The Children Who Time Lost (51 page)

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Authors: Marvin Amazon

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Adult

BOOK: The Children Who Time Lost
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Doug was now serving a man but looked at me every few seconds. I sneaked a peek at the men again. A black woman in a stunning cream dress that reached her ankles joined them. “It’s Carrie,” I said into the earpiece.

“Michael,” Mandy said. Nothing came back.

“I’m not waiting anymore,” I said. “I’m going in.”

“No,” Curtis said. “Wait for Michael.”

“I don’t know where he is.” I took a step toward them, but then Michael appeared in my peripheral vision.

“What’re you doing?” he demanded.

“I couldn’t find you.” I nodded in the direction of the people I was watching. “That’s Jarrod and Carrie. But that other man—”

“What?” Michael said. “You know him, too?”

I nodded. “He’s some sort of big shot. They were looking after him quite a bit in 2043, and he was having serious words with one of the Lotto organizers.”

Michael looked at the large man and squinted. “I don’t recognize him.”

“I’m not surprised.”

He looked at me. “What do you mean?”

“I think he’s the one. The Orchestrator.”

Michael’s face went blank. He stared at the man again but didn’t speak.

“You sure?” I heard Manuel say.

“Why not? He seems important enough. Unless it’s the other man with them.” I nodded at the man I didn’t recognize. He was about six feet tall, with thinning brown hair. He had his hands across the waist of a beautiful blond woman. She looked a little younger than him, maybe in her mid-fifties. But, my, she was aging well.

“It’s not him,” Michael said. “That’s the president.”

My eyes widened. “No. The president? Is he—”

“No, I seriously doubt that. He’s just good friends with Carrie. But you’re right. The Orchestrator might be here.” Michael nodded right. “Over there, three o’clock.”

I followed his gaze. The mayor of Barstow was by the bar, talking with a tall longhaired man in a gray suit. Lorenzo. I swallowed. They were all here. I couldn’t believe I was about to actually do this.

Michael looked at me and smiled. “Come on. Let me introduce you to the president of the United States.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Thirty-Seven

y legs felt as heavy as lead. I had recited what I’d say to Carrie countless times in the past couple of days, but nervousness now gripped me. I knew Carrie would most likely be surrounded by her kind, but I had focused all my thoughts on her. I now also had to face Jarrod, someone I’d put my complete trust in for many years. And then there was the little matter of the president of the United States.

The president saw Michael before the rest did. He stopped the conversation he was having with Jarrod and smiled in our direction.

“Michael. So good to see you again.”

Jarrod, Carrie and the large man all looked left with concern on their faces. They must have known Michael was investigating them and had been part of the assault on their facility even though they still hadn’t gone public to ensure his arrest.

I had drifted a few yards behind Michael, almost hiding from them. But then they all saw me at the same time. Carrie stared at me with a confused expression. Jarrod looked toward my feet. The deceit and the betrayal hung in the air. They might have been these powerful alien beings that could probably squash us to pieces in seconds, but they still behaved like humans would when someone they had lied to appeared in front of them, casting judgment. For that was what my sharp glare at them hinted at.

“Mr President,” Michael said when he reached the smiling leader of the United States. They hugged briefly and the president presented his wife, who was also grinning.

I returned my gaze to the three people to the president’s right. Jarrod and Carrie were Shriniks, of course, but I wasn’t sure of the large man. It made sense for him to be the Orchestrator. All the signs pointed in his direction. But with all the surprises I’d seen, I couldn’t be sure. It could have been Jarrod.

Michael continued laughing and joking with the president and his wife, but I stopped listening. A small commotion erupted to my right, and a number of people walked toward Carrie. Lorenzo led the way, a hand in his pocket, where I knew his gun must have been. But I knew he was smarter than to use it in front of the president and the secret service.

