The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1)
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His eyes hold so much hope and openness that I
reached up and touched his jawline. The simple pleasure of touching his stubble on my fingertips brought me joy.  His eyes brightened to a captivating blue.  His large hands came up and touched my face softly.  My eyes closed and my body hummed.  I opened my eyes to see him just staring at me.  I wait as he leans into me.  His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer.  His lips pressed into mine.  I moaned into his mouth and felt his chest rumble as he pulled me closer.  He kissed me with so much need.  I felt his body tighten against mine as his hand slid to my back pulling me yet closer. I kept trying to get closer, not wanting to separate myself from him.  I nibbled on his lower lip and he growled.  The energy swarming between us was real and it caught my breath. It excited me that he responded to me so passionately. 

I am
not sure how long we stood kissing but when he released me I whimpered. 

He chuckle
d, “I will take that as a yes.  I need to go now before I can’t be a gentleman any longer.” 

I kiss
ed him softly.   

He step
ped away. “I should be getting back.  There is still some pack business I need to discuss with your father.  I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast, you did win the game.”

His eyes twinkl
ed with laughter.  He turned to walk away.  I quickly shouted out before I lost my courage.

“Enoc I felt
the connection between us too.  It scared me because it was so strong and it was new for me.  I was confused because when we first met it felt like we were on the same page but then you avoided me.” 

Enoc interrupt
ed, “I didn’t avoid you.”

“Oh yes you did and I didn’t know wh
y.  I am afraid of this.”  I motioned from him to me. “I don't want to get hurt.  There are just so many variables I have no control over.  I do want to get to know you too.  I didn’t want you to leave without letting you know how I felt.” 

He came back
kissing me once more passionately.  “Thank you Olivia for telling me.  I didn’t mean to make you feel bad about my distance.  I was trying to give you time to adjust with everything you had learned.  There is still so much we need to talk about.  How about tomorrow night?  Just you and me and we can talk all we want.” 

Okay meet me here at six.” 

“Night Olivi

oodnight.” I watched him as he walked away, a smile on my face.  There was a weight lifted off my chest.  I opened the cabin door and stepped inside but lingered in the doorframe watching him leave. 

Chapter 7

Amber and I woke early before the sun rose for our morning run.  Before we started our run, we stretched the muscles in our legs and arms. Amber pulled her leg behind her stretching her quad muscle. I leaned forward reaching for my toes.  I wasn’t sure how she would react to what I had to tell her.  After the muscles in my legs relaxed I jump around. I stretched my arm across my chest letting the tension in the muscles pull.  Once we were done stretching we headed towards our running path. 

I was surprised to see that Amber
hadn’t shifted.  Running was an emotional release for me.  With every step I took I emptied the bucket of emotions I had been carrying.  I quickly got into a comfortable pace.  My heart beats keeping in rhythm with every intake of breath.  I could tell it had rained the night before.  The leaves hung heavily from the trees.  Droplets of rain fell on my shoulders and head.  The ground was damp and I could see little animal footprints.  I loved the forest.  It was so peaceful and had such a natural beauty about it. 

“So what are you thinking about Olivia?” 

I knew I shouldn’t wait any longer.  “Well I wanted to explain a little more about Jason.  I mean what happened between Jason and me when I was kidnapped.  You pretty much can guess what happened between us at the theatre.” 

Feeling heat come to my cheeks I knew they were turning a bright red. 
Hitting a flat stretch we picked up a little more speed. 

I saw her glance at me before she spok
e: “I knew something was going on I mean this isn’t like you at all.  Hiding with a guy in a closet is strange enough but with someone who is supposed to take you to his Alpha, come on Olivia that isn’t smart.  But if you have a good explanation I am all ears.”

I could tell that her feelings were hurt that I hadn’t explained everything to her before.  So I told her
basically what I planned to tell her.  I left nothing out.  I took a breath and then explained “When Jason first saw my birthmark his eyes got all wide and then he acted like it was nothing.  When his fingers touched my mark how I was filled with so much peace that it almost consumed me.  I couldn’t think of anything else but how I didn’t hurt anymore. Not broken over who I was, that my mom died, that my father left me or that I had been lied to for so long.  It was like he healed me and when I looked at him I knew I wasn’t alone and he felt it too.  That was when I leaned in and almost kissed him.  I don’t really know him.  I’ve just been thinking a lot about it.  I came to the conclusion that when he touched my mark something happened between us.

Amber interrupted m
e, “You almost kissed him but you didn’t?” 

