| political poetry of, 386, 393;
 | on Alexander Pope, 385;
 | Romanticism and, 355-356, 366, 368-369, 373, 375, 377, 381, 387;
 | and Percy Bysshe Shelley, 381-384, 386-387, 390;
 | themes of, 385-386, 397-400;
 | on William Wordsworth, 407
 | Works:
 | "To Autumn," 381, 400;
 | "Belle Dame Sans Merci," 368;
 | "Dream, after Reading Dante's Episode of Paolo and Francesca, A," 366;
 | Endymion , 381, 385-387;
 | "Eve of St. Agnes, The," 381;
 | "Fall of Hyperion, The," 355, 366, 381, 383, 396-398;