The Complete Twilight Reign Ebook Collection (267 page)

Read The Complete Twilight Reign Ebook Collection Online

Authors: Tom Lloyd

Tags: #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Vampires, #War, #Fiction, #General, #Epic

BOOK: The Complete Twilight Reign Ebook Collection
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‘You’ll do!’ the Wanton Woman announced, releasing Corl and taking a swig of the wine he’d offered. She leaned closer and Corl realised the mask had a dark hood attached to it, hiding the fact her hair was cut so short underneath it - he had more on his chin. Her breath swept sweet and hot across his face. ‘You’ll get your lift, but no ride less it’s from one o’ those in the back, hear me?’
Corl nodded and she gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder. Her strength took him by surprise and the gesture nearly knocked him off the driver’s seat, but she only laughed and yelled for her beasts to march on.
‘And keep an eye on the fat one,’ she muttered as she continued to wave and blow kisses at onlookers, ‘he likes ta get rough - he does it again, I’ll cut his bloody nuts off.’
Corl looked behind him at the half-dozen men and woman in the back of the wagon. They all appeared to be enjoying themselves; one entirely naked woman was riding a gasping bean-pole of a youth, her elbows on his shoulders and his head pressed against her breasts. At the back was one far fatter than the rest. He was shirtless, with his belly hanging out; he and another man were fondling a beautiful woman dressed like a dancing girl.
He faced the front again, took the wine back from the driver and drank, long and slow, enjoying the sensation of the liquid slipping down his throat - until the driver grabbed it back. He looked around. Behind him, the fat man had unbuttoned the dancing girl’s blouse to expose her beautifully rounded breasts. In front of him Isen and Orolay looked perfectly happy straining away at the traces.
He hopped into the back, shoved the fat man off the back of the wagon with his boot and bent over the dancing girl. He let the shawl drop from his face, trusting to darkness and drink that she’d not recognise the marks on his face, and kissed her, long and hard. She wrapped her arms around his head and the other man got the message and shifted to the side, joining the naked woman and her youth. The journey to Stock’s Circle was short, but deliciously sweet.
When they arrived Corl took his time saying his goodbyes. Stock’s Circle was still full of people, doubtless waiting for the Wanton Woman to arrive and signal the culmination of the night’s fun. He felt the press of voices and movement all around, mingling with the salty taste of the dancing girl’s sweat and the heat of her body.
Their destination had once been a place of punishment, but the pit at the centre of the crossroads had been converted for entertainment decades ago. Now steps led down into the pit, and when fruit was thrown it was only a commentary on the performance. On the eastern edge was a half-moon gallery a hundred yards long, occupied by taverns and eateries, and a renowned glassblower’s workshop. With food, drink and entertainment all close at hand, the Circle had become the natural heart of entertainment in this part of the city.
Midsummer’s Day was a festival for the common folk, one of the few sanctioned by every cult that mattered, and a Harlequin was guaranteed to be here, performing for the masses. As an impatient Isen dragged Corl away from the delicious dancing-girl, who was still pouting prettily at him, a chill went down his spine. Their prey was singing bawdy songs, accompanied by a choir of hundreds. Corl’s ardour was immediately dampened; the dancing-girl vanished from his mind, replaced by the images of Kassalain in her temple.
Once again he wondered about the strange nature of his commission: to kill a person who had no identity, who bore no allegiance and took no sides. Isen and Orolay had both been incredulous when he’d told them. The younger man had been outraged, while Isen had been mostly mystified. The three of them had debated the matter for hours, but when they reached no conclusion, Corl had decided to do what he always did: take the money and try not to think too hard about the victim. After all, there was
a reason, good or otherwise, even if Corl himself did not understand it and that was not much different to serving in the army.
All the same, Corl could not help wondering: why a
? Who could possibly have a grudge against the blessed tellers of stories? What madman could imagine a Harlequin harming him, or posing a threat? It was foolish . . . but as he stood there, the swell of bodies pressing from all sides, Corl still found himself checking the weapons secreted around his body.
