him, Evan had given up on oral sex. He hadn’t wanted her to do anything she wasn’t totally into.
“I’m not eighteen anymore.”
The desire to feel her mouth over him warred with the sudden annoyance that she had learned to like it with some other guy. What had he done that Evan hadn’t? Or was it just an age and maturity thing?
“We’re in the driveway,” he said, though a glance in both directions showed no one was around. It was late and dark and her car was low. Someone would really have to be bending over and looking to see anything.
But it seemed like he should protest.
“You don’t want me to?” She started to pull away, shrugging as she struggled to sit up. “Okay.”
Evan’s hand flew out without any hesitation and grabbed her shoulder to stop her. He wasn’t fucking stupid. “No, no, of course not. Just making sure you’re cool with this.”
“I don’t start what I’m not willing to finish.”
Well, that was debatable, but he wasn’t going to get into it with her. Not when her mouth was hovering over his naked cock, her breath hot and teasing on his flesh.
“Then I’ll stop talking and let you do your thing.”
When her lips touched his skin, Evan clamped his lips shut and concentrated on breathing. Flexing his fingers, he decided he just needed to lift them off of her altogether or he was going to end up squeezing her, pumping her up and down on him. That wouldn’t be cool. This needed to be her show.
Which it was. Kendall flicked her tongue across his head before sliding it down the length of him. Just that little tease had him clenching every muscle in his body. He reached out for the door handle for something to hold on to as she fully closed her slick mouth over him and took him deep.
Damn. Damn. Damn. Evan closed his eyes for a second to just savor the tight, hot feeling, but then he opened them again. He wanted to see Kendall over him. She was moving faster now, her blond hair falling forward over her cheeks, surrounding him. With her fingers she encircled him below her mouth, squeezing tightly.
“Oh, shit,” he said, before he could stop himself. “That feels good.”
Pulling off of him with a juicy pop, she gave him a sly smile. “That’s the point.”
Yeah, she wasn’t eighteen anymore. For which he was suddenly really grateful. “Then I won’t state the obvious.” Evan lifted his arms and folded them behind his head in a posture of relaxation. “I’ll just enjoy it.”
Not that he was even remotely relaxed. But something about having his hands off her as she slipped her tongue over him again made the pleasure all that more intense. When she started moving faster, her mouth and fingers working in tandem, Evan did close his eyes. This was serious ecstasy. This was the kind of desire that had his whole body tightening, his mind emptying, his heart racing. This had all of him concentrated right there, in her hands and under her slick, hot mouth.
It went on and on, a delicious base rhythm, tripping every nerve ending from head to toe, driving him closer and closer to the edge.
But somehow, and without biting his own tongue off, Evan managed to keep from coming. He didn’t want this to end, didn’t want to finish before he could drive her to the same madness.
“Kendall, let’s go inside.”
She didn’t speak and she didn’t stop. She might have shaken her head no, but he wasn’t sure. Evan tried to back up, but there was nowhere to go. “Kendall.”
There was no pause. She just kept sucking him, and Evan was feeling a little desperate. This was not going to happen. He was a grown man and he was going to make this last all fucking night.
So he took her head and pulled her off him, gently but effectively.
She panted, her cheeks squeezed between his hands, her lips puffy and shiny, eyes dark with lust. “What?”
“We’re going inside.” Evan managed to haul and nudge her up into a pseudo sitting position. Then he kissed those beautiful lips that had just been driving him insane. She tasted salty and aroused and eager, her mouth greeting his enthusiastically.
“Oh,” she said, her arms coming up around his back. “Evan.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. His name spoken on such a heady sigh of delight had him feeling that unpleasant twist inside his chest again. Ignoring that, he concentrated on what a giant turn-on it was that she was so aroused herself.
“Baby, inside, come on, now. Let’s go.” Shoving his erection back into his pants, for the most part, Evan turned the car off and opened the door.
Kendall looked floppy and sexy and disappointed, but she threw her hair back and opened the passenger door.
Evan shut the door, then came around the front of her car, holding the keys out for her. “I don’t think I make a very good chauffeur.”
She gave him a smile, snatching the keys. “Not if this is how you end your nights after driving people around.”
“Only with you, baby.”
“The name is Kendall.”
He laughed as he hit the code to open his garage door. “Is ‘baby’ sexist?”
“I think almost everything that comes out of your mouth is sexist.”
Evan would have been offended except he knew Kendall wasn’t serious. If she were, she would have pulled out of his driveway already. “Then I might as well just call you what I really want to. I have my heart set on a new nickname for you.”
“What is it?” She shot him a suspicious look as she followed him into his garage.
“Nope. Not telling yet. A nickname this good needs the perfect moment to reveal it.”
The scowl that crossed her face almost made him forget about the need to have sex immediately if not sooner. Teasing Kendall was a whole lot of fun. She rose to the bait every single time.
“You don’t really have one, do you?”
He did, but there was no way he was saying it out loud. “Believe what you want.” Evan took her hand, small yet calloused by all her years of driving and working on engines. It was a real woman’s hand, not the soft perfection of some of those Hollywood-type chicks he had dated. He and Kendall had a lot more in common than he’d ever had with any of those women. “Just come on inside.”
Instead of answering, she leaned around him and opened the door to his town house, brushing past him and flicking on a light as she entered.
Evan said a prayer of gratitude, followed by another hoping that he hadn’t left his place too disgusting that morning. But he knew that more likely than not his living standards didn’t meet the expectations of a perfectionist like Kendall. Even before Elec had gotten married and moved out, Evan had been something of a slob. Now it had only gotten worse without his brother nagging him.
The only solution was to rush her past the kitchen and get her naked in bed.
“Bedroom is to the right, up the stairs, first door on the left.”
“Aren’t you even going to offer me a drink or anything?” Kendall walked past his kitchen towards the stairs, but her eyes swept curiously over his place.
Even in the dim light from the hall, Evan could see he’d left dirty dishes all over the counter. He’d have liked to say it was because he was exceptionally busy at the moment, but the truth was, he was always messy. Nothing gross, just . . . cluttered. Sometimes it took him a while to clean up, which was no big deal.
Why he suddenly felt the need to apologize for any of that was beyond him. “Would you like a drink?”
“No, thank you.”
Evan didn’t even try to prevent an eye roll from happening. “Smart-ass.” He moved towards her and took her hand, intertwining her fingers with his. “Now, come upstairs with me.” Dropping a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth, on her ear, he added, “Please.”
Kendall shivered. “You always were good at talking me into sex.”
Something about that gave him pause. “Did I talk you into something you weren’t ready for?” That would bother him, if he had pushed her into sex before she wanted to.
Evan held her hand, and his lips brushed over her temple, inhaling the scent of her fruity shampoo.
“Of course not. I think you know me well enough to know that I don’t do anything I don’t want to. I was scared, nervous, sure, but when we made love for the first time, I wanted to. And it was beautiful.”

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