The Christmas Top

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Authors: Christi Snow

Tags: #holiday, #gay romance, #gay fiction, #contemporary romance, #coming out, #holiday romance, #christmas romance, #1night stand, #madame eve, #topped

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The Christmas Top

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Smashwords Edition

Copyright © 2013 by Christi Snow

ISBN: 978-1-61333-336-5

Cover art by Tibbs Designs

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The Christmas Top

A 1Night Stand Story


Christi Snow


For Mia Downing…who convinced me I could write this.

Chapter One

“Molly, what am I doing here?”

Jason Wieland winced at the desperation in his voice and wondered if she could hear it through the cell phone. He glanced around the opulent lobby of the lavishly decorated Las Vegas hotel. God, he couldn’t believe he’d ever considered this a good idea. What had he been thinking? His stomach rolled again and he considered heading up to his hotel room and forgetting the entire idea.

“Jason, you’re getting laid.” Molly said. “Jon wouldn’t have wanted you to become a monk. You deserve this. You’re only thirty-years-old and it’s been two years since his murder. Have you even kissed another guy since then?”

He leaned his forehead against the cold marble column he’d been hiding behind. “No, I haven’t,” he whispered.

Her voice lowered. “Babe, it’s time to let go and move on.”

“I know, but I’m just not sure about this.” He appreciated his best friend’s concern. “A one-night stand, though? Doesn’t that seem…I don’t know, sleazy to you?”

Her sigh traveled easily over the phone lines. “We’ve talked about this. Madame Eve has an amazing reputation for finding the right matches and it’s not like you’re expecting a happily-ever-after here. You’re just getting back on the horse, so to speak. Hopefully, for you, that horse is gorgeous and studly.” She snickered at her own joke, but then her giggling abruptly ended.

He knew what that meant and groaned internally, bracing for her next statement.

“Although that does bring up a question I’ve never thought to ask before. I assume you’re looking for a stud, but I’ve never asked. Are you the giver or the receiver when you…?”

“Molly! I’m not going to tell you that.” He rolled his eyes in exasperation even though she couldn‘t see him. “Some things, even for best friends, are off limits.”

“Okay, okay, too much information. I’m sorry. Don’t get your boxers in a bunch. I was just curious.” Her giggle floated across the phone lines. “Forgive me?”

“Always. If I didn’t forgive you, who else would hang out with me on Saturday nights?”

“Exactly, you’ll never find a best friend with as pathetic a social life as yours so you’re stuck with me. Speaking of which, don’t forget you promised to come to my New Year’s Eve party. Maybe you can bring a date. Or even better, I could set you up?”

His stomach took another nosedive. “Molly, why don’t you let me get through this humiliating experience first before you set me up on another, okay?”

“Okay. Go have your hot date, if for no other reason than I want to live vicariously through you.”

He chuckled softly. “I’m glad that I can serve as fodder for your fantasies.”

“I wish. Do you know how much easier our relationship would be if you were straight? Then neither one of us would have to worry about this. We could hook up and forget all the other drama.”

“Unfortunately for you, I don’t swing that way.”

“More’s the pity. But that’s why you should do this tonight. At least, do it for me and then call me tomorrow so I can fantasize about what it’s like to have a sexy guy in my bed.”

“Won’t you be at your parent’s house celebrating Christmas?”

“Yeah, but I can sneak away to hear about your night. Besides, I’ll be ready for the break. Mark ducked out of Christmas with the family this year so I’ll be the complete focus of my mom’s matchmaking efforts. Call and give me an excuse to escape, even if it’s just for a few minutes.”

“Okay, I will.” He straightened his purple tie and his stomach somersaulted again. “Hopefully, I’ll have something positive to share.”

“Don’t worry. You will. You’re going to have an amazing time tonight. Merry Christmas Eve, Jason.”

“Merry Christmas, Molly. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but I’m glad you pushed me into this.”


Mark Cummins glanced down at the engraved invitation one more time.

Madame Eve requests your presence at the Castillo Resort & Hotel, Las Vegas, December twenty-fourth, 7:30 PM in the Royale Bar & Dining Room where your secret fantasy will come to life. Watch for the man in the purple tie

He’d probably made a huge mistake coming there, but couldn’t resist the allure of his
secret fantasy

“Would you like another?”

His gaze shot from his empty glass up to the blonde bartender. When had he drunk his bourbon? He gave her a small smile. “Sure, just one more.” He pushed the empty glass toward her and checked his watch again.

“Are you meeting someone?” Her eyes held more than a glimmer of interest. A few years ago, she would have been his type, but back then he’d been in deep denial about his sexuality.

“Yes, and he’s late.”

“A business meeting on Christmas Eve?” she asked with unabashed curiosity.

