The Commitment (31 page)

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Authors: Kate Benson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #War, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military

BOOK: The Commitment
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“No,” she says, gripping her stomach as another contraction starts. “It’s okay. Tell me what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I try, but am met with a look that combines disbelief and pain.

“Liar!” she counters, gripping Chase’s hand hard.

“It’s nothing, Soph,” I lie again, rubbing her shoulder and giving her a compassionate smile. “You’re dealing with more than enough right now. Don’t worry about me.”

“Well, it doesn’t look like I’m going to be available for normal conversation again for a while,” she says through staggered breaths. “Just spit it out and stop lying to me. I know when you’re upset.”

As her breathing gradually moves back to normal and the contraction fades, she lies back against the pillow.

“Drake is going to Florida to get things set up for the new branch,” I admit after enduring her accusatory glare.

“Yeah,” she says with a slight shrug.

“I told him I changed my mind about going.”

“Why did you do that?”

“Because he’s flying out tomorrow,” I tell her, holding her look of disbelief. “I can’t leave tomorrow.”

“Why not?” she asks with a slight wince.

“Is another one coming?” Chase asks.

“Yeah, we should call the nurse. They’re getting really close together now,” she nods before facing me. “Why not?”


“Ana, the next time I talk to you it’s going to be about poop and how I never sleep,” she snaps, causing me to smirk. “Answer my question.”

“I can’t leave y’all right now.”

“I don’t want you to leave either, Ana, but it’s not like I’ll never see or talk to you again,” she says, running her hand over her stomach and biting her lip. “Oh my God, this one is really bad.”

“Just breathe, Baby,” Chase whispers, kissing her hair. “You’re kicking so much ass right now. I think I hear the nurse right outside. Ana’s gonna stay with you and I’m gonna go get her.”

With a nod, she watches him walk to the doorway to talk to a passing nurse and faces me.

“Do you love him?” she asks me, panting her way through the pain.

“Yes,” I say, running a cool cloth over her forehead. “But…”

“But nothing,” she says, gripping the cloth and setting it down as she holds my eyes. “If you love him, you go. We’ll be fine.”

“What about…”

“We’re gonna be fine,” she snaps, cutting me off again as her contraction wears down. “I’ve got Chase and Jack lived in a freaking cave for over a year. I’m sure he can manage a flight to Florida every couple of months.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Yes it is,” she says. “Ana, if you love someone, you fight for them. What if I had walked away from Jack because he wanted to go into the Army? We wouldn’t be friends,” she says, gesturing between us. “We would have never come to Rockport. You would have never even met Drake. Chase and I wouldn’t be married. I wouldn’t be pushing his giant baby out of me and telling you what a dumbass you’re being right now if we didn’t fight for what we love.”

“Sophie,” I say in a soft voice as I take her hand. “I’m scared.”

“Well tough shit,” she tells me, her soft tone matching mine. “I get scared too, but sometimes you just have to put on your big girl panties and woman up,” she says, her voice cracking. “You know who told me that?”


“You did. Right before we left Camden,” she whispers, squeezing my hand. “It was right then and it’s right now, Honey.”

As I take in her words, memories of that day come crashing back to me. The distraught, heartbroken Sophie stuffing her life into suitcases looking nothing like the beautiful, happy woman she’s become. Although it’s been a short time since that day in the house I grew up in, it seems like a hundred years have passed us by as a tear falls down my cheek.

“You know what you want, where you need to be,” she whispers, brushing the tear away. “Just promise you’ll come meet the baby before you leave.”

“Are you sure?” I ask, watching her face contort in pain.

“Yes,” she gasps, gripping her stomach as another contraction seizes through her. “Go on! I’ll be okay, just send Chase back in.”

“Okay,” I say. “I love you, Soph.”

“I love you, too, Ana,” she says, giving me the best smile she can as her contraction comes harder. “Now get the hell out of here and go get him!”

“Okay Princess, the nurse is on her way,” Chase says, walking back into the room as I turn to leave. “But I’m here now, Sophie. I’ve got you, Baby.”

Watching him go to her, her face softens as he takes her hand in his and kisses her on the forehead.

“I love you, Husband,” she says in a soft voice.

“I love you, too, Wife,” he says quietly.

