The City of the Broken (Prince of the Broken) (3 page)

BOOK: The City of the Broken (Prince of the Broken)
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This way”  he smiles beckoning me to follow him. He opens an oak door.

This is my bedroom, do you like it?” he asks.

Its black but it seems lighter in here than the other rooms. Ther
e is a king sized bed with a black satin duvet emblazoned with the purple B. Glossy black floorboards are covered with woollen rugs. Books line the walls.

Dad says I should keep these in the library downstairs but I like them in here with me” he says, observing my fascination.

This is what I want to show you.” He leads me to the window.

You know, this is the only window in the whole palace. Dad won’t allow them anywhere else”.

I thought it seems lighter in here.

Opening the glass doors, we step out onto a vast balcony that overlooks the palace garden.

This view is absolutely breathtaking”.

Yes, I like to sit out here sometimes in the night air and read for hours.”

This boy is the most fascinating being I
’ve met and it isn’t  because he’s a prince, he’s like a human masterpiece. Sometimes I think he’s not even human, his jet black hair shines in the moonlight. His blue eyes have changed to violet and I’m yet again alive, struck. All this from the girl who thought she would never find anyone who interests her. He’s an enigma.

As I  gaze  into his luminous eyes, we embrace and kiss- sweet, tender, perfect.


This palace is an otherworldly dream. Marvellous as it is, it sets me on edge. Its eerie, hidden. I know it has a secret.

After our kiss, my first kiss, a sweet introduction, we head back into palace grounds. I see some beautiful swans on the lake among the black ducks. It’s a striking monochrome scene. He holds my hand and we walk among the flowers, violets. They are a deep purple like the ‘B’ on the flag.

So do you believe I’m a Prince now?” he asks.

Well, I think if I still doubted you I’d be a very sceptical person” I smile.

He smiles back and we walk back towards the underground at midnight.

Back at the gate that leads to ‘reality’, we kiss once more. Wow.


It’s evening and we are sitting by the lake, the lamp light illuminating the water, the musical song of the water birds playing as the background theme. Just my prince and I. He leans in close and just as I think he is going to kiss me, he whispers in my ear “I break girls hearts so that they can join my city” and suddenly his face is dark and calculating, a professional heart breaker.

I wake up with tears streaming. Whoa!

Getting dressed for college, I cannot get that nightmare out of my head. Is there an element of truth to this notion? You do need to be broken to join and who better to break a heart than a beautiful-genius-prince? I bury the thought into my subconscious.

Even though I have had many conversations with my prince, I still do
n’t really ‘know’ him. I’ll ask him about his life, try and uncover the real him.


Looking at the clouds outside, I start to dream. Lately all I can think about is him. That’s completely normal for most girls. But not me. I don’t fall in love easily. This is rare, this is something else. This is him. Every single second does seem to drag. Usually I pay close attention to my tutor . Not today. I wonder if my prince and I will go to the city tonight, dance in the black ballroom again. I should get more black clothes, I don’t fit the dress code at all. I feel like I’m becoming an  annoying girl who can’t stop thinking about a guy. And for the first time ever it doesn’t bother me. 

Finally its lunchtime. I see him chatting in the foyer to a male student who al
ways looks upset. He’s probably scouting for more citizens. I smile at the thought. He’s dressed head to toe in black and he looks smouldering hot. His eyes illuminate when he sees me. He says a final word to his peer and then walks over to join me.

Hi, who was that?” I ask

That’s Jason, he’s a boy in my class” he says.

Were you scouting?” I ask

Ha! Yeah, you got me” he confesses.

My Father has given me a task of getting at least 15 new members. It sounds easier than it actually is. People don’t like you telling them that you think they’re depressed” he says sounding stressed out by this responsibility imposed on him.

Do you still want me to be a citizen? I mean, don’t you think I’m too cheerful now we are dating?” I ask. And as soon as the words are out of my mouth, I feel I have said the wrong thing. He looks at me seriously.

You think I make you happy?” he asks horrified.

Well, yeah. Don’t I make you happy?” I ask feeling unsettled by his negative reaction.

Seren, you don’t understand. You can only be a member of the city if you are unhappy, you can only be my girlfriend if you are broken”.

How could I possibly be unhappy when I’m with you?” I ask frantically.

He looks at me like an idea has struck him.

“You are Prince of the Broken, so are you unhappy? Is your Father unhappy?”

Of course, of course we are” he holds his head up with an arrogant defiance as if he has proclaimed a statement he is proud of. A badge of honour.

This is so challenging. I’ve always been unhappy, people would tell me to cheer up. Now when for the first time I actually feel happy, I need to be broken.” I say feeling confused.

Seren, its difficult I know. Come to the city today, it’ll help.” He says.

Chapter Three.

The King





r broken heart is making her seriously ill. I see her weeping as the drivers rush her into the black ambulance. The sirens traumatizing alarm echoes into the distance and leaves a chilling atmosphere as the ambulance roars away to The Black Hospital. Its towering chimneys smoke continuously and crows circle around it.

Can you die of a broken heart?” I ask

It’s the third most common cause of death here”, a bystander tells me.