Beside Lorenzo was Carrie’s annoying husband, John. I laughed to myself. I’d always thought there was something odd about him. I probably would have believed he was an alien even before knowing of aliens’ existence. They and two other security guards stood behind Carrie and stared at me. Lorenzo whispered into Jarrod’s ear, but Jarrod kept his focus on me, now meeting my gaze head-on. The embarrassment on his face had gone, replaced by anger. I could tell he would have killed me right there, given the chance.

I looked in Michael’s direction again and saw that the First Lady was staring at me. She took a couple of steps forward. “Aren’t you going to introduce us to your lovely date?” she said to Michael.

The president glanced up at me and walked toward his wife. He eyed my dress. “Yes, Michael. Who is this striking young lady?”

I could feel myself blushing. A compliment like that from the president was a big deal, regardless of the circumstances.

Michael put his arms around my waist. “Please meet Rachel Harris, a good friend of mine.” I saw him glance at Carrie and the others with a smirk. Then he continued with the introductions. “Rachel, allow me to introduce you to President Bishop and his lovely wife, Mary.”

Mary walked forward and kissed me on both cheeks. She eyed my dress some more. “What a lovely dress. You look beautiful.”

I smiled and dipped my head as if curtsying to royalty. “Thank you. And so do you.”

The president walked up to me and also kissed both my cheeks. “Pleasure to meet you.”

I curtsied to him as well. “Likewise, Mr President.” I turned my gaze to Carrie. “Hello, Carrie. How long has it been?”

She looked as if a lump had just formed in her throat. Her face looked flushed, like she was about to throw up. She couldn’t have been expecting me talk to her like an old friend.

“Too long, Rachel,” she said finally. “How have you been?”

I wanted to tell her what a sniveling liar she was right there and then, but it wasn’t time for that yet. “I’ve been very well, thank you.” I turned to Jarrod. “And you, Russell. I hoped I’d see you again, to personally thank you for taking such good care of me.”

“You know Russell?” the president asked.

“Of course,” I said with a smile. “But it was a long time ago.” I shifted my gaze to Carrie’s irritating husband. “Good to see you, too, John. You’re looking well.” I was going way off script, but I couldn’t pass this opportunity up, no matter how hard I tried to stop myself. “And Lorenzo. I always meant to thank you for what you did for my husband.”

Carrie grimaced and turned away. It seemed to be becoming too much for her. Lorenzo gave me the same unblinking stare he’d given Kevin just before killing him, as if sending a warning that my days were numbered.

“My,” the first lady said, “you do know everyone, don’t you?”

I shrugged and smile. “What can I say? I’m friends with Michael.”

She burst out laughing. “Well, that’s true. I think Michael knows just about everyone worth knowing.”

I joined her in laughing, occasionally glancing at the squirming bunch.

“So, where are you from, Rachel?” the president asked.

“Right here in L.A., sir.”

“No kidding?” He tapped Michael on the shoulder. “You need to bring her round for dinner one day.”

Michael nodded. “Most certainly, sir. Now, if you’ll excuse me, sir, I think I need to get my date a real drink.”

“Of course.” The president grasped his wife’s hand and moved to another set of people.

Michael put his arm around me and walked up to Carrie. “Another great party, Carrie.”

Carrie looked at him blankly. “It’s been great.” She paused to clear her throat. “I didn’t know you were actually coming.”

Michael sniggered. “Me, miss one of your parties? No way.” He turned to Jarrod. “Hello, Russell. It’s been a long time. How have you been?”

Jarrod gave him a hateful look, like he wished Michael would drop dead on the spot. “I’ve seen better days,” he said in a low voice, almost drowned out by the chattering people around us.

“Well, I hope you all enjoy the party,” Michael said. Then he led me toward the bar.

I could feel them still watching us, and I wanted to turn around and stick up my middle finger, but that wasn’t part of the plan. Doug had a grin on his face when we got to the bar. He was serving two customers, so Michael and I just stood there grinning at each other.

“That was brilliant, Rachel,” Manuel said. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“That was great,” I heard Mandy say.

