The City of the Broken (Prince of the Broken) (16 page)

BOOK: The City of the Broken (Prince of the Broken)
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Chapter Twelve.

Group Therapy


Its so interesting to go to this gathering of citizens from different backgrounds, who were once united by a common v
alue of depression and darkness and now have two different extremes in opinions of how to live life.

The community centre is dark and dreary. The black titled floor is clean ,but doesn
’t have the gloss of the library and the palace. People are required to sign-in, including Calix.

The register has boxes for name, address, age and a question that asks
‘Are you Pro-Happiness, Pro-Despair or Neutral’? with check boxes to tick your preferred option and in brackets is written ‘this is used for statistical purposes
I go to sign-in but Calix informs me that I cant as I’m not a citizen. He signs and ticks the ‘neutral’ box, probably not choosing a side as he wants to remain impartial as the Prince.

I would have chosen ‘Pro-Despair’” I tell him.

Well don’t tell anyone Seren but I think I’m leaning that way myself. These Pro-Happiness group members are so happy its almost insincere and fake” he says.

I totally agree. There’s a realness about being broken. Whatever you say about the Pro-Despair citizens they are genuine. They wont mask their feelings for anyone and I respect that” I say.

We go into the hall of the centre, where a large circle of chairs has been arranged, many already taken. This isn
’t going to be a lecture then, but an open discussion. Around half of the people here are dressed in bright colours and the other, slightly larger half are dressed in the customary costume of the city-black and grey .The latter half I assume to be Pro-Despair or neutral and unwilling to change. Calix has chosen to wear a slick, black suit with a light blue shirt. I suppose not to give any insight into his opinion away by his dress. I wear my black dress, knowing I’m under no obligation to be politically correct as I’m not even a legitimate member of this meeting.

is one man with a handful of notes sitting in the centre and I presume it is he, not Calix who will be the official voice of this meeting.

Looking around I see some familiar faces including Alfred, Anita and Frederick(who are sitting together).Anita looks
disgusted at the fact she is sitting in a community centre, surrounded by ‘ordinary’ people, although she is dressed glamorously as usual nonetheless. She can only be admired for turning the most mundane of places into a haute couture fashion show. She spots me and looks me up and down, evidently not approving of my outfit as I do hers.

Prince Calix, finally. A delight to see some civilised company. Come and sit with us” she says motioning him to sit by her and Frederick, despite the fact the seats next to them on either side are already occupied.

Thank Anita, but we’ll stay here” he says politely declining.

Anita rolls her eyes and then exclaims

“Oh can we just get this silly meeting over and done with please. I have better places to be than sitting in this dead end slum”. I wonder if she’s referring to the ballet.

Yes. I think its time we made a start” says the man with the notes.

Please everyone be seated and we’ll begin” he says motioning to the yellow clad Smiley who is just returning from the canteen with a paper cup of something hot.

Well then. I assume you all know why we are here? My name is Frank Speakman and for any of you who have perhaps been living under a rock, cut off from recent happenings, I’ll fill you in. The City of the Broken, a city built on a collective consensus of values that we are Broken citizens has in recent weeks, quite rapidly and unbelievably become divided. Yes, divided into two main groups-those who believe in the original values of this city and those who believe the city would benefit in the changing of its very core beliefs” he says and I can tell by the disdain in which he speaks of ‘changing beliefs’ that Frank is most definitely a traditionalist and therefore I assume, Pro-Despair.

Now, I know that each of us in this room has very different opinions on the future of this city, but as we are all citizens here I’d ask you to be respectful of others opinions, whether you agree with them or not. Anyone guilty of harassment, violent or bullying behaviour will be asked to leave the meeting” he says officially.

Okay, any questions at the end please don’t be afraid to ask. Right, now we’ve cleared all that up. Lets begin. Who’d like to be the first to offer an opinion?” he asks, looking around for a volunteer.

I would like to say something” says a man with greying hair, wearing a black waistcoat and with an expression of depression.

Go right ahead Sir” says Frank.

I have lived in this city longer than ten  years. Never before have I seen such disruption. These ‘Smiley’s’ are Pro-Chaos, not Pro-Happiness. They’re just youngsters who want their fifteen minutes of fame, rebelling to get their pictures in the paper. The city was fine just as it was. If its Broken, don’t fix it, is my motto” he says angrily.

me. I
am a Smiley and this isn’t about fame or glory. I believe firmly in my cause and The Smiley’s have a policy to protest peacefully ,so your talk of chaos is complete falsehood and influenced by the lies the king has told the press about us. Our mission is to resuscitate a city that has been long since dead. We want to cooperate with citizens to bring choice and free will back into this City of forced despair. We are not ‘rebelling’ simply for having an opinion that is different” says The Smiley who is dressed in sparkly yellow with a gold sash reading ‘Pro-Happiness’ tied around her.

