| Radcliffe, Ann (1764-1823), 115
| "Rage for Order" (Mahon) 635
| Rage for Order, The (Ormsby), 635-636
| "Railway Stations: London Bridge," 523
| Raine, Craig Anthony (1944-), 602-603
| Raine, Kathleen Jesse (1908-), 128
| Ralegh, Sir Walter (1554?-1618), 192-194, 208, 662-663
| Works:
| "Lie, The," 193,
| "Nymph's Reply to the Sherpherd, The," 193;
| Queen to Cynthia , 193;
| "Sir Walter Ralegh to the Queen," 192
| Ralph, James (1705?-1762), 304-305