The Complete Contract Series (21 page)

Read The Complete Contract Series Online

Authors: Suzanne Steele

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Organized Crime, #Contemporary Fiction, #Romance, #Crime Fiction

BOOK: The Complete Contract Series
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Chapter Ten


I’m sitting at my computer the next morning using the time Miller is gone to write. I am glad he isn’t here but not because of anger towards him—I’m not mad. I just want time to sort out why committing cold-blooded murder last night isn’t bothering me. Oddly enough, neither am I angry about being smacked in the face and fucked until my knees were bloody. It’s official, I am a sick pup who loves the way my killing partner treats me—so the best thing I can do is own it.

I’m more concerned why killing a man in cold-blood isn’t weighing on my conscious right now. Maybe the fact he had the intention of not only killing an innocent woman, but also subjecting her to months of physical and psychological torture, helped me to make the decision to separate his brain stem with a bullet.

I purposely call to remembrance the rush of seeing his brain matter splatter like a watermelon dropped from a six story building. I enjoyed it—all of it. The hunt, the capture, and the takedown—especially the take-down. I don’t think I’m a cold-blooded killer, but I do think that there could be a trace of vigilante in my psyche. Throw a woman or a child in the mix and I’m ready to fight for them, even kill for them. The woman I protected last night has nobody to help her. I’m honored to have assisted her in her time of need and I would do it again if faced with the decision. I only wish I could have seen the surprise on his face when I shot him; the bastard never saw me coming.

Pretty stealthy for a first timer.

I look up to see Miller entering with coffee. He is holding his sunglasses between his teeth and kicks the door shut with his foot before making his way over with the tray of goodies. He has set the door up to automatically lock when shut. It is only one of his security contraptions that he spent time and money on to ensure our safety.

I rub my hands together in anticipation of coffee and danishes.

“Smells good, and I need coffee.”

He sets the tray on the desk and bends down whispering in my ear, “If you ever fucking jump out of a moving car again, you’ll be looking at a lot worse discipline than a smack in the face.”

“Are you going to tell me that you didn’t enjoy doing it? Your cock felt like steel last night when you were fucking me.”

His whisper is hoarse when he answers, “Are you going to tell me you didn’t enjoy it?”

“Yes Miller, I have come to terms with the fact that I am just as kinky as you are.”

“Good, we’re in agreement. Now who is that on your chat line? Do you have a boyfriend I don’t know about? That will get you killed! I don’t play well with others. I hope you have sense enough to take me seriously. I own you…till death do us part.”

“I don’t have a boyfriend, it’s probably somebody wanting to know why I don’t blog anymore. Let’s go look.” I click on the chat box and nothing could have prepared me for what I see: the picture of a black rose.

“Son. Of. A. Bitch. A black rose… huh…”

“That’s all you have to say, Miller?”

“Scoot over,” he says, pulling a chair up.

“What do you want with my woman, brother?” He types in the chat box.

“Don’t you mean brother in arms?” An answer replies.

“Don’t fuck with me, why are you messaging my woman?”

“Oh calm down, Miller, she’s not my type—though I do have to say I am impressed with her skills, jumping out of that car like a stunt woman and shooting that mark in the back of the head like she was a pro. I am truly impressed.”

“What do you want, black rose?”

“Patience, my friend. All in due time…all in due time…”

As quickly as he appeared, he disappeared.

“Miller, you don’t think he is going to try and kill me, do you?”

“If he was going to kill you, you’d never see him coming. That and he doesn’t just kill for the fun of it. Everything black rose does is for a purpose.”

“Are you ever going to tell me who he is?”

“Nope, if he wants you to know, he’ll introduce himself.”

“Thanks, I feel so safe now.”

“He has no desire to hurt you. Like he said, you’re not his type…”

“What does that mean?”

“It means it’s all the information you’re getting for now.”



Chapter Eleven


My throbbing head gives me no clue to what had happened the night before. All I can remember is falling down and after that everything went black.