Giving them a final look, I smile to myself and feel my heart warm for my best friend. She’s right.

She did fight for her forever.

It wasn’t always easy and it didn’t always turn out the way she’d planned, but she’s never stopped fighting.

As I turn and make a mad dash for the exit, I know it’s finally time I fight for mine.

Chapter Thirty One




“What about Benjamin Lennon for a boy?” he asks me in a soft voice, trying to distract me from the pain of the contraction I’m having as I curse the nurse for saying I’ve only dilated to seven centimeters. “Too many n’s?”

“No,” I whimper, letting the sob escape me. “Benjamin Lennon is perfect, Baby.”

“Really?” he asks, giving me a smile tainted with sympathy at the state I’m in.

“Yes,” I sniff, letting the tears run down my face without shame as I squeeze his hand harder, rolling onto my side to face him. “I love it.”

“Do you want your pillow back?” he asks as he brushes a strand of sweat dampened hair away from my face.

“Yes, please,” I sniff, feeling slight relief as the contraction comes to a brief end.

Once he gets the pillow situated behind me, he resumes his place in the chair beside my bed and returns his hand to mine. Picking up the damp cloth he’s kept nearby, he gently wipes my brow, gazing at me before sweetly kissing me on the forehead.

“You’re doing so good, Princess,” he says in a soft voice, running the pad of his thumb over my lower lip. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I whisper, letting my eyes drift shut and clearing my dry throat.

“Here, Baby,” he says, gently tracing my lips with a small ice chip before feeding it to me. “I know you’re sick of it, but it will keep you from getting dehydrated. I’m sure you’re thirsty.”

“I am,” I admit. “And that dumb nurse won’t let me have anything but these stupid ass ice chips.”

When the pain starts up again a moment later, I let out a loud groan of discomfort and Chase’s eyes travel over me, full of concern and love.

“How about Viviana for a girl?” he asks, trying again to distract me.

“No,” I shake my head, gripping his hand tightly. “Vivian’s the hooker in Pretty Woman.”

“Good point,” he says with a small smile.

When the pain I’m having suddenly increases in my back, I can’t contain the sob that leaves my lips.

“Sweet Jesus!” I gasp. “Oh my God, this hurts so fucking bad, Chase.”

“I’m so sorry, Baby,” he whispers, his eyes brimming with tears as the tears start to fall harder down my cheeks. “Do you want me to call the nurse? See if she can give you anything?”

“She w-won’t,” I wail. “I’m… I’m dilated…too f-far now.”

“For the epidural,” he says softly. “Maybe they can still give you something else?”

“She’s n-not going to,” I bawl. “She’s a b-bitch! She said I was only seven centimeters d-dilated and that’s b-bullshit!”

“Hey,” Renee says softly from the doorway, her face contorting in sympathy when she sees me crying. “Oh Honey, you must be getting close. How far apart are they, Son?”

“They were just under two minutes apart before,” he starts, stroking my hair softly. “This one’s lasting a lot longer than the others… more painful. She said it’s moved to her back.”

“Just now?” she asks.

“Yeah,” he nods. “Well, she had pain in her back, but not like this one. Do you want to try to roll back over, Baby? It started hurting more when you moved like this.”

“I don’t know,” I admit. “I guess so.”

“Okay,” he says, reaching over me for the pillow. “Let me help with your blanket so it doesn’t get caught up in all the cords.”

Carefully, I shift slightly and try to reposition myself onto my back, not feeling any relief at all. Unbelievably, it’s even more uncomfortable. As I try and think of anything that will help ease the pain, Chase gently moves the blanket from me, trying in vain to help untangle my legs.

Staring up at the ceiling desperate for any distraction, even if it’s counting the tiles above me, I don’t realize until a chill covers my legs that he’s ceased movement. Redirecting my gaze to him, I’m surprised to find his eyes tearing as they stare down at me, his face pale as he whispers for Renee.

“What’s wrong?” I manage, instantly terrified by their panicked expressions.

“You’re okay, Baby,” he whispers, laying the blanket over me and moving toward me as she leaves the room in a rush. “You’re going to be fine, Princess.”

