The Complete Poetry of John Milton (124 page)

Read The Complete Poetry of John Milton Online

Authors: John Milton

Tags: #English; Irish; Scottish; Welsh, #Poetry, #European

BOOK: The Complete Poetry of John Milton
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Freedom and Peace to men: they on the Plain

Long had not walkt, when from the Tents behold

A Beavie of fair Women, richly gay

In Gems and wanton dress; to th’ Harp they sung

Soft amorous Ditties, and in dance came on:


The Men though grave, ey’d them, and let thir eyes

Rove without rein, till in the amorous Net

Fast caught, they lik’d, and each his liking chose;

And now of love they treat till th’ Eevning Star

Loves Harbinger appeerd; then all in heat


They light the Nuptial Torch, and bid invoke

, then first to marriage Rites invok’t;

With Feast and Musick all the Tents resound.

Such happy interview and fair event

Of love and youth not lost, Songs, Garlands, Flowrs,


And charming Symphonies attach’d the heart

, soon enclin’d t’ admit delight,

The bent of Nature; which he thus express’d.

True opener of mine eyes, prime Angel blest,

Much better seems this Vision, and more hope


Of peaceful dayes portends, then those two past;

Those were of hate and death, or pain much worse,

Here Nature seems fulfill’d in all her ends.

       To whom thus
Judge not what is best

By pleasure, though to Nature seeming meet,


Created, as thou art, to nobler end

Holie and pure, conformitie divine.

Those Tents thou sawst so pleasant, were the Tents

Of wickedness, wherein shall dwell his Race

Who slew his Brother; studious they appear


Of Arts that polish Life, Inventers rare,

Unmindful of thir Maker, though his Spirit

Taught them, but they his gifts acknowledg’d none.

Yet they a beauteous ofspring shall beget;

For that fair femal Troop thou sawst, that seemd


Of Goddesses, so blithe, so smooth, so gay,

Yet empty of all good wherein consists

Womans domestic honour and chief praise;

Bred onely and completed to the taste

Of lustful appetence, to sing, to dance,


To dress, and troul
the Tongue, and roul the Eye.

To these that sober Race of Men, whose lives

Religious titl’d them the Sons of God,

Shall yeild up all thir vertue, all thir fame

Ignobly, to the trains
and to the smiles


Of these fair Atheists, and now swim in joy,

(Erelong to swim at large) and laugh; for which

The world erelong a world of tears must weep.

       To whom thus
of short joy bereft.

O pittie and shame, that they who to live well


Enterd so fair, should turn aside to tread

Paths indirect, or in the mid way faint!

But still I see the tenor of Mans woe

Holds on the same, from Woman to begin.

       From Mans effeminate slackness it begins,


Said th’ Angel, who should better hold his place

By wisdom, and superiour gifts receav’d.

But now prepare thee for another Scene.

       He look’d and saw wide Territorie spred

Before him,
Towns, and rural works between,


Cities of Men with lofty Gates and Towrs,

Concours in Arms, fierce Faces threatning Warr,

Giants of mightie Bone, and bould emprise;

Part wield thir Arms, part courb the foaming Steed,

Single or in Array of Battel rang’d


Both Horse and Foot, nor idlely mustring stood;

One way a Band select from forage drives

A herd of Beeves, fair Oxen and fair Kine

From a fat Meddow ground; or fleecy Flock,

Ewes and thir bleating Lambs over the Plain,


Thir Bootie; scarce with Life the Shepherds flye,

But call in aid, which tacks
a bloody Fray;

With cruel Tournament the Squadrons join;

Where Cattel pastur’d late, now scatterd lies

With Carcasses and Arms th’ ensanguind Field


Deserted: Others to a Citie strong

Lay Seige, encampt; by Batterie, Scale, and Mine,

Assaulting; others from the wall defend

With Dart and Jav’lin, Stones and sulfurous Fire;

On each hand slaughter and gigantic deeds.


In other part the scepter’d Haralds call

To Council in the Citie Gates: anon

Grey-headed men and grave, with Warriours mixt,

Assemble, and Harangues are heard, but soon

In factious opposition, till at last


Of middle Age one
rising, eminent

In wise deport, spake much of Right and Wrong,

Of Justice, of Religion, Truth and Peace,

And Judgement from above: him old and young

and had seiz’d with violent hands,


Had not a Cloud descending snatch’d him thence

Unseen amid the throng: so violence

Proceeded, and Oppression, and Sword-Law

Through all the Plain, and refuge none was found.

was all in tears, and to his guide


Lamenting turnd full sad; O what are these,

Deaths Ministers, not Men, who thus deal Death

Inhumanly to men, and multiply

Ten thousandfould the sin of him who slew

His Brother; for of whom such massacher


Make they but of thir Brethren, men of men?

But who was that Just Man, whom had not Heav’n

Rescu’d, had in his Righteousness bin lost?

       To whom thus
These are the product

Of those ill-mated Marriages thou saw’st:


Where good with bad were matcht, who of themselves

Abhor to joyn; and by imprudence mixt,

Produce prodigious Births of bodie or mind.

Such were these Giants, men of high renown;

For in those dayes Might onely shall be admir’d,


And Valour and Heroic Vertu call’d;

To overcome in Battel, and subdue

Nations, and bring home spoils with infinite

Man-slaughter, shall be held the highest pitch

Of human Glorie, and for Glorie done


Of triumph, to be styl’d great Conquerours,

Patrons of Mankind, Gods, and Sons of Gods,

Destroyers rightlier call’d and Plagues of men.

Thus Fame shall be atchiev’d, renown on Earth,

And what most merits fame in silence hid.


But hee the seventh from thee,
whom thou beheldst

The onely righteous in a World perverse,

And therefore hated, therefore so beset

With Foes for daring single to be just,

And utter odious Truth, that God would come


To judge them with his Saints: Him the most High

Rapt in a balmie Cloud with winged Steeds

Did, as thou sawst, receave, to walk with God

High in Salvation and the Climes of bliss,

Exempt from Death; to shew thee what reward


Awaits the good, the rest what punishment;

Which now direct thine eyes and soon behold.

       He look’d, and saw the face of things quite chang’d;

The brazen Throat of Warr had ceast to roar,

All now was turn’d to jollitie and game,


To luxurie and riot, feast and dance,

Marrying or prostituting, as befell,

Rape or Adulterie, where passing fair

Allurd them; thence from Cups to civil Broils.

At length a Reverend Sire
among them came,


And of thir doings great dislike declar’d,

And testifi’d against thir wayes; hee oft

Frequented thir Assemblies, whereso met,

or Festivals, and to them preach’d

Conversion and Repentance, as to Souls


In Prison under Judgements imminent:

But all in vain: which when he saw, he ceas’d

Contending, and remov’d his Tents farr off;

Then from the Mountain hewing Timber tall,

Began to build a Vessel of huge bulk,


Measur’d by Cubit, length, and breadth, and highth,

Smeard round with Pitch, and in the side a dore

Contriv’d, and of provisions laid in large

For Man and Beast: when loe a wonder strange!

Of every Beast, and Bird, and Insect small


Came seavens, and pairs,
and enterd in, as taught

Thir order; last the Sire, and his three Sons

With thir four Wives; and God made fast the dore.

Meanwhile the Southwind rose, and with black wings

Wide hovering, all the Clouds together drove

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