The Collectors Book Five (The Collectors Series 5) (14 page)

BOOK: The Collectors Book Five (The Collectors Series 5)
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              “We cannot be sure she carried gold,” said Petros. “My guess is if it wasn’t gold, it was something of significant value. There are certain procedures we must follow before we consider searching for the wreck.”

              “Who would know?” asked Photis.

              “If we started any salvage operation half the world. First, I talk to the Greek embassy in London. If they’re not interested, I obtain an official letter giving me permission to salvage. The owners of the ship are for the moment unknown. As a rule, non-historic shipwrecks are fair game for salvage.”

              Bear held up his hand. “At the moment it’s guesswork and a load of big ifs. If we receive permission to retrieve the cargo from the wreck, we have to find it first. The Navy plotted its position but I don’t suppose they bothered to check if it happened to be a mile or so out. And that covers a large area of the seabed.” He checked his watch. “Soon be dinner time.”

              “Bear, I’ve known you for far too many years and still can’t understand how you can eat so much, remain fit and active.”

              “Simple, my metabolic rate is so high it demands feeding, so I oblige. Actually I like my food.”

              Everyone laughed.




The following morning, Bear rose early and went to the kitchen, made two cups of coffee and returned to the bedroom. “Are you awake, Jocelyn?”

              She sat up and took the steaming cup of coffee. “If I wasn’t I am now.”

              “Fancy a day out? I’ll ask Photis for the loan of his pick-up. Have lunch at a beach taverna.”              

              She placed her cup on the bedside table. “What are you after?”

              He grinned. “Nothing I haven’t had already.”

              “You cook breakfast and we leave when we’ve eaten. I’ll have three slices of toast.”

              He bowed. “Your wish is my command.”

              She tossed a pillow at him and missed.

              Bear was in the kitchen cooking bacon, eggs, tomatoes, and mushrooms when Jocelyn descended the stairs.

              “Smells great but where’s my toast?”

              “On the table with a pot of Eleni’s homemade strawberry jam.” He spooned coffee granules into two cups and added freshly boiled water. “Coffee, madam.”




The time was passing nine when Bear and Jocelyn departed the house and headed for Paphos. At half ten they stopped at Aphrodite’s Rock and strolled through the underpass to the stone-covered beach.

              Bear stared at the blue sea and perfect horizon. “Nice and peaceful. We don’t have many moments like this, do we? Either you’re working or I’m away collecting.”

              She grabbed his hand and they sat. “Is something bothering you?”

              “Yes and no. Thanks to teaming up with Petros I’m worth a few quid and it causes me one big headache.”

              “Can’t think why.”

              “When I die the government takes the cream from everything I’ve worked for and no doubt my ex will try to grab her share.”

              She shrugged. “So what’s the problem?”

              Bear put his right arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “Will you marry me?”

              She stared at him, surprised. “Can I have time to think about it?”


              “This is rather sudden. But after the years we’ve lived together we might as well.”

              “I suppose I’d better buy you an engagement ring.”

              “A large solitaire diamond,” she replied enthusiastically.

              “You’re only marrying me for my money.”

              She grinned. “Is there any other reason?”

              “What about my good looks, charm, and appealing nature?”

              “Shut up.” She pushed him back onto the stones and kissed his lips hard. “And of course, I love you.” She leant on one elbow and stared at him. When shall we get married?

              “You choose.”

              “I’d like to be a June bride. Don’t ask me why.”

              “Go for it.”

              “I’ll hire a wedding planner.”

              “Not a bad idea, save all the hassle.”

              “I’ll ask Maria to help.”

              “Trust me she’ll jump at the chance having done a brilliant job for Andreas.” He stood and pulled her to her feet. “Come on, let’s go buy you a ring and make it official. Then I can have lunch with a clear conscience”

              “You love food more than me.”

              “No chance.” He playfully slapped her backside.




Maria spotted Jocelyn’s ring as she entered the house and embraced her. “So, she’s making an honest man of you.”

              “I’m as pure as the driven snow,” said Bear, “but I had a strange moment and asked the question. To my surprise she said yes.”

              “Bear’s asked Jocelyn to marry him,” said Maria as Petros strolled into the house,

              He slapped Bear on the back. “About time. When’s the wedding?”

              “We haven’t decided on a date but it will be a small affair.”

              “Smallish,” said Jocelyn.

              “I stand corrected.”

              “You’re a good man but she’s a better woman,” said Eleni as she descended the stairs. “Before you leave we’ll have a celebration.”

              “Not necessary,” said Jocelyn.

              “My house makes it my decision. It’s a long time since we had our friends around.”

              Bear and Jocelyn turned and faced each other. “We’d better do as we’re told,” said Jocelyn.

              Eleni sat in her chair. “Of course you and Maria will have to make all the arrangements. I’m getting far too old.”