You both have relevant points to make, but it cannot be denied that this divide of the city has led to conflict between two groups who once identified with each other on the basis of their citizenship” says Calix, adding his viewpoint.

Your Majesty, its wonderful to hear your point of view. Are you Pro-Happiness or Pro-Despair?” asks Frank and everyone listens intently.

I’m neither, I’m neutral. My opinion is that the city should be reunited .I don’t want two different groups with extremes of beliefs and I oppose those bans that stop people entering certain parts of the city based on their chosen side. This is
city and I’d like to keep it that way” he says forcefully but diplomatically.

Forgive me for saying this Prince Calix, but your father’s rule is oppressive. There would be no need for two groups with extreme views, if such extremity hadn’t been forced on citizens to live a life of sadness and to only ever wear black” says the talkative Smiley.

I feel very strongly about this issue, don’t I Frederick? That’s the only reason I entered this deprived part of the city. The citizens joined and were recruited because they had a certain set of beliefs to begin with, so to encourage them to turn to a complete opposite set of beliefs is ludicrous. They didn’t
to join this city, the King has only been catering to the publics wants and needs. Why change such a great city? You Smiley’s are simply troublemakers and yes I quite agree-attention seekers” says Anita, her lisp giving a slightly comical affect to her speech.

I can actually relate this to my own experience. I was recruited and joined, and yes I agree with the smartly dressed lady there that I wasn’t
to join. I joined because I was broken and the offer to join a city where I would, for the first time in my life, fit in was simply too irresistible to turn-down. At first it was very liberating to be part of a world where unhappiness was the norm-no fake smiles. But then I found that I was becoming trapped in a cycle of despair that was encouraged-wear black, no smiling. It became suffocating .I do love the city, don’t get me wrong. Its refreshing to have this portal of gloom, where smiling is un-cool and no one has to pretend. But sometimes, its just too restrictive. I guess I’d like more option and freedom to be happy when I want to be” says a lanky, but pretty woman with long dark hair.

Well. Thank you all very much for your opinions, we’ll take everyone’s views on board and use them to improve this group, and if we have Prince Calix’s support, the City. We’re running a bit low on time, so I’d like to wrap it up there. Any questions?” 

Yes, how long do you intend to run this group? I don’t fancy having to come here very often” asks Anita looking around in disdain.

I’m not quite sure to be honest. Any ideas Your Majesty?” asks Frank, looking at Calix.

As long as it takes to reunite our city” Calix says.

Yes, quite as the Prince says. We want to establish order. Okay, so if that’s all the questions. Thank you so very much for coming and I’ll see you all again next week” says Frank Speakman.


“Wow Calix. That was intense!” I say, as we walk out together holding hands.

I think there is
a lot
of work to be done here. There’s huge differences in opinion and a stubbornness on behalf of both groups. A compromise is definitely needed but Dad will never agree to one. I’m sure he wouldn’t even approve of group meetings like this. When he gets back from wherever he’s been, he’ll be furious. I know it” says Calix, looking worried.


When I return home from the city, I think of how its changed since I first entered it.

I wonder where the king is and I
’m perplexed by Frederic’s silence at the meeting. He’s a charismatic character and I’m sure everyone would have been intrigued by what he had to say. While he looked interested and seemed to concentrate intently, his brooding and mysterious nature prevailed. Although maybe he found it difficult to get a word in anywhere, what with Anita and the Smiley doing most of the talking.

Suddenly I get a text from Calix
‘Home safe in palace. Dads back, business trip apparently. Oh Joy! Catch U tomorrow. C, xx.’

Ha-ha, rather U than me! C U tomorrow babe. Seren, xx’ I reply.

I wonder if the King already knows about the divide or will Calix have to fill him in. I fall asleep looking forward to new gossip in college tomorrow.


Chapter Thirteen.

Love and War


We sat a test in sociology. I found that it went well, the only problem being that I was running out of time as I had so many theories to cover. We have no break today ,we started college later than usual to make up for this, so its straight to lunch. I go to find Calix. I see the back of his head, framed with his wondrous thick hair.

Calix !” I call out to him. When he turns around ,I am shocked.

His eyes have dark circles underneath them and look red and puffy as though he has been crying.

“Seren” he says quietly.

I rush over to him.

“Calix, what’s wrong? You look awful” I say, realizing as I get closer that even at his worst, he still looks better than most people at their best.

Oh, yeah. I guess I’ve had a rough night” he says, not elaborating.

Why, what’s happened? Lets go somewhere quiet to talk about this” I say ,grasping his hand, leading him to the library.

We sit in the corner, as far away from everyone else as we can get. I
’m starting to feel concerned why he seems so reluctant to talk about what’s wrong.

