The Christmas Feast

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Authors: Bonnie Bliss

BOOK: The Christmas Feast
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Copyright 2013 by Bonnie Bliss



Content Advisory: the below may contain graphic material of a sexual nature, adult situations, sexual reference, explicit sexual description, and depiction of alternative lifestyles.


Bonnie Bliss. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental. No portion of this work may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the author.






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Cover Design by LMK Graphics

Formatting by Mr Bliss

Published by

Irish Wolf Publishing




Christmas Feast



Chapter One



Marie relaxed under the warm spray of water. Rivulets sluiced down the extensive curves of her body. Dipping her face into the water she let out a light hum. The days seemed to blend into one another over the past year. Once it started it didn’t seem to end. Always busy being the dutiful mother had started to take its toll and she was exhausted. Marie reached for the bar of soap and lathered it up all over the pink loofa. Once the white suds spilled over her hands she started the slow task of washing her body for him.


Her gaze tilted towards Neil who watched her from a comfortable chair in the middle of the bathroom. His black button up shirt and slacks were telling of how this was going to go. Halloween had come and gone in a stressful haze, and apparently Bonfire Night was their daughter Lucy’s new favorite day of the year. Thanksgiving came too, with celebrations and activities at home.

The loofa wasn’t lazy, but she ran it over her large breasts, her hard nipples being encouraged by the rough surface of the puffy ball. She moved further down, stopping to wash her stomach, and then onto her legs. Drawing the loofa up and down her curvy thighs she pressed her back into the wall and faced Neil.

His deep gaze penetrated her and her clit felt tender and swollen as she rubbed between her legs—her pussy growing swollen and wet. She watched Neil’s eyebrow arch—she was out of line. Slowly dragging the loofa around to her back, she cleaned between the cheeks of her ass. She knew that Neil liked this part the best. Turning around and bending over Marie parted the full globes. She ran the pink sponge over the puckered opening that was in need of rough handling.

Marie’s body arched. Her lips parted and her mind danced with the upcoming Christmas Holiday. All of it had started to take its toll on Marie and Neil had seen it. The way she was short with him, went to bed by nine at night, and couldn’t focus on things for longer than it took for the next email to roll in. Neil knew that she was at her breaking point and needed to be taken in hand.

Sending Lucy off with grandma for the night, he instantly demanded of her, and she ever willing to comply with all his orders. She wasn’t responsible right now. Marie was no longer in charge. Rising up to her full height, she finished off with washing and conditioning her hair. Marie turned the silver handles of the taps and stepped out of the shower.

Naked, dripping with water, the cool shock of air instantly made her nipples sharp, the sweep blissful pain radiated right to her already wet pussy. Grabbing the white terry cloth, she went about the task of drying herself off. His eyes watched. They followed the movements of her hands and she paid extra attention to his favorite spots. Her hand rubbed at her cunt until she whimpered out and she caught his warning expression. Letting the fabric fall from her hands she stood before him. Ready to please, ready to let go—god she fucking needed this.



Chapter Two



Marie was perfection in his eyes. The love he had for her eclipsed everything else in his world, in his life. Reaching down, his eyes still on her naked body, he touched the soft micro skin trunks and held them out to her.

“Put these on.”

Without hesitation she took hold of the black underwear of his and started to pull them on. They were a glove, hugging her hips and buttocks, forcing their natural shape to remain. He sat a while admiring her, the full breasts, the curve of her waist as it trailed to her child bearing hips. It was her eyes that melted his need for her, deep blue like a radiant Caribbean pool.

“Turn around kitten then sit on my lap.”

Marie slowly turned for him before resting her hands on his knees and slowly sinking to his thighs. No touching, he had to be good. She smelt divine, her skin so close to his face. Her body covered in millions of tiny freckles, all of which he had licked at some point in their relationship.

“Cup your breasts and pinch your nipples.”

Her hands left his legs and moved upwards. Shifting his head slightly he watched her as she molded her huge fleshy mounds between her fingers, heightening the soft nipples into hardened peaks.

“Suck the right nipple for me.”

Lifting it, she took it between her lips. His cock started to stiffen between her buttocks. Neil moved slightly so she could feel him beneath her, growing to her arousing display. Unable to see her fully suckle, the noise of her tongue and lips caressing it was enough to stir him.