              Photis entered and everything was repeated.




The following week became a blur of organisation with Eleni giving her approval or not. Two days before they were due to leave, the guests arrived, danced, and feasted into the early hours.

              Outside in the courtyard Bear and Jocelyn stood by the old well.

              Bear hugged her. “I do love you.”

              “I love you too but after my first attempt at marriage you were the problem I didn’t want.”

              He laughed. “And now?”

              “Your the problem I can’t live without.”

              “Glad to hear it. As guests of honour, we had better go back inside.”

              “Listen to them. They’re having a great time. I bet they don’t even know we’ve gone.”

              Maria opened the door and strolled towards them holding a bag. “A taxi will arrive in a few minutes. You have a suite booked at the Four Seasons for two days, all-inclusive. I’ve packed a few things for Jocelyn. Bear, whatever you want you’ll have to buy.”

              “Why?” asked Bear.

              Marie handed him the bag and kissed him.

              “Men,” said Jocelyn.














































Chapter Eight


Their flight to London was straight forward; an unusual tailwind reduced the journey time to four hours. Alysa amused the other passengers by singing nursery rhymes as she strolled back and forth along the central aisle.

              On exiting the airport Bear and Jocelyn jumped in a taxi while Petros, Maria and Alysa wandered to the short stay car park where Jack, Petros’ stepfather, waited. In less than an hour, they were home.

              Alysa screamed with delight when Charlie, sliding on the polished floor, collided into her.

              “Stupid dog will never learn,” said Petros.

              “Yarlie not stupid,” said Alysa. “My dog.”

              Petros ruffled the animal’s coat. “Okay, not stupid, just dumb.”

              “I love my aunt,” said Maria, “but it’s always great to be back in our own home.”

              “Couldn’t agree more. I’ll take the suitcases upstairs and dump the washing in the laundry basket. Then I’ll have a shower.”




At breakfast Petros sat at the table eating a piece of toast while Alysa deviously dropped spoonfuls of porridge to the floor where Charlie waited.

              Petros lifted his head from The Times and said, “Stop feeding Dog,”

              “Yarlie hungry.”

              Maria arrived with her arms full of washing. “Eat, young lady.”

              Alysa shoved an overflowing spoon into her mouth as her eyes met her mother’s.

              “I’ll be in my office,” said Petros. He stood, winked at his daughter, strolled to room used as his office and sat in front of the computer screen. His fingers tapped the keyboard and the screen filled with information on the Greek Embassy in London. He scanned the information from consular affairs to general enquiries. Again he checked the fields for booking an appointment with an official. With a shift of the cursor he brought up the details on the ambassador. His credentials fitted; graduated in law, served in the navy and studied shipping law. He closed the enquiry and returned to the kitchen.

              Petros poked his head into the utility room. “I need to go into town. With a bit of luck I’ll talk to an official at the Greek embassy.”

              “Don’t be home late,” said Maria. “Your parents are coming for dinner.”

              “I’ll be here in plenty of time. Must change.” Ten minutes later wearing a navy blue blazer, grey trousers, white shirt, tie, and polished black shoes, he kissed Maria and Alysa goodbye.




At the entrance to the Greek embassy, Petros showed his passport. Security gave him a scan and body search before allowing him through the electronic entrance.

              “Can I help you?” asked a young man wearing a light blue suit with matching tie.

              “A quick chat with the ambassador would be wonderful.”

              The man’s expression remained reserved. “May I ask why?”

              Petros smiled. “A ship full of Greek gold.”

              “An interesting subject. How do you know it’s Greek gold?”

              “I don’t but if it’s not yours its mine.”

              The man hesitated. “I may be overstepping my authority. Your name, please?”

              “Petros Kyriades, I’m Cypriot by birth.”

              “Almost Greek. Please follow me.”

              “Where are we going?”

              “To talk to the ambassador’s secretary. I know he’s in his office and she might be able to persuade him to see you. I must add there are no guarantees.”

              “Such is life.”

              They entered a space that from its bland decor and a pile of ancient periodicals, was a waiting room.

              “Take a seat. I’ll be a few minutes.”

              In less than a minute, the man appeared followed by a tall woman with short blonde hair wearing a medium length black skirt and open-necked white blouse. In her slender arms she carried a red folder.

              “Mr Kyriades. I’ve spoken to the ambassador and you have fuelled his interest. He can let you have ten minutes. This way please.”

              Petros turned to the young man. “Thank you.”

              The ambassador sat behind his large mahogany desk, stood and offered his hand. “Mr Kyriades.” He pointed to a chair. “Please, make yourself comfortable.” He returned to his seat and steepled his fingers. “Tell me about this ship full of gold. My country could certainly use it at the moment.”

BOOK: The Collectors Book Five (The Collectors Series 5)
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