‘Coin all spends the same,’ he muttered, too quietly for Isen to hear properly. He waved Isen to silence as the song ended and the Harlequin started its last tale: one Corl had heard years back: the Goat and the God. They laughed as hard as anyone as the Harlequin acted out Vrest’s amorous mishaps as he took the form of a Billy-goat, booed with gusto at the theft of the prized doe and cheered at the hoofprints adorning the God’s buttocks afterwards . . . although Corl felt a vague sense of puzzlement as the story unfolded, the course of events differing to how he remembered them - but it was all too long ago to recall accurately, and Harlequins never forgot a single word, everyone knew that.
The swell of laughter and cheering swept him up and Corl tried to ignore his qualms. The Harlequin took its bows and as the drummers started striking the first bars of the salute to the night, the brisk, heavy thump of the drums reminded Corl of a heartbeat and his thoughts returned to the night’s task. At his gesture, Isen and Orolay began to make their way around the pit to where the Harlequin was gathering its meagre possessions.
As they crossed the open ground, a pair of fiddlers took up the mournful salute and the Harlequin was slipping away with only a few words of thanks and blessing from the grateful crowd, who were mostly listening, rapt, to the final song, an ancient tradition. It was Farlan custom for all who could afford it to offer a Harlequin food and lodging whenever it arrived in a town or city. Neighbours would bring gifts, to honour their presence; on Midsummer that was doubly important. Corl reckoned the Harlequin would have accepted an offer of bed and breakfast closer to the city gate, and as asking would be a bit obvious, he’d decided following the Harlequin was their best option. With luck the revelry would have died down before he reached his destination and they wouldn’t have to slaughter the whole household.
Corl slung his arm around Isen’s neck, raised the jug of wine to the man’s lips and poured some down his front, roaring with laughter. He lurched into the middle of the street, keeping one eye on the Harlequin’s back even as he hugged Isen to him.
‘Easy now,’ he said in Isen’s ear, ‘you’re wound tight as a ratter - chase this one too hard and he’ll turn on us.’
With that he lunged towards Orolay, shoving the jar into the young man’s hands, then falling to the ground and dragging Isen down on top of him. As the bigger man’s weight thumped down on him, Corl roared with drunken laughter and Orolay, catching on, quickly joined in.
‘You ain’t payin’ me ta play fool,’ Isen hissed, ‘use the boy fer that.’
‘Piss you on,’ Corl replied under his breath, theatrically struggling to his feet. ‘Pride’s easiest to lose, it’s everythin’ else as hurts.’
Isen scowled and grabbed the wine off Orolay. ‘Lose yer own then,’ he said, and headed off down the street.
Corl watched him go. Isen wasn’t giving up on the mission, he knew that, but the last thing he needed was the man trying to earn the fee alone. Whatever the reasons behind their commission, it wasn’t going to be easy - the biggest question was how they were going to get it done and remain alive. Corl was good with a knife,
good, but he wasn’t planning to tangle with a Harlequin unless he had a company of Ghosts at his side.
Shame you’re not this good an actor
, Corl thought as he watched Isen stamp away after the Harlequin, who was heading down a fork in the road,
this is better than the happy drunks routine.
‘I’m sorry!’ he bawled after the other man with mock anguish. ‘Forgive me!’
Corl ran a few steps forward, enough to make Isen flinch, before turning away and beckoning Orolay closer. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the Harlequin looking around, and seeing nothing but a drunken argument between friends. Corl splashed the remains of the jar of wine over the two of them so they were as stained and stinking as Isen.
‘Know any songs?’ he asked Orolay with a chuckle, but when the young man looked blank, Corl thumped him on the shoulder and said, ‘Hah, never mind, we’ll keep to the “drunken friends making up” routine.’ He cupped his mouth and shouted, ‘Balar, wait up! Don’t walk away!’ his voice echoing down the near-empty street. When they caught up with Isen, he pointed wordlessly after the Harlequin as it disappeared through a crumbling memorial arch heading towards the Golden Tower district. The street was empty other than them, and Corl felt the essence of Kassalain stir in his blood.
‘Perfect,’ Corl said, struggling to cast off the desert robes. ‘I’ll cut through the alleys and catch it on t’other side. You two keep following, ’case it turns away.’