He shook his head and took a deep breath. “No, this is something else.” If he planned to be open about his lifestyle, he needed to get used to doing this. “It’s a blind date. I’ve never met him before.” He glanced up at her, but didn’t see any of the censure he expected. Instead open friendliness reflected there.

“You’re nervous, aren’t you?”

He gave a quick nod. “I’ve never done this type of thing before and having the guy show up late doesn’t help.”

“Is he supposed to be wearing a purple tie like yours?” She stared at the entry and grinned. “You’ll probably want to give him a break.”

“Why do you say that?” The urge to peer over his shoulder tempted him.

She shrugged with apparent regret. “Why are all the best-looking guys gay? And he looks even more nervous than you. Why don’t you go put him out of his misery?” She tilted her head toward the entrance.

“Thanks.” He paid for his drinks along with a generous tip. “And Merry Christmas.”

Standing, he scanned the room. Heading toward him was a man wearing a purple tie, but for him the color worked, setting off his short, coal-black hair and rugged jawline. Not quite as tall as Mark, he still stood above most men and had a lean, predatory quality that sent a shiver of arousal up Mark’s spine. The man searched the crowded bar anxiously.

When his date caught sight of Mark’s purple tie, he began to smile in greeting, but as he peered up at Mark’s face, his gait faltered and he scowled. Mark’s hopes plummeted. He’d always been considered a reasonably good-looking guy, but it appeared this man didn’t seem to agree. The quick change in demeanor didn’t make sense, but he wouldn’t accept rejection before they even spoke.

Striding forward, he reached out his right hand. “Hi, I’m Mark Cummins and I think you’re my date for the evening.” The man glanced down at his outstretched hand and then back up toward his face, hesitating, his expression running a gamut of emotion from anger to confusion. Mark didn’t know what happened here to derail their date before it even began, but he wanted to see this through. “You’ve been sent from Madame Eve, right?”

Jason couldn’t believe it.
Is this some kind of cruel joke?
Why would Molly’s brother be meeting him? Mark dated women, not men.

But his cock didn’t get the memo, hardening on cue, the same way it always had around Mark. Something about the guy did it for him. And suddenly, he morphed back to that horny seventeen-year-old lusting after the jock.

He hadn’t seen him since high school, but Molly would have told him if her brother had suddenly come out of the closet. Not that
would ever happen. Mark didn’t have a gay bone in his body…quarterback of the football team, banged the head cheerleader on homecoming night, and then he went on to play college football, where his escapades on and off the field continued to make news. Now he worked as the offensive coach for the St. Louis pro football team. There wasn’t anyone out there straighter than Mark Collins.

So why would he pretend to be his date? Could this be some sort of cruel gay-bashing joke? Mark had never given him a hard time in high school like some of the other guys, but after what happened to Jon, he wanted to be careful.

He still stared at the confounded man. “I’m sorry. You look like someone I used to know and it threw me. Hi, Mark. I’m….” He faltered. Mark didn’t act like he recognized him. And Jason had no intention of changing that, not until he figured out Mark’s plan.

Jason cleared his throat. “Sorry, I’m nervous. This is the first time I’ve done this type of thing. I’m Sidney.” He could manage to answer to his middle name.

His weak explanation seemed to satisfy Mark, who relaxed with an easy grin. “That’s okay. It’s nice to meet you, Sidney.” He nodded his head toward the bar. “Do you want to get a drink or would you like to go on into the dining room for dinner?”

“I’d love to order a drink, if that’s okay with you.” He gestured down to the drink in Mark’s hand as he puzzled over his possible motivation. He seemed genuine, but that didn’t make sense. “It looks like I need to catch up. Grab us a table and I’ll go order from the bar. Do you want another?”

“No, this one is fine. Thanks.”

Mark walked toward the cluster of tables, his fine ass flexing.
If only this could be a real date
. More muscular than the guys he normally considered to be his type, Mark had a typical football player’s physique. Jason enjoyed watching them flex under his jacket as he walked away. He had an incredible sexy quality. Imagining him bent over so Jason could drive into his tight ass already had his cock begging. Definitely sex-on-a-stick, but that didn’t change the fact Mark played for the other team. No pun intended.

The bartender approached to take his order. Subtly pulling his jacket closed, he hid his rock-hard erection from her.

She watched Mark, too. “You’re a lucky guy. He’s hot.”

“Yeah, he is, but, unfortunately, he’s not gay, so that means he’s not my type.”

She quirked an eyebrow. “Yeah, he is. You should have seen his face when you walked into the room. He’s completely into you.”

“You think?” How was that even possible? How could Mark be gay? But Jason couldn’t deny his body wanted that to be true. Jason’s erection pulsed with just the possibility. It had been so long since he’d had that kind of instantaneous reaction to someone else. Not since Jon died. That had to mean something, right?

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