The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs (124 page)

BOOK: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs
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DEVIL take the hindmost
A shortened version of
EVERY man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost
. A Latin version of this sentiment is HORACE
Ars Poetica
occupet extremum scabies
, may the itch take the one who is last.
V. i.
What if .. they run all away, and cry the Devil take the hindmost.
Everybody's Business
In a few years the navigation .. will be entirely obstructed … Every one of these gentlemen-watermen hopes it will last his time, and so they all cry, the Devil take the hindmost.
Tales of American Landlord
I. ix.
The troops .. hurried away .. with a precipitation which seemed to say ‘De'il tak the hindmost.’
Foolish Immortals
Hannah grew up in .. a land of unlimited resources and opportunity for acquiring them and let the devil take the hindmost.
His motto .. had been full speed ahead and devil take the hindmost.
The DEVIL was sick, the Devil a saint would be; the Devil was well, the devil a saint was he!
Promises made in adversity may not be kept in prosperity. Cf. medieval L.
aegrotavit daemon
monachus tunc esse volebat; daemon convaluit
daemon ut ante fuit
, when the Devil was ill, he wished to be a monk; when the Devil recovered, he was the Devil just as before;
(rev. ed.) K8 The diuell was sicke and crasie; Good woulde the monke bee that was lasie.
God had need to take what deuotion he can get at our hands in our misery; for when prosperity returnes, wee forget our vowes … The Deuill was sicke, the deuill a Monke would be, The Deuill was well, the deuill of [
] Monke was he [i.e. no sort of monk at all].
Joseph's Coat
II. xvii.
A prisoner's penitence is a thing the quality of which it is very difficult to judge until you see it .. tried outside. ‘The devil was sick.’
Small Boy
The old, the irrepressible adage .. was to live again between them: ‘When the devil was sick the devil a saint would be; when the devil was well the devil a saint was he!’
Alice, where art Thou?
xii. 185
Laurie .. offers to do penance for his past, to make amends in the future … My father's comment is that the devil a monk was he.
see also
set a BEGGAR on horseback, and he'll ride to the Devil
BETTER the devil you know than the devil you don't know
EVERY man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost
GIVE a thing, and take a thing, to wear the Devil's gold ring
GIVE the Devil his due
where GOD builds a church, the Devil will build a chapel
GOD sends meat, but the Devil sends cooks
what is GOT over the Devil's back is spent under his belly
HASTE is from the Devil
HOME is home, as the Devil said when he found himself in the Court of Session
an IDLE brain is the Devil's workshop
NEEDS must when the Devil drives
PARSLEY seed goes nine times to the Devil
it is easier to RAISE the Devil than to lay him
he who SUPS with the Devil should have a long spoon
TALK of the Devil, and he is bound to appear
TELL the truth and shame the Devil
YOUNG saint, old devil

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