He didn’t wait for them to reply but set off at a sprint, slipping a longknife from its sheath as he moved alongside a building. There was an alley there that he knew well, kept in near-total darkness by the tall buildings, which was a good cut-through to the Wood Gate crossroads - as long as you were willing to risk the chance of a footpad lurking in wait. This was his chance.
He kept his knife low and ran as fast as he dared, keeping to the centre of the alley. Twenty yards in he heard a woman’s voice whisper in his ear - Kassalain, smelling murder in the air - and he dropped, tucking his head down into a roll, and slashed at the shadow moving to his right. The footpad yelped and fell back as Corl, already back on his feet, made up the ground in one step and lashed out, this time slicing open his ambusher’s hand. The blow drove the man back the way Corl had come and he saw him clearly for the first time, silhouetted against the mouth of the alley.
No second blade
, flashed through Corl’s mind as he grabbed the footpad’s injured arm, yanked him sideways and kicked the man’s legs out from under him.
‘Wait!’ the man gasped as he thumped to the ground, ‘
please — !’
He broke off as he felt the edge of a blade at his throat.
‘Sorry, friend,’ Corl whispered, ‘but you tryin’ to kill me’s a promise to Kassalain, and I do her collecting.’ He drew the knife across the man’s throat, cutting as deep as he could in one movement. The man spasmed as the lifeblood flowed out of him, but in a matter of moments his heart stopped and he went limp.
Just another sacrifice to my mistress
, Corl though grimly.
Better him than me
The body wouldn’t be discovered tonight, so he didn’t need to waste any more time. When he reached the other end of the alley he dropped to one knee and caught his breath. In a few moments he felt the veil of silence descend over the alley again. He chanced a look round the corner - and froze.
There it was, apparently still unaware of its pursuer, its patchwork clothes and white porcelain mask stark and ghostly in the pale moonlight.
Corl drew slowly back and reached for the blowpipe sheathed on his thigh. He allowed himself a quick flush of relief as he ran his fingers down its length and discovered no damage, then removed his darts pouch and selected one. The range wasn’t great compared to a bow, but he preferred a lack of moving parts in his weapons. He loaded and raised the pipe, and set himself to wait patiently for his target to appear at the alley entrance.
Half a dozen heartbeats later he felt a prickle of fear - he couldn’t hear the Harlequin’s footsteps on the cobbles - then it appeared straight ahead of him, its head turned slightly away. There was no wind; it was as easy a shot as it could be. Corl filled his lungs, aimed the blowpipe and blew —
— and the Harlequin flinched. One sword was halfway out of its scabbard before the Harlequin even saw what had happened. Corl slowly lowered the blowpipe, feeling secure in the shadows, and watched the Harlequin twist around to look at the finger-long dart in its buttock. With a flick of the wrist it slapped the dart away, then whipped a dagger from its belt and slashed down at the cut.
Corl’s eyes widened, he’d never seen that before. The toxin on the dart was insect venom, fast-acting, but not instant. As he watched blood run down the Harlequin’s leg Corl found himself wondering how much had entered its bloodstream.
Not much, I guess . . .
He shook his head. R
eally not the time
, he chided himself, stowing the pipe and drawing his longknives. The Harlequin detected his movement, even in the darkness, and peered forward, fully drawing one of its slim swords. It took a few steps forward and Corl felt a chill breath of wind on his neck, as though Lord Death had arrived to claim him.
Larat’s Teeth, it knows it can’t wait for the venom to kick in
Corl took a step back. The Harlequin continued forward, still straining to make out any shapes in the black alley. Corl sheathed one of his longknives and drew a shorter blade, moving slowly and bringing it back behind his head, so the Harlequin wouldn’t see. As he readied himself, footsteps came from the street beyond - footsteps
He hesitated, and so did his prey. Then a forced laugh rang out, echoing off the stone walls of the street and Corl realised it was Orolay, obviously as poor an actor as Isen.
The Harlequin, a trained performer, recognised the same and it turned to face the new threat just as Alterr, the Greater Moon, broke from behind a cloud. Her light spilled over the street, illuminating the scene as though they had fallen into some myth and it was Kasi Farlan himself they hunted.

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