I stopped running
, to look at her.  “I would have if Jeremy hadn’t interrupted us saying you guys were coming.  I just don’t know what it means.  I missed him or I missed the feelings we have when were together.” 

r’s eyes were big as she pulled me into a hug.  I couldn’t help but feel grateful to her for our friendship. 

So you think you had a reaction to him touching your mark?”  Amber asked. 

I thought about it and remembere
d, “Well he deliberately touched my mark at the movie theatre and when he did that I had that same strong reaction to him.  Don’t you think it could have something to do with my mark? I know he recognized it.” 

Amber pulled
a hair tie off her wrist and pulled her hair back into a ponytail “I don’t know… if he recognized it why he didn’t say anything?” She took off running again and I followed. “Really, it could be either.  It could be your mark or he could genuinely like you.” 

“I really don’t w
ant to talk about Jason. I want to tell you about what happened with Enoc last night.”  A huge smile broke across my face.  “Amber I really like him and he told me he likes me too.  That he wanted to get to know me better.” 

Amber grab
bed me and we jumped up and down hugging.  “I am so happy for you Olivia.”

“Thanks something just feels right when I am with hi

“So did he kiss you?”

Pointing to my smil
e I replied, “What do you think
Heck my cheeks hurt from smiling so much.  Oh it was perfect Amber and he was such a gentleman.” 

Amber bounced on her toes “I was hoping you liked Enoc.  I am so excited for you.  So where was he on the yummy scale?” 

I laughed and then blushed, “He broke the scale, multiple times.” I twirled like a little kid.  “Amber I am so happy and scared at the same time.” 

Amber hugged m
e. “Follow your heart,” she whispered.”

“Thanks Amber, I love you.” 

“Love you too,” Amber replied back. 

“Okay change of subjec
t,” Amber states as we took off running again lightly.  “Have you thought about becoming a shifter?”

Of course, I have. I want to become a shifter.  I love the pack.  I love how united everyone is and I feel at home. I am terrified at the thought of it not working.  I want to see if I can learn more about my mom before I make a final decision.” 

Amber and I stop
ped at the overlook, looking over the valley was breathtaking. 

“So how does one turn, what exactly happens?”  I ask
ed curious. 

Amber sat
on an old tree stump. “When you decide you want to turn you will want either James or someone you trust to bite you. All they have to do is bite you, which transfers the saliva into your skin.  If you have the gene you will become a shifter.  If not, well you know.” 

Looking up at the clouds above I wonde
red, “Does it hurt?” 

“If you are bitten by someone who loves you the bite will feel painless.  I hear
d it is almost like you take on the emotions of the person creating the change. Plus when an Alpha bites you he is claiming you as a part of his pack.” 

Wow, that is kind of interesting.  “So if Caleb were to bite me would that make me a part of his pack?” 

“Yes, that is why as soon as you choose to turn you should let your dad know.”

I’m a l
ittle embarrassed asking the next question, “What if I wanted Enoc to change me, could he?” 

Amber smiled
big. “I love Enoc, he is amazing and since he is an Alpha he could change you.  Except you would be his, you would belong to his pack.  The only way someone could change packs was if their mate was from a different pack.  You would always belong to your mate’s pack.” 

Wow is all I can think, how am I supposed to remember all this. 
I was confused about the mate statement. “What is a mate?” 

Amber st
ood up and kicked a rock watching it roll over the edge.  “Well a wolf has one person that he or she feels complete with.  The wolf inside you knows who it is and calls out to you for them.  I just don’t know for sure.  I don’t know if it works the same since you aren’t a full wolf yet. We’re gonna have to do some research on the subject.” 

We start
ed heading back towards our cabin. “Can we look online to see if there are any marks similar?  Your mom had one just like it, right?” 

“Yep, t
he same shape and everything we thought it looked like a small olive branch.  I think looking online sounds like a great idea.” 

stopped running to jump up and down she flung her arms back and forth relaxing the muscles. I mimicked her.  Pretty soon she was clucking like a chicken, “Bock, bock, bock.”

“You are such a goofbal

I clucked back at her flapping my arms like a dork.
We both busted up laughing at each other as we walked the last bit to the cabin.  When we got there a note was hanging on the door it read: “Olivia pack business came up. How about breakfast tomorrow?  Love, Enoc.”  I smiled to myself, man I’ve got it bad.

we showered and dressed we headed out to have breakfast.  Karen told me my dad wasn’t able to meet me for breakfast due to pack business.  I already knew that from Enoc’s note earlier. Grace met up with us and we all ate together.  While eating some strawberry toast with brown sugar oatmeal we decided to take a trip to the falls. Amber explained that the falls were really two beautiful waterfalls where you could swim and eat.  I had never been, but it sounded like a lot of fun.  I was hoping it would keep my mind off of things for a while. Ryan and Enoc came in and sat down next to us.  Enoc smiled and leaned down kissing my cheek. 