“Now the left.”

Letting the right breast fall Marie then raised the left. Neil reached down and picked up a vanity mirror of hers and held it so he could see her this time. Watching her lips surround it, her tongue slipping to the tip and around its circumference, his body satisfied.

“Bite it gently, tug it.”

Holding the mirror still he watched her grab the nipple between her teeth. The hard nub stretched pulling the large areola with it. Her lips covered it once more and suckled.

“Stop. Are you ready for your defrag kitten?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Stand up.” Neil moved the chair aside and circled her, looking over every inch of her bare flesh. He breathed her in, the scent of her flesh, her skin with no intrusive tang of outside perfume or lotion. Perfect. “Tie your hair up.”

In seconds her hair was neatly tied up in a bun.

“Good girl, now go to the cellar, get cuffs for your wrists and wait for me by the support in the corridor.”

Obediently, Marie left the room while he cleaned the bathroom and tidied.

Five minutes later he descended the cellar stairs, rounding the corner to where Marie waited. Pink cuffs in her hand, her head lowered, a shiver spasmed up her body. It was nice to see her flesh giggle at the cold, a slight shimmy of her breasts and buttocks waiting for the pleasure and pain.

“Is it too cold?”

“No Sir.”

“Good, let’s get you cuffed.”

Marie held out her wrists as he quickly tied the cuffs, a chain between them.

“Raise your hands over the hook.”

Above her head was a solid steel tubular bracket, custom made to support her. Helping her as she raised her arms, he secured her wrists on the hook. Her heels were two inches off the cold floor so she was resting on her toes.

“I’m going to leave you a little while. If you need me shout. I have something to prepare upstairs.” Neil took one last look, passed the dungeon door and went upstairs to the kitchen. As he reached the door, he turned off the light, leaving Marie in pitch blackness.






The ache in her arms was unrelenting. It had been so long since she had given up all control. Swaying lightly in the dark, her body shifted to high alert. When her vision was taken away her body tingled, registering any shift in the air. Her nipples suffered each time the icy air found its way through the cracks in the walls. The cellar/dungeon wasn’t a warm place by any means, but when the chill kicked in from the frost outside it turned her already peaked nipples into sharp, sensitive little pebbles.

Shifting her arms, her shoulders were now on fire. She rested her head against her arms. Marie’s eyes fluttered shut as she allowed her mind to file through the last few months. She needed times like this. Giving up control was the only thing that kept her sane in her day to day life. The fresh pain that settled into her arms and shoulder felt like a chorus of angels.

She needed pain.

It no longer felt like a want. Marie didn’t like being in charge so much. Delegating and demanding. It frankly was exhausting. To be here. In this moment, in the dark, not knowing when Neil would come back, the mystery of how much he would hurt her—pushing her limits. It sent a soothing balm over her frayed nerves. She hoped he punished her. The hunger to be taken to the very edge wrapped her in a warm blanket of anticipation.

What felt like hours brought the blissful sound of footsteps against the stairs, her heartbeat felt like it would punch through her chest.




Chapter Three



With the dining room now prepped to his liking, Neil returned to the cellar. All was quiet as he carefully descended, leaving the light off. Marie made no sound except for the light breathing. He lit a match and grabbed the small candle he’d left out earlier, placing it on the cabinet at the bottom of the stairs. The effect looked good as the flame flickered, sending shadows over Marie’s body. Walking around her he went to the far end of the corridor, placing another candle on a sconce five foot up the wall. The light would bounce off the ceiling and keep them both in semidarkness.

It resembled a medieval passageway or a horror movie set. Marie looked down, keeping her eyes from him as he came to stand in front of her.


“A little Sir.”

“I’ll warm you up in a few minutes. Need a drink?”

“No Sir.”

“Okay. Are you ready to begin?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Good girl.”

Neil knew she needed this. He’d learned last year that the stress quickly got to her. If she didn’t, Marie would have anxiety attacks. Anything he could do to alleviate the stress, he would do. This way she also enjoyed it.

Opening the dungeon door, a little light spread into the corridor. Going inside Neil went to the many drawers which contained their extensive collection of toys and objects of pleasure.