Though I groan, I have to smile when I look at my son in the crib kicking his legs as if riding an imaginary bicycle.

“You’re the happiest baby I know, buddy.”

He giggles and coos, continuing to kick his feet.

“I need coffee, what about you—formula? Okay, one formula coming up, but let’s get your stinky butt changed first, buddy.”

I smile and chat as I clean my son up. No matter how bad things are, they always seem better because Tommy is part of my life.

Tommy screams, reaching out for me as I go to make my way into the kitchen. “Alright buddy, you can go too. Using one hand is harder, but empty arms are woebegone.”

I kiss my son’s forehead, “You make life worth living kiddo.”

I chuckle when the only answer I get is Tommy chewing on his fist as slobber dribbles down his chin. He really does make life worth living.

I make my way to the medicine cabinet first and grab a couple of Ultram that my doctor prescribed for headaches. I’m not big on taking them, but it is something that is stronger than over the counter meds yet don’t affect me taking care of my son. I made the doctor just about sign a blood oath that they weren’t addictive and they wouldn’t affect me caring for Tommy. If I had known what he was thinking when I asked, I would have seen he was impressed with my dedication to the kid. I would stay in pain before I did anything that could put my son in harm’s way. I look at the razor blade hidden in plain sight, I owe Tommy my life—he saved it.

I finished making coffee and a knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. I look out and view what I perceive to be a delivery man with an envelope in his hand. I haven’t ordered anything and I’m curious if the poor guy has the wrong door. Rather than see him lost in a neighborhood like this, I open it.

“Yes, how can I help you?”

“I was instructed to give you this.”

“Are you certain you don’t have me mixed up with someone else?”

He chuckles, “No Ma’am, I’m certain you are the party to whom I am to give this.”

I take the envelope and when I attempt to shut the door, he speaks again.

“Ma’am, I was directed to await you reading that note.”

“Okay, let’s see what we have here.” I turn placing Tommy on the blanket with his toys and bottle and open the envelope.

Ms. Melanie Edwards,

It is going to take a certain amount of trust for you to do what I am asking of you—just think of me as a Robin Hood of sorts.

I believe we can help one another out and I know you and your son will benefit from my offer.

You see… my Aunt is up in years and I would like to offer you an apartment, furnished of course, and an income for caring for her. There really isn’t much to do as she is in good health. Your biggest job would be as a companion and helping to take her to the grocery store and such. Of course a car would be provided for you to do so.

If you would be so kind as to accompany my driver he will take you to meet her and see the residence. I know this will be beneficial for you in the sense of not having to remain at your late night job, and also it will enable you to move out of the neighborhood you have been subjected to.

Please rest assured I am safe and I expect nothing in return—nothing but the peace of mind of knowing my elderly Aunt is being cared for by someone as kind hearted as yourself.

Sincerely: A Robin Hood of sorts.

I look up to see the driver smiling and holding out his arm as if there is no doubt in his mind I will be accompanying him for the job.

As if reading my mind he speaks, “Ms. Melanie there is a car seat in the car and coffee at the drive-thru on the way. I can smell yours brewing, so I know you haven’t had yours yet this morning,” he stated, when I eyed him like he was crazy.

“Because you have the appearance of a professional driver and because I would do just about anything to get my son out of this neighborhood, I am going to accompany you to meet this this mysterious aunt.”

“Very well, Ms. Melanie.”

I turn off the coffee, grab my purse, and pick up Tommy before I change my mind. Answering a cryptic request is totally out of character for me. I know even though I can’t remember details from last night, it did shake me up. If something would have happened to me, my son would be an orphan. I owe him more than that. I need to at least check this elderly woman out. If she needs someone and she can provide a decent place for my son and me to live, I am going to take her up on her offer. I’m desperate for a way out of my terrible living situation, and I’m even more desperate to get Tommy out of the neighborhood we live in before he is old enough to be thrown into the drug culture. I have seen too many kids peddling dope just to fit in, or just to help their families out financially.

