The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English

BOOK: The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English
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Table of Contents
Geza Vermes was born in Hungary in 1924. He studied in Budapest and in Louvain, where he read Oriental history and languages and in 1953 obtained a doctorate in theology with a dissertation on the historical framework of the Dead Sea Scrolls. From 1957 to 1991 he taught in England at the universities of Newcastle upon Tyne (1957-65) and Oxford (1965—91). He is now Professor Emeritus of Jewish Studies and Emeritus Fellow of Wolfson College, but continues to teach at the Oriental Institute in Oxford. He has edited the
Journal of
Jewish Studies
since 1971, and since 1991 he has been director of the Oxford Forum for Qumran Research at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. Professor Vermes is a Fellow of the British Academy and of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities. He is the holder of an Oxford D.Litt. and of honorary doctorates from the universities of Edinburgh, Durham and Sheffield.
His first article on the Dead Sea Scrolls appeared in 1949 and his first book,
Les manuscrits du désert de Juda,
in 1953. It was translated into English in 1956 as
Discovery in the Judean Desert.
He is also the author of
Scripture and Tradition in Judaism
(1961, 1973, 1983);
Jesus the Jew
(1973, 1976, 1981, 1983);
The Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in Perspective
(1977, 1981, 1982, 1994);
Jesus and the World ofJudaism
(1983, 1984);
The Religion ofJesusthe Jew
(1993); and (with Martin Goodman)
The Essenes According to the Classical Sources
(1989); (with Philip Alexander)
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XXVI
(1998) and (also with Philip Alexander)
An Introduction to the Complete Dead Sea Scrolls
(1999, 2000);
The Dead Sea Scrolls
(The Folio Society, 2000);
The Changing Faces of Jesus
The Authentic Gospel of Jesus
(2003) and
Jesus in
his Jewish Context
(2003). He played a leading part in the rewriting of Emil Schiirer's classic work
The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ
(1973-87). His autobiography,
Providential Accidents
(1998), contains a vivid personal account of a life-long involvement with the Dead Sea Scrolls.
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First published in Pelican Books 1962
Reprinted with revisions 1965, 1968
Fourth edition published in Penguin Books 1995
Complete edition published by Allen Lane The Penguin Press 1997
Published in Penguin Books 1998
Revised edition 2004
Copyright © G. Vennes, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1975, 1987. 1995, 1997, 2004
All rights reserved
The extracts on pp. 95 and 247 are reproduced by kind permission
of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem; the extracts on pp. 345, 401, 415,
459 and 537 are reproduced by kind permission of the Israel
Antiquities Authority; p. 581: a cut segment from
The Copper Scroll
The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Reappraisal
by John Allegro (Penguin

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