“Sorry I missed you for breakfast.” 

I was focused on Enoc but I couldn’t help but realize the kitchen was dead quiet after he kissed my cheek.  P.D.A. Oh my gosh.  He kissed me and in front of everyone, he was serious. 

Grace broke the silence,
“Hey you guys want to join us for a hike and picnic at the falls?” 

Ryan looked over at Amber and
smiled a little before looking back over to Grace. 

s that sounds like fun, when are you guys heading out?  Plus you know it will be easier to keep an eye on Olivia, since I’ve just been assigned.” 

Glancing at Enoc I c
ouldn’t help but see how gorgeous he was.  His jawline was so defined and his eyes an electric blue. 

I hear
d Grace tell them, “Well, we’re planning on meeting back at Amber’s cabin in an hour.  Could you guys bring some tubes and blankets and we will get the lunch?” 

They grunted which we took as a yes.  Amber looked up t
o say hi to Ryan but he completely ignored her to nudge Enoc to say let’s go.  They got up and dropped their dishes in the sink on the way out.  I could tell that Ryan ignoring Amber hurt her feelings. 

I grab
bed her hand and said, “You know what Amber?  We are going to let him see what he is missing.”

e gave me ha ha... ha sad laugh, I wish.” 

I grab
bed her, pulling her up from the table.  We rinsed our dishes off and set them in the dishwasher.  Grace stayed in the kitchen to prepare the lunch for our picnic. I giggled when I saw her ask Karen for some ideas for food.  Amber and I headed into the den to use the computer.  We started our research looking for birthmarks but that came up with nothing.  After that we changed the search engine to look for unusual marks or symbols. We found a few that were similar to what was on my wrist.  After about forty minutes we printed off what we had found and grabbed a few of the worn pack history books. 

On the way
out of the main house to Amber’s cabin we grabbed Grace and our lunch from the kitchen. Grace and I decided that Amber should wear her new swimsuit.  It was hot pink and it was a great contrast with her dark brown hair and expressive brown eyes.  The ruffles on the top and bottom of the piece were flattering and I knew she would look gorgeous in it. 

“Amber you look hot; Ryan
won’t be able to keep his eyes off you.” Grace nodded in agreement.

black swimsuit cover Amber slipped on over her suit fell to her knees.  Finishing her look she slipped on her black flip-flops. I wore an olive green vintage style swimsuit.  It hugged my curves and silhouetted my body.  It made me feel like an old movie star.  I put on a pair of cut off shorts and silver sandals.  Grace looked amazing in her yellow halter top with a black zipper down the center and scuba brief shorts, with a black tie and yellow waistband.  It looked so athletic and fun.  She also threw on a sheer cover up that went mid-thigh.  Standing in front of the mirror I couldn’t help but smile at seeing the necklace around my neck.  I reached up and rub my thumb over it.  Its warmth quickly spread through me.  I couldn’t believe how thoughtful Enoc was finding this for me. 

Amber let’s take a picture.” I suggested.  Amber reached into her beach bag and grabbed out the camera handing it to me.  We wrapped our arms around each other Amber in the middle.  Grace shouted “one, two, three... go get him Amber.”  I snapped the picture and we all laughed.  Handing Amber the camera she shoved it back in the bag between the towels.

Grace grab
bed my hand and said, “Let’s go.” 

We head
ed towards sunshine.  The guys were already waiting when we walked up.  Ryan headed over and grabbed the bag from Amber.

Thanks,” she whispered, he smiled and set the bag in the back of the truck. 

could tell they had already set tubes and blankets in the back. 

“Hey dork you gonna help me load the lunch or you only into helping Amber?” 
Grace teased. 

I could see Amber blush
as she got in the truck and Grace’s eyes were big with insinuation.  Grace grinned at her brother as he grabbed the lunch from her and also set it in the back.  Grace looked at me and winked, grabbing Ryan by the shoulder, “Hey why don’t you sit up in the front.  Olivia and I want to sit in the back with Enoc.”

headed to the front.  “Uh, okay,” he said as he watched Enoc climb in behind Amber. 

Next thing I kne
w Grace literally shoved me into the backseat, right into Enoc’s lap.  Talk about embarrassing.  I looked up and he smiled.  I passed out, ha ha just kidding I wanted to. 

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