I saw that woman
’s face, she looked broken. Everyone here looks unhappy, it’s the norm, but I maintain that she was the worst case.

The crowd that gathered to witness the ambulance showdown has scattered and there is a song being sung in the local pub
‘The Broken Horse’. Its not one of merry-making. Its a painful, longing moan.

I walk
further on, keen to forget what I have just seen .A woman  is standing outside the hat store. She wears a purple coat and a flamboyant hat with a bow. She is doing a survey on hats. She approaches me and I try and escape. However she’s persistent, so I oblige, regretting it as soon as I contractually say ‘ok’. I’m about to divulge my hat habits to her when I’m distracted by the sudden noise.

There is an explosion in the city centre. I hear people screaming and frantic whispers of
“what was that?” Then I realize that the explosion was fireworks. Its difficult to see them in the midday sun but they are there.

A big group of cheerleaders gather to the steps of The National Museum of the Broken.
They are dressed in bright yellow with pompoms .They start chanting their cheer ,as they move in synchronized step with each other .

Broken no more.

Happy happy happy again,

Injecting smiles into the city whoop!” They sing and jump frantically, with white toothy smiles.

It’s a protest song by The Smiley’s, a group dedicated to a revolution of happiness in the city.” says a grumpy looking man who doesn’t seem to approve of their goal. I gape at him in shock .

The king is adamant that they won’t succeed in their mission, seeing it as a threat to his crown and the whole city” he continues

But is it really a bad thing to want to inject some joy and colour into the city? Sure, it is the exact opposite of what it stands for but that doesn’t mean there cant be diversity.” I say feeling that The Smiley’s may have a point. This man doesn’t seem to agree .

Walking alone through the city, waiting for my beloved to join me, I watch

a street entertainer dressed in a flowing lace dress. She sings as she dances gracefully. She weeps  “I dare not dream, dreams are a forgotten song that I once sang. I dare not dream, lost lyrics, buried in my mind” her voice becomes sadder as she hit’s the final note. A failed opera singer? Perhaps this is why she is a member of the city.

Finally! He is here. I
’m in a less than cheerful mood after listening to her song whilst waiting in the cold December air(although he’d want it that way).

The Smiley’s have been in the city today” I inform him.

Oh not
. They’re always causing chaos” he says annoyed at the very mention of them.


In bed, upon returning from my black city of romance, I lie awake feeling concerned. His words are on loop in my head. “You can only be my girlfriend if you are broken.” Its ironic. I’ve always felt the unhappiest girl in the room and the one time I would be at an advantage in my misery is the one time I’m feeling on top of the world. No wonder he is attracted to me. I was totally baffled as to why Calix would want shy little me. Its because I’m exactly what he needs for his kingdom. But knowing that he wants a girl who’s unhappy all of the time, a broken citizen, do I still want him? He’s handsome, well-read and a prince. He sounds like the perfect catch but I’m not so sure. I always thought the man I would meet would save me from myself, make me appreciate the joy of living but I don’t think that he is the man who can do this.


The sun is shining even though its midwinter. Calix and I have decided to go and sit on the grass by the leaves that have fallen all around.

We’re having a winter ball at the palace on Friday. Do you want to come”? he asks with his hair shining in the sunlight.

Sure but do you think I’d be allowed?” I enquire thinking I’ll be the only non-royal there.

My father said I can invite a couple a friends. Besides, I’m the prince I can invite anyone I want” he winks at me and my heart does a back flip.


I’m looking forward to and dreading Friday at the same time. I long to spend all my time with Calix ,the thought of dancing with him again makes me feel more alive than ever.  But I’m dreading it because what if the royals hate me? Oh well, its worth it just to be with him.

’ve asked Charlotte to come with me on a shopping trip. She has a good eye for dresses and will help me pick something appropriate for the ball. After college we go to the shopping centre.

So what’s this big occasion coming up?” she enquires curiously.

It’s a ball” I smirk failing to contain my glee.

A ball? Wow, fancy.” she teases

Whose ball?” she asks.

Its Calix’s family’s winter ball” I announce.

As in super-mega-watt-hot Calix? Are you dating him?” she asks in shock.

Okay, here I
’ll have to come clean.

Yes, we’ve been together for about a month now” I smile shyly.

I can’t believe it. You are
lucky. He’s the best looking guy in the whole college. If he’s having a ball that makes him rich too” she says, her eyes lighting up at the prospect.

I know. He’s gorgeous. Yes, I suppose he must be well off”. And a prince too I think to myself.

Well this dress needs to be pretty special then” she says with the passion of a girl on a shopping mission.

Yes, and it needs to be black or purple” I say

Why? Is there a dress code at this ball?”

Yeah I guess you could say that.” The whole city has a dress code.

Now I know that you are dating
you can fill me in on all the gossip. Why haven’t you told anyone before now?”

I wanted to wait a while because I didn’t think it would last. I’m overwhelmed he would want me myself” I giggle.

Don’t be. You really are very pretty, although I’d have thought he’d go for the tanned, blonde type” she says.

Me too. Not some mouse like me” We both laugh.