I rested my head against Michael’s shoulder so it would look like I was speaking into his ear. “It felt great.” I turned and saw Jarrod whispering into Lorenzo’s ear. Then Lorenzo walked toward the center of the room. We waited for almost an hour before the president started leaving. He shook hands with everyone around him and embraced Carrie. He then walked toward us and bade farewell to Michael and me. He left with his arm around his wife’s waist. Secret service agents cleared the area ten minutes later. Carrie eyed us and whispered into Jarrod’s ear. She couldn’t take any direct action against us with the many important people still at the party.

“Everything in place, Curtis?” Michael said.

“All set here,” Curtis said.

“Okay, people,” Michael said, “this is it. Remember what you have to do.”

Michael and I both looked at Doug, who was pouring another cocktail. He winked at us and looked away.

“It’s all on you now,” Michael whispered to me. He walked away and spoke to two men in beige suits.

I took a glass of Champagne and gulped it down. Then I headed back in Carrie’s direction. I saw Lorenzo rushing to intercept me, but Carrie raised her hands and walked toward me. Lorenzo stood behind Jarrod and John, a few feet away. I stopped and waited for her to come the rest of the way.

“Hello, Rachel,” she said after reaching me.

I studied her for a moment. Her dark hair was flawless as usual, and her dress didn’t have a single crease, but her face was filled with worry. “I bet you didn’t think you’d see me again.”

She edged closer to me. “Oh, I knew I would. I just didn’t think you’d be stupid enough to come here.”

“Why, because I’d be too scared because of the monster inside you? Or the monsters inside God knows how many other people here.”

“You still don’t get it, do you, Rachel? You’re not going to win this.” She looked around at the security guards throughout the room. “You shouldn’t have come.”

I laughed. “I love your optimism.”

“Stop toying with her,” Michael said through the earpiece, “and just do it.”

“So, what,” Carrie said, “you think now you have powerful friends, you have a shot?”

“Michael’s not going to get me out of here. You will.”

She looked at me with confusion, her big brown eyes narrowing.

“Don’t you look at me like that, Carrie. We’re not in 2043, and this isn’t your talk show. Although I suspect you enjoy that life, too.” I squeezed her wrist. Lorenzo started walking forward, but Carrie held her hand out again and he stopped.

I leaned toward her ear. “I just want my son back. Give him to me now and I’ll forget about revenge for my husband.”

She laughed. “Revenge? Don’t make me laugh. Like you could do anything to me.”

“I know what you are and where you’ve been. What do you think will happen if I tell all your important friends in here?”

She gave me an anxious look.

“You said it yourself, there’s no way out for me. My medication is as good as finished, and God knows what will happen to me when I’m off it, but with God as my witness, I’m not going anywhere till you give me answers. I want to know everything.”

“Like what? Apart from finding a child you’d only known for a day, what else could you possibly want to know about?”

“Not here. Somewhere more private. Your bedroom, actually. That’s the only place we’ll truly be alone. But it’s gotta be just you and me. As a sign of good faith, you can have one guard by the door. Jarrod, your husband and everyone else has to stay here. And I’ll only talk after I’m convinced that I’m safe.”

She laughed again. “Don’t be stupid. You know they’ll never let me out of their sight.”

“I don’t think you’re hearing me. Either you do that or I’ll start screaming out everything I know. And you know I will.”

Carrie grimaced and turned to face the others. Then she walked toward them and they all exchanged words.

“You were great,” Doug said.

I saw him leaning against the bar, smiling. A female bartender had arrived right on schedule. I smiled at him before smelling Carrie’s vanilla perfume. I turned and faced her.

“You win. Follow me.” She walked around a group of people and headed toward the corridor. A bald burly man followed us.

“Okay, Doug,” Michael said through the earpiece, “you’re up.”

I heard shuffling noises through my earpiece and then distant footsteps. Carrie turned to glare at me from time to time. We took a left into another long corridor and then a right into yet another. We stopped by a brown door. Carrie approached it and pushed a silver button. A square screen popped out of the wall. She placed her thumb on it and waited.

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