He returned with his choices and closed the door, bringing back the candle light. Neil set everything on a small cupboard a few feet from the support. In his planning, he’d considered blind folding her but realized the corridor would be dark enough. There was a single light bulb above his head, enough to shower the passageway with light. The candles allowed them both some mystery. Marie loved mystery, loving the scenes he created for her. She trusted him implicitly and that made him proud. Sometimes they planned scenes together but doing things in the spur of the moment—unplanned and random—were the best of times.

Watching the flames and the shimmering light trickle her body with dancing light almost mesmerized him as he stood still, taking her in. Stepping closer, he could literally smell her scent, his body so close they almost touched. Dark shadows bounced off her curves, a wedge of darkness hid in her cleavage. It all added to the intrigue of the moment, building up the tension.

Head down, Neil tipped her cheek upwards.

“I want to see your eyes,” he demanded.

He knew her body better than his own. Her desires, her needs, the sensual areas and how to stimulate her, she was his favorite subject. Shades of mottled light and shadow sheltered those eyes, hints of brilliant blue shone through for him. Marie’s large breasts were now taut with her arms raised, her nipples hard and nearly an inch long. He grabbed her right breast and dipped his head, eyes still looking up at her. His tongue flicked out and lashed at the nub. Marie moaned back at him. Letting go and pulling back, his forefinger flicked hard, several times. He dipped again, his tongue assaulting her, biting, and sucking. One thing about Marie that Neil loved more than anything was her ability to orgasm by stimulating her nipples—a talent he often took advantage of. Today would be no exception. Right now the trunks he made her wear would be soaking wet.

Using the back of his fingertips, he tapped each nipple in turn, making sure they stung over a minute or so. A change of tact as he kept her guessing, tracing his index finger down between her breasts, over her belly to the elasticated band of the trunks. Index and forefinger ran over the cloth to the fly hole. His fingers slipped inside. Feeling the damp pubic hair against his skin made him smile. Down he went, deeper to find her folds, wet and sticky to be rewarded with a groan. Neil pulled his fingers out and put them to his lips, smelling her juices before sliding them inside, tasting her delights.

“Remember kitten, do not come until I say.”

“Yes Sir.”

Neil went to the cupboard and took the clit stimulator, turning it on. It buzzed away merrily as he teased her nipples in turn. Her mumbles increased, whimpering and mewling like a hungry puppy. She started to swing on her toes, rotating a few degrees as he pressed harder. He could hear her teeth grinding, an unmistakable sound as his torturing overwhelmed her needy body.

He moved it further down now, to the crotch of the trunks. He felt his way in the dark, tracing the ridge of her pubic mounds until she wriggled. Marie’s clit was super sensitive. Her breasts giggled and shimmied as she tried to link mind with body, to reach some sort of equilibrium. Neil knew her so well and he simply circled the stimulator around her clit. Marie’s howls drowned out the vibrator as he pressed it and he started to feel the pressure of his own pants restricting his erection. It was a feeling he cherished.

Marie was near, he could tell by her reaction, wriggling, almost laughing amid her loud groaning. He stopped.

“Do not come!”

As her body settled again, he watched, waiting till she calmed. Her skin was covered in a light sheen of sweat. He tipped her chin again, looking into her glowing eyes. He spanked her pussy with his fingers and she flinched. The trunks were soaking as he pushed his fingers down the front, tugging on her thick minge, pulling her skin tight between her thighs. Dipping his head again he covered her nipple, his tongue flicking it inside his warm mouth. His fingers slid back, pushing the vibrator back onto her clit. Marie whined as he circled it again, allowing it to do its job.

Within a minute Marie was back to the point of orgasm, this time she begged.

“Please Sir, I need to come.”

“When I tell you.”

“Please Sir.”

With his mouth clamped around her nipple, he dropped the vibrator and pushed his hands in her trunks, flicking her clit with two fingers.


“Hold it, wait!” Neil was relentless but he knew she would do as told. Her body tensed as she fought her release, loud moaning mixed with a giggle the tell-tale sign. “Come.”

It was like opening the floodgates. Her head went back, her mouth wide, screaming obscenities as her juices trickled under the legs of the trunks and down her thighs in slow rivulets. Neil slowed his finger action until she caught her breathe and came down from her high. A few minutes passed.


“No Sir.” Her response was instant. He took notice.