On entering the first shop, we rush towards anything black or purple.

“This?” Charlotte asks holding up a flapper number.

Too long. I’ll end up falling on the floor”

I didn’t think of your two left feet. Good point!” she giggles.

We search around stacks of clothing. Most of the black dresses we come across are either drab or businesslike.

“I want something glamorous yet comfortable” I tell Charlotte trying to point her in the right direction when she keeps picking dresses with built in corsets.

We’ve looked through this whole store. Lets try another shop” she says sounding slightly annoyed that I didn’t like her suggestions.

You’ve got it” I respond.

As we walk towards the next shop it has sta
rted to sleet, Winter is definitely here.

Walking through the doors, we are greeted by a display of seasonal goodies, chocolate truffles, panettone ,German brand sweets and nougat. I
’m so distracted by the treats on offer that I forget I’m looking for the perfect dress. Charlotte hasn’t and is already searching manically through the aisles of clothes. I walk over to join her. There on the end of the aisle labelled ‘evening dresses’, I spot it. A black halter neck with a purple sash and not a corset in sight. I hold it up to show charlotte.

What do you think?” I ask her barely containing my excitement.

Oh its perfect” she says mirroring my expression.

I try the dress on in the fitting room and open the curtain to show Charlotte.

“Wow you look a million dollars” she enthuses.

I have to admit it myself, the dress is flattering.

“This is the one” I twirl around and beam at her.

The perfect dress for the perfect man” she winks at me.

If only she knew his one flaw.


Next evening, dressed for the ball and in h
igh heels, I realize Ill have to walk through the overgrown garden like this. This is going to be tricky.

As I
’m applying my lip gloss, I hear a car horn outside. I look out of the window and  there is a Rolls Royce parked outside, with Calix waving at me out of the sunroof. I instantaneously join him. This is the first time I’ve ever driven to the city. And it’s the first time I’ve ever been in such a luxurious car.

I’m so glad you picked me up. I would have taken forever to get to the city in these shoes” I smile at him

I could always have carried you” he flashes his eyebrows and I nearly collapse with exhilaration.

My face feels like its going to burst with joy I
’m smiling so much.

Hey, don’t forget this is the City of the Broken so at least try to look unhappy” he says seriously.

I try to look sombre but just the sight of those eyes makes me feel higher than I
’ve ever been before.

Its paradoxical that the boy who wants to date me because of my melancholic attitude is the one
person who has the ability to make me happy.

We drive up to the ancient gate and Calix unlocks it. The car drives through and he returns. We drive along a narrow path that runs through  the tangled web of leaves.

When we enter the city, there is a different atmosphere here tonight. There is excitement in the air, although still that morbid feeling. It can be likened to the anniversary of a death, a combination of sadness and celebration . It’s a heady mixture. Mounted police line the streets.

We drive u
p to the black palace and I see that the flag is up. Calix smiles at me and we hold hands. I hear loud trumpets and a band playing in the centre of the city. Its like a coronation, only the royal well-wishers are in mourning. The whole city slowly marching to the beat of their own out of time drum. I wonder if Calix likes being Prince of such an eerie city. He’s dressed in his gothic Victoriana black frills, I think he must take his role seriously. It such a huge jump, but what if we were to get married? Could I be Princess or Queen of the City of the Broken? Would I have to ban myself from smiling and dress in black constantly? Well I have always found being moody comes naturally, black is slimming and I can’t deny it any longer I love this man.

T he palace
gate is opened by the guards upon seeing the Royal Rolls Royce. A crowd has gathered but they don’t cheer ,they stare blankly as they hold on to the black railings. I hear an orchestra and see cars driving the guests to the front entrance. The driver opens the car door and Calix and I step out. He asks for my hand and I oblige, although his stance is more on guard than usual. He is in ‘black prince’ mode as everyone is staring at us. And for the first time I know its not because of what I’m wearing, its because I’m the date of HRH Prince Gothic.

Wow. The palace looks beautiful. There are candles in the chandeliers that line the
hallway, giving a soft lit romantic glow which illuminates Calix’s skin and makes him look like an ethereal being. Rich purple carpet adorned with the signature hologram B’s has been laid out for this special occasion The scent of  deep wood fills the air and the floor gleams with polish. We walk together hand in hand to the ballroom.

Nervous?” he asks.

Yeah, mainly because everyone is staring at us” I reply truthfully.

You’ll get used to it” he quips.

Does that mean we are in it together for the long run? I hope so. He fascinates me. I
’ve become a girl who hangs on every word her boyfriend says.  I always felt an extreme curiosity about him. He has a quality I’ve never seen in anyone else. He’s a paradox, a puzzle that just cannot be solved.

The music jolts me suddenly from my musing thoughts. It has turned from background music to dramatic showstopper. Although the guests themselv
es remain impassive and cold. Giving nothing away, they look like shadows or memories, certainly not mortal. I look up to the platform at the top of the room. There he is, the King himself, Calix’s Father. He looks nothing like I imagined. He embodies the gravity of the city, but he has a more mightier stance than the other citizens, melancholy coupled with sheer determination. He stands and the room falls instantly silent.

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