Calix, please tell me why you seem so upset. I’ve never seen you like this before” I say gently, putting my hand on top of his.

He shakes his head and remains silent and is reluctant to make eye contact with me.

“Please Calix, you really are starting to worry me now” I say urgently.

I cant tell you Seren. It would upset you too much” he says finally, looking every inch a broken prince.

Upset me? Let me guess, this is to do with your Father again. One night back and he’s already causing havoc. Look at the state you’re in” I say bluntly.

He sighs.

“Its to do with him, yes” ,he says before returning to silence again.

Frankly its upsetting me more that you’re keeping it a secret. I’m imagining all sorts. Just tell me, no matter how devastating the news is. My heart is beating so fast and my hands are shaking from worry” I say truthfully.

Okay, okay. We cant get married. Dads banned non-citizens such as you, from marrying citizens such as me” he says.

Oh is that
? Calix just recruit me and I can  be a citizen” I say, not getting why he’s making such a big deal out of this.

That’s where he’s been clever Seren. You can now only become a citizen of the City of the Broken if you are born one or personally recruited by the king” he says.

What? You mean you no longer have the power to recruit” I say frantically.

Exactly” he says.

This man is insane. He’ll stop at nothing until he’s ruined us. The city’s divided and
all he cares about is our relationship! Why am I such a threat, now that the Smiley’s are bringing happiness to the city?” I ask enraged, tears streaming down my cheeks.
“That’s what I don’t understand myself. He didn’t want us to marry in case we encouraged happiness .But the Pro-Happiness group is the biggest threat at the moment, not you” he says, bemused.

Oh he’ll soon have them under control. But if the
was happy ,then that would be the end. He knows what he’s doing. You are the figurehead ,the symbol of the city.
are all that matters”  I say furiously.

Yes ,I think that could be his logic .He views The Smiley’s as irrelevant and rather powerless but I think he underestimates them sometimes” he says, thinking deeply.

Oh Calix. I’m devastated. Yes, I’m perfectly happy as your fiancée. But I truly wanted to be your wife. Our wedding is off” I say.

I know. I’m so sorry Seren. Don’t give up on us, that’s the only way he’ll win. We still have each other .He cant spoil our happiness by preventing marriage” says Calix convincingly.

I was just so looking forward to our wedding and now he’s spoilt that .But yes, you’re right. He cant stop our love and if he thinks he can, he’s a fool. Did you tell him about the group meeting?” I ask, changing the subject, as I wipe away my tears.

No way! He’d only ban that as well. I mentioned the divide but shockingly he didn’t seem that concerned. All I had last night was ‘you cant marry that girl Calix’ and ‘you cant recruit anymore’ ” he says.

That’s probably where he’s been. Arranging for those new laws and rules to be brought in” I say.

You know, sometimes I think this isn’t about happiness and the city, but
.Its almost like he doesn’t want anyone else to be in love since he lost his wife. Its almost envy” says Calix.

You really think he’s that bitter?” I ask, uncertain that I agree with this idea.

Yes. If he cant have someone to love, then neither can anyone else. Of course I could be wrong, but its my theory” he says.

Has he told you of his plans in reuniting the city?” I ask, interested in what the king’s strategy  will be in defeating the Pro-Happiness parade.

He didn’t mention anything. And its less reunite and more like ‘destroy the enemy’ with him” says Calix as we head back to class.


In psychology ,it finally hits me that I’m not getting married.
I feel broken. I also feel a great deal of sympathy and admiration for Calix. He has so much to deal with, both as a son and a prince and yet he manages to remain just and sensible himself .I can understand now why he’d just like to be ‘normal’. He’s beautiful, talented, intelligent and he’s royalty. It would seem he has it all, but does he really? I wonder if my Calix has ever felt carefree .Has he ever laughed so hard it hurts or not had the burden of his father and the responsibility of the city on his shoulders? Life is always seriousness for him and the thought makes me sad. Maybe he’d be more privileged if he was normal .He could marry who he wants, not worry what the public or the press thought, not have to organize groups and attend meetings all the time and he could just be
. Despite his fortunate circumstances, Calix could sometimes appear quite tragic.

After class, I walk with Calix through the car park, where Alfred is waiting with the Rolls-Royce.

“Now Calix, you’ve got to start standing up to your father. He’s a control freak-changing laws to prevent you from getting married. When you get home, be sure not to let him push you around” I tell him forcefully ,fed up of fighting this impossible problem.

I do stand up to him all the time Seren. I’m forever trying to make him see reason, but its no use. I’ve tried and failed to change his mind so many times in the past, that it feels pointless to even attempt to again. He just ignores me and sometimes my complaints to him can even make the problem worse” he says, seemingly tormented by the topic of his father.