“Yes Sir.”

Marie teetered a little on her toes as he gauged her reactions. When he was satisfied he crouched before her. Slowly he peeled the damp trunks from her, sliding them down her sticky sweaty thighs until he lifted her foot to take them off.

“My my, such a dirty kitten.” He stood and put the trunks to his chin, smelling her. “I’ll not lick them; I’ll taste from the source.” Down he went, holding her bare buttocks, balancing her. The distinct smell of her rampant sexual release floated by his nostrils. Her sticky cum clung like a thin wax on her thighs and folds. Some droplets still clung to her pubic hairs.

Neil pressed his tongue to her pussy lips, parting them, sliding up to her hood. For a few seconds he lapped at her clit, her reactions rife once more. He had to grip her ass cheeks tightly to stop her moving. All that she gave he cleaned with his eager mouth, loving the taste of his wife and slave.

Time for another forced orgasm. Neil stood and placed the damp trunks on the cupboard—the wand next. He plugged it in and readied it at her feet. His cock was straining, his balls ached. Never mind Marie, he was struggling.

“You may come when you are ready this time.”

“Yes Sir.”

The wand stirred into life as he placed it on her clit, holding it at an angle as he made himself comfortable. With his hand palm upwards, he pushed index and middle finger deep inside her pussy, finding that rough spot three inches or so inside her vagina. Her muscles clung to him, squeezing him as her thighs pressed together at his actions. The slickness increased, the wand stimulated her juices as she wriggled and twisted against the support above her. She came freely in minutes, coating his fingers once more.

Neil insisted she had a drink, giving her cool water in tiny sips. They had done this before; he knew what she could endure. Time was in plentiful supply, he’d do another, maybe two before the big surprise.

To give her time to rest he took the flogger, a new one with leather tails. Swiveling her on her feet, he put her back to him. He allowed the leather falls to tickle her skin, draping them down her back and buttocks. With the occasional flourish he flicked it harder across each cheek. Neil changed the pace, gave her things to think about and concentrate on before he started on her next orgasm. He teased her arms, letting the leather tickle her flesh, over her breasts and nipples, keeping her in a state of readiness.

Marie’s buttocks were taut with having to balance on her toes. He squeezed each one, loving the feel of her soft flesh. He slid to his knees and parted her cheeks, seeing glimpses of her anus in the dimly lit room. Neil spat on it, not once but twice, seeing the shiny saliva coating her rim. Rising slightly he kissed her mid back, trailing more kisses down her spine to the ‘V’ of the top of her buttocks. Parting them as wide as he could he kissed down to her rim and pushed his mouth close. His lips touched. Neil’s tongue circled her anus and pushed inside, stretching her. Marie’s reactions were slow, more verbal than physical. She moaned loudly, her ass pushed back as far as it could, as if hoping for his tongue to slide deeper. Neil obliged, pressing into her as deep as he could. Moving his hands, he pressed against her belly to get leverage. His fingers traced over her thick minge to her clit, flicking it wildly as his tongue assaulted her. He roughly slipped two fingers in her sopping wet cunt until he felt her g spot. Marie reacted stronger now, rotating her hips, pushing against him to feel him more. He brought his other hand to her ass now, slipping a finger inside. Kissing her buttock he then watched as her folds accepted him, gripping him for dear life. His fingers were a blur. Marie yelled and moaned. The sound echoed in the tight space of the corridor.

“Yes, oh god, harder please Sir.”

Faster and deeper his fingers slipped in both holes. He could feel her body spasm and twitch against his wet digits. Neil was relentless, watching her body.

Marie came hard, squirting her release in a shower between her legs, forming a puddle on the floor.

“Good girl, what a good girl you’ve been.”

Her body flinched, she half whimpered, half laughed. She rested on the support and he stood, holding her steady as she came down from her sexual high. Turning her to face him, she looked into space, her body on a higher level. Light kisses on her cheeks and lips brought those deep blue orbs back to reality. When she could stand on her own he quickly ran up to the light switch and turned it on.

Marie swayed, her hair matted with sweat. Neil grabbed a bottle of cool water and helped her sip it. Within a minute or so she was her normal self.

While she settled he tidied up, getting things he needed for the dining room. On his return, he helped her down.

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