The Complete Adventures of Curious George (29 page)

BOOK: The Complete Adventures of Curious George
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The big T

is a TABLE.
The TABLE is set for TWO. It is TIME for TEA.
George did not care for TEA,
but he liked TOAST.

The small is a tomahawk.

George had a toy tomahawk.
It was a tiny one.
He took it along when he played Indian.
He also had a tepee—an Indian tent.

"Now it's time for a snack," said the man. "Run over to the baker, George, and hand him this note. Then come right back with the doughnuts, one dozen of them, and no tricks, please!"

George was curious. He looked at the note the man had written. One dozen doughnuts ... Maybe he could write something on it too? How about writing TEN instead of ONE? He had just learned the T ... First a T—then an E—then an N...

"Hmm," said the baker, "ten dozen doughnuts is quite a lot, but that's what the note says. We need an extra-big bag for them."

"Why, George!" cried the man. Then he saw the note. "Well, that comes from teaching the alphabet to a little monkey. And I told you: no tricks!"

"You may not eat any doughnuts now, George. Put them back in the bag and let's go on with the letters!"

The big U
is a big UMBRELLA
standing UPRIGHT.

The umbrella handle is also like a U.

George knew how to USE an UMBRELLA.

The small u
is a small umbrella.

When it is raining umbrellas are useful
but you must keep under the umbrella
unless you want to get wet.
George thought rain was a nuisance.

The big V

For George
from the man
with the

is a big VALENTINE,

and the small v

to George

is a small valentine.
George loved valentines.
He got several valentine cards every year.
One card came from Nevada.

The big W and the small w
are WHISKERS, big ones and small ones.


Some men have whiskers

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