The Columbia History of British Poetry (381 page)

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Authors: Carl Woodring,James Shapiro

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BOOK: The Columbia History of British Poetry
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"Upon the Circumcision," 257;
, 143, 258-259, 256, 309;
"How soon hath time," 257;
"Il Penseroso," 257, 309;
"L'Allegro," 257, 309;
, 256, 259-261;
"On the Morning of Christ's Nativity" (The Nativity Ode), 256-257, 332;
Paradise Lost
, 12, 142, 145, 149, 263-269, 303, 309;
Paradise Regained
, 263-264, 268-269;
"Passion, The," 257;
Poems of Mr. John Milton, The
, 254, 257, 259, 261;
Reason of Church Government against Prelaty, The
, 261-264;
Samson Agonistes
, 263-264, 269-273;

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