The driver’s voice cuts through my thoughts as he asks what kind of coffee I prefer. I can’t help but take note of how educated this man sounds. It is evident my
Robin Hood
is very wealthy—another reason I feel safe about going to meet his aunt. People who have a lot to lose don’t throw it away for some nobody like me. I order a latte and I’m embarrassed I don’t have the money to pay for it. I can’t remember the last time I had good coffee and I nurse it, savoring the aroma as well as the flavor.

“There are teething cookies located in the diaper bag which has been prepared for you, Ma’am. Giving him one will keep him from eyeing that coffee you have.” I look over and see a designer diaper bag I hadn’t even noticed. I look up to see a twinkle in the driver’s eye as he speaks, “Go ahead, it’s your bag now. The boss had that, as well as other items, purchased for you.”

As if reading my thoughts, he continues talking. “I know this probably seems very odd to you, but my boss is big into philanthropy and he just wants to help you.”

“I’m not a charity case” I bark out, before taking time to think.

“He doesn’t perceive you as such. He does view hiring you as beneficial to everyone involved and he is a very skilled business man like that. It’s just how his mind works. Thinking that way has worked very well for not only him, but his employees in the past.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bite your head off.”

We pull into a driveway connected to a home which looks like it came out of a suburban sitcom. Everything is pristine, right down to the landscaping.

“Come,” the driver speaks as he opens the door for my son and me to easily exit the luxury Cadillac.

“We will look at the apartment first and see if it is to your liking.”

To my liking? Normally no one gives a shit about what I like or don’t like.

Tommy bounces in my arms, still gleefully sucking on the teething cookie the driver provided. We make our way to the back of the house and I already know I’m going to love it here. The apartment looks like something from a fairy tale and it only gets better when he unlocks the door.

We walk in and there is a dining area and kitchen to the right. A living room sits off to the left. Someone has taken great care to furnish this place and it is beautiful.  It has a contemporary country look and feel to it which makes it immediately feel very homey. It’s just the kind of place I would love to see my son grow up in.

I make my way through the apartment and back into the master bedroom with an adjoining full bathroom. Everything is perfect. The huge antique poster bed with a flowered duvet and plush pillows is the central piece of furniture in the room. The room also houses a dresser, chest of drawers, vanity—complete with high end cosmetics and beauty supplies—and a wardrobe, not to mention the huge flat screen TV on the wall. I make my way around the room touching things, as if it will solidify the reality of it all. A walk-in closet catches my eye and I carefully make my way into it, pulling Tommy’s saliva filled, cookie stained hands back from the designer clothing. Curiosity causes me to look at the sizes that I instinctively know are my size. Now I’m a little freaked out.

I look up to see the driver holding an expensive cell phone out for me to take. “It’s the boss. He is certain you have questions.”

My hand trembles as I take the phone and try to juggle my son in my other arm.

“May I?” The driver asks offering to hold him.

I hand Tommy to him and speak into the phone, “Hello?”

A rich baritone voice on the other end makes me wonder what the man behind that sexy ass voice looks like.

“I’m certain you have questions, Melanie. I want you to stay at the apartment. Everything you and Tommy need has been adequately provided for you. If you have need of anything else, you may call me on this cell phone you are presently using; this is your cell phone, it has my number already programmed in it. You have also been provided with a top of the line laptop which is located in your office.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“I don’t like being questioned Melanie, but I will allow it due to the circumstances. I have already informed you through my driver, my Aunt is in need of a caretaker of sorts. She adores children and she will adore you, just as I already do. Now be a good girl and go meet her and get settled into your new home.”

“Wait a minute, what is your name?”

“You may address me as Sir… and Melanie I will be very displeased if you go back to that dump of an apartment you used to live in, is that understood?”

Not completely understanding why, I answered, “Yes Sir…”


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