As I hold his aqua eyes, finding fear there as I place my hand on his jaw. Quickly, he reaches for my hand and firmly kisses my palm, holding it there.

Something is wrong.


“Hush Baby,” he whispers brokenly, glancing at the monitor and swiping the tears that have no intention of stopping when he thinks I’m not looking. “You’re okay,” he says again. “I’ve got you, my Sweetheart.”

“Tell me, Chase,” I demand, wincing through the pain still coursing through me. “Where’s your mom? Why are you upset? What’s wrong?”

“You’re okay, Sophie,” he says again, this time unable to conceal the gentle sob that leaves his chest.

“Chase,” I start. “Baby, you’re scaring me.”

“Don’t be scared, Princess,” he shakes his head. “I’ll never let anything happen to you. She just went to get the nurse to check on you.”

“Why?” I manage, struggling to sit up to find out what caused his distress, having a hard time due to the discomfort and a sudden wave of dizziness

“Baby, stay still,” he says, standing immediately.

“No!” I argue through my tears. “Tell me!”

“Nothing Babe…”

“You took a vow, Chase! You swore you’d never lie to me!”

“Sophie, Baby, please stay still,” he begs, his eyes glassier with every second that passes.

“Please Chase,” I say as I begin to cry harder, the combination of anxiety and pain too much. “Baby, please tell me!”

“I need you to listen to me, Baby,” he says, resting one hand on my stomach and the other in my hand. “You’re going to be okay, but I need you to stay still. Mom’s getting the nurse because you’re bleeding.”

As his words hit me, I instantly still my movements, fear coursing through my veins.

“What do you mean I’m bleeding?” I ask carefully. “Just spotting, right?”

“No, Baby,” he says, his voice wavering. “But you’re going to be okay,” he repeats. “You and me, okay?”

“Chase,” I manage, immediately breaking down, heaving with sobs that only make the pain increase. Hitting the call button repeatedly, I see that it’s already lit up and lean against his chest. “We can’t lose him, Chase.”

“You’re both going to be fine, Baby,” he promises, cradling me as the nurse comes rushing in, pulling the blanket away and immediately pressing the emergency response button on the side of the bed.

“Where’s your pain, Mrs. Mitchell?”

“Mostly back,” I wince through my tears. “Some in my stomach.”

“Did you notice any changes in your contractions?”

“The last one was much worse in her back and hasn’t stopped,” Chase answers for me when I begin sobbing. “Breathe, Baby. I’ve got you.”

“Mrs. Mitchell?” the nurse says hastily. “Are you on any medications?”


“Are you taking blood thinners? Have any allergies to anesthesia? Anything like that?”


“Okay, we need to deliver the baby now,” she says bluntly. “We’re taking you to surgery.”

“Is he okay?” I ask in a panic.

“I don’t know yet,” she says truthfully, pulling a wail from me as Chase tightens his hold on me.

“Baby, I’ve got you,” he says in a thick voice.

“We need to go now. She’s losing too much blood,” my nurse says to the two entering. “The fetus’ oxygen levels are starting to drop.”

“Chase, you have to promise me something,” I demand, wincing as another pain shoots through me. “If it comes between me and the baby…”

“Stop,” he says, shaking his head. “You’re both okay.”

“Promise me, Chase,” I demand in a panic. “You make them save my baby. Say you promise!”


Promise me!
” I beg desperately, using more strength than my body feels like it has left. “Promise you’ll take care of my babies, Chase.”

“Hush Baby,” he cries, his tears dropping onto my neck. “I promise, my Sweetheart.”

“Tell them every day how much I love them,” I whisper, feeling him nod against me as everything begins to grow hazy.

“You’re going to come back to me, Baby,” he weeps, pressing his lips to mine. “Don’t leave me, Sophie.”

“We need to go right now,” the nurse calls out.

Holding his gaze as best I can through my heavy eyes, I brush my fingertips over his jaw.

“Every day with you was my favorite,” I whisper with a weak smile, trying my best to memorize this face as I slip into darkness. “I love you, Chase.”

“I love you, Sophie,” I hear him breathe, but try as I might, I can’t see him anymore.

All I see are twinkly lights on the edge of the gulf that put the stars to shame as they dance behind the aqua eyes that own my very soul.

And then the world goes black…

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