This man is ruining my life. I would never have thought it possible that one human alone could be such a barrier to bliss” I say, shaking my head.

He really is the most unreasonable man ever, I know. I’m going to work on some ideas for next week’s reuniting group tonight, but maybe you can come to the city tomorrow and we can show Dad that our love is still going strong” smiles Calix, trying to make me feel better.

You never stop, do you Calix? Its an irony that such a horrible man could have such a kind and altruistic son. Yeah I’ll come tomorrow, but I don’t care what your Dad thinks about us. I’ll come because I want to come, not to put on a show for him” I say.

See you tomorrow then” he says, leaning in to kiss me, instantly cheering me up in a way that talk alone never could. But I still feel the sting that my wedding has been robbed from me.


I wave and as he drives away, in my melancholic state, its only now I realize the hearse-like quality of his car.

I walk home, past the cemetery where the married couples lie, the lucky ones in life, who I suppose didn
’t have an overbearing parent preventing them from becoming one flesh. Walking through the City of the Broken is like walking through a cemetery at night-eerie, forbidden yet morbidly beautiful.

’m still wearing my engagement ring and will continue to do so. We cant be husband and wife but he cannot stop us from being engaged. I do wonder whether or not the King would have been a likeable person when his wife was still alive. Heartbreak and grief can change a person and must make life hard to deal with sometimes, but is that really an excuse to be so corrupt and cruel to others, especially one’s own son? I don’t think so.


After college ,I head alone through the gates of the Broken to meet Calix, who left early as he’s so busy with the plans for the meeting. I’m eagerly looking forward to the next showdown between the citizens, finding a dark delight in the drama akin to those who used to go to public hangings.

Calix is meeting me by the black columns of the Bank of the Broken. As I walk to our meeting place, I note that there are far fewer citizens dressed in bright colours and exhibiting smiles than the last time I visited. I presu
me this has something to do with the kings return.

I spot Calix leaning against a pillar, with dark shades on looking like a male model posing noncommittally for a gothic fashion shoot .As I get closer, I realize he looks a little stressed out.

“Hey Calix, are you okay?” I ask him and he looks more relaxed when he sees me.

Yes Seren. Don’t worry, I’ m fine. I’m just really busy organizing everything ,this on top of college and dealing with Dad. Hey, I’ve come up with an idea and I’d like to know your opinion before I start to work on it”, he says, eyes illuminating with the light bulb of innovation.

Okay, go ahead” I say intrigued and flattered that Calix wants to know my opinion.

I want to do a public vote on whether people are Pro-Happiness or Pro-Despair. Public in the sense that it wont be limited to group members only. It’ll include anyone who’s a citizen. It will also be anonymous, which I think is important as it’ll encourage people to vote. What do you think?” he asks leaning in, eager for my answer.

I pause for a moment to think before answering.

“Well its an interesting idea I guess Calix, to know what the opinion of the majority is. But what are your intentions when you discover the result of the vote? And we have to bring it back to the main problem again-what about your Dad? If it’s a public vote, he’s going to know about it!” I say, still not completely certain of Calix’s idea.

The intention Seren is to show Dad the City’s
feelings. If there is a landslide vote either way, the city will need to follow that direction. I see myself as a modern prince and I’m not opposed to change .I
Dad to know what the public
think, and I think this is the best way to do it” he says exuberantly.

That could work out well in theory I suppose Calix but it could also backfire, if there’s not a landslide, it could divide this city even more and enrage your father to the point where he’ll take serious action” I say concerned Calix hasn’t thought this seemingly democratic idea through enough.

He considers what I
’ve said, looking slightly perturbed I’ve highlighted weaknesses in his idea.

I do see your point Seren, but to be honest I think this city is already divided in a detrimental way and a vote couldn’t cause much more harm. Dad can do a lot, but even he cant argue with the majority. If there’s not a huge difference between the results then I don’t really think the vote will make much difference, people will stick to their chosen side and Dad will continue to oppose any changes to the city” he says ,still confident in his idea.

With regards to the divide Calix, when I was walking through the city today I’m convinced there were much less people wearing colour and looking happy. Why is this”? I ask.

Dad’s had wearing bright clothing made into a criminal offence, many of The Smiley’s have been arrested. That’s one thing I am concerned about as this could have a substantial impact on the vote Seren as a lot of Pro-Happiness members are now in hiding or in jail” he says.

Will the Pro-Happiness members come to your group this week now that they’ve been criminalized“? I ask feeling sympathetic towards The Smiley’s as I don’t think they deserve such harsh treatment.

Well prior to Dads return I had people giving out flyers and advertisements in newspapers for my group, but I think that at the moment its absolutely essential its kept a secret and that as many Pro-Happiness group members as possible come without the fear of being arrested or getting into trouble by attending” he says